Walking with the Darkness

The voices in your head are not nearly loud enough.

Let us hit you up with Abyssal Social-Fu until they are! :D
No Whispers here! Temperance 4, too. The Constable is one cool customer.

And he wants to see the manager.
I think I'm going to pull back from joining the game. Aside from not being entirely into the concept as a player, but also the fact that I'd be required to have one of the other PCs as my solar/abyssal mate just for it to be believable to the ST makes me think that it wouldn't work out all that well if I did join. As far as I can tell cyl wasn't all that keen on having a lunar in the group anyway, so no big loss there.

In any case, have fun destroying Creation. I'll be over here with popcorn.
Gulup said:
I think I'm going to pull back from joining the game. Aside from not being entirely into the concept as a player, but also the fact that I'd be required to have one of the other PCs as my solar/abyssal mate just for it to be believable to the ST makes me think that it wouldn't work out all that well if I did join. As far as I can tell cyl wasn't all that keen on having a lunar in the group anyway, so no big loss there.
In any case, have fun destroying Creation. I'll be over here with popcorn.
On the contrary, I was very interested by it.

But it is true I had a hard time concieving a Deathknight and pack of deathknights accepting a lunar ally, everything I read about deathknights and lunars has lead me to believe the only link for a lunar and a deathknight to colaborate on the long run are either total madness from the lunar (so what, I want to crush the realm, I can get help from the dead), or a solar bond which makes the lunar drawns to the deathknight.

I'm sorry if I seemed close minded about it... I did not required you take the Solar Bond background, just that one of the PC should be your mate explaining why you two would have been drawn to each other without killing yourselves, and how you had stick around with deathknights and they had accepted your presence (through the influence of your mate presenting them the alternative of using your unique abilities).

The opening's still here if you want to take it.
cyl said:
On the contrary, I was very interested by it.
But it is true I had a hard time concieving a Deathknight and pack of deathknights accepting a lunar ally, everything I read about deathknights and lunars has lead me to believe the only link for a lunar and a deathknight to colaborate on the long run are either total madness from the lunar (so what, I want to crush the realm, I can get help from the dead), or a solar bond which makes the lunar drawns to the deathknight.

I'm sorry if I seemed close minded about it... I did not required you take the Solar Bond background, just that one of the PC should be your mate explaining why you two would have been drawn to each other without killing yourselves, and how you had stick around with deathknights and they had accepted your presence (through the influence of your mate presenting them the alternative of using your unique abilities).

The opening's still here if you want to take it.
Well, I can understand that from the DK side, but as for Rasheel's... I'm seeing what his reason would be as a 'lesser of evils' thing, topped with revenge. From what/who he's encountered in his backstory, everything living wants him dead. The Dead, on the other hand, have done essentially nothing to him, and/or don't particularly seem to care about the same reasons that the Fae/Demons/Mortals do for going after him.

Like I had said earlier, he sees them as his best bet for personal survival, at least until he gets more powerful in his own right. Personally, I don't see why that means he would have to be Bonded to one of the other characters (actually taking the background or no) since philosophically his "kill them all, since they'd do/did the same to me" is compatible with their overall goal.
And I perfectly understand the reason why Rasheed would choose to stick with the abyssal.

To be really really precise, I never meant to say "the reason why Rasheed follows the deathknight is because one of them is his former mate"... this is up to you and your background.

In my mind it was more like "how do I get a lunar accepted in a group of deathknights in the long run ??? Solar mate is the better option, because it facilitates his insertion".

The solar mate is just an excuse for me to justify the regular presence of a lunar... not from the lunar's point of view, but from the deathknights point of view, because they are the majority.

The lunar has to have his own reason for following the minions of the Void ! And I like what you did ^^

I wasn't trying to change your background, but to insert the character :)
Ah, hello! I'm new here...

I'm just wondering if you would like another Abyssal: I have a concept for a Marukani Midnight or Eclipse called the Grey Mother of Grief. In the background of a Solar I play in one game, she is an outcast from Arbogassu who married a guy from Thorns, had a granddaughter who eventually became a Zenith named Kessa of the Sorrows (or the Golden Rider), and became a deathknight; it was originally Mask of Winters, but fleeing Thorns and serving his enemy Walker in Darkness is definitely an option.

The other option would be the Golden Rider becoming a twisted version of herself (Lightning Hoof + Five-Dragon Style) called the Rider in White: she tried to defeat Walker in Darkness but broke under his Social-fu Charms and renounced her god in return for power to destroy the Mask of Winters.

What do you think?
I have finished Rasheel. posting him in the WwtD forum.

And, since Tome volunteered and I can't think of any particular reason why not, Stitches is his Solar/Abyssal bondmate.
Haku said:
A TMA using Abyssal? o.0
Yeah, laugh now.

Part of the Golden Rider's schtick is Lightning Hoof and Five-Dragon Styles - as a Zenith, she'd also use Golden Janissary, but that isn't an option as an Abyssal. She fights with a dire lance on a horse, you see... :)
Two quick notes and a plea:

Note 1: "Motivation: End Fate" Reply: "oh ho"

that Motivation is awesome. I currently am running IRL a game in which one of the Solars blames her Exaltation for her problems (accurately so), and her Motivation is to knock down the gates of Yu-Shan and personally confront the Unconquered Sun to demand an explanation, and then if she's not satisfied with that explanation, to kill him.

Note 2: Gaining Whispers background without being an Abyssal

one of the Hungry Ghost Style charms specifically grants that ability at normal xp cost, besides the other ways mentioned earlier in this thread. Just FYI, since it's one of those things that most people forget about when not running an Abyssal, who doesn't need it to begin with.

That out of the way, is this game still looking for players? Every other game on the boards currently requires books I don't have, be they Manuals of Exalted Power or DotFA. Can post basically every evening, although Saturdays are sometimes bad for me. Thanks.
I believe Cyl has already stated that he has way more players than he needs, since he accepted all of the folks who drew up characters when he was only intending to take on one extra Abyssal.
ah, I now that at one point in this thread he said he got more players than he was planning to pull in at that point, but I didn't go back and check dates to see how long that post had been there.

Ok, well, thanks anyway. I'll make my own "LFG" thread, subscribe to it, and *poof* for a while until my situation changes (had to special order MoEP:Dragonblooded, and my MoEP:Lunars and Scroll of the Monk would have cost me twice as much if I didn't let them bundle them all together, so until they find the DB book I won't get either :( ) or someone wants me.

See you all soon (I hope)!
Got 4 players down since the beginning of the game (unlucky me), so I'm looking for 2 more.

"Now, our operation is small but there is a lot of potential for 'aggressive' expansion. So which one of you fine gentlemen would like to join our team? Oh, there's only one spot open right now so we're gonna have...

[breaks pool cue over knee]...tryouts. " :twisted:
Color me interested; my favorite villain character just turned to the light side, so I'm looking for a new outlet for evilness. Before I go getting myself married to a concept, are there any big party roles that're left gaping now that people have left? Or, more easily, just tell me the names of who you have left and I'll figure it out myself.
The downs are

- Equivocal and Eventual Strike of Eternal Silence: midnight MA preacher

- Voice That Whispers From the Darkness: sorcerer who also happenned to be captain of the boat ^^ (this one's NPCed)

The other 2 not totally downs but in intensive care are Bride of the Ruby Blades (who surely will live to kill another day) and The Quiet Prince of the Golden Cenotaph (whose future is still uncertain).

There's room for plenty concepts.
Hm... got the starts of a concept brewing. I'll try to have it in by tomorrow night. Anything special I should do with chargen, or just make a standard 0xp starting character?

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