Walking with the Darkness


If... if I were to even attempt to be a member of this merry band of murderers...

Could I be a Chimera Lunar? :twisted:

Not a full, 10 permanent Limit chimera, but one already starting down the slope.
me me me too...


brief overview: think Lilith from supernatural, the young girl from chp cartoon, exalted by the dowager, gave herself completely over to the neverborn, told to work with the walker.

midnight caste
Since as far as I can tell my chimera lunar is valid, here's the basic entry for him:

Name: Rasheel of One-Hundred Deaths

Concept/Backstory: Originally merely an Eastern woodsman, he was one day captured by a demon-worshiping cult, and to be used as a sacrifice. He managed to escape killing two of his mortal captors and fleeing. Unfortunately, his dash for freedom brought him into the Wyld, as the cultist camp had been positioned nearby so they could escape into it should they be discovered by authorities. Now chased by not only the cultists, and several demons, Raksha and various wyld beasts and the occasional barbarian tribe now sought his flesh and soul.

How he survived, and long enough to be granted a Lunar Exaltation, is something of a curiosity. Not even Rasheel himself can accurately say, except that once it was done, those that hunted him virtually redoubled their efforts to catch him. With his newfound prowess, however, he was able to fight back. Eventually all those who had hunted him were dead, or had given up for easier prey, or (in the case of a few wyld-addled entities) merely forgotten about him. No longer constantly on the run, he returned to Creation and his former home... only to be branded a monster by his former friends and family.

Now he wanders the East and nearby lands, cursed by and cursing all who recognize what he is.

Appearance: Rasheel's body is a wiry mass of muscle, scars, and nervous twitches. His skin is a dark tan common to the East, with lines of scar tissue from various wounds crisscrossing his torso and limbs (curiously, his face remains virtually untouched... though the manic smile that usually adorns it might be considered a wound for its terrible appearance). Two sickly green eyes dart about, viewing all that surrounds him, conditioned by his time on the run. His hair is a scraggly mess of of dark colors, primarily black and brown, but with some streaks of blood red running through it. He typically wears large, billowing outfits and cloaks, which serve to conceal his body, and make it somewhat difficult to discern just how big he may or may not actually be. It also serves to hide the third arm that is attached to the side of his stomach, a memento of a brief time he spent in the Forest of Arms.
It's gonna be a challenging to introduce another type of exalt to the game, not impossible though.

Everyone in the game works for Walker in the Darkness, and they are chasing a fugitive abyssal to bring her back.

Other type of exalts can join, but you'd better have a real good reason to work with ze evil zervantz of dess !
He's been hunted by things from the Wyld, by demons, and his former companions have either abandoned him or tried to kill him themselves. The DBs and Sids would try to kill him if/when they find out about him, and the Lunars are, at this point, likely to do the same to try to reclaim his Shard from the mess that he is.

Who else is he going to work for, or find some measure of protection under? :) The world seems to hate him, and he's hating it right back.
Dunno about their natural tendency towards kindness and nurturing, but I'd not bet on this if I were you. :lol:

Though in the first novels trilogy, IIRC, a lunar worked with the Prince of Shadows... he was totally submitted though and got his ass beaten several times :D
Dude... that trilogy was horribly written by someone who had cursory knowledge of Exalted...
Kindness and nurturing? What's that?

No, he just believes that the dead are, ironically, the ones who least actively want HIM dead. A "Lesser of Five or Six Evils" kind of thing. So long as he's useful, they'll make sure he stays around to keep being useful.

And when one party feels that the arrangement with the other is no longer useful... well... that will be an interesting time indeed.
Haku said:
Dude... that trilogy was horribly written by someone who had cursory knowledge of Exalted...
Never said it was cannon, or good for that matter :lol:
This is based on a character I played in another game, but here his backstory takes a much darker twist, propelling him to serve a Deathlord instead of fighting to aid Creation, which is what the character originally did.

Teresu Ogama, Lookshyan Exile

Ogama was born into the powerful Gens Teresu, controller of the 7th's naval resources. He was the child of a powerful officer, well on his way to becoming admiral, and a celebrated war heroine who slew a Lunar Anathema in single combat whilst repelling beastman raids in allied territory. The youngest child, Ogama was expected to follow in the footsteps of his siblings and join the Navy after his Exaltation.

However, Ogama was a wilful, introspective and precocious child, posessing a natural talent for martial arts and despising the rigid, militaristic society he was born into. Lookshy is not a good place to be a free spirit, and his disinterest in military pursuit and single-minded devotion to the arts of unarmed combat as opposed to military tactics greatly shamed and angered his parents. This shame became even deeply ingrained as Ogama entered his 16th year, yet to Exalt.

Around this time, the Realm attacked Lookshy. The war was short and bloody, and one battle was fought outside the city itself before the invaders were repulsed. Eager to test himself despite his un-Exalted nature, Ogama snuck out of the city armed only with an ironwood staff to earn the respect of his family on the battlefield.

It was a disorientated Lookshyan soldier who wielded the blade that almost killed him. As Ogama reeled backwards, his chest open from left shoulder to right side (though fortunately for him the blade had slid along his ribs) he felt a sudden rush of power run through him. Danaa'd laid her blessing upon him, and be was Exalted into the Water Aspect. For almost two minutes the wounded boy laid waste to all around him in a torrent of blows, before even the newfound power of Exaltation could no longer buoy him up and he fell unconscious.

Waking up in the field hospital after the battle, Ogama hoped that his glorious actions and Exaltation could earn his parents' respect, but the resentment ran too deep. Even now they treated him little better than before, and eventually he left Lookshy, stealing the treasured black Jade wrackstaff Waterfall, a family heirloom that traced its history back to the Shogunate.

Life on the road was unkind to Ogama. For 7 years he wandered, doing his best to help others, but the harsh realities of Creation meant he was feared by those he aided as often as thanked. He considered trying to make a new life in the Realm, but narrowly escaped execution as a spy at the hands of the overly-zealous garrison he presented himself to. Lost and alone in the world, rejecting the city he came from and rejected by the Realm, Ogama started to go mad in his isolated wanderings. He came to blame Lookshy for all his misfortunes. If only society was more individual, he reasoned, he would be in his proper place with the respect of his peers, not a dirty vagabond martial artist wandering the roads. His kind, even-tempered nature turned bitter, then twisted. He started robbing those he once aided, eventually killing innocent and defenseless people in greater acts of desperation to survive, murdering for pennies and scraps of food.

By the time his long wanderings led him into the Walker's shadowland, the Teresu Ogama who had fought for honour was gone. The new Teresu Ogama was a debased beast, a thug with godlike power who exploited the weak, and had grown quite insane. Only two things drove him: A desire to be recognised as a great martial artist, thus earning the respect he felt he had been denied, and a burning hatred of Lookshy. Nothing would make him happier now than to watch it burn to the ground.

And then he was taken by the Walker's men. Normally, such as he were used as ingredients in necrotech, but the Walker saw something in him, a way of forging him into a tool he could use. Weaker than his own deathknights certainly, but not without his own powers and advantages, primarily the ability to operate in Creation. The Walker's offer was simple: serve willingly and have the chance for revenge, glory, and martial prowess he had always desired. Or refuse, and die.

Teresu Ogama chose to serve.

Teresu Ogama looks like he's about 16, though he's in his late thirties by now, and still a relatively young Dragon-Blood. He'd be good looking if he wasn't so haggard from years of hardship, near-starvation and disinterest, with long lank brown hair that straggles to his waist, usually bound back with cord. He wears silken armour gifted by the Walker in Darkness, and still bears Waterfall, the jade wrackstaff heirloom. His eyes glint with madness. He's unpredictable and violent, though he's loyal to the Deathlord and his Deathknights. His temperament varies from manic good humour to murderous rage, often during the same day. Of course, underneath all there is an even-tempered, kind hearted boy staring out. And screaming.
Sorry, bit longer than I intended... I always do go on when I write backstory... but yeah, do you think he's suitable?
Name: The Fallen Prince of Roses

Concept: A broken and scarred young warrior-woman, The Fallen Prince of Roses was once known as White Rose Thorn, a Haltan girl raised near the First Age ruins within that land. She was a hunter, but idolized the trio of Dragon-Blooded ex-mercenaries who served as her town's main defense. In her hero-worship she learned the way of the sword and the empty fist, to the point where, when two mysterious outsiders came looking for guards while they explored the ruins, she was invited by those three Dragon-Blooded to join them in protecting the travellers.

The ruins were trapped, pulling the whole party into a strange half-world, where they were tested both physically and spiritually. White Rose Thorn stayed by the younger of the two travellers, defying the world and Exalting as a Dawn Caste...whereupon the two travellers revealed themselves as two Bronze Faction Sidereals and cut her down. She died slowly, her newly-found power abandoning her almost as soon as it arrived, and as she took her last breath, everything stopped, and a voice spoke in her ear. "Betrayed one, would you like to live again? Would you like to take your vengeance on the god that abandoned you?" Her idols slain, her dreams of being a great hero betrayed, she accepted the Black Exaltation, and was collected by a nemissary who guided her to the Walker's Realm.

The Prince of Fallen Roses is an odd one. She is as vicious and capable killer as any in the Walker's retinue, and possesses a connection to the Neverborn that few can match, yet sometimes seems almost squeamish at some of the things she does. The Green Lady took her on as a pet project for some months, with the Walker in Darkness' blessing, which explains some of her quirks.

She is not a tall woman, with a boyish figure, and keeps her pale pink hair cut short. Her blue eyes no longer sparkle as they did in life, and she watches the world and her foes - oftentimes the same thing - through half-lidded eyes. The Fallen Prince of Roses wears armor in the fashion of the Haltan Rangers, though the colors are black and the decorations suitably death-aspected.

Bonus points if you figure out inspiration!
I... I can't fight against Utena... :shock:

I rate The Fallen Prince of Roses

name (8/10)

concept (8/10)

appearance (7/10)
What a useless gesture from the Mask that was... "Hey you, poor Essence 3 Chimera (Echina I think), go and bite the big bad wolf-goat with essence 10".

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