Walking with the Darkness

Ok finised my abyssal and some of her background

Name: Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade Player: Nobble Concept: Child

Caste: Midnight

Motivation: Play with Creation, until its breaks



Strength: 1 Charisma: 3 Perception: 2

Dexterity: 3 Manipulation: 3 Intelligence: 3

Stamina: 3 Appearance: 5 Wits: 4



Martial Arts


¤ Thrown 5



¤ Integrity 5

¤ Performance 5

Causing Terror +1

¤ Presence 4

¤ Resistance 5

¤ Survival



¤ Investigation 2

¤ Lore 3


¤ Occult 3



Awareness 3

Dodge 2


Stealth 2








Willpower 7


Compassion 1 Conviction 2

Temperance 2 Valour 4

Essence 5

Personal 22

Peripheral 51



Bash: 3 Lethal: 1 Aggravated:


Artefact 1

Whispers 5

Followers 3 (20 Nemissaries)


1st Integrity Excellency

Undying Stagnation Defence

Heart of Darkness (Integrity)

Lesser Horrors Scorned

Freedom in Slavery Understanding

Faithful Killers Reprieve

Immortal Malevolence Enslavement

1st Performance Excellency

Haunting Apparition Trick

Withering Phantasmagoria

Injury Absorbing Discipline

Spirit Hardened Frame

Improvised Assassin’s Trick

Crypt Bolt Attack

Eyes Like Daggers Glance

Terrestrial Circle Sorcery

Shadowlands Circle Necromancy

Background Points

+2 Integrity

+2 Thrown

+2 Whispers

+1 Essence

+1 Willpower

Exp: 129

7 charms 56

+2 Essence = 56

+1 Performance 7

+1 Resistance 7

+1 Performance Spec

The young girl who would become Shivering Jemmy was born daughter of one of the Dowager's children. When the Dowager released her mother and father to repopulate a deserted village, they thought they we free. When the Dowager attacked the village the young girl was only six and was forced to slay her mother. This broke something inside the young girl who then helped the Dowager slay a number of the other survivors. Whether the Dowager saw something in the young girl or not, no one knows, but the girl took to the idea of torture and killing like a fish to water.

She became a terror in the mound amongst the other surviving children. Many children were found tortured and eviscerated, children that had wandered off alone. Every punishment the Dowager inflicted on the young girl seemed to propel her deeper and deeper into her obsession with blood and killing. Eventually the other children took to staying in groups at all time, still the young girl took more and more of them, until joining forces they took her, killed her and hid her body. Acting on a whim, perhaps a whisper from her master the Dowager gave the young girl the black exaltation. She took it eagerly, and became a terror. Serving the Dowager and her master in all things, the beautiful child now called Shivering Jemmy, a play on words, a short opener of ways, the way being to death.

Jemmy rapidly grew in power until she travelled down into the labyrinth to offer herself completely to Abhorrence of Life. Forming a new Monstrance out of her own flesh and bones, she left the Dowager's service and wandered the underworld lost in the whispers in her mind. Drawn now to serve the Walker she plagues his enemies and victims.

will expand if accepted...
There still openings for this?

'Cause I have the strange need to embrace my misanthropy...

I'm torn on what character to do. On the one hand, Soulsteel Celestial Battle Armour with Oblivion's Panoply is really freaking cool. But on the other hand, so is the concept I have for The Harrowed And Most Final Cutting Of The Vile Threads Of Fate Itself, also known as Stiches, and that concept doesn't mesh too well with ultra advanced Magitech.
And now I tally my votes for Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade

name (6/10)

concept (7/10)

appearance (7/10)
How I missed this entry, I know not.

The votes for Rasheel of One-Hundred Deaths says...

name (8/10)

concept (8/10)

appearance (8/10)
Gah, I can't decide!

I'll do Stiches I guess, since I have no real concept for the godmode-armour user.

Name: The Harrowed And Most Final Cutting Of The Vile Threads Of Fate Itself, aka "Stiches"

Appearance: Not considered beautiful, even in life, the Black Exaltation has not been kind to Stiches. Her flesh is charred black as charcoal, riddled with innumerable scars stiched closed with black thread as charred as her skin, many of which weep small ammounts of bright crimson ichor. Her lips are withered and shrunken, leaving her mouth like some sort of twisted gash, and her remaining eye is grey and dead. A strawlike mop of ragged grey hair hangs from her head, covering the scar where her missing eye used to reside. Disdaining the finery of other Deathknights, she garbs herself in a discoloured and torn white shirt beneath a ragged brown coat, one sleeve missing where her arm was once severed and reattached, and her trousers are simple leather, as beaten as the rest of her garb. Even her weapon, Inevitable Execution, is less than pristine, resembling nothing more than a giant, curved guillotine blade crudely bolted to a simple pole. One end of the pole has been snapped off just past the bolt, and the other is rapped in rags to form a crude handle.

Concept: Originally born in a meaningless northeastern village, Stiches was once Medli, the wisewoman's apprentice. She was born to yet another family of anyonymous farmers, much like the rest of the village. As she reached adulthood, it quickly became apparent she would never be beautiful. Her shoulders were broad, her chest flat, her face masculine. Her peers shied away from her, whispering insults behind her back whenever they left their petty courtships long enough to notice her. It hurt, but she came to care less as time passed, eventually growing to like the solitude, finding joy in the surrounding cliffs and forrests. She spent days at a time exploring those wilds, growing close to them.

It was during one of these sojurns that she encountered the wisewoman Aka, the healer and shaman of the village. The two outcasts were cordial to each other, but went their seperate ways quickly. They met again and again, sharing a few more words each time, until Medli began to seek out the old woman. Eventually, after returning to her home after one of these meetings, she found Aka metting with her parents. She was to become the wisewoman's apprentice, the old woman had decided. Medli settled into her new role well, learning the arts of healing, the ways of the spirits and elementals, how to counsel troubled villagers and the thousand other things a wisewoman must know. 'Tis a shame it was not to last.

Late one evening, returning from talks with a local elemental, she came upon the village in flames. Inhuman beasts from the Wyld were a problem in this area, but for the village to be so devastated it must have been a great many of them, for normally the militia could turn away the lone monsters that come marauding. In dismay she looked out from the edge of the clifftop path that lead down into her village when she heard screams coming from down the path. It was the surviving villagers, fleeing up the mountain. She hailed them, but in their panic they saw her not. They charged past her, up the narrow path. One collided with her, sending her spiralling off the cliff. As she fell, she turned, to see that the one who had thrown her to her death was none other than her own mother. She fell, numb with the shock. Had her own mother not recognised her? Was the fear of death she felt so overpowering she did not recognise her own daughter? Or did she just not care? More villagers fell after her, her mother knocked aside by her father, only for him to follow soon after. One last smile touched her lips at this, the irony. Then she hit, crashing through a flaming building. Her flesh scorched and torn by the flaming beams, until the ground welcomed her at last with it's bone-crushing embrace. She lay there, broken and dying in a burning building, hearing the death cries of her parents and the other villagers as they met their own ends. They were luckier than her, expiring on impact.

As the world turned quickly dark, and she drew her last breath, a voice came to her on the brink of death. "Child, do you wish to die? Do you wish to meet this ignoble end here? At the hands of cruel Fate?". "No", she moaned, "not here". "Then will you rise up?" the Voice asked, "will you rise up to punish Fate and those who have turned against you?". In that moment she made her choice. "Yes!", was her hoarse cry. And the Black Exaltation was upon her. The pain receded, not gone, but no longer relevant, her bones snapping together in a reverse of their breakage. She pulled herself to her feet, shambling to the door like a risen corpse. The door itself yielded no resistance as she tore through it. She had not seen Aka among those her had fled up the mountain road. So she searched. And she found. Aka lay dying, a sword cut piercing to deep to leave any chance of survival. As the new Deathknight knelt by her former mentor, the old woman's hands flew up cluching a dagger, piercing the one who was once Medli through the side. "Go..t.. ya'... shtup..d....ban..di.....t" she rasped with her final breath. Medli was shocked; even her beloved mentor could not recognise her? Was this fear of death, this fight or flight reaction so overwhelming that even Aka could not recognise her? She pulled the dagger from her side, she had barely felt it, and looked around. These corpses... she recognised many, but just as many were unfamiliar to her. Their garb, their weapons, these things marked them as bandits. Her village had been destroyed, not by Wyld monsters as she had first thought, but by mortal hands. This was the last stroke, and with it her heart shriveled and died. Her last shred of human empathy killed, she eagerly accepted the teachings of the neverborn when the servants of The Walker In Darkness came to claim her. Now she is a devoted servant of Oblivion, seeking to bring an end to all life and the vile Fate that spurned her...
Many thanks Haku.

Oh, and Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade wouldn't be based on a certain one-shot character who appeared in Sandman, would she? :P
I'll stat out Ogama later, s ince I'm without my books right now.

Out of curiosity, what MA are you allowing? Would you allow Celestial MA for a dragon-blood? The character was originally praticing Mantis style, but that was with ST ok, so what sort of MA would you allow him?
He's a dragonblooded, wouldn't he work best with 5 dragon force blow? Or maybe... the forbidden style of Violet Bra of Sorrows.
Well, with 'good' Ogama I chose Mantis because a) it let me use a wrackstaff and b) it's reflexive heavy, which makes a DB practitioner very dangerous (though the Dragon-Blooded low mote pool does balance that out.) For 'bad' Ogama, something else might be more appropriate, or I may not be allowed Celestial Martial Arts at all. VBoS would be awesome, but it's definitely not something I'm gona ask for (though if I'm allowed it, I'll take it). Mostly I just want to know for picking out charms.
Coyotekin said:
Just wanted to say that I like the Stitches character idea.
Thanks. Stiches is my general undead character I keep handy for times when I have to make one, so I've got a good handle on her. Though this incarnation is notably more nihilistic and misanthropic than her usual self. Also, (currently) less Cthonic entities sealed inside her rotting cadaver.

I'm starting on her stats. I think a motivation of "End Fate" seems suitable.
Since people are statting up their characters, I suppose I should too...

Question, though... how would the Permanent Limit of my character be handled mechanically/point-wise? Treated as the Flaw "Greater Curse" from the Players Guide, or some other way?
Also, just to check, what are we starting with? I mean, are we starting with the basic stuff as listed in MoEP:tA, or are we getting some extra stuff? Aside from starting with 14 Charms, as noted in that rules thread.
14 charms, 130 XP, and extra bonus points for pictures, stories and such and that's not enough?!? :shock:
I think he may just have been curious about chargen rules. That's a lot of stuff... what's the deal on Liege and Whispers for not Abyssal characters?
Haku said:
14 charms, 130 XP, and extra bonus points for pictures, stories and such and that's not enough?!? :shock:
I was enquiring about that 130 XP part. Many thanks.

I shall have to draw something in the morning.
It's as per the abyssal book, I suspect. There ARE rules in that book for how non-abyssals can get whispers and liege.
Haku said:
It's as per the abyssal book, I suspect. There ARE rules in that book for how non-abyssals can get whispers and liege.
Cool. Once I get back to my books, I shall check it out.
Whispers can be bought as normal background, except for non abyssal it shall cost the double (in BP and XP). It requires exposure to the Labyrinth.

I feel it should be the same with Liege (no rules are here, but, it should be harder for anyone other than a deathknight to get in the little papers of Walker bossman).

As for CMA, VoBS is a no go. Mantis style isn't in the panoply of the Green Lady... but her sheet sucks.

I'd say you can have access to Mantis, Hungry Ghost, Dreaming Pearl Courtesan, and Tiger Styles.
I don't particularly see why Martial Arts would depend JUST on the Green Lady. The Deathlords themselves know all the charms they had back when they were Solars (pg 51, Abyssals), so any MA styles they know would also be available for teaching. Plus, there are various old ghosts who would probably know at least a few Terrestrial Martial Arts styles.
Well I never mentionned that... but I can't picture Walker bothering training a DB (no offense ^^).

He would have chosen him because of his martial prowess, but would delegate his training... unless he has proven reaaaaaaaally worthy (which he can), in case he should be on the top of the list for potential candidates for a Black Exaltation.

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