Walking with the Darkness

Sadly, my mere Terrestrial Exaltation is still an Exaltation, and I can't receive another one. Mantis style it is, then. Stats tomorrow.
's'a matter of havin' more than one Exaltation at a time. I'm saying that The Prince of Fallen Roses had a Solar Exaltation and promptly got the shit kicked out of her, and away it went again. Then Walker showed up an' said 'hay baby hay baby hay baby hay, how about you join up wit' me and kick all their asses (and eventually kill the world)'.
Gulup said:
Since people are statting up their characters, I suppose I should too...
Question, though... how would the Permanent Limit of my character be handled mechanically/point-wise? Treated as the Flaw "Greater Curse" from the Players Guide, or some other way?
Well, if you want to become a true Chimera, you have to get at least 5 permanent limit points.

Thing is there is no direct connection between the permanent wyld mutations obtained by casteless (through shapeshifting and Wyld Taint rolls), and the permanent limit points (= becoming a chimera, gained through limit breaking).

The mechanism is simple: while in the Wyld, every time you spend willpower on the wyld taint roll you gain a limit point, and every time you break your limit you gain a permanent limit point.

Either you resist the taint or not (= gaining a mutation or not) doesn't change one bit the equation.

So you don't have to be a freak with 5 arms, three pair of eyes, and to drool acid, to become a chimera.

To represent the permanent limit, the easiest way is the Greater Curse Flaw, up to 5 points (or more).

Though I fear that a 5 point chimera is truly an abomination... you need only 50 points of limit gained through:

- suppressing your main virtue

- resisting unnatural mental influence (resisting the wyld taint while in the wyld IS considered and unnatural mental influence, every time you shift shapes in the wyld and resisted it, bam, 1 point... okay 1 point per scene)

- exposure to full moonlight (roll virtue, and successes add to limit).

In short words, you changed shapes in the wyld:

- and resisted the wyld taint roll : gain 1 point of limit, you're fucked

- and didn't resist the wyld taint roll: gain a mutation, you're fucked

- and didn't resist the wyld taint roll and spend willpower on it: gain a mutation and 1 point of limit, you're fucked

- and resisted the wyld taint roll spending willpower: gain 2 points of limit, you're fucked

To get 50 points of limit you really have to ask for it ! (and let's not talk about mental derangements).
I know about conversion, it requires being thrown into a monstrance. I was just uncertain about solar dying then being offered to be an Abby, because your exaltation only leaves when you die, and get the black exaltation inbetween living and dying, so I thought you would still have your original exaltation. But I could be wrong, I am not trying to sprinkle shit in your rice or anything.
Chaka said:
Sadly, my mere Terrestrial Exaltation is still an Exaltation, and I can't receive another one. Mantis style it is, then. Stats tomorrow.
Well, I guess I'll have Walker do very interesting experiments on your race :)
Maybe the process would involve a near death experience.

If in the annals of heaven the DB is considered dead (which is what happens when a mortal recieves the Black Exaltation), maybe his exaltation leaves him.

I do not have enough knowledg on those things to say for sure.

Will check tomorrow.
cyl said:
Well, if you want to become a true Chimera, you have to get at least 5 permanent limit points.
To represent the permanent limit, the easiest way is the Greater Curse Flaw, up to 5 points (or more).
Ok. I just wanted to know how to work it on the sheet. I'm planning on giving him 3 dots of permanent limit MAX (more likely just two) and just a few points of mutations total. So long as he stays out of areas of Wyld energy, or the Wyld itself, he won't get much worse on this count.

The point I'm going for him is that he's far enough that he's seen as a monster to the general populace, and possibly the Silver Pact as well (though he hasn't really come in contact with them yet), but is still 'human' enough that he, at least, sees it all as overreacting. Since everyone else is out to get him, or won't leave him in peace, he sides with the Deathlord because "they're (mortals, raksha, demons) trying to kill me? how about I repay the favor!" Yeah, he's working for people out to destroy Creation now, but before that what had he done to make nearly everyone want to get him?

Regardless... I should have a sheet more or less done in a day or two.
As I demonstrated, pemanent mutations are neither a necessity, nor an obligation to become a chimera.

On the contrary, the more you resist at first, the deeper and the quicker you fall after. (2 points for spending willpower and resisting the wyld taint).

Unless you have searched it, or had extreme bad luck once, it is very hard for casteless to gain mutations and derangements.
Teresu Ogama

Aspect: Water

Motivation: Destroy Lookshy


Str: 4 Dex: 5 Sta: 3

Cha:3 Man:2 App:2

Per: 3 Int: 3 Wit:5


Linguistics: 3 Lore: 2 Stealth: 3 Thrown: 2

Awareness: 3 Integrity: 2 Resistance: 1 War: 2

Athletics: 5 Dodge: 5 Melee: 2 Presence: 1 Socialise: 1

Investigation: 2 Larceny: 2 Martial Arts: 5 (Staves: 2)

Archery: 2 Performance: 1 Ride: 1 Survival: 1


Artifact (Wrackstaff): 2 Artifact (Silken Armour): 2 Breeding: 3 Backing (Walker in Darkness): 1 Mentor (MA sifu X): 2 Manse: 2 Whispers: 1


1st Athletics Excellency, 1st Dodge Excellency, 1st MA Excellency, Wind-Carried Words Technique, Elemental Bolt Attack, Elemental Burst Technique, Threshold Warding Stance, Effortlessly Rising Flame, Falling Star Maneuver, Ox-Body Technique, Tiger-And-Bear Awareness, Tiger-and-Bear Unity, Leaping Mantis Technique, Iron-Arm Block, Mantis Form, Flying Mantis Kick

Health: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-4/I


Compassion: 1 Temperance: 1 Conviction: 3 Valour: 3 (limit virtue)

Wilpower: 7

Essence: 4 (14/34, 7 committed)

Intimacies: The Realm (negative)

Languages: High Realm, Old Realm, Riverspeak, Flametongue


That's mostly everything. all the xp is spent. Sifu X means I have no idea who cyl would choose to be a trainer. Hope everything's ok.
Name: The Harrowed And Most Final Cutting Of The Vile Threads Of Fate Itself

Concept: Stiched together horror, bringing destruction upon Creation.

Caste: Midnight

Anima: Inky black tears in the world open around her, filled with chittering voices and gnashing teeth.

Motivation: End Fate.


Strength: ****

Dexterity: ***

Stamina: ****

Charisma: ****

Manipulation: ****

Appearance: -

Perception: **

Intelligence: **

Wits: ***



Martial Arts

[F] Melee ***** (Two-Handed Weapons +3)



[C] Integrity *****

[C] Performance ***

[C] Presence ***** (Intimidation +1)

[C] Resistance *****

[C] Survival *

Craft [Air]

Craft [Earth]

Craft [Fire]

Craft [Water]

Craft [Wood]


[F] Lore **

[F] Medicine **

[F] Occult ***

[F] Athletics ***

Awareness *





Linguistics *** (Forrest Tongue, Skytongue, Riverspeak, Old Realm)





First Melee Excellency - Essence Overwhelming

Ravening Mouth Of Melee

Savage Shade Style

Artful Maiming Onslaught

Second Integrity Excellency - Essence Triumphant

Heart Of Darkness

Lesser Horrors Scorned

First Performance Excellency - Essence Overwhelming

Morbid Fascination Technique

Inescapable Massacre Technique

First Presence Excellency - Essence Overwhelming

Command The Dead

Dread Lord's Demeanor

Heart-Stopping Mien

Second Resistance Excellency - Essence Triumphant

Injury Absorbing Discipline

Spirit-Hardened Frame

Wounds Mean Nothing

Cadaverous Torpor Technique

Ox-Body Technique

Second Athletics Excellency - Essence Overwhelming

Raiton's Nimble Perch

Corpse-Might Surge

Falling Scythe Attack


Risen Reaper

-First Melee Excellency - Essence Overwhelming

-Ravening Mouth Of Melee

-Savage Shade Style

-Artful Maiming Onslaught

-Falling Scythe Attack

-Wounds Mean Nothing


Artifact *** [inevitable Excution (Soulsteel Grand Daiklaive)]

Liege **

Manse * [Damocles' Rest (Attunement Recognition, Basic Senses, Cosmetic Displays, Limited Mobility), Jewel Of The Flying Heart]

Underworld Manse * [Ghostwalker Crystal]

Whispers *****


Compassion *

Conviction ****

Temperance *

Valour ***


-Hates those who fear death.


Health Levels: -0/-1/-1/-1/-2/-2/-2/-2/-4/Incapacitatedx5/Dyingx4

Willpower: 7

Essence: 3

Personal Essence: 16

Peripheral Essence: 37 [8]

Dodge DV: 4

Dodge MDV: 8

Soak: 6L/9B


Attuned Artifacts

-Inevitable Execution [8, Jewel of The Flying Heart]

Inevitable Execution - Speed 5, Accuracy 16, Damage 16L/4, Defence 6, Rate 2.

Punch - Speed 5, Accuracy 4, Damage 4B, Defence 3, Rate 3.

Kick - Speed 5, Accuracy 3, Damage 4B, Defence 1, Rate 2.

Clinch - Speed 6, Accuracy 3, Damage 4B, Rate 1.

Fine Buff Jacket - +4L/5B, Mobility -1, Fatigue 2.


15/15 BP

+2 Melee (+3 Specialty) 3.5 BP

+2 Integrity 2 BP

+2 Presence (+1 Specialty) 2.5 BP

+2 Resistance 2 BP

+3 Artifact 3 BP

+2 Whispers 2 BP


130/130 xp

+1 Survival 3

+1 Lore 3

+1 Awareness 3

Total: 9xp

Ravening Mouth Of Melee

Artful Maiming Onslaught

Dread Lord's Demeanor

Heart-Stopping Mien

Second Resistance Excellency - Essence Triumphant

Spirit-Hardened Frame

Wounds Mean Nothing

Cadaverous Torpor Technique

Ox-Body Technique

Corpse-Might Surge

Total Charms: 10 x 8 = 80xp

Combo: Risen Reaper 17xp

+1 Essence 24xp
Agh, forgot artifacts etc.

Attuned Artifacts

Waterfall (ornate black jade wrackstaff, a relic of Gens Teresu): Artifact 2, attunement cost 5 motes:

Speed:3 Acc:+2 Dam:+5L Def: +2 Rate: 3 Tags: 2,M,P,R

Speed:3 Acc:+2 Dam:+13B Def: +2 Rate:3 Tags: 2,M,R

Hearthstone (set in Waterfall): The Monkey Stone (reduce difficulty of Athletics rolls involving balance, jumping or climbing by 2 to a minimum of 1, double jumping distance and climbing speed.)

Unarmed Attacks

Punch: Speed: 5 Acc: +1 Dam: +0B Def: +2 Rate: 3

Kick: Speed: 5 Acc: +0 Dam: +3B Def: -2 Rate: 3

Clinch: Speed: 6 Acc:+0 Dam: +0B Def: -- Rate: 1

Armour: Silken Armour: attunement 2 motes, 5L/3B, doesn't count as armour for the purposes of martial arts. (artifact 2).

Soak: 7L/6B/5A

Dodge DV: 7 Parry DV (wrackstaff): 6 Dodge MDV: 6


ok, that's actually everything this time. I think.
Thank you all for your interest and efforts in the game, you got us in a tough position... determining the level of awesomness of your pc is not as easy as it seems :)

We will soon deliberate on which character(s) we will add to the game.
Name: The Prince of Fallen Roses

Caste: Dusk

Concept: Shattered ex-heroine

Motivation: To cast the Neverborn into the Void

Anima Banner: A coffin wrapped in withered rose-vines and endlessly pierced by swords

Intimacies: Hates Last Star of Morning

Idolizes the three Dragon-Blooded heroes



Strength ***

Dexterity *****

Stamina ***


Perception ***

Intelligence **

Wits ****


Charisma ***

Manipulation *

Appearance ***




Martial Arts ***

Melee *****

- Fencing Blades, +3

Thrown *****

- Essence Weapons, +3



Athletics ***

Awareness ***

Integrity *****

Presence ***

Resistance *****


Linguistics **

- Forest-Tongue (Native), Old Realm, Riverspeak

Lore *

Survival *


Compassion **

Conviction ***

Temperance *

Valor ***


Join Battle: 6

Dodge DV: 5 (5 Dex + 4 Essence)

Dodge MDV: 7 (5 Integrity + 6 Willpower + 4 Essence)

Parry DV: 7 (5 Dex + 5 Melee + 1 Defense + 3 Specialty)

Parry MDV: 3 (3 Presence + 3 Charisma)

Mobility: -0

Essence: 4

Personal Essence: 18

Peripheral Essence: 43

Soak: 10B/8L/7A

Base: 3B/1L/0A

Armor: 7B/7L/7A

Hardness: 3

Willpower: 6


Dice/ Health

Move Level

-0 []

-1 [][][][]

-2 [][][][][][]

-4 []

Inc []



- Excellency Charms

- 2nd Melee Excellency

- 2nd Resistance Excellency

- 2nd Thrown Excellency

- 3rd Athletics Excellency

- 3rd Integrity Excellency

- Athletics Charms

- Raiton's Nimble Perch

- Spider Pounce Technique

- Shadow Races The Light

- Integrity Charms

- Heart of Darkness

- Melee Charms

- Savage Shade Style

- Five-Shadow Feint

- Unfurling Iron Lotus

- Time-Scything Technique

- Blade-Summoning Gesture

- Elegant Flowing Deflection

- Resistance Charms

- Spirit-Hardened Frame

- Injury-Absorbing Discipline

- Wounds Mean Nothing (Temperance)

- Ox-Body Technique (-1, -2, -2) x2

- Thrown Charms

- Aid of Ill Wind

- Improvised Assassin's Trick

- Five Birds, One Stone

- Crypt Bolt Attack


Withered Rosevine Strike, 2+m, 1wp

2nd Thrown Excellency, Five Birds One Stone, Crypt Bolt Attack

The Fallen Prince of Roses draws on the withered vines of her dark anima and hurls them at her foes, where they sink into flesh and blood, drawing out energy as they bloom into deep purple and black flowers before fading away into shadows. She can make a magical flurry of up to (Thrown) such attacks and enhance them with her 2nd Excellency, as well as activate Crypt Bolt Attack if it is not already so.


Artifact ***

- The Sword of Humanity's Hatred

Speed 4, Acc +6, Damage 4L, Defens +1, Rate 3, Attune 5, Piercing (soulsteel bonuses already incorporated)

The Sword of Humanity's Hatred is a slender soulsteel blade, four feet long and slightly curved. The bell-guard curves into a semi-basket and is decorated with engraved roses, as is the blade itself, though the long crossguard bears no decoration. The Sword of Humanity's Hatred is something of a mystery - when The Fallen Prince of Roses was brought to The Walker in Darkness, she already possessed the blade, though she could not say where she got it. Alone, it is a slightly-better version of a standard reaper daiklave, but if the possessor knows Resplendent Shadow Blade, it can be activated as a reflexive, non-charm action, and the bonuses applied to the blade itself, which manifests a writhing rose-vine anima of its own.

Artifact *

- Reinforced Leather Armor

Soak +7L/7B/7A, Hardness 3L/3B, no penalties, Attune 2, can be concealed under a heavy cloak[/b]

The Prince of Fallen Roses' armor is, to the untrained eye, merely blackened leather armor, the same as many Haltan soldiers would wear. But here and there soulsteel plates reinforce weak spots, and a mesh of soulsteel wires runs through the whole of the armor, granting it supernatural protective power. (Effectively, a soulsteel breastplate, but with 1 point of Lethal Soak given to Bashing instead - the armor covers more, but isn't as good at defending against blades and the like.)

Whispers *****


A broken and scarred young warrior-woman, The Fallen Prince of Roses was once known as White Rose Thorn, a Haltan girl raised near the First Age ruins within that land. She was just the daughter of a shopowner, not anyone important, raised in the town of Huo Niao, on Halta's southern borders. Their town boasted three Exalted defenders, three ex-Lookshayan Terrestrials, and like virtually every girl in the town she idolized all three as heroes. Unlike the other girls, she decided that she, too, would be a hero like they, training with the blade and in unarmed combat, and learning to use a sling and a javelin with equal facility. She quickly proved to be a natural at such skills, so much so that the three Dragon-Blooded took to training her personally. As time passed, the trio because a team of four, with White Rose Thorn recieving nearly as much idolization as the Exalts she trained and fought with.

One day, two strange travellers arrived in Huo Niao - a pair of wandering scholars, there to explore the ruins below and beyond the town. White Rose Thorn took a liking to the quieter of the pair, a dark-skinned girl from the Varang City-States. They became friends quickly, the Varang girl telling her stories of all the places she had travelled, and White Rose Thorn replying with tales of her own battles with the Linowan at her friends' sides. Finally, the other scholar - an older Varang man - asked the three Dragon-Bloods and the young swordswoman to join them as guards during their explorations - the Fair Folk were still a threat, even if it was too far for most Linowan raider parties. After a brief discussion, they accepted, and the two introduced themselves - the younger woman was Silent Bloom, and the older man called himself Last Star of Morning.

The trip to the ruins was uneventful, with nothing more than a few hobgoblins to deal with. The ruins themselves were odd - a long-since-abandoned Wood Manse, almost completely grown over with thorny vines. Eventually they found a way in by dint of having the two Fire Aspects ignite their animas and simply burn through the vines. Most of the Manse was inaccessible, though discovering that took the better part of a day. Finally, they decided to rest for the night and try the main tower in the morning. When White Rose Thorn awoke the next morning, everyone had disappeared but Silent Bloom. Mists blanketed the land, and the thorny walls were impenetrable. Strange man-shaped figures of mist and shadow would periodically rise out of the mist, demanding that White Rose Thorn give them Silent Bloom. She refused and fended them off with her blade, dissipating each one with a thrust to the heart.

The pair slowly made their way up the tower, where the misty men were replaced by man-shaped shadows with glowing yellow eyes and voices like ash and honey. Despite their bribes and their threats, they fell as quickly as their mist-compatriots outside. After what felt like days within the tower, traveling up the endlessly spiralling stairs, the pair stumbled out onto the roof. There waited a man dressed as a warrior-king of old, carrying a sword and a mace, introducing himself as the Lord of the Oaken Court and demanding that White Rose Thorn surrender Silent Bloom and submit. Instead, a ray of light broke through the mists, illuminating the girl, and she was Exalted. She struck at the Fair One, who parried and fell back. Around them, the mists and shadows faded into nothing in the sunlight, and Last Star of Morning and the three Dragon-Blooded were revealed. White Rose Thorn's three friends leaped to her aid - Lookshayans were not as concerned with Anathema as the Dynasts of the Realm, and these three were even more relaxed about it. Yet despite their own skill, White Rose Thorn was as far beyond them as they were beyond mortals, hammering through the Lord of the Oaken Court's bodyguards. They quickly fell behind, and their shouts faded in her ears as she crossed blades with the Lord again, eventually cleaving him in half.

When she turned to smile at her friends, horror met her eyes. Last Star of Morning stood over their bodies, hands and feet dripping with their blood, facing Silent Bloom. Moving faster than she thought possible, White Rose Thorn stepped between them, her blade facing the betraying scholar. "Why?" she demanded, tears in her eyes.

"Silent Bloom," he replied, and she opened her mouth to ask him what he meant, then closed it again and stared dumbly at the bloody blade protruding from her stomach. She dropped to her knees and curled around the wound, staring blankly as her vision faded and the sunlight around her vanished. "I am sorry," she heard Silent Bloom say quietly, before everything went dark.

And then another voice spoke, bypassing her ear and speaking directly into her mind. "Betrayed one, would you like to live again? Would you like to take your vengeance on the god that abandoned you?" Her friends were slain, her dream of being a hero shattered, White Rose Thorn accepted the nameless one's offer, and awoke. The two scholars were gone, as were her friends' bodies. Instead a strange, twisted figure clad in dark robes stood there, waiting. Without speaking, it ripped open a door in the very air, and a chill wind poured out of it. White Rose Thorn laid there, but the woman who called herself The Prince of Fallen Roses and the Fallen Prince of Roses by turns stood, bowed to the nemissary, and strode into the Labyrinth.

She never spoke of what she saw or heard there, not even to the Walker. He did not trust the young woman, as he had not picked her - her Exaltation was demanded of him by his Neverborn lord. Instead, much of her training was left to the woman he married, the Green Lady, who taught the Fallen Prince of Roses much - more, even, than the Walker in Darkness realized.


She is not a tall woman, with a boyish figure, and keeps her pale pink hair cut short. Her blue eyes no longer sparkle as they did in life, and she watches the world and her foes - oftentimes the same thing - through half-lidded eyes. The Fallen Prince of Roses wears armor in the fashion of the Haltan Rangers, though the colors are black and the decorations suitably death-aspected.

only no silly eyepatch.

is another option.

Bonus Points 15/15

Integrity 3 -> 5	2 bp
Melee 3 -> 5		2 bp
Thrown 3 -> 5		2 bp
Resistance 3 -> 5	2 bp
Whispers 3 -> 5		4 bp
6 favored Specialties	3 bp

Experience Points 120/130

Essence 2 -> 3		16 xp
Essence 3 -> 4		24 xp
10x Favored Charm	80 xp
Combo 1			10 xp
Stop posting in here you goofs. You have your own thread to clog up with this stuff. :P Besides, this is just for initial game contact before a thread opens. Away with you, shoo.
Alright, you're all in... :)

Sorry for the delay, I wasn't sure of my ability to manage 10 abyssals on a pbp board, but I remembered I managed 9 solars at a table for 6 months and it went well :)

Here's how we're going to do it: many of you have yet to earn the trust of Walker (I didn't see much Liege here, but that's cool ^^), so he sent you on an undercover mission to sap the military and morale of the troops of Great Forks few months ago, as a test of your skills, you haven't progressed much since, but it's understandable, your actions are limited by your cover.

During this time, Stitches was your leader (liege 2).

You've never heard about Blood Pearl coming here and haven't seen her.

One thing I need to know now, is who is the solar mate of Rasheed (because I see no other reason why he would join forces with a deathknight) ?

It has to be a member of the Great Forks circle, so I leave that decision to Gulup.

Please post your profiles asap in the section :)

You will join the others on Scene 2. (probably by the end of the week).
I'm happy to have Stiches be the former mate in question.

It'd give her someone to joke around with.

On the other hand, a Compassion 1, Temperance 1, Whispers 5 psychopath might be a bit disturbing to hang out with.
Dont' worry, it's not like I wasn't expecting merciful knights on this game :lol:

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