Walking with the Darkness

However, your passion for knowledge should fade... upon dedicating your life to a Neverborn, you shall realize that knowledge is nothing but a powerful tool used to speed up the fall of Creation, and that all knowledge is destined to disappear in the mouth of the Void.
Actually the Neverborn would understand, seeing as how they are rather obsessive as well about one thing. He has not too worried about all things dropping into Void in the end. By that point he will have achieved what he has sought out.

I need to head to bed for now. I will continue tomorrow.
Coyotekin said:
Will I have enough xp to start there? I doubt it, but I something to work towards. I figure that whoever chooses him will want him because he is looking for doing things the right way and not be concerned about the politics and clamoring for position and such. He is interested in efficiency and getting things done without little to no effort. Work smarter, not harder.
Yes, you can start with Immortal Mavelolence Enslavement. It also makes you (partialy) immortal, destroys your Monstrance, removes your Liege Background, puts you Outside Fate and makes it completely impossible to ever be redeemed. It requires Integrity 5, Essence 5 and Whispers 5, not to mention it being the pinnacle of the Integrity tree.
You get to start with 14 charms.

Minimums must still be met for charm selections (5 minimum favored/caste charms for solars and so on).

Everything else will be as normal, the extra bonus points and XP netted along the way will help pad you up.

Mutations, Flaws and Merits are allowed. I do, however, get the last say in approving such. Same with artifacts and manses.

3BP per Backstory/fanfic/image thread/character art


Should be sufficient to build a character.
Should I go ahead and make a [Profile] post? I have the character made with some of the XP spent and all the normal starting stuff. I think that I have some good stuff to put up in terms of backstory, and a fitting theme song. Plus the pictures.
Ahem so, most of my players have return to dust but a handful of them remained faithful in the announced doom of this world...

Let's replennish the ranks !

I is opening the door to new players !
Out of curiosity, what sorts of concepts are still active...? For example, if you already have one active disease breeding genesis mad scientist type, you wouldn't want three more models of the same to suddenly apply.....
I have a twilight investigator/savant, a siddy spy, a necro tech- sorcerer, and the cutie and the beast in one person.
As i sent in my PM to cyl, I plan on a Moonshadow with a penchant for social desctruction. And he's cabaple with his weapon as well.
I'm not really certain as to what's left in terms of need...I had imagined a horrible, consumptive sorcerer but that's clearly stepping on toes.

Hmm. Maybe my first horrible Night caste equivalent?
Do what you want to do, we have lost most heavy lifters, but it's not really a problem.
Chargen resumed

basic chargen with 14 charms.

Minimums must still be met for charm selections (5 minimum favored/caste charms for solars and so on).

Everything else will be as normal, the extra bonus points and XP netted along the way will help pad you up.

Mutations, Flaws and Merits are allowed. I do, however, get the last say in approving such. Same with artifacts and manses.

3BP per Backstory/fanfic/image thread/character art

+250xp. No essence above 4 for the time being.
The 250 xp are total (not added to the previous 130).
If you're still looking for another player I've got an idea for a nerdy warmongering dusk caste astrologer that I could probably finish pretty quick.
I think I'm going to have to decline, but be sure that whenever I have another fallen you'll be first to know :)
cyl said:
I think I'm going to have to decline, but be sure that whenever I have another fallen you'll be first to know :)
He could have Daiymo's spot; the more I try to get a sheet together, the more I feel just a bit out of my element and my time is already committed elsewhere.

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