Walking with the Darkness

Think background before mechanics... you have actually a ton of xp before starting the game.
A couple of quick questions: One, would you be willing to take me on, potentially? And two...uh, I guess that's all really. I'll try and skim to see what the story has gone like, but are there any big big things we should know before creating a character, that aren't mentioned in this thread?
Saracen said:
A couple of quick questions: One, would you be willing to take me on, potentially? And two...uh, I guess that's all really. I'll try and skim to see what the story has gone like, but are there any big big things we should know before creating a character, that aren't mentioned in this thread?
Well I have two openings.

No big thing that I can think of, just look at the dark charter to see more or less what you're getting for chargen, look at the backgrounds, NPC etc etc to get a better grip of what you're getting into, and if you liked it, well, gimme concepts :)
Opening for Abyssals? :twitches: I might be interested.

I have ADHD, it keeps things interesting, and the reason I go after many games. When one lulls there are usually others that are reaching higher points.
Egh, my evil batteries are running low. I always have a problem coming up with Solars and Abyssals that I like, and this time is no exception. I'll keep brooding to see if anything comes to mind, but in the meantime, don't wait up on me. It looks like there're already two others interested anyway.
it's been a while since I've kept up with your Abyssal game, are your players running Rogues or Loyalists? I'll put together a concept for it...
Alright, general concept of a character to start with:

Young man, about 20, living in Nexus in the Nighthammer district. A killer had recently started kidnapping people off the streets, mostly younger women. They would turn up dead, flayed and missing various parts, several days later. The local watch, after several weeks, had nothing to go on. The abyssal-to-be starts looking for the person responsible. In his searching, he begins stumbling across a young woman who is also digging for clues. Cue a week or two of searching, cooperation, and so forth that leads them to the killers' small home.

As they step inside, prepared to kill whomever they find, the young man is stabbed in the side. Turning, he sees the girl he had been working with, who he had been falling for, knife in hand. She kicks him in the knee, knocking him down, and kicks away his sword before he can act. Dragging him downstairs, into a meager basement-turned-torture room, she turns him into her first male victim. Tortured, skin torn away, she leaves him bleeding on a table. As his life ends, the Walker speaks to him, offering him revenge upon the murderess, revenge on her betrayal and her killings, and shows that he was foolish to ever believe in something as weak and manipulable as love.

That's my rough draft of the guy, I need to fill it in obviously, but the idea is that the torture room became a shadowlands as he died (it was mentioned in one of the First Ed books, I think, that a killer had turned a basement into a shadowlands unwittingly in Nexus, so I'm taking some artistic license with that). He's whisked away for his "training" by the Walker, then returned to kill the woman who killed him.

Probably will focus on mental > physical > social things. I have a few ideas for his look, and his motivation would be along the lines of "kill betrayers and show that love is a lie".
Very interesting beginning, artistic liberties included :)

You're gonna go very well with our dear Ruby... Poor Constable !

Few more things needed:

Appearance ? Caste ? What do yo do for Walker since your exaltation, and where do you operate ? for what purpose has he chosen you ? are you loyal to him ?
His appearance is perfect, except for a scar that remains on his side, where the killer's knife first cut him. He looks like a well-built lean young man, with pale white skin and jet black hair that is cut very short. He stands about six feet tall, and typically wears black clothing, with dark blue and silver highlights among them, whether it is his soulsteel armor, or more decorative clothing.

I'm actually torn on his caste. Partly, it's based on what he's been doing, so I think I'll get that out first. I envision him having worked for the Walker as a sort of scout and investigator, as well as enforcer. I'd hesitate to say assassin, as he likely isn't very sneaky about whom he kills. Instead, I'd say he's almost like internal affairs if you will. He goes to places that are having problems, and fixes them if he can. Whether that happens to be by killing a rebellious leader, overthrowing or bribing a nearby settlement, or simply uncovering information that is necessary for a greater plan to proceed forward depends on the situation. I'm stuck between being a Day caste, for his secret nature and goals of keeping things in line behind the scenes, and Daybreak, for his desire to gather knowledge and apply it in whatever way. I think I'm leaning more towards Day at the moment, but I'd like to see what you think.

I guess that kind of explains why Walker wanted him, and what he does. Like an on-call troubleshooter, for Walker and the Neverborn.

I'd say he's moderately loyal to Walker. He's certainly willing to kill in creation, especially if someone has betrayed, or otherwise been dishonest, with one of Walker's minions. In general, he's not a "kill 'em all!" type guy. Would he kill a town if called upon to do so? Probably, though he might balk if they were innocents mostly, and simply try to get some or all of them to leave. Traitors disgust him, and quite likely are executed on the spot if they have betrayed his masters. Traitors and spies from other towns that are working for Walker are used only rarely and held in great contempt. Those who protest that contempt also often wind up dead, useful or not. Love, at least currently, holds little mercy for him, as his primary source of knowledge on it was betrayal and (near) death. He thinks it a sham and a weakness, and is also violent towards those he feels have surrendered or betrayed their love.
Hmmm, I could shift the caste to ....tries to think of it.. damnit, I do not have my books out. It's Dark version of the Eclipse. I could easily make the character a Daybreak, and possibly a Day caste as well, but with just a small bit of tweaking he could be....the other one.
Saracen: clearly, a Day caste, with Investigation as a primary favored ability.

Few more things:

- loyalty and obedience are two different things, though linked. You can be loyal to Walker, and not be totally obedient and let a few people go (note that this will make you gain Resonnance)

- decievers and betrayers are not the same, informants are decievers, people gaining the trust of others and acting directly against them afterwards are betrayers. Decievers generally become betrayers, but as long as they don't cross that line, you should be cool with them (that's what Walker would teach you... not to destroy his network).

- tought of a cool name ?

Coyotekin: I've read your PM, you sound like a Day/Daybreak to me.

Waiting for more.
Sounds good. I think he'd at least get the point Walker would be trying to make. I don't intend for him to kill every informant or anything, but he certainly won't like them most of the time. And yeah, he's pretty loyal, since Walker gave him a new life, power, and somewhat free reign to kill those he hates. I'd say he's pretty obedient, as long as the actions aren't extreme. When they are, well...resonance time!


I think this one is fitting, just imagine he's got black hair:


And take the mask from this, or something very similar, as what he wears in battle:


Edit: Oh! And check out your images thread in the forum, I know who the artist was that drew the pic you used for Blood Pearl, linked some of his other work.

Edit2: His abyssal name is: The Bitter Knife of Shadowed Day
That's the pic I took for my chosen of Saturn, excellent choice :lol:

You're in, congrats.

Continue working on your sheet and BG (don't forget you can ask for Liege rewards if you have some dots in the Liege background), and I'll introduce you on scene 3 which gonna start in a few weeks I think.
Still trying to decide on who his liege will be. Especially for one whose Motivation is to greater and more powerful than the Incarnae themselves. To possibly sit besides the Primordials themselves.
you hit on exactly what I was thinking, perhaps a Neverborn. One of the few agents like Raiton. He'll do what he is told, and he will learn all that he can. He is not cruel, but he sees no need for inefficiency and such. Any certain Neverborn you would recommend?
Unless you have this specific Integrity charm, you know you need to be affiliated to a Deathlord.

EDIT: but if you take it, here are my suggestions:

He Who Holds in Thralls - Abhorrence of Life - Principle of Consumption

EDIT 2: our beloved Juxtaposed Betrayal of Lineage is a free agent of Abhorrence of Life.
He Who Holds in Thrall I know a bit of. What details do you have of Principle of Consumption. And what Integrity Charm would I need?
On PoC not much info. We know that he/she also is the main master of the Silve Prince.

I haven't written much for the Neverborn, but definitely will dedicate the third chapter of the game to the Underworld.

The charm is IMMORTAL MALEVOLENCE ENSLAVEMENT (integrity/essence 5)
Will I have enough xp to start there? I doubt it, but I something to work towards. I figure that whoever chooses him will want him because he is looking for doing things the right way and not be concerned about the politics and clamoring for position and such. He is interested in efficiency and getting things done without little to no effort. Work smarter, not harder.

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