~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]

North stared curiously at Trucy's hat. "Can I touch it?" he asked. Then, when she held out the hat, he reached inside and pulled out a fancy-looking pen. "Whoa, this is pretty cool!" he declared. "It's cool that your magic is kind of a family thing. I know what that's like," he said. "Um...Trucy, I think we'd better leave..." he said, pointing to the monster. It took everything within him to remain calm, but then he couldn't hold back once Ms. Vixen told them to get out of the room. North jumped up, grabbed Trucy's hand, and bolted out of the room.


Orca shrugged. "At least I'm getting some muscle by carrying this thing all the time," she said sarcastically, since she was a rather thin girl. "But if there's a fire or something, I'll probably be the last one out." Then, she noticed the monster and sighed. "What in the world...it's the first day of school, and there's already monsters," Orca said, surprisingly unconcerned. "Oh look...speaking of fires..."
Fei flew around frantically. "Yeah that's great- protecting others and all...but what the sqwack do you want me to do about it? I can just fly..let's see...bird defense...bird defense..."

As he flew around, Amaris closed her eyes. "Watch my back." she ordered before going deftly silent- and began to concentrate...creating images in her head. An illusion...

Through her art she cast an illusion towards the monster. She mirrored the area surrounding them and through the monster's eyes it should see all of them in the opposite direction outside- opposite of where they really were. Perhaps then would it go after the false images of them in that direction and give them some hopes of advantage.
Trucy quickly put her hat back on as they bolted.

"Well, to be honest, it's not. I'm the only one who likes magic, and its not even me doing it..." She replied, trying to keep calm.
Zenten got up to leave but waited for Orca before he left.

Airin snagged a couple other bottles from the shelf and stepped a bit closer. He started mixing and tossing bottles each one have some kind of dissorienting effects on the monster.
The chameleos fled behind the skeleton. He starts to shake and whimper, indicating he was a baby. "A baby?" Hannibal said. "Looks like it sees me as its parent." He said.

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Arvin was walking on the rooftop when he noticed a monster. He snapped his book shut. "Too early..." He mumbled. "Spellbook of Secrets: The Chains That Bind" Chains rose behind the monster and brought it down. "Spellbook of Power: Wrathsmite." A large pillar of lightning struck the monster.
North nodded as he ran with Trucy still in tow. "Uh huh, I see!" he yelled. When they were outside, he let go of her hand and grinned. "Now that's what I call a first day adventure!" he said, his sunny disposition nearly unaffected by the event. "Though seriously, I'm not a big fan of life-threatening creatures. Sorry if I yanked you too hard," he laughed sheepishly.


Orca waved at Zenton. "Nah, don't feel the need to wait for me or anything. I'll make it." She shrugged as she grabbed her bag and headed for the door, still incredibly calm despite the situation. "You've been kind enough- I know I'm not much of people person."
So much... so much to take in.

Magic, it was so wonderful. Beautiful. Such diversity.

Velt saw so much wonders in just one day.

It almost rivaled the amazement he felt when he saw an asteroid burning up in the earth's atmosphere, or when he saw the first humanoid creature living on his miniature planet.

Truly amazing.

Velt felt that he would have an incredibly interesting time in this school.

He noticed that the monster was just a baby, and stepped out into the open, no harm was going to be inflicted upon anyone.

The miniature planet, modeled just like earth, floated around Velt's head calmly.
"Spellbook of Fate: Dead E-" Arvin started but suddenly stopped. Did someone tell him to stop? He floated down, book at the ready, and approached the one that said 'Stop'. "Why?"
Zenton still remained near Orca he certainly wasn't a people person either. And since she was the first one he'd really talked to he felt move comfortable to be around her, plus he wasn't one to leave people behind. "Thanks, but I'll wait for you if it's all the same."
Fei watched as a guy began to float down from the roof- startling him a bit. "Hey!! My nest is built up there! You weren't robbing it were you!?" he asked in a panic- because he defiantly had his priorities straight.

Hating the loud noise of the baby monster- Amaris struggled her best to create soothing illusions for the baby, but it was difficult with her nerves so easily unbalanced.
Vixen's flames faded, "A...baby?" She asked, right before lightning came down. She shook her fox pelt, and looked around. "Was anybody hurt?" She asked.

Taiki sat outside next to Jasper, playing his wodden flute. His fae wings fluttered, and he closed his eyes, just feeling the warm rays touch him.

Jasper purred again, "You're very good at playing the flute." He said to Taiki. "Or, maybe it's just me or you or someone else perhaps?"

Yuu licked his fur nervously, as he wondered what was going on inside.
"I'm fine. To be honest this isn't the weirdest thing that's happened today." She replied, giving a friendly smile. Trucy, even with all the randomness going on, was still excited. It wasn't even the start and already the randomness was coming.
"A baby?" Arvin asked, book slowly glowing green. "Spellbook of Life: Restoration." A gree glow spread throughout the monster and healed it.
The baby chameleos turns invisible, trying to hide and fly away, but he didn't know how to fly. The baby was scared.

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Itsuki watched from afar, but slowly approached the invisible creature, relying on the feeling of its energy and cries. She looked at Hannibal, thenit. She just arrived andthings were weird but... "shh..." she cooed, gentle but unsure.
Vixen shifted back into her human form, and picked up a nearby ruler. Concentrating, she made it change form and become a toy. Well, become is a strong word, since it was just an illusion, but so long as the baby monster believed it was a toy, the spell would work. She bent down, and held her hand out.

Taiki stopped playing for just a second, "Um... Thank you?" He said, uncertainly, before beginning again.

Jasper nodded, and smiled.

Yuu laid down, "I hope everyone's okay." He said. "I don't want anyone to be hurt."
The baby turns visible, and backs away from the crowd of people surrounding him. He saw hannibal and hid behind him.

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Itsuki grinned at the fox woman and gained confidence. It seemed nobody would hurt it. She bent on one knee and her pink eyes smiled within themselves at it. "Hi there... nobody will hurt you.. we have a toy."
"I think if you convince him you will not hurt him, he will trust you." Hannibal said. "I know because my race is a type of monster aswell. I am a zin-hu." (Human zinogre)

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North seemed impressed with Trucy's reply. "Well if this isn't the most exciting thing that happened to you today, then you must have a really exciting life!" he laughed.


Orca shrugged as she walked out into the hall. "Well, I guess it's comforting to know chivalry isn't completely dead," she said teasingly. "I'd prefer to just wait here in the hall if you don't mind. The bright sunlight tends to make me feel tired. Plus, it sounds like things have calmed down in there."

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