~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]

Itsuki nodded graciously at Hannibal. She laid a hand in front of the creature with no intention to enter its current territory, but for it to approach her. "I dont think evacuation of the class is necessary.. no harm."
Arvin raised his hand as colorful orbs of light were summoned. He waved them away and they started playfully dancing around the creature. If one listened closely, you could hear the orbs giggle and if you looked even closer you would see tiny beings inside.
Itsuki gave a warm and comforting touch, shhing it softly. "They are nice... watch. It looks like there are beings inside." She whispered softly, impressed by the creature and her first moments here.
"Hm...I expected the pixies to work..." Arvin mumbled. "Welp, I'm out of ideas." He said as he walked away, leaving growing flowers in his wake.
Arvin entered the and wandered around the hall. "Now where in the world is my dorm room?" Arvin asked to himself. He walked around, hoping to encounter something.
Itsuki released her protective hold. "Is it calm? You should allow it away from crowds so it may relax." She responded, standing up and walking out off the class.
A whinie was heard at the front of the school as a kirin descends from the sky.
(the kirin)

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The chameleos tugs an vixen's shirt. "I think he wants you to go outside in the front yard." Hannibal said. Another whinnie was heard from the kirin as it walks around the yard.

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Raziel was woken up by falling rubbish, this was not the first time he had woken up in a tip. Someone had thrown him out again. His memory was fuzzy, and his body was sore. His head, begging him to remember what he has to do today. He climbed out of the rubbish and stood, dusting himself off. Raziel exited the tip and headed to the street, he put his hands in his pockets and walked. A crumpled piece of crumpled paper touched his hand he took it out, it was a letter for Vixen's school for those struggling with magic abilities. His ears perked "OH CRAP!" he had no idea what the time was or even the day, but he figured he was probably late. He darted towards the school as fast as he could, getting disapproving and judgemental looks along the way. He made no effort to blend in, his features are too obvious. In a few minutes he was at the front gates of the school, he took his first step into the school and tripped, falling flat on his face...
V1ncentFur said:
Raziel was woken up by falling rubbish, this was not the first time he had woken up in a tip. Someone had thrown him out again. His memory was fuzzy, and his body was sore. His head, begging him to remember what he has to do today. He climbed out of the rubbish and stood, dusting himself off. Raziel exited the tip and headed to the street, he put his hands in his pockets and walked. A crumpled piece of crumpled paper touched his hand he took it out, it was a letter for Vixen's school for those struggling with magic abilities. His ears perked "OH CRAP!" he had no idea what the time was or even the day, but he figured he was probably late. He darted towards the school as fast as he could, getting disapproving and judgemental looks along the way. He made no effort to blend in, his features are too obvious. In a few minutes he was at the front gates of the school, he took his first step into the school and tripped, falling flat on his face...
Sorrene was lost. Completely and utterly lost. She had no doubt been around the entire school, and still she couldn't find the principal's office. In fact, she had made it back to the front doors, where she saw a boy fall flat on his face. She quickly jogged over to him and kneeled down next to him.

"Are you alright?"
she asked.
He looked up, seeing the long haired beauty standing above him. He quickly and nervously stood up, dusting of his knees and face.

"I... uh... yea, yea I'm fine." Breathing shakily he continues "do you happen to know where I can find the principals office?"
V1ncentFur said:
He looked up, seeing the long haired beauty standing above him. He quickly and nervously stood up, dusting of his knees and face.
"I... uh... yea, yea I'm fine." Breathing shakily he continues "do you happen to know where I can find the principals office?"
"Honestly, I have no idea. I've been going around in circles trying to find it." Sorrene replied, laughing quietly as she stood up.
The kirin walks up to the two students. She whinies and snorts. (Look in previous posts for a pic of the kirin, if ya want)

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Raziel looks at the Kirin, a large intimidating beast. Then back to Sorrene, "Is that thing dangerous?" He slowly moves behind Sorrene.
V1ncentFur said:
Raziel looks at the Kirin, a large intimidating beast. Then back to Sorrene, "Is that thing dangerous?" He slowly moves behind Sorrene.
"It doesn't seem like it." said Sorrene, reaching out and petting the Kirin affectionately.

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