~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]

"oh... okay..." He stays hidden, barely reaching out to pet the beast. He touched it and quickly withdraws his hand.

"s.. so you're new to this school too?" He asks quietly.
The kirin grazes on plants. The baby chameleos calls everyone to the window to see the two students and the krin mare(female)

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V1ncentFur said:
"oh... okay..." He stays hidden, barely reaching out to pet the beast. He touched it and quickly withdraws his hand.
"s.. so you're new to this school too?" He asks quietly.
"Yes, I'm new here." she said, continuing to pet the Kirin. When she noticed how he shied away from it, Sorrene gave a small smile. "You don't have to be afraid of her. If she wanted to hurt us, she would have already."
He piped up "But!..." he silenced himself and nodded slowly. "We should probably see if we can't find the principal."
"I think we may have just found a guide." Sorrene began to walk after the Kirin, motioning for Raziel to follow her.
Raziel follows obediently, but still cautiously. For all he knew the Kirin or the strange girl Sorrene may be planning on harming him.
Zenton nodded glad Orca had suggested simply staying inside, he wasn't very fond of the sun anyways. Plus she was right it sounded like it may have already calmed down. Once in the hall Zenton leaned lightly against one of the walls.
@Raviael Um...I'm pretty sure the original baby monster has calmed down (but I don't know what's happening to it) but now we have this other creature on campus...that isn't a character but kinda seems like one... There are a couple of people who joined later- Sorrene and Raziel. They're now on campus and a little lost, trying to find the principal. But that's all I got
(True, but during all this the baby tried calling everyone in the room to the window he was at.)

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(Thanks. You're wonderful~ :3)

Things have seemed to quiet down since the monster incident enough to where Fei finally mustered up the courage to poke his head out from his snug nest up on the roof of the Academy.

"Is it all over...or did they all die? Sqwak I don't want to be all on my birdsome..." he whimpered as he looked around to make sure the coast of the rooftop was clear. Hesitantly, he slowly flew out of his nest and began to observe the area. No kind of strange monster seemed to be dictating its way into to or eating anyone. Hell, there wasn't even a sign of any kind of monster.

"So...it's all ok, right?" he sighed. "I'm the teacher...and yet I'm up here hiding. Some responsibility I hold..." Shaking away the bad thoughts, he begins to fly down the building and reach the surface, to see if he can gather anything that's going on.



Amaris sat quietly against the wall, taking deep breathes and trying to force her emotions to settle down. Whether Amaris liked to admit it or not, she had an easy upsetting anxiety and the constant unhealthy hours of mediation never even seemed to help it any. Though she wouldn't admit it, or even stop to factor that in. She liked to think herself as strong and fully able to take care of herself. So she could control her emotions, and her illusionist powers, it was simple. Child's play. And so she continued to stay silent as the rest of the students and teachers chatted and the like- her features a bit disturbed and her jaw clenched tightly- as she wearily tried to force something calming over herself.
A whinie was heard from the kirin mare. "The kirin is in the school, lets go look." Hannibal said as the baby chameleos heads for the door.

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V1ncentFur said:
Raziel follows obediently, but still cautiously. For all he knew the Kirin or the strange girl Sorrene may be planning on harming him.
Sorrene followed the Kirin for a short distance, but then it suddenly galloped off in a different direction, leaving them without a clue of where to go.

"Oh, no. Now we're lost again." said Sorrene, stopping and turning to face Raziel. "Sorry…animals can get distracted easily."
Bram adjusted his glasses as he observed the front of the school. Already he spotted smoke from a fading fire and kirin's prancing about on the school grounds. Raising his brows, Bram smirked.

"And for once the fire wasn't my fault," Bram chuckled to himself. He ran a hand through his hair and headed for the front door. The first day of work and I'm already late. Way to set an example, He thought to himself ruefully. He tucked his hands into his pockets and headed for the front door. Peering within, he spotted two students being guided through the hall by a kirin and headed over. Perhaps they know where to find the principal?
Raziel looks at the direction of the noise, pointing he mutters. "Maybe we should go that way? Since we have no idea where we are..." His hand reaching and clinging to Sorrene's for comfort. His body shaking, he hated being in places he does not know.
"Well hello there, what a pretty mare you are," Bram said, reaching out and stroking the kirin's head. He noticed two students, one looking around nervously, and smile reassuringly. "Lost? Me too. How about we find the principal together, yeah?"

Raziel Gripping Sorrene's hand tighter is shocked to see another student. The red haired boy seeming full of charisma, intimidated Raziel. He nodded rather than speak to the other male.
"Fantastic. Come on then, there's no time like the present. It seems that this mare has been guiding you so let's follow her," Bram suggested, hooking his thumbs in his pockets. The male student seemed to shrink back and Bram hid a frown. I didn't scare him did I? A+ for you Bram, already scaring the children.


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