~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]

"I hope it was once a fox...or cat...or something above me on the food chain." Fei says as he flies around the skeleton and observes it. "I could use this little guy for my nest~" he exclaims pecking at it. "It'd be a great add on...well...not the skull. That part scares me a bit."
"Well, that was rude, flying instructor." Vixen said. "I can fire you, you know? And, it's against my morals to eat my staff, or their friends, just so you know. Besides, you don't look very tasty, I prefer mice and rats.

Taiki gasped, "There it is!" He said, grabbing the wooden flute. He stood up straight, and held the instiment up. "Look, I found it!" When he noticed everyone was distracted, he frowned. "Am I missing something?"

Yuu looked at the skeleton from his desk, "That's weird." He said. "I didn't see that when I cam in."

Jasper was enjoying himself outside.

((@Steel Zinogre try to post longer posts please.))
"Don't fire me!!!! We need berries!!!" Fei pleads, and seeing as nobody had his back he grabs the skeleton and makes his head move- using the best ventriloquist act he could manage. "Yeah~ don't fire the instructor...he can do the mating dance really well! All the birdettes will be sad to watch him go. He's like a super sexy bird idol~" he made the skeleton say in a high pitched voice.

"Done..." Amaris said backing away from the wall- which was now chalked up and looking like a peaceful mystical forests- full of fairies and glowing flowers and mythical guardians. Though, seeing as she only did this in a matter of 10-15 minutes- she only chalked a small portion of the wall...but she felt satisfied.
Hannibal roars. A gigantic chameleos appeared out of thin air.

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(um...I'll explain it to you but I'm about to be confused or... something in a minute) 
(Ok~ so what happened right before drama monster central happened...

Everybody's waking up going to head out for their first day of Vixen Magic school academy! yay! everybody's screwing around being them and...not much has actually happened. We're trying to all meet up in the classroom and talk about the school...

and...suddenly... *coughs awkwardly*

a monster appeared?

it's kinda irrelevant. >.>)
((@Steel Zinogre wait, what!?..))

Jasper purred, obviously enjoying himself. The sun felt good on his skin, and he truthfully had no idea, nor did he care what was going on inside. He was to happy to pay attention to that.

Velt strolled through the hallways of the school with a calm air about him. His skin faintly shone with a silver glow, indicating his fairy heritage.

It was a lovely day, and the first day of classes was today. Velt felt incredibly hopeful of this school of magic. His strange magic might be deciphered and Velt might actually find something out about them. Hopefully the staff weren't stupid and not too many students asked him for help on their studies. Velt was an excellent student, and he had maintained flat 100's throughout every subject in his previous regular school. Anything this school threw at him academically would be no challenge, but Velt was incredibly interested in the academy's magical teachings, which is why he was here.

That was when he saw a.... monster?

Velt was incredibly confused.

The purple chameleon like drake thing just popped out of thin air. Students around the monster were bewildered too.

Velt blinked.

He blinked again.

The thing was still there.

"So this is real" Velt said, "I guess magic truly has no limits"

Velt then called out, "Who summoned this creature?"

Velt was incredibly confused.
(Me and him both...can we-erm... is drama even supposed to happen yet? ) 
(Raviael is just going to bite her tongue on this...

Whatever Angelfoodcake says is game. )
((Okay, since the monster as already appeared and been noticed, I guess it can be here. But, please no more weird random irrelivent surprises.))
Zenton smiled a little. "That does seem like it would be inconvenient." And he looked at Orca's bag as she kicked it. Figuring the skin she spoke of must be in the bag, he briefly wondered what in looked like.

Airin looks up from getting ready to mix some questionable potions. "Hm, no my skeletons are in the closet." He said not even realizeing the joke he'd inadvertantly made. As the creature appeared he poured the potions together and launched it at the monster. As the glass bottle cracked a smoky cloud came out of it.
Vixen jumped up, and fox fire surrounded her. "Students! Get out!" She shouted. "We teachers will deal with this!"

Yuu obeyed, not being at all good at fighting, his fright made him turn into a cat, and hurry out.

Taiki sighed, and left, playing his flute all the way.
A fox woman jumped in front of the students with ethereal fire dancing around her. She ordered the students to leave the premises and stated that she and the teachers would deal with the problem. It was the principal, Velt recognized.

Velt just decided that he would stay where he was and look on, he wanted to see magic in action and the teachers as well. Velt had always been incredibly curious, and his lust for new findings couldn't be sated so easily.


The monster broke through the wall that Amaris had chalked her pretty picture on, and ...it crushed her quite a bit. More than it did surprise her from the sudden...well...monster.

"HOLY SQWAK!!" Fei yelled as he soared higher into the air and watched how one of the teachers began to throw potions at the beast. "Um...so this isn't a student, right?" he yelled nervously. At the fox lady's command, Fei whimpered. "I'm still a teacher aren't I?" The fox just wants me dead so she can eat me!!!

"Do you need me to help?" Amaris asked calmly, though her jaw tightened slightly in frustration.
Itsuki arrived at school, wearing a large uniform she recieved early. She asked as her usual attire was... less than usual. Her green tipped ears bobbed with joy and she strode on. She entered the area, clutching bags her aunt warned her to take "just in case." The thought of her not blood related parent made her grin.

As she entered, she saw a wave of students leave and amonster. Frowning, she followeda student who turned to a cat. "Whats going on?!"
Zack jumped up from his seat fire raging in his palms. And Faira came up next to him and a instructing him to go with the other students. Begrudingly Zack clenched his fists exstinguished the flames and followed the other students out.
"A monster came out of meow where!" Yuu shouted. "And, then principal Heart told us to leave the classroom!" His voice was higher, and more meow like than usual.

Vixen nodded, "I'll need all of your help." She said. "We must proect the students!"
Velt sauntered towards a corner, hidden from view of the faculty, and simply watched.

"How very interesting" Velt thought. He would be able to see magic used for combat, as well as new types of magic. It was all so exciting, and so new to Velt who loved information.
Itsuki stopped running and watched from afar, pink eyes full of wonder. "Hey.. open a window or something?" She called back to the cute fleeing cat with an idea.

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