~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]

Trucy looked up, adjusting her hat. "Oh, hello there." She replied, giving a friendly smile back. "Are you excited? I am." She told him, radiating confidence. She wondered whether of not to pull something out of her hat, or just to let things stand as is. After all, couldn't show why her hat was so special, right?
Fei shivered and began to slowly walk backwards. Vile fox vile fox vile fox... and at the same time he felt daggers being pierced into him...well, that's not exactly the right wording for it. It wasn't hostile..but he was being stared down. By another fox perhaps? He turns his head mechanically and sees....

"AHHHHHHH!!!!!!! A FELINEEE!!!!!!" He stumbles backwards and falls on his rear. "I taste like-like..." he thinks...what should he taste like? "BAD! Yeah blech!" he says quickly, almost about to wet himself. Some teacher he would turn out to be...
Taiki sat down, still stunned, and having a mini freak out. "Knowledge, learning syndrome, it's all like some messed up nightmare." He said, then he shook his head, snapping himself out of it. "No. I'll survive. They won't get to me with their even textbooks and rules." With that, he pulled out his flute, and looked at it. "Okay, now that I'm calm, I might as well intertain myself."

Yuu tilted his head, "Really?" He asked. "I've never tasted bad before, whatever that is." He smiled, and licked his lips. Even though he had been munching on cookies all day, he hadn't eaten bird in a while.

Vixen sighed, as she waited.

~New Character alert~

I couldn't help myself X3

((Check the overview for info))

Jasper stood in front of the school, his orange wings folded behind his back. "Should I go in, I wonder?" He asked himself. "I should." With that, he walked forward, and opened the doors to the school, stepped inside. He made his way to what seemed like the room to go to, and entered. Sitting down, he sighed, before laying his head down on the desk, and hiding his face with his wings.
"I think Orca's a nice name. I don't mean to be rude, but are you by any chance a selkie?" Zenton asked he'd been reading up on other legends and races lately and he'd recently found a book that mentioned selkies. He found them interesting and if she was then maybe she could tell him more the book hadn't been very informative.

Faira stood near Vixen. "Don't you think we might try to calm the students a bit I mean . . .well." She gestured to the boys who were freaking out, and the one that looked like he wanted to eat another.
North grinned at the girl, glad that he wasn't the only one excited. "Yeah, I'm excited too!" he agreed. "It might sound weird, but I love going to school. I really like learning new things and meeting new people. I'm North, by the way. North Inuko. Pleased to meet you!" North stuck out his hand to the girl, greeting her politely.


Orca tilted her head curiously. "Why yes...I am," she replied. "Not many people seem to know what selkies are. I don't mean to be rude either, but were you um...alive...when they were more common?" Orca did consider the possibility that these other students could be centuries old like herself. Maybe none of them looked it, especially those rowdy guys goofing off over in another part of the room, but it was quite possible indeed.
Taiki heard someone say they loved going to school, and fell over. "It's spreading even further." He said. "Before we know it, we'll all be contaminated and sickly. I don't want to love school, I hate school. What do I do!?"

Vixen looked around, "Yes, I guess we probably shouldn't let any students die on the first day." She said. "People would start asking questions, and by people I mean nosey humans."

Jasper's split tail laid near him, and he didn't even look up, when he heard a thud. It sounded like somebody had fallen down, and he kept still.

Yuu kept staring at the bird like boy.
"Pleased to meet you too. I'm Trucy Raine!" She replied, shaking his hand. "I'm here for the magic. I heard this place could help me out a bit, even if it's technically not true magic." She replied, taking off her hat. "Like this, for instance."

Trucy twirled her hat, indicating nothing was inside. She then snapped her fingers, proceeding to pull out flowers from earlier.

"Tada." She said, holding them out. "Want them? I can always get more."
"Is there anyone in this school?" Hannibal asked aloud, it was heard throughout the school.

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"Mm, unfourtunatly not really. I'm only a hundred and two years old but I've read some stuff. Though most of what I've read hasn't been very specific." Zenton admitted not to mention that he didn't travel more often then he needed to, to go un-noticed by the humans.

"Okay, first confrontation how do you want it handled?" Faira asked amazed that Zack hadn't joined into the nosiness.
Fei shook his head. "NONONONONONONONO IT TASTES LIKE SQWAK!!!" he covered his mouth. "I said it!!!!! Oh no am I fired!?" he looked around frantically.

Amaris ignored everybody behind her and her eyes stayed locked on the Principal's. "What kind of questions, if I may so ask?" she asked.
((OOC: Wow, I come back from work to find this!))

Chiaki heard his name in the distance, so he turned to the voice with a welcoming face. This was going to be Chiaki's biggest struggle, acting like a student or a teacher. "Yes, that's me. Who are you?" he finally responded.
Vixen gave as much of a shrug as a fox could. "I don't care." She said. "So long as the students are calmed down, it doesn't matter, right? Flying instructor, you aren't fired. And, Amaris, I mean bad questions. That could end up very bad for staff and students."

Yuu raised an eyebrow, "You still look like an apitizer." He said. "Whatever you're trying to do, it's appearently not working."

Jasper stood up, and exited the room. He walked down the hallway, and outside. Sitting down, he looked around. "Pretty butterflies." He said to himself.

Taiki sat up, and rubbed his head. "Ow." He said, then he gasped. Looking around franticly, he was freaking out even more. "Where is it? Where's my flute? Where? Where? Where?"
Vixen sighed, "I here someone calling for staff." She said. "You people tke care of these problems, and I'll go find the other person." With that, she hopped off of the chair, and headed into the hallways. Soon, she found Hannibal, "Do you need help with something?" She asked, still in fox form.
Fei shook his head quickly and stood up, jumping up and flying midair. "KEEP AWAY FELINE!!!! I'm not a bird you want to mess with!" he declares matter of factly, but his legs are trembling in his defiance.

As all the ruckus carries on in the background- bored and at the same time irritated, she pulls out a box of chalk and walks over to the wall and begins- without even asking to draw on the walls. Just a small little area of it, mind you...but she was irritated. She began to think of a calming, peaceful scene- and started off from there.
"Aw..." Yuu said dissapointedly. "Pretty please can I eat you?" He blinked inocently, and his tail kept swaying. "Or at least just a little bite?"

Jasper watched birds and butterflies fly around. The classroom had stressed him out, it felt peaceful outside though. So, he sat in the grass, before laying down, wings spread out. "Wow." He said to himself. "The sky is pretty...isn't it?"

Vixen sighed, "Follow me." She said. "We need to be in the main classroom, so I can make a speach." With that, she turned around, and began to walk back to the room.
"You got it Vixen. Alright everybody calm down and find some where to settle! Sit, stand I don't care but if your having issues move or talk it out. I don't want to hear anymore yelling got that?" Faira said, her voice not all that loud but her tone full of authority. Her firey countenance flaring brighter momentairly.

Airin found himself sitting on a stool nearby and for a moment he wasn't sure why. But he figure it must have been the tone Faira used, it was quite impressive. Shrugging he went on playing with his bottles.
Mei sat up in her bed, looking to the glowing clock next to her bed. C'est tellement différent... She stood from her bed and walked to the bathroom. After getting ready she left her dorm, not before grabbing an apple of course, and not bothering to shut the door. She always gave too much trust in people. She turned to her left, assuming that was the way to the welcoming speech. She exited the building entering the sunlight. She smiled up at it, feeling it's warm hand curl around her face. She pulled her black cardigan shut and went to sit on a bench to eat her morning apple.
North shook Trucy's hand enthusiastically. "Yeah, I'm here for the magic too!" he said. Then, he watched with wide eyes as she performed her flower trick. "Whoa," he said. "That was amazing! I've never seen anyone do that before. I mean, all I can do is track things, talk to animals, and sometimes turn into a bear...but wow, that's so cool!" North said, genuinely astounded. He accepted the flowers but then scratched his head. "Wait...do you think it'd be weird for a dude to go around carrying flowers?" he asked.


Orca nodded. "I see. Well I guess I have a couple years on ya, then," she said with a slight smile. "Well, there's not much to know. Selkies are kind of a cultural thing, really. The only thing I can do is change into a seal, but I have to have my sealskin in order to do so. It's kind of inconvenient," she said, kicking her bag slightly.
Hannibal followed vixen, his monster half spoke to him in his mind. "Kill everyone!" The voice said. "Shut up! Leave me alone!" He shouts as he pounds his head to silence the vouce.

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Trucy listened in awe as North listed everything he could do, a little overwhelmed, but it was still amazing. She felt more astounded that he liked the flower trick. "Thanks. As for the flowers, I could try to 'turn' them into something else." She replied, holding her hat out as she smiled.

"Just place them in here, count to 3, and reach in for something else. To be honest, I'm not magical at all, its the hat. It's a gift from my grandfather, saying it would be perfect for street performances. I guess he was right about that." She replied, explaining how she was pretty much a regular human with a magical hat.

"Anyway, like I said, I can change them into something more convenient for you."
Yuu sighed, "Fine." He said, obviously upset. He grabbed a cookie, and took a bite, before sitting down. "I wanted to eat him..."

Taiki kept looking for his wooden flute, "Where is it? Where is it?" He asked himself. "Oh where? Oh where? Oh where, oh where, oh where?"

Vixen hoped back u into her seat, and noticed the room was aquite a bit quieter. She smiled a bit, before scanning the room. "We're still waiting for some people." She said.

Jasper smiled, and stared into the sky. "The sky has always been one of my fovorite things I think." He said. "And, sharp, pointy things."
Hannibal looks around the room. "Why is there a skeleton hanging in the corner!" He asked vixen.

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"Skeleton?" Vixen asked, glancing around. "You mean the one used for science and potions? Airin! Does that skeleton, wherever it is, belong to you? Because, personaly, I had no idea there was a skeleton in here. I really hope it's not one of the students."

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