~Vixen's School for Those Struggling With Magic Abilities~ [Inactive]

Vixen laughed, "Airin." She said, setting her paw in his hand. "I knew I would like you. I'm Vixen Chi Heart, the one who hired you to teach my stedents about potions."

Yuu turned to face the girl who had called he and Taiki fools. "Well, that was rude." He muttered to himself, before taking another bite of a cookie. It was a good thing he had bought a large box.

Taiki smiled, "I like you." He said, looking at he girl. "You speak your mind, and I like it when people can speak their minds. Unlike the infeccted boy over there." He gestured toward Yuu, who sighed and shook his head, but smiled a bit.
It was the first time someone had reacted that way to her attitude. Usually it was angry retaliation or tears or worst case, having water dumped over her head. Her mouth dropped open a bit then the smirk found its way back onto her face. Although her eyes glimmered apologetically, the harsh words still forced themselves out.

"Liking people who can potentially hurt you is a stupid thing to do. I've met many idiots before, an acquaintance of mine is one, but you are by far the most imbecilic being I have ever laid eyes on." Yukihime knew that later, she would be moping in the corner of her dorm, reviewing the days conversations and how they could have gone much better. It was clear to her, that she was not meant to speak to others.
Laughing, Taiki shook his head. "I'm probably the biggest idiot anyone knows." He said. "I've been called one several times. But, I don't mind, in fact I take pride in it. I bet you'll never meet anyone stupider than me." He had a big, proud smile on his face, and his wings popped back up. Looking up, he noticed them, "Oops. Oh well."

Yuu had to try and hold back laughter, by sticking a cookie in his mouth. Maybe this guy wasn't the worst guy he'd met.
Airin shook Vixen's paw rather vigorously before letting go. "So your head honcho around here. Pleased to meet 'cha!" Airin turned to the door just before Zack and Faira entered. Airin came over to shake their hands as well but stopped seeming a little surprised. "You guys are toasty warm. My name is Airin Gabfjiuevsalb you," he turned his head toward Faira. "Can call me Airin, and you," he turned his head toward Zack can call me Mr.A."

"I'm Faira and this is Zack my adopted son. Nice to meet you Airin." Faira assured him and shook has hand.

Zack stood silently as Faira introduced them back. What was up with this guy? Crazy hair, weird tattoos, and an odder personality. Were they sure he was even mentally stable? So far this school was at least looking more interesting then it had seemed like it was going to be.
Vixen chuckled a bit, and turned back to the empty seats. "I just hope everyone else gets in here soon, or I'll have to start with out them." She said. "And then, tell the missing ones about it later."
(sorry~ was feeling a bit sick)

"I GET IT I GET IT I GET! AUGH!!!" Fei sqwaked awake as he shook away the bad dreams he had of his colony dying from lack of berries. He left so he could make money to feed his colony, so why the hell was he trying to miss class on the first day! Especially when he was the teacher!!

"Augh! This is too much responsibility for a little ole bird like me!!!!" he rolled around in his nest anxiously before jumping up. "Ok ok I get it mamma bird stop cursing me with those retched nightmares!" he shivered. "I'm going to need a bird bath soon...." he hopped out of his nest and walked over to the edge of the academy roof, looking down. "What time is it anyways? Aw man I don't even know what I'm supposed to be doing here!!! Where do I go? What's my classroom? Do I have to bunk with people or can I stay in my nest? Oh maybe my roommate can sleep in my nest with me!" he smiled at the thought. "Yeah! That'll be fun! We can search knickknacks in the school and build our own big nest together!!" This idea excited Fei entirely, enough to where he was ready to start the day, giving him the energy to soar down the Academy and land at the entrance- and barging in with full confidence. Well at least until.


"Aw man...I'm sooo hungry." Fei sighed as he began to stumble down the halls dramatically as if he hadn't ate in days. "That's it...I'm going to die...this is the end. They're going to cook me and serve me at your local KFC!!!"



Amaris set down her paints and stepped back to look at her wall canvas: The scenery looked like a sunny and flowery paradise that came out of a drugged hippie's dream but anything to make Amaris feel a little warm and the painting still had a strange tainting beauty to it...even if odd. That was always the strange thing about art- how you could your emotions could mix in a way it couldn't with anything else.

"Now...it must dry." She said silently as she cleaned her brushes and looked over at the clock. She wasn't entirely sure if everyone was supposed to meet anywhere or what but she figured if so they were close to the time. So she backed out of her classroom and locked its door and began to stride down the halls again, ignoring the young male complaining about hunger that probably wasn't as bad as he made it out to be. Where would they all meet?
Zack took a seat as the crazy teacher and Faira continued to chat about teacher things. He put his head phones back on just as some one else came into the room, but he didn't bother looking to see the new person.

Zenton found the room where they were supposed to be gathering. As he came in he was greeting quickly but enthusiasticly by a teacher called Mr.A and the vice principal Ms.Koal. A little unsure of where he was supposed to be Zenton just stood out of the way waiting to see what would happen.
Vixen's ears twitched, as she heard what sounded like a comotion in the halls, so she jumped from the seat, and hurried over, shifting back into human form so that she didn't make anything worse. Then, she saw it was just someone complaining about being hungry. "Are you okay?" She asked. "You seem a little off." Then, it hit her. "Are you possibly my flying instructor? Because, we're all supposed to be meeting in the main classroom."
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North took a minute to catch his breath as he stopped at the front of the school, but was soon walking briskly with no problem. He saw some other students outside but figured he should go inside to figure out what to do. Oh, and I guess they were supposed to be living here in the dorms, right? North shrugged. He was sure everything would work its way out.


Orca noticed some open doors at the end of the hallway. She cautiously peered inside and noticed some other people already there. Some of them looked like adults, so she assumed they were teachers or administrators. Hopefully they could tell her what to do. "Um, excuse me? Is this where everyone is supposed to meet?" she asked.
Fei looked up at the person who was talking to him. The first thing he saw was a pretty face with nice red hair. What a pretty sparrow~! Then he got a good look at all of her and sqwaked once more.

"AH!!! FORGIVE ME MAMMA BIRD!!!" He screeches jumping back, terrified. "I just made contact with a fox! I'm sorry mamma for mistaking her for a beautiful sparrow but have no fear I will not be on the bottom of the food chain today!" And with all the 'starvation' from earlier dissipated suddenly and replaced with fear and adrenaline, Fei soared away down the halls.

Still ignoring the loud imbecile that just flew off, Amaris made her way back over to where he once stood- to meet the lady whom was originally talking with the one that acted as if he belonged in a zoo.

"The main classroom you said?" Amaris started boring deep into the other woman's eyes with complete confidence. "Would you mind leading me the way of there? I don't do direction very well. Problem solving teacher, mind you."

(and...feeling sick again)
Faira turned around to face the brunette girl asking about where everyone was supposed to meet. "Yes, it is. My name is Faira Koal I'm the vice principal." She said and she was going to introduce Airin too, but he'd wondered off and started moving bottles around on a shelf for some reason so she didn't. "Just sit or stand anywhere you like while we wait for the others to make their way here."
Vixen stood up, and dusted herself off. "Of course I will." She said. "After all, I need all the students and teachers to be there." She wondered if she should turn back into a fox, but shrugged. The surprise was already ruined, "It's just this way." She began to walk in the direction of the classroom.

Soon, the bus stopped at the school, and Yuu jumped up. As soon as the doors were open, he was out of there, along with his box of cookies and book bag, he ran toward the school, eager to get the blood flow back to his tail.

Taiki took his sweet time to get out of the bus, "That's another effect of learning syndrome. Be careful, if it gets to serious, it can kill you!" He called from behind Yuu, his wings fluttering.
Trucy was nearing the school, the place growing in the distance as she approached. Almost there...I...Just have to...not die...from running to much... She thought, her breathing extremely heavy as she neared the bus stop for the school. Her speed decreased, feeling there was no need to run, as she was already near. Trucy continued to take deep breaths, trying to calm herself, this place was going to be so fun to her!

"I...I made it!" She shouted, jumping in the air. "I'm not late!"
Taiki saw a girl in a cape running to the school, and pointed at her. "Ah!" He screamed. "It's spreading! Hide your children! This is crazy scary!" His wings fluttered quickly, as he freaked out, and his own cloak blew in the breeze.

Yuu shook his head, and pulled his tail out of his pants as soon as he got inside. With a relieved sigh, he was so happy to be inside. The m he saw a bunch of people outside a room, and figured that was here he needed to be going.
North opened just about every classroom door in the hall only to find that they were all empty. "Hm, I must be missing something," he said to himself. "Hello!" he called down the empty hall. Then again, the hall was probably empty for a reason. He must not be in the right place. And...he probably shouldn't be yelling at school. North decided to just follow his instincts. Normally, he could use a tracking spell, but he didn't have anyone or anything to follow at this point. Though, in this new hallway, he saw a light coming from the room at the end. That was probably a good sign.


Orca quickly bowed her head respectfully to the vice principal. "Thank you," she said when Ms. Koal confirmed that she was supposed to met here. "Nice to meet you." She decided to take a seat in the back corner of the room and struggled with her bulky bag. Orca looked around the room that was pretty empty so far, but this guy standing off to the side caught her attention. "Wings..." she mumbled to herself. Orca had always been a little jealous of those who could fly- it seemed like a lot of fun. The guy was kind of attractive too, but that wasn't important, right? Then, she noticed that she was staring and quickly averted her gaze.
Trucy stood there, bewildered as to what just happened. "Did I, do something wrong?" Asked asked herself, grabbing her hat and turning it upside down.

"I know, maybe... 3...2...1... Tada!"

She counted down, placing her hand in the hat, and revealing flowers as it went out of the hat. When she looked up, she noticed the person who had yelled wasn't here anymore. "Oh... I'll just put these back then." She told herself, placing them in her hat before counting down again. When the countdown was over, she twirled her hat, no flowers coming out. "Better not wast time." She reassured herself, starting to walk for the schools entrance.
Amaris followed the woman silently, and kept herself calm and full of thought. She examined the school carefully, yet all she could really think about was all that she could paint on the walls. Isn't that a rather childish thing to think? she pondered.



Fei finally stopped his flight when he heard voices and life nearby. Making sure he was not being followed by a carnivorous fox, Fei landed softly on the ground and began to walk over to where he heard the presence of life...and it was a classroom.

He walked inside the classroom and saw all kinds of beings and entities roam and talk about. So this was the place they were all meeting at? Hmm I wonder if there's any fellow birdmates out there for me? Hope their females with pretty feathers...
Zenton felt eyes on him as he stood there, but when he looked around nobody seemed to be looking at him. But he did catch sight of the first female student he'd seen. She looked like she might be shy and almost as lost as him. He tried to convince himself that he shouldn't go talk to her, he wasn't really the most socially adept person after all. But after a few moments more when he still hadn't he walked over and pointed to the seat next to the brunette girl. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked.
Yuu hurried into the classroom, past someone who reminded him of a bird. Wait...bird. He turned around, and stuffed a cookie in his mouth, to fight the urdge of trying to eat the boy's wings. "Bird..." He mumbled to himself, hardly understandable. "Yummy, not as much as fish or cookies, but it's still really good..." His cat tail swayed happily and excitedly, and he forgot about how much it still hurt.

Taiki didn't have time to stand around and freak out, he walked into the classroom, and glanced around, cautiously. Keeping an eye out for anyone who seemed to have learning syndrome was tough work. They might end up needing to evacuate people.

Vixen soon arrived at the classroom, shifted into a fox, and then made her way through the people standing in the doorway. She sat in the front chair again.
Upon entering the classroom, Amaris took a seat in a vacant desk near the front and began to pay her complete attention towards the foxxy mistress that must very well be the headmaster or principal of this Academy. This was the person she had to listen to and obey and with that understanding the fox became her complete focus, as her eyes continued to bore straight into her.

Fei froze when the fox lady walked into the room and even transformed into a fox. Sqwaking, his body froze as the fox ran right past him- WAY too close for a birds comfort. Why couldn't I be an ostrich? And I could hide my head right into this floor...or maybe a roadrunner! He looked around hesitantly, trying to think of a way to escape- clearly forgetting he's supposed to play the authority of a teacher.
Yuu licked his lips, as he watched the bird like boy freak out. Grabbing another cookie, he kept staring, and his cat like ears began to twitch from underneath his hat.

Taiki made his way into the classroom, and glanced around at everyone who seemed so serious. They were going to torture him to death. "Oh no." He squeaked, as his wings fluttered franticly. "I don't want to die in a school. I'd rather die in a battle, or something like that. Not in that place that houses my worst nightmares. Why did I come here?"

Vixen smiled, as she noticed more people were arriving, that made her happy.
North walked to the end of the hallway to the lighted room. He looked inside and noticed a fox at the front of the room and several other atypical people hanging around. Now this seemed promising. North smiled as he stepped inside.


"Mind if I sit here?"
Orca could feel herself pale as that guy from earlier gestured to the seat beside her. "Um, yeah of course! I mean, no, I don't mind. I mean-" Orca fumbled over her words. "Oh sorry," she said, noticing her bag was in the way. She all but threw the bulky object to the other side of her chair, and it landed with a loud clunk like a ton of bricks. Orca silently cursed herself for being so awkward. Now he's gonna ask me my name, and then I'll be embarrassed all over again, and then I'm gonna have to tell him I'm a selkie, and no one knows what those are, and- Orca winced and bit her lip. "Ah...nice wings. You fly," she said. Then she realized that was so stupid. Well of course he flies- that's why he has wings. She felt like like an idiot and decided to shut her mouth now.
"Thanks." Zenton said sitting in the seat not saying anything about the stumbling speech. "Uh, yeah though they sure get in the way when-" He stopped himself before he mentioned that he drank people's blood. "Anyway my name is Zenton Howl." He didn't want to be invasive or anything as he himself didn't like being asked lot's of/specfic questions, so he left it up to her whether she told him her name of not.
Trucy followed others, eventually making her way to the classroom. She tilted her hat in a way that her face was covered, and took a seat near the back. She had the feeling the person from earlier would be around, and didn't want to startle them. Her hat kept her face hidden, while her cape concealed the rest of her body.
North noticed that there were some people sitting near the back. He wondered if he should sit with them or spread out a little. Nah, he should get to know people, right? North noticed a girl from his neighborhood- Orca. But she was sitting next to some guy who looked kind of intimidating. Plus, North wasn't even sure if Orca liked him at all. So, he sat in front of a girl with a hat. "Hey," he said with a casual smile.


Orca listened, nodding slightly. She relaxed a little when he didn't say anything about her stupidity. Zenton was a pretty interesting name. He didn't ask for hers, but she felt sort of obligated to say something anyways. "Um, I'm Orca. Like the whale...which is stupid, since I'm a seal, and orcas eat seals..." she mumbled a bit, falling back into her normal, less nervous and more passive attitude.

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