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Fantasy Unrest In The Deep

Nudge said:
Right, so are you planning on sticking with them after waking or whatever?
Well yes because I'm assuming they would've only woken up not that long ago.
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StoneWolf18 said:
Well yes because I'm assuming they would've only woken up not that long ago.
True, so maybe @Karcen can have an intelligent species but I don't think relations with humans will be possible until we start RPing...
StoneWolf18 said:
Well yes because I'm assuming they would've only woken up not that long ago.
My problem with cryo-freezing is that, without an outside group to prepare everything people Frozen would need. Sufficient food, water, info on the current time and past events, without such most would die from malnutrition and organ failure. I know. I took biology at Stanford U.
that can be solved with robots and AIs just say they took care of everything and when they finally failed you were woken up
TerrinX said:
My problem with cryo-freezing is that, without an outside group to prepare everything people Frozen would need. Sufficient food, water, info on the current time and past events, without such most would die from malnutrition and organ failure. I know. I took biology at Stanford U.
This ain't science fiction so we can say that everything would've been prepared before hand. And the freeze was enough to suspend them in a state where all that wouldn't be necessary.
StoneWolf18 said:
This ain't science fiction so we can say that everything would've been prepared before hand. And the freeze was enough to suspend them in a state where all that wouldn't be necessary.
In that case I want angle people
TerrinX said:
In that case I want angle people
I feel like you keep trying to make this your RP. Its up to all of us, that means you have got to compromise on somethings.

We're just trying to use some creativity.
MoltenLightning said:
I feel like you keep trying to make this your RP. Its up to all of us, that means you have got to compromise on somethings.
We're just trying to use some creativity.
Thank you! ^^
i said that the issues you brought up could be explained away by robot having gathered all that before you guys wake up
MoltenLightning said:
I feel like you keep trying to make this your RP. Its up to all of us, that means you have got to compromise on somethings.
We're just trying to use some creativity.
Im not, I am presenting ideas and everyone keeps taking it the wrong way. And yes is up to everyone, so why does everything I say mean NOTHING.
TerrinX said:
Im not, I am presenting ideas and everyone keeps taking it the wrong way. And yes is up to everyone, so why does everything I say mean NOTHING.
Because you're thinking about it in a way that's contrary to everyone else...
TerrinX said:
Im not, I am presenting ideas and everyone keeps taking it the wrong way. And yes is up to everyone, so why does everything I say mean NOTHING.
Its not that we aren't considering it, its just the way you put your 'recommendations' or word your posts that make it seem demanding. Or, make it somehow seem like we have no choice in the matter.

And also, sometimes we don't want to base it off of something and make it our own original idea.
MoltenLightning said:
Its not that we aren't considering it, its just the way you put your 'recommendations' or word your posts that make it seem demanding. Or, make it somehow seem like we have no choice in the matter.
And also, sometimes we don't want to base it off of something and make it our own original idea.
Im not trying to base anything off anything, I was making a point that certain ideas work for the situation presented
TerrinX said:
Im not trying to base anything off anything, I was making a point that certain ideas work for the situation presented
But even when we said we wanted to make it an original idea, you persisted in trying to base it off of Soma or Subnautica or something of the like. There is not anything necessarily wrong with that, its just that we would prefer having a more original idea based on our own imagination. Just so it feels more authentic to the people making the world.
MoltenLightning said:
But even when we said we wanted to make it an original idea, you persisted in trying to base it off of Soma or Subnautica or something of the like. There is not anything necessarily wrong with that, its just that we would prefer having a more original idea based on our own imagination. Just so it feels more authentic to the people making the world.
Im not trying to base is off Soma, I was trying to say that the idea of an underwater facility that would survive an apocalypse was very plausible, and subnatica was just the idea that an alien world seemed just as good at future earth
Or here's a idea not everyone needs to be in cryo how about someone is a tribal that v an do all that stuff for the cryo people
I hope my character is alright, @Nudge! ^-^

Do tell me if I need to change anything, because I was sort of unsure and so I posted her up as a precaution so you could see her...

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