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Futuristic Unreality - The Superhuman RP [OPEN]

Superhero or Supervillian?

  • Hero! :D

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Villan! ;D

    Votes: 1 100.0%

  • Total voters



Make sure to read the Overview page!


- Have fun

- Rp fair. Although you have powers, you are not overpowered.

- NO one liners pls

- EVERYONE should be included unless the scene doesn't have them

- cursing is allowed but keep it low

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Natalia sat in the truck driven by CIA agents, While some others were sitting on both sides of her and A couple across. There was two other trucks behind theirs to make sure she didn't escape. Nat was currently tied with thick plastic on her upper body.


"Kind of hard to believe that She's running the terrorist organization that's been causing us so much damn trouble." The driver said to the passenger as the agent nodded in agreement.Natalia simply ignored all of it and just hummed with her eyes closed. One of the men grabbed her face leaning close to her asking. "why are you humming so much huh?" He continued to try to bother her until he was called back to his seat by the leader, the man pouted sitting back down in his seats. Suddenly a nearby truck exploded, the truck turned off the road to avoid being hit by the inflamed Vehicle."Seal the perimeter, protect the package!" The leader commanded,Most of the agents evacuated the Trucks shooting at the approaching helicopter coming their way,Except the men that were in the same vehicle with her. Nat knew this since she could hear the explosions, shooting ,and shouting outside,
She continued to hum as she thought 'Seems like my transportation is here,' She got up calmly until one man noticed. He held the machine gun in his hand and started to yell. "The hell is going on? Hey! what are you're doing?! Sit back down!" But she remained still with the cold,emotionless as if she was perching though his soul.The man started to shoot at her but she dodged his bullets using some of them to untie herself then head butted his forehead at the perfect spot, causing him to pass out.


The other men started shooting at her as she continued to dodged them. Hitting the nearest guy in the face,using his body as a shield pushing him on top of another man , kicking them down to be sure. She grabbed a gun from one of the agents, kneed the last remaining man in the truck.She put the gun in his mouth, pulling the trigger,Killing both him and the driver in one shoot. She run out of the back of the truck noticing a guy on the floor and was slowly getting up pointing a gun at her. She kicked it out of his hands by doing a gymnastic bar flip, ended up standing on the top of the truck. He started to run until Natalia shoot him in the head. The ladder rope from the helicopter came down as she ran to the edge of the truck to grab hold. The helicopter instantly flown away from the scene allowing her
take a gleams of the chaos she caused, leaving little to no survivors.

The reason this all began was because Lucifer, her father, called recently to take up control of the mafia. The first time She talked to him in years. She could've taken a plane like ordinary people but she wanted something interesting so she decided to get herself caught, She released felons from federal prison and broken into the national bank at the same time, by using computer codes. She was found in the vault with a crown on her head sitting on the money as if it was her throne. She made it easy for them to capture her as she told them that she was in 'No rush.'She told her father the exact place to send the helicopter and he came through. The perfect plan for cheap transportation. She was now staring out onto the distance still at the edge of the rope saying "Astra city, get ready to be entertained."

(Soo looong will never write this long ever again. But it was necessary)
Cassy woke up to what seemed to be a perfect day. She stretched as she slided her finger to the right in the air, and a hologram appears and greets her: "Good Morning."

Any activities lately?" Cassy asks as she headed downstairs to the ground floor of HQ.

No reports found."

Thank goodness." She had a speech today to the people of Astra City in the town square, disturbance would ruin everything. Of course, she was always prepared for anything.

After getting dressed and washed up, she decided to take a stroll in the morning air. There was plenty of people ushing about to get to work as well as chatter filling the air. Just like home. She saw a helicopter above with a person dangling upon a rope as she tilted her head. She shrugged it off as she went towards where the speech was taking place.

(( lol
@Robyn Banks ))

@Cloud Nagasake @Joshua matt
*huff huff huff...thud* rick has been running for what seemed an hour but He has finally fallen. What was left? His family gunned down in front of him. What was left? His home burned down. "My family's debt caught up with them. My father gave me the mask and gas and forced me away." Rick ran far from the fire, the gunshots the screams. Rick put a new filter in. I'll hunt down the ones who done this. He ran out of tears, out of grief...and replaced them with ANGER. But first answers. What was the fumes that rendered him. This curse this burden their must be others. But first the chopper near by ,must be the army? SWAT? "HEY I NEED HELP, PLEASE!!"


Natalia climbed into the helicopter, let out a sigh, plopping herself on one of the seats. The man gave her some documents about the mafia's income, investments, and any current events. The thing that caught her was a speech from one of Astra City's ' wannabe heroes' One of the gunman in her helicopter approached her informing her that a bit seemed to be seeking help and if they should aid him. She continued to look through the documents saying.
"Why would I? Do I look like some kind of charity or something. Anyways its benefital for the boy to save himself... That's the only way you survive in this world." She said but she paused for a moment reconsidering her decision. "Well I'm not necessarily doing anything at this point... Bring him in." The helicopter landed next to the boy, following two men jumping out then dragging the boy onto the aircraft before it took off again . she examined the boy for a second before saying. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood boy, I almost left you out there to fend for yourself."

@Joshua matt
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Royal waved at his mom and her friends and he finished his breakfast and lazily jogged out of the house. His words of departure were slightly distorted due to talking with food still in his mouth. "Theeya!" He gulped and grinned childishly as he practically flew to HA in excitement. Royal rushed over to Cassy and waved happily. "Any assignments for me today? Or can I help with anything?" He beamed brightly at her in high hopes of being able to be useful and lend a hand.

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The helicopter was getting closer...its not swat. "Wait a sec" The helicopter opens. Rick is dragged into the chopper. He is greeted with a Unfriendly voice. It's when he realized that he is face to face with the leader of the mob. "I KNOW YOU!"

@Robyn Banks
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Natalia smirked "Of course you do. I'm quite popular especially well known for my terrorist attacks but I dont know you so I'm going to get myself acquainted with you. Whats your name?What were you doing calling out for help out here?" She leaned against her seat more crossing her legs as she set the documents on her lap. She started to see his Aura, seemed like he had some abilities to cause what seemed like confusion, She didn't think it was necessary taking follow actions. So she waited for him to respond.

@Joshua matt
She adjusted herself before saying "No I don't and Honestly I don't care to know them unless they benefited me in some way." Her eyes met him once more as she added "If the loansharks killed your parents. They must've owed a lot of money. Its their fault for borrowing when they know they have to pay them back sooner or later." One of the men informed that they reached their destination. She got up putting her hands in her pocket as the helicopter landed on the tallest building near the heart of the city. Natalia turning to the boy for the last time "Since it would be nice to contribute to a revenge story I will try to find the loansharks in charge of your family and give you the information if you are surprisingly still Alive." Natalia stepped out of the aircraft beginning to walk inside the building. A tall man with dark brown hair and light green eyes opened the door for her. "Don I'm glad you arrived safely." The man said She smirked at him continuing to go into the elevator stating "of course I made it safely, I can handle anything that comes my way." The elevator door soon closed taking them to the bottom of the building, she exited the elevator before going into a sports car with the man in the drivers seat. "Take me to this speech thing I've heard about. I want to see what this person is all about." The man nodded beginning to speed through the street to their location of choice.

@Joshua matt @Aelos

( and I just said I wasn't going to right any long paragraphs!)
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"Well then she is not it,still I'm curious she was the terrorist boss? "Lets see..the speech I must head their but how?"

The chopper was easy to jack the man was gullible, weak and pious.
"After the car, she'll lead me to that speech!" "Yes sir" the pilot mummered.

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KayIa said:
Royal waved at his mom and her friends and he finished his breakfast and lazily jogged out of the house. His words of departure were slightly distorted due to talking with food still in his mouth. "Theeya!" He gulped and grinned childishly as he practically flew to HA in excitement. Royal rushed over to Cassy and waved happily. "Any assignments for me today? Or can I help with anything?" He beamed brightly at her in high hopes of being able to be useful and lend a hand.
Robyn Banks] [CENTER][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff]She adjusted herself before saying [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff][B]"No I don't and Honestly I don't care to know them unless they benefited me in some way."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff] Her eyes met him once more as she added [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff][B]"If the loansharks killed your parents. They must've owed a lot of money. Its their fault for borrowing when they know they have to pay them back sooner or later."[/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff] One of the men informed that they reached their destination. She got up putting her hands in her pocket as the helicopter landed on the tallest building near the heart of the city. Natalia turning to the boy for the last time [/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff][B]"Since it would be nice to contribute to a revenge story I will try to find the loansharks in charge of your family and give you the information if you are surprisingly still Alive." [/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff]Natalia stepped out of the aircraft beginning to walk inside the building. A tall man with dark brown hair and light green eyes opened the door for her. "Don I'm glad you arrived safely.[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff][B]" [/B][/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff]The man said She smirked at him continuing to go into the elevator stating[/COLOR][/FONT][FONT=Georgia][COLOR=#0080ff][B] "of course I made it safely said:
@Joshua matt[/URL] @Aelos

( and I just said I wasn't going to right any long paragraphs!)
(( @Robyn Banks U LIEDDDDD ))

Cassy looked over Royal and smiles, "It'll be helpful if you came with me to the speech in case any of those 'villians' show up. It's right around the corner." She continued walking as she expected her to follow her. The streets were busy as cars honked at each other. "Alright, here it is." Cassy stopped in front of a park with a stage set up and peaople standing around. "I need you to watch the perimeter along with the other patrols. If anything comes up, signal me." She smiles at her as she went towards the stage. Cassy stopped at the podium and started to speak. "Citizens of Astra City," she spoke. "I am Cassidy Kendra Flores, the leader of the Hero Alliance. We are here to protect the city the best we could from any threats. That includes the mafia, the so-called villians, and any other who disturbs the peace." Cassy smiled as she said this, and continued her speech.

(( sorry for late reply, school >. < ))
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Royal nodded vigorously. His energy most likely would've frightened some people, but those he cared about knew full well exactly how much of a ball of energy he was. He grinned as he energetically followed and began scouting the place out for villains.
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Rick listened to the speech and commotion on the near by stucture. "So these are those hero's? Maybe they would help me. But first I need to find one"


Natalia exited the car after the man, Butch, opened the door for her. She nodded to him giving him a grin. "Let's make this more entertaining shall we." She whispered to him causing him to take out a gun and shoot at the air. The crowd knelt to the ground. Natalia grinned putting her hand in her pocket, walking on to the stage. "Don't worry I have no reason to harm you, just want to grab your attention." She adjusted the microphone and with a smirk began to speak. " Sorry to interrupt your 'viligante' unamusing speech but I'll bring you something more entertaining. My name is Natalia Kuvira Romanov. Former terrorist leader of Heibi and new boss of the Mafia. Though, you may feel safe by this wannabes understand that it is only a propoganda. If they were honest with you they would know that I run this town now I own everything you can dream of...as long as you don't get in my way, you have an unlikely chance of being harmed. This is my only warning anyone that goes against me will be an example of my non existent tolerance for such people." She grinned at the fear in the audiences eyes. "Have a killer day." She said before walking off the stage, the people made way for her to pass. She stuff her hands in her pockets look straight like everyone was beneath her. Fear is something, she's fond of since she was young but there was something a lot more desirable than that.

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Cassy watched as the girl cane on stage as she told the crowd what she had to say. She crossed her arms patiently and waited for her to leave before creating a wall of ice in front of her. "Miss Romanov, I have a question for you." Cassy eyes her, "You think it'll scare us off? Well you are wrong." She told the police force to get the people out of there as soon as possible including with Royal's help. Who the hell does she think she is?

@Robyn Banks
Natalia face didn't seem to change as she turned her head to her "Good. I was hoping I would find something to amuse me. But don't forget who really runs the show. I'm a force to be reckon with and you honestly don't seem to be as intimidating as you think, come back to me when you really want fight...Butch." Butch punched his fist in the wall causing it to shatter. They continued to walk away.

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Royal's facial features drooped dramatically. He hated not being able to spot Romanov and stop her before she took over the assembly. He ran up to Cassy's side. "I'm sorry... I was scouting the other side of the park when I should've stuck closer to the speech. Sorry Cassy." He felt ashamed for not being in the right place at the right time to stop Romanov from scaring the hell out of the crowd. He glared at Romanov, wishing to at least try to fight her after what she said, but he knew she would likely take innocent people hostage and he didn't want that to happen.
[QUOTE="Robyn Banks]

Natalia face didn't seem to change as she turned her head to her "Good. I was hoping I would find something to amuse me. But don't forget who really runs the show. I'm a force to be reckon with and you honestly don't seem to be as intimidating as you think, come back to me when you really want fight...Butch." Butch punched his fist in the wall causing it to shatter. They continued to walk away.

Cassy watches them walk away and called to her, "It's only my problem if you harm anyone. If you do, I'll be there to fight. If I were scared of you, I wouldn't have created the Heros Alliance." She stopped, "So you might want to be prepared as well." Cassy had taken down some of the previous mafia leaders. If she could do it then, she could do it now. She looked over at Royal with a nod. "It's fine. Let's go back, this isn't the time to fight."

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