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Fantasy Unleash the beasts

Zy That Guy] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30279-kenryuko/ said:
@kenryuko[/URL] I actually did enjoy rping this and I would join back but I have no clue where we are in the story.
in a town called Lycona, we are about to head into some mountains in search of two earlier companions, one however has lost their Animal abilities (idk how, some snake guy took it somehow) and the other one was the one who paid to do it
Elizabeth(@Deadly Darkness's Doe) lost her powers when Jonathan(another Deadly's characters that's a crow) took them to save his brother Alexander(Deadly's character who is a Japenese Crane) so now everyone is heading to the mountains to find Jonathan and Elizabeth.

@Zy That Guy
Yeah, but it would be appreciated if you kept it at just above a average Human's size for the werewolf

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Hi, newbie here. I'll try to catch up with the RP, but is there anything I should know before I sign up? I'm assuming there are places left.
Elizabeth(My Doe) lost her powers when Jonathan (My crow) took them to save his brother Alexander (My Japenese Crane) so now everyone (@Comet 's hellhound Alli and Thylacine Cory, @kenryuko 's wolf Hunter, @Trust 's griffon Priscilla, and @Zy That Guy 's panther Aizen) is heading to the mountains to find Jonathan and Elizabeth.

`Is that helpful? @XxXJayXxX

(I kinda just took what you said earlier Comet xD you put it so simply, I would've just made it confusing)
I'm with Zy, if you think it'll better the story. But if you're just doing it on a whim I would be against it because he's a rather major character in plot development.
Well if anything I was planning to bring the new legion commander back out and have him try to capture everyone, and ill say this he is made powerful because age (50-60s) and challenge to the group. But that aside Hunter goes straight up feral berserker mode, trying to protect everyone, and Jackson, the commander, decides to put him down. Now this would not only put more light on the legion but give Jackson and Lucy (@Trust) development time. Of course of this is all the rough idea, and can still work without any kill offs.
I'd probably end up focusing on Jackson the most seeing as he is my third char, at least until I make a new one (Been meaning to use a saber tooth tiger but haven't thought of a good personality or bio yet).
Yeah I suppose, but it's been trying to die for a while if not dead yet.
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