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Fantasy Unleash the beasts

@Comet I hadn't done it yet, rather I had an idea to work it all in. :3 When everything went to hell Johnathan grabbed Alli and Cory (playing on his fear that he'd let another person he cares about die) so that they're safe and that way you could easily jump back in. What do you think?
Some guy cut our telephone wire by accident, which in turn cut out our internet so i was cut off for a day, sorry for anything i missed
kenryuko said:
@Trust, I just noticed this, but you type 'the hunter', instead of Hunter. I am blind
Lol, i just sorta think of your character as some special hunter experiment thingy xD
Well technically he is but still, I looked through all your posts and noticed their all like that, and that this RP would probably make a good book after refining it some.
Lol, all rps are like that. This is one of my favourites as it actually has a storyline with dedicated people, so this will probably survive for a while :3
But sounds similar to ebony, a heavy metal that is extremely hard to break, taking at least 100000 lbs of pressure to break, though it is malleable without heating. (not easily so but still, and my facts may be off so don't quote me on that)
kenryuko said:
But sounds similar to ebony, a heavy metal that is extremely hard to break, taking at least 100000 lbs of pressure to break, though it is malleable without heating. (not easily so but still, and my facts may be off so don't quote me on that)
I've never really thought about it to be honest xD i based it off of a character from a game i played who uses a scythe that drains the energy from her opponents when she attacks
Well that first of all depends on who you ask and the flintlock your talking about, as the originals were designed as one shot guns that took a minute to reload, but I'm asking about that because I do feel it suits the time period somewhat.

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