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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"I personally can't stand blood..." She mumbled as she summoned a bit of an ce over her hands and melted it, washing all the blood away. Priscilla took The Hunter's advice and sar ynder the tree, shivering slightly.
Alli and Cory both dat by Priscilla, Alli hugging her knees as Hunter talked to the new dog person. She wanted to stay out of it, of course, she got in the last few interactions with new people, she was going to let Hunter handle this one, then when he's done, she was going to take him then pin him to the ground so he wouldn't be able to move. Cory looked at Priscilla and asked, "you Okay??"

@kenryuko @Trust @XxXJayXxX @Deadly Darkness @Zy That Guy
"I'm not cold you idiot!" She hissed at him, throwing his jacket back at the Hunter before turning to Cory. "It's not everyday I have to cut into a man's skull, and i said I had a little bit of experience, that doesn't make the best. I very well could have killed him!" she ranted before lying down on her back and staring at the trees above, finding it strangely relaxing
Hunter's eye twitched when the jacket hit his head, before sighing, he glanced at the new comer his eyes asking for a moment, he then walked over to Priscilla, "But you didn't kill him, you helped him if anything." He said calmly, as he put his jacket back on.
"I cut into the man's head..." she groaned "I am never doing that again, if the situation comes up like that once more" she told them sternly. "For now, I sleep, because i do not go well with stressful situations". She fell asleep moments later, exhausted by all the flying she done, not to mention her "Surgery"
"Hopefully it won't come to this, but if anyone does need medical attention I'll be able to fill in for Priscilla." Alexander said before sitting underneath the tree as well, not away from everyone, but not particularly close to them either. He wasn't one for emotions and touchy-feely stuff.
"Yeah," he mumbled, though he was too lost in thought. He stared at the mountains, wondering what his brother could be doing. Why did he take someone? Was he protecting her somehow? Were these people a threat to their lives? Alexander mentally shook the thoughts away; when he had first met Alli she seemed eager to see him again, and not in a sort of revenge sort of way. Silently he stood. "See those two mountains?" He asked, pointing at the two large formations of rock covered in snow. "Between those two mountains is a small wooden cabin. That's where we're headed. I would love to stick around and help, but every second we waste the longer both Johnathan and Elizabeth are out of our sights doing who knows what." He gazed up at the cloudy sky, rain still pattering against the ground. He looked back and gave a slight wave. "Safe travels,"
Jay who was mostly wet from the rain growls in annoyance and cautiously walk to the the tree. Once under Jay lowers his head and rubs his stomach, but however he ate a hour ago. Jay looks to the god that smells of wolf " Hey I'm Jay and you are?" asks Jay looking away from the guy's gaze frequently the awkwardness setting in.

@Comet @Deadly Darkness @kenryuko @Trust
(God!? well I knew Hunter was strong but not that much! lol)

Hunter's gaze didn't waver, "Hunter. The guy that walked away was Alexander, the girl next to me is Alli, the one on the ground is Aizen, the drug addict is Cory, and the sleeping girl is Priscilla." He said as he scanned Jay for anything of interest.
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When Hunter leaned against her, Alli wrapped her arms around his arm and leaned her head on his shoulder, a small smile on her face. "Nice to meet you." Cory shifted into her thylacine form and climbed up the tree, hanging in one of the low branches.

@kenryuko @XxXJayXxX
Jay nods but suddenly jumps as the girl suddenly change before him. Jay smiles slightly as he see her swinging. "Thats Cool" says Jay amused. Jay then look at the guy wondering if he heard the question i asked. While i waited i pulled my guitar out and plays Riptide. Jay looks out into the rain remembering the past.

@Comet @kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
kenryuko said:
(God!? well I knew Hunter was strong but not that much! lol)
Hunter's gaze didn't waver, "Hunter. The guy that walked away was Alexander, the girl next to me is Alli, the one on the ground is Aizen, the drug addict is Cory, and the sleeping girl is Priscilla." He said as he scanned Jay for anything of interest.
The crane continued to walk, his clothes now completely drenched. Transforming in a storm would be down right stupid, though not to say that walking in a storm was any better, but he needed to find Johnathan. Maybe he could explain what happened in the past six years.
Jay stopped suddenly as the guy just start talking. He says his name and everyone around and continues to look at me but a little harder this time. " Umm can i ask why you staring me down like food?" Jay asks questionably as he turns his head to the left slightly taking in the guy named hunter features for the first since he been here?

@kenryuko @Comet
Hunter raised an eyebrow, "A. You can't be to careful now a days, B. I'm not a cannibal." He said as he showed his yellow wolf eyes.
Alli moved her face and started blowing on Hunter's face, trying to mess with him. "Hunnteerrr I'm borrreeddd." She whined, blowing on his face again and making a whining noise again.


Cory jumped down on the new guys shoulder, sniffing him trying to get to know him.

Hunter's face contorted in annoyance, before he pecked Alli's lips as she blew, "Is that any better?" He asked as he wrapped an arm around her neck.
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Hunter chuckled and decided to humor Alli, and pecked her lips again, "There. Now are ya happy?" He asked with a grin.

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