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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Hunter brought out one of the revolver flintlocks the bayonet giving a small shine, "These and your scythe see the only blades we have sharp enough, and these bad boys could blow his head off if your not careful." he warned incase she tried to use them.
"Now we just need a thin metal pole and a lighter." He looked down at Aizen, but then realized they may not understand why they needed it. "To cauterize the wounds." He added. "I'll assist you, Priscilla, if you'd like."
"You expect me to dig into a man's head with that?" She asked, shocked at what she might have to do. "I'm precise but i will end up splitting his head open with a bayonet! I need a small knife, very small, about the size of a finger nail if I am going to do this, I don't care what the blade is made from, it just has to be small" she told them all before listening to the other man's proposal. "That would be great if you could, thanks" she said before searching around for the chip, rotating Aizen's head until she was confident she had found it. "And we may have to knock him out... I can't have him shaking around while I'm doing something akin to brain surgery"

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness @Comet @Zy That Guy
"I'm going to die. Actually I have an idea I transform which will make my skin more resistant which will make the scythe cut inches instead of feet then we'll cauterize my wound not allowing me to die." He sighed he was definetely going to die because he wasn't going to kill Hunter of was he.

@Trust @Deadly Darkness
"Why would I want to be knocked out you people already scare me and worst I don't trust you so be awake is fine." Aizen started to shift and it was different then before he looked almost feral but he was burly and big but there was this signal of death in his eyes. "I'm ready."
"How can we be certain that you won't move or lash out? Just like you don't trust us, we don't fully trust you." He crossed his arms, not as a sign of anger, but it was just his comfortable position.
"You know what I really don't need you guys." Then the pain resurfaced until he couldn't handle it and passed out leaving him vunerable on the floor allowing people to remove the chip.
Priscilla said nothing, a little embarrassed she had forgotten about her own powers but thought it would be considered understandable given the "circumstances". She summoned a small Ice scalpel and carefully cut into the section where the chip was, her hand not shaking in the slightest as if she had done this a million times before. She carefully cut the chip out and yelped as she jumped away, tossing the chip into the grass. "Cauterise it!" She squealed as she knelt down and began breathing heavily, holding her blood-stained hands before her eyes
Alexander sighed in agitation. What the hell did they think he was going to cauterize it with? She had started so suddenly, and no one here had a lighter. If Johnathan was here he could pin point the light and start a fire, but Alexander only had control over shadows. He could try eradicating all shadows from one spot? With a groan he focused his hollow black gaze on a spot on the ground. "Come on, come on," he continued to mutter until smoke began to rise, suddenly a small fire formed. With what seemed to be a smile he then searched for something to use as the tool. With an inaudible sigh, he smashed the glass on his watch and pulled one of the metal hands free.

He worked efficiently to cauterize the wound.
Alli watched everything as Cory looked away, not liking the sight of the blood.

(Didn't know what much to say.)
As i finishes my meal i wonder if i should just continue on with my adventure. After a few minutes i decides to head to the mountains, a place i haven't really been to or explored. After sprinting to the start of the mountain which seemed like hours but reality it was 15 minutes. I look up the mountain and start my hike upwards. As i walk up a few miles i catch of scent of people and i hurries up until i smell blood. i growls slightly and comes up to a place unknown of me and decides to just go towards the scents. Once i find them though the smell of blood overwhelms me and I whimpers lowly since blood always creeps me out. " Umm Hello can someone please tell me what happened ' I asks as i looks at everyone.

( sorry its a rushed post )

@Comet @Deadly Darkness @kenryuko @Zy That Guy @Trust
Hunter looked at the new comer and immediately smelled wolf, "Get under the tree, don't need anyone catching a cold from the rain." He said in what he had nicknamed his 'Alpha' voice which was calm and collected, but carried authority behind it.

@XxXJayXxX, @Comet, @Deadly Darkness, @Zy That Guy, @Trust.

(I think everyone needs to get on the same page.)
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Alexander looked up at the sound of Hunter calling out. Someone else is here? But I didn't hear them, though I suppose I was a little preoccupied. He thought before looking back down at the cauterized incision in Aizen's head. I need to stay alert. There's no telling what'll happen so I have to make sure that I can protect my brother if not this entire group.

(Might be getting off soon)
Aizen woke up smelling burning flesh and felt a hot flame near him and realized he was being burned or cauterized as the doctors would put it. He looked around hearing voices of Hunter trying to sound dominant and noticed another being that smelt like a dog. "Who are you am I missing something have you guys met him before?"

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