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Fandom United against the Shadows (main Thread)

Val took his seat and listened to Ziva’s demands before his usual smile faded. His eyes would shift towards the security camera and then the holonet monitor on her desk before he waved his hand. The door closed behind him, the monitor flicked off, and the camera powered down all at once before his sabers hilt was pulled into his hand. He would then clip it to his belt and look at her with a serious look on his face.

“Firstly, My name is valdek, im no master jedi, in fact i just became a knight four days ago. While i did my trials my master was killed, and i just found out that the man in the woods we met was one responsible. No to be rude, but your presence there did not stop him. For whatever reason he decided to leave, had he saw fit we would both be dead. Personally i think he is hoping to convert me to the dark side, he seemed to imply such anyway.”

He would take a bit of a breath obviously bothered by the statement but something else was bothering him as well. “Secondly, My padawan, Harlow, is someone i met just yesterday, the fact that the council sent her here without a saber is concerning, it shows potential ineptitude on their part that is worrying, and had i galavanted off to get her a saber before starting my investigation, many more clones and mandolorians would be dead. Had i not given her my own saber she would be dead, and had i not stepped away to attempt and keep the threat of the sith at bay we would be dealing with alot more damage than just my skeletal structure, Frankly I’m glad i chose my priorities correctly in that regard.”

He would hold up his hand with three fingers up. “thirdly, Your recommendation that i be allowed leave is completely unnecessary, as a Jedi in charge of this investigation i can go wherever i deem fit without asking permission. And considering all of the factors i would prefer you not send any report. The enemy arrived a mere few hours after i did, knew mine and my padawans names and even knew my own tactics and abilities. Which means there is a leak somewhere within either the republic or the jedi themselves. I would rather our next destination NOT be something either are privy to”

He would raise a fourth finger before continuing. “as for harlow’s saber, i was already planning on taking her to Ilum the moment I leave this office. I will also he taking the clone commander, a small company and some of the mandalorian troops with me. Which leads me to why i came to you. You have medical expertise that would prove useful, likewise your powerful in the force thus are likely a target for this syndicate as well. I would like you to come with us.”

His grin would return as the lights flickered and the camera and monitor slowly began powering back on. “while i obviously cannot make you do so, at the very least…i can help you as much as you can me. One with your talent is not meant to squander it in a place like this. The jedi were obviously wrong about you. I can help you prove that, if you will let me. In the end the choice is yours. But should you chose to come…leave your distrust behind. If we are going to have our lives in each others hands, it starts with trust. We will be leaving in an hour or so. My ship will be in the dock, come if you want too.”

Hiuly of Starmoon Hiuly of Starmoon
Ziva couldn’t put her finger on it but something about the way Valdek spoke rubbed her the wrong way. She had to remind herself to not get angry, which she successfully managed to do. “Well, I see why he picked you to be his target to convert”, she commented on Valdek’s first statement. He was obviously here not only because the council assigned him here. “Besides, my goal wasn’t and will never be to stop someone. My goal is keeping everyone alive, which I have done”, she looked at Valdek. “Ergo, my goal is a success”.

Then Val continued. “Okay, I’ll give you that one”, Ziva crossed her arms. “You were lucky. This time”, giving away your own lightsaber like that can also end extremely different than it did now.

Lastly, Ziva was actually a bit glad Valdek declined the sick leave offer. She hadn’t actually started it, and she really wouldn’t have wanted to work on some lame report - not that she’d let Valdek know that of course. “This sounds more like you’re putting together a crew instead of simply going to Ilum to fetch your Pada - Harlow, a lightsaber”, she raised an eyebrow. It all seemed a bit suspicious. And then the lights came back on.

“Thanks, but no thanks”, she declined the invitation to tag along. “I’m happy where I am now. I’ll see you again shortly”, she said and waited for Valdek to leave again to prepare his ship for take off.

At the same time though, she couldn’t shake the offer. It intrigued her quite a bit - getting off this planet, seeing new things, and heading back to Ilum. Maybe there would still be a kyber crystal waiting for her? She stopped herself. She was a medic now. She doesn’t need a kyber crystal, nor the adventure. On the other hand, someone would actually need to make sure that the others would still be alive. She let out an annoyed sigh. She was going to follow them, wasn’t she? And with that, she concluded she needed to pack a few things. At least some of them.

She told the others that she was going to be done for today and that she was going on a short trip, and that she’ll be back in a few days. Then she walked back to her quarters, and about 1 hour later, she was ready to go. She had a bag with a few clothes a bed-roll and a few items of hers. So, looking back one more time, she closed the door and walked out to the dock, where she’ll look for Valdek and his ship.

NachoGod NachoGod
Legs always appreciated it when a Jedi commander made time to personally thank the Clones serving under them. While it was a little unorthodox compared to what most Clone troopers do, Legs idea of lending his vibro-knife to the Jedi was helpful. While Legs knew that the lives of Clones were quite expendable, he also knew that Jedi were in short supply, as far too many had already been lost in this terrible war.

The young Jedi then introduced herself as Harlow, apologizing for getting so caught up in the battle to not mention it. Legs felt no offense at this at all, as everyone reacted differently to battle, especially if it was there first battle, which was the vibe he got from Harlow.

“I’m glad to be of assistance commander,” said Legs, “Though perhaps we should see to your wounds.”

Legs and Harlow were then led into a medical tent. Legs had been correct in assuming all he needed was a hypo-spray for the blaster graze on his arm. The medic had managed to get him patched up in only two minutes, though the Clone noted that the sting from the medicine hurt more that the actual blaster bolt. Still, he was a professional soldier and as such was used to being in pain in the name of the Galactic Republic.

Once patched up, Legs waited outside the tent for the Jedi commander. Legs felt it part of his duty to make sure the Jedi was alright. He had already lost a Jedi commander before, and it took a big toll on Legs. If Harlow died in the war, it might of even hit Legs harder given her youth.

As Legs recalled memories of his deceased commander Zovi Nhun, Harlow exited the tent, clearly in a better state than when she entered. Legs still found it odd to see a Jedi without a lightsaber, especially in the field. He had heard chatter about younglings at the Jedi temple on Coruscant not being allowed lightsabers, but surely the Republic wouldn’t send a youngling into battle.

Legs was then asked some questions by Harlow, “Well this is my first battle since arriving on Mandalore a few days ago. Truth be told I wasn’t briefed even on who we are fighting, as the Separatists usually send mostly droids. But this isn’t my first battle of the war. I’ve been fighting since the start, as in I was at Genosis. Of course I got injured there, my legs blown clean off, hence the name Legs. But how about you, how has the war treated you?”

Legs hoped that he wasn’t being to prying, but the last Jedi he had served under was alright with this type of conversation. And Harlow seemed pretty open, still possessing the positivity and openness of youth. Legs truly hoped that wasn’t lost in Harlow’s experiences with this war. It seemed to Legs that all that was good in the galaxy was being tainted by the war. For every new battle, a piece of galactic society was forever tarnished, what would probably be a long lasting scar on the Republic.
Harlow's eyes grew a bit. "You were at Genosis?" She couldn't help but look at his legs. She hadn't noticed them until now. She became curious as to how they worked and how he felt. To give up one's legs...even just the fact he was willing to give his life was humbling to her. She looked back up at him, attempting not to be rude. He then asked her about the war and her interest turned to shame. "oh, well...the war came to my home and the droids took my home. I was able to escape with my family...but I was stripped from them to join the jedi once they discovered I was force-sensitive." I was distraught...losing everything all in a day. But I suppose it was my first lesson in not getting attached. I kinda struggle with that. I guess that's why I wasn't chosen by a master and was assigned one. Valdek though...He's not like other Jedi. I think he's a lot more like myself, which can be good, but also trouble you know?" She gave a weak smile. "So I guess in short the war has beaten me down a bit, but it's people like you and Val that build me back up a bit. Even Ziva can make me feel better. That's how people get through war though right? By working for a cause with trusted allies? " Harlow stretched a bit but quickly hunched over. She probably reopened a small wound. Ziva wouldn't be happy about that. She looked back at Legs. "You were willing to give up your life for this war, that's honorable to say the least. I'm not sure why they wouldn't tell you what's going on here. The people we fought are part of a bad syndicate. That's all I was told. Seems Val might know more and I sense he just woke up. We can go ask him together."

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