Unearthly [Inactive]

"A human!? But how? Your father despises humans. And there shouldn't be a way for them to imitate vampires can there?" Of course, this was all a lie. Even if he didn't like people lying to him, he ha qualms about lying himself. Of course he didn't want to lie to Bella and Aidon, they were practically family to him."Bella, i can tell you're hiding something. There is an especially strong shadow about you and you know what that means, right" They were almost at the car by now. And it was just coming into view too. And there he was, in all his vampiric splendor and glory, his old friend, Lucifer Echo Hades.
Bella took a deep breath. So he knew. Or at least suspected her relationship with Kain. You couldn't hide from a demon, especially Nicholas and his shadows.

Bella's thoughts were to disorganised to answer, so Aidon did for her.

"He claimed he used an substance to imitate that of being a Vampire. It seems he successfully was able to fool even father with this substance to hide his human qualities"

Bells frowned. She remembered one if the reasons why she didn't go to 'second base' with Kain because she had an uneasy feeling about him. And the more weary she grew of him, the more she realised, or rather witnessed him swallowing a dark, black substance while alone. How advanced have the humans become?

Lord Hades interrupted her thoughts, as he greeted Uncle Nicky with a smile and open arms. "
Nicholas! It is good to see you, my old friend. How is the Supreme Court? Slow I hope."
As she was marking her name, the halfling had approached her and tilted his hat to her in greeting. The man was a bit shorter than her, but since she had run across many different halflings during her travels, it came as no surprise. As he introduced himself, she watched him for a moment, then beamed at him, offering her hand to shake, making sure to hide her flames so as not to hurt him. It was a very unusual event for her, running into so many seemingly kind people in one day, but she wasn't about to complain. She was more worried about causing a problem with her flames. She felt a familiar hand upon her head once more, messing with her hair.

"Nice to meet you, Enya." He said, and even though she couldn't understand the words themselves, the meaning was clear. She smiled at him once more, but noticed him become distant and unfocused, his hand continuing to muss her hair. She was curious, but did not want to interrupt his thoughts. Eventually he returned to his normal self, and began to reorganize Enya's red hair, which was flared in many directions. She looked at him curiously.
"Ah! You old rascal, it is good to see you too! Luce, not as slow as your rebellion i'll tell you that." he replied. He hadn't had aged that, well he was a vampire so it did make sense. But to see his friend not age was a bit.......creepy. "I heard you have traitors among your ranks. Need a hand?"

he offered. This was the least he could do for his oldest friend.
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He nodded to Ajax.

"Cute, isn't she?"

He grinned at Enya.

"No need to look so worried. I'm alright."

He finished cleaning up a corner and surveyed his handiwork.

Yep, every nook and cranny was sparkling clean, good as new.

Except for one thing. He noticed an old chair that had fallen on its side- one of its legs had broken.

Duct tape, now's your chance for glory!

He retrieved a roll of duct tape from the pouch around his sword hilt and began to wrap it around the chair leg. Within a few seconds the chair had all four legs sgain.

"Duct tape can fix everything!"

he remarked to Enya.

(..or so she used to say)
Enya watched him for a moment more before he returned to cleaning, and her attention shifted to the Bonsai tree. She couldn't possibly assume what he'd been thinking, so she decided to bury the thought, and instead began to pick at the leaves of the tree once more. After only pulling a few leaves, however, she stopped herself. If she continued, the plant might die, and she didn't want that. Decurion was busy admiring his handiwork with the chair and made proud exclamations, gesturing to the flat and sticky material he'd made the repairs with. Watching his liveliness, Enya beamed at him. She was curious to know if he, like her, had been alone, but again pushed her curiosities aside. What mattered was that she had companions now, and where they came from and where they were going didn't matter.

After examining the floor to make sure there was no debris she might step on, Enya got down from the stool and began to explore the bar room. The tables and chairs were polished to a clean shine, yet the age of the wood itself broke through, adding to the rustic sensation of the room. Several drinks still rested upon them, testament to the denizens who had fled the scene of the previous bar fight. She noticed several of the chairs, which had been shoved away from a tables, and replaced them to their original positions. Avani had shown her kindness, so Enya felt she should help the woman in any way possible, however little that may be.
Lucifer's smile faltered at the mention of the traitors in his ranks. He quickly recovered fast enough that Bella questioned if she had seen it at all. Lucifer clutched his old friends hands in a hand shake and nodded, "The traitors are being taken care of, and hopefully they are wise enough to leave before their killed. Perhaps your shadows could be of use my friend, but I don't want to impose on your free time and energy."

Bella knew Lucifer was a very very proud man, and by asking for help like this was as if he was willingly setting his pride aside to quench his thirst for human blood.

Bella could also tell Lucifer was a bit agitated about the fact that Nicholas knew this fact, although he's a demon and sorta had the right to know... in a sense.

"Why don't you come and join us for lunch (Midnight) or Dinner (Breakfast) if your free so that we can further discuss the matters?" Lucifer offered, as a new driver who's name escaped Bella opened the doors to the limo.

Bella froze. She wasn't ready to leave yet. She could sense so much here in this small town, and she didn't want to leave the untold secrets this place held to go to her confusing life back home.
"Sure, why not? It's not like i get a case anymore. They're always decided before they even reach the Supreme Court. And even when they do, it's always finished in 10 minutes since i can see lies. And it's good to have some dinner with friends once in a while. How about you, kids? Do you mind this old demon imposing on your home?" he asked good naturedly. He was always liked children, especially these two since they treated me like a normal uncle instead of a high-ranking demon. Honesty is the best policy! "And you know that i'm gonna help you out, whether you like or not. I'm quite stubborn and you should know that better than anyone else.

(October, can you give me a chance to root out some traitors at the lunch)
Donnie laughed, it was good honest laugh this time like he remembered something funny from a long time, the Intergraters were all well and good but the military life wasn't exactly his cup of tea,

"Imagine me, a paragon of harpy existence fighting for something that matters," He looked out the window at a passing Eldorado that choked on it's own fumes, the military life you could do, maybe, authority had never been something he enjoyed dealing with but sooner or later something had to give and he was still holding out hope it wouldn't be anymore of his fingers.

"Beats filling out a hole in the ground I suppose, where do I sign up?" Donnie didn't really care where he went to be honest he was happy enough to have an opportunity to learn to shoot straight and quickly, the cafe debacle back there showed him just how weak and pathetic he could be when the cards were all laid out and he was taken out of his element. He flexed his bad hand, grimacing and flexed his wings working out a cramp.

"I guess I owe you a thank you anyway,"
Avani looked over at Donnie, rising her eyebrows. He actually accepted her suggestion. No, that was not something she was expecting. He was looking at his hand while stretching out his wings. She smiled. He wanted to get his act together, and that was certainly a step in the right direction.

"You're welcome," she said, lowering her eyes as she focused back on patching herself up. She winced a bit as she dabbed alcohol on the deeper cut on her back. She fished around in the medical kit for some more gauze and tape. Looking up at him she tilted her head a bit.

"I'm not a soldier, I'm training on being a medic though. There's lots of different branches. But, my brother is a high-ranking officer in the military wing. He could probably get you signed up tomorrow when he gets back, if you wanted," Avani calculated, working through the processes in her mind.

She needed to finish up here, then go help clean up the cafe. A task that would quite probably extend into the morning and right into her next shift, it would take so long. But by then her brother would be back, and Donnie could talk to him then.
(Yeah, sure. And you can control them if you want. That, and if I disappear again, feel free to use my characters. :3)

Lucifer smiled and nodded,
"It's settled then! We'll arrive to my mansion within the hour." He started to get into the car, but Bella stopped him. She swallowed her insecurities and asked bravely, "Father, please wait. I believe this small town may help the OverArchists. Earlier I thought I had heard a discussion about the death of Kain. Apparently word has traveled fast, and in order to secure your ranks of any traitors, the inhabitants here may have some answers."

Aidon sighed and gave Bella his signature death glare. 'What?' She fought back mentally through her strong expression, and let her father think this over. He had stopped and seemed puzzled with this. Even with a proud and greedy man such as Lord Hades, he never backed out of a curious investigation regarding his welfare.

"It seems we will dine ...." Lucifer had started, but Aidoneus interrupted. "No need to be rude my Lord, but in order to capture your traitors, our dinner should host them as our guests. That way Lord de Levive will be able to single them out easier. And, to help with our suspitions, maybe a few members of this fine town will help?"

Bella softly smiled and nodded. What had she gotten themselves into.

After several tense minutes of Lucifer thinking this through he nodded.
"Perhaps, that might work. Please excuse my children my friend for their incompetence. Although they are very wise indeed."

He nodded again, as if to confirm his decision. "Very well. We will dine here, and the company of others will determine other's fates."

With that, Lucifer turned to order his warlords and other guests to arrive while some bodyguards and slaves/servants started to search the town for a suitable dinning setting.

Aidoneus turned to Bella and curtly nodded, as if he knew he saved Bella's life by putting his own life on the line and was okay with it. What had she done to deserve him?
"Understood! I'll be nice and rested with my power restored. And yes, they have gotten quite wise. Aaah, i remember when these two come running, teary eyed saying that there was some scary monster from the shadows. They were so naive back then." He chuckled aloud.

But instead of helping them explicitly, he planned to quell this rebellion once and for all! Using clairvoyance magic he found out the location of Ashok Minaal, then contacted him through the shadows. "Ashok, my friend, there will be a banquet in your sister's town organized by the OverArchists. If you wish to strike, now is the time. End this war tonight!" As he said that he was already planning on telling Lucifer, that there were Integrator forces incoming. But only when they were closer. He grinned to himself, this was his best setup yet. But, he had to insure the safety of the kids.
Bella grew self conscious and uncomfortable when Uncle Nicky started talking about her childhood. Even Aidoneus nervously smiled and ran his hand through his long black hair. "We were children" He muttered, and Bella nodded.

Lucifer laughed and nodded, grabbing Bella's shoulder and ushering Aidoneus and Nicholas into the Town.
"Come, let's feast!"
Donnie stood up carefully making sure to take it easy with his leg, the dull ache sounding off to make sure he knew it was still there, he was very aware. It distracted him from his hand but it wasn't as bad as he thought, the cuts had already stopped bleeding but his broken finger still shrieked up us arm with a dull throb whenever he made a motion with his hand, it was like lightning crackling up his arm before.

He hobbled to the cracked pane of the her living room window, the street lamps were on, a couple flickered, others were dim and more than few were just plain out. The glaring white of LED headlamps washed over his face blinding him for less than a moment as another crappy, sedan passed by in a red streak of taillights letting the shadows consume them in it's wake, he turned around with his back to the glass pane. Avani dabbed tentatively at her deeper cuts with a moist swab, he wondered if the glass hurt more or the alcohol but ultimately decided the glass was lesser of the two evils, no sitting and waiting for the inevitable just pure chaotic happenstance.

Donnie's stomach made a sound somewhere in between a frog croaking and sink disposal running on low, he wasn't even really that hungry well he had skipped lunch and dinner kind of got cancelled but it was a big breakfast- his stomach sounded off again in protest. He pulled a taffy out of his pocket, it was unpleasantly warm and stuck to the wrapper but he had a weakness for taffy and this was salt water taffy of the cotton candy persuasion so it never had a chance at survival.

"We should grab something to eat before we get to sorting out that chaos, I can cook," Donnie shifted his weight to a more comfortable position and crossed his arms, he had learned the best of home cooking from his father actually, a man that made burgers into a beautiful science of spice and sauce. Donnie was fond of cooking too though not to that extent and moreover he didn't really enjoy eating, good or bad it was just a waste of time, the body was such a bother a times.

"What kind of guy is your brother anyway? he gonna put a boot up my ass or what?"
Ajax saw that the girl put her hand out and met it with a full arm embrace, as he believed was huamn custon. He felt an unconfortable warmth in his arm and pulled it away slowly after a few seconds. She singed me a bit, what a little firestarter. He looked up at Decurion and replied, "Bloody adorable."

As the cartoonish knight rushed over and fix the table, Ajax slapped his hand against his face, astonished by this sticky cloth that Decurion was using that he had never seen before. What is that which he is wielding? Some sort of magical artifact? If so, why is he wasting it on such an unimportant thing such as a chair? He removed the hand from the side of his head and asked, genuinely curious, "Good Sir Knight? What is that in your hands, that sticky cloth right there in your hands?"
Saladin remembered somewhere in his home city of the Mecca there was a museum of ancient artifacts, in fact he remembered searching near some ruins for artifacts, including the coins he had in his pouch. They were ancient coins of a nation before the last World War, a nation that inhabited his land of Arabia called 'Saudi Arabia'. Apparently it was ruled by a religious king, he wasn't a Sultan or a Caliph but a humble king in a land of democracy. He thought he remembered seeing that thing.

"If I remember from my home town, that is an ancient thing made by powerful machinery of some kind, that was sort of produced en masse. It's not handmade, it's just all made the same on a single machine. They used a sort of chemical compound but I can't remember what. It was something that made things stick. I think it was to fix problems like these, but unless you have a lot of it isn't it a waste of time to use it on these problems, there are no more rolls that we can make like so. That is unless we all make a society just like the one before the last World War." he explained. He obssessed over his land before the Final World War, it was made from a horrible conflict, when a powerful nation helped a couple people make a kingdom out of sand. He loved his country so much he kept a silver coin of that land on his chest. The coin that fell on Avani's tip jar was one of those coins in fact, the same type he had on his chest. A coin that was worth something called a Halal. One hundred of these halal equaled a riyadh. So in truth it may be worth a ton of money in today's currency if hyperinflation happened, or, it could be worth dirt.

"Say boys I have a question. After this fiasco, after we sleep at the tavern and such, will you all join me on an adventure. I wish to explore a place in this land, it is a place not cold like here, but hot and humid. A land they called, Texas, apparently not one, not two, but three cities still exist in that land." he brought up a map that showed pre-war United States, he pointed to the shape of Texas.

"This is what they called Texas, and this is how they spelled it. There are other provinces near it as well we could explore." He pointed at all of the states in the Deep South.

"They say that these provinces staged a revolt, in fact they attempted to make their own country, and luckily I found the name of their Grand General, his name was called Robert E. Lee, in Texas they have a monument to another General from this revolt, called Albert Sydney Johnston, who apparently got shot in the leg, even though he was shot he rode on his horse and kept fighting the anti rebellion forces until he bled out. They say if you pay tribute to him you will find the ghost of him and he will lead you to the grave of the aforementioned Robert E. Lee, and once you find his grave then you will see an engraved line from him that will give you an outlook on life, some philosophical thing. Perhaps it is a strategy for war or fighting. Some say there is treasure galore, some say there is lost history there that never adapted to the Unearth. How about it friends?" he asked then looking at his back he realized many could hear outside, his moved closer to Ajax and Decurion and spoke quietly.

"They say, the OverArchists and Integrators will fight a decisive battle there, and whoever wins will be rewarded with riches untold, if we force the OverArchists or Integrators to lose we can get payed by the pound of gold and diamonds. They may have an artifact to help the fire elemental as well," he mentioned while looking at Enya, he smiled and waved at her before discussing more plans about the travel to the Deep South.

"One more thing, they say one thing, the place of lost history, you must not mention the Unearth, and you must call their land some odd name, if we do reach such a land, we will have to be very careful, as we will no doubt be discriminated upon, if you wish not to bear the hate of an entire population we can go somewhere else. I am filled with places of treasure and power that we can travel, but I know that I alone will not be able to deal with all the problems on the road, so I ask of your support," he looked at them imploringly.
Avani watched Donnie slowly moved around the apartment. The prospect of food did sound enticing. She hadn't eaten dinner, thinking she would eat something on the job. Of course, that plan had gone to waste. She taped up her cuts and began to put things back into the medical kit. She looked over at Donnie.

"Dinner sounds great. We can go back to the kitchen at Red Grounds. I'll help you cook, everyone at the cafe right now must be hungry. I want to thank all of them for helping me clean up shop...the least thing I could do is help make them a free dinner. I'm just going to stop and get some organic tree bark or something for the little fire girl. I don't think she eats regular food,"
Avani slowly clipped the box shut after tucking a miniature first aid kit into her bag. She tied her hair back into a pony tail as she pondered how to explain how her brother was.

"My brother is...blunt. And dry. He's just a very no-shit kind of person," Avani began.

Truth be told, Avani wasn't sure how Ashok would respond to Donnie. He was protective, which probably mean he would be pissed at first. But then, he would see reason. He always was willing to extend to help to someone who had turned around...especially one who wanted to work for the Integrator cause. If she could just clean up the cafe before Ashok got home, he would be much calmer to discuss with.

"Anyway, let's head back to the cafe," she said, adjusting her bag and standing up.
Donnie remembered a song his mom used to sing when she wanted to break down his walls, like when he'd have a temper tantrum or couldn't be consoled, it was a slow, sweet song written when the world was a little brighter. he hummed while Avani spoke, the cafe would still be in shambles of course and he dreaded the idea of seeing his good friends the priest and the hafling but at least they would all be busy. And then there was the score he had to settle with that hafling, he played around with the idea of fighting or letting it go but couldn't come to a complete decision, he might have been a prick but he was a good enough guy to pitch in so whatever he guessed.

"So.. he's going to kick my ass good and thoroughly then," He chuckled to himself even though it didn't seem very funny to him, maybe it would be okay to hang out here for a while before he took off. It would keep his nose clean that's for sure.

Donnie hobbled to the door and creaked through into the evening air, it was moist and cool, it felt good on his clammy skin. He waited for Avani before strolling over to his Pinta a half a block away and cracking open the door, it wasn't locked since he figured anyway that wanted to steal it was fully entitled to have it, he grabbed his reserves smokes from the glove box and slammed the door behind him popping a cancer stick into his mouth before he was clear of the door. He sparked it up and sucked a strong toke and then light one before puffing away slowly as he crept back to the cafe.
"Yeah, well, let's hope he doesn't kick your ass," she said, rolling her eyes.

Avani followed Donnie, allowing him to rummage through his car. She paused, gathering a quick bundle of herbs and flowers for the flower child. She entered the cafe, her eyes wide. They had done a good share of cleaning, broken glass and bloodstains almost all gone and the chairs all in place. She grinned widely, happiness evident on her face. Clasping her hands in front of her, a happy laugh escaped her lips.

"How can I thank you all? It was so kind of you to clean up all of this, helping a stranger,"
she said happily. She looked around for a bottle of water, and turned to them. "Are any of you hungry? Because we were hoping to treat you to a good dinner and drinks. A small token to repay you for the work you did here,"

She walked over to the fire element girl and crouched down next to her, patting her head with a smile. She started to hand the child the bundle of plants and the water, seeing how she had picked at the bonsai. She chuckled, offering the sustenance.

"Here, sweetheart. Looks like you'd rather have these," she said, smiling at the little girl.

She glanced up happily, looking around the room, waiting to see if they would indeed accept the dinner invitation.
Donnie took in the smell of alcohol and smoke that had become the cafe, most of the work had been done besides fixing the broken shelves that held the bottles and a few chairs that got trampled, he was kind of glad but kind of not at the same time. He slunk through like a dog that knew the newspaper was rolled up hobbling to the counter for support, he nodded to the dwarf with a short sigh. The priest had been saying something when they first came in but he didn't hear much more than the tail end so he put it out of mind for now, there was a girl here too, he didn't notice her before which was odd since she seemed to have flames crackle about her coming from seemingly nowhere. Donnie leaned back onto the counter facing the crowd so he could speak to everyone, face to face.

"Hey all.." Donnie took a long drag on his smoke and almost flicked it over the counter but decided to stuff it back in his pack again, who knows maybe a half of a smoke would be just the thing later on. He had wanted to say more but it wasn't as easy as he though it would be,

"Bet you guys thought i'd be long gone by now," Donnie hummed as he went around the counter and into the back to see about what the kitchen had in stock for him, he saw the dolly first and remembered his pistol that had slid underneath it earlier. He pushed it aside, it creaked angrily as it moved revealing the piece of metal he had come for. Snub nosed, .357 revolver from his father's safety deposit box. He bent down and picked it up and flicked out the cylinder with a sharp click, 3 shots were left, the sawn-off he found under the counter was laying by a large, silver mixing bowl. It wasn't even loaded but that was expected by now, he came back out with the weapon and placed it on the counter with a resounding thunk.

"I think what we need is a drinking game,"
As Enya wandered around organizing chairs, she heard the voice of the bearded human addressing everyone in the room. She couldn't understand what the speech was about, but noticed him gesture to her and smile. He seemed friendly enough, so she returned a wave and smiled back. The man finished his speech to them, and soon after, Avani and the man with bird wings returned. When the young woman saw the efforts of the others to clean up the bar room, she seemed elated, clapping her hands together and laughing. She then approached Enya, petting her and giving her a bunch of plants. When offered the water, however, she politely pushed it away. Enya knew Avani, a human that needed water to survive, didn't understand that water was deadly to her, so she didn't want to seem rude. She beamed up at her new friend, thankful for being able to meet her.

While Avani addressed the others in the room, Enya sat down in one of the chairs, chewing happily several of the fragrant herbs and flowers, which included lavender and cinnamon, two of her favorites. As she chewed, wisps of aromatic smoke trailed from the corners of her lips, making her giggle.
Ajax looked up from his dustpan and said to the Priest, "Sounds like fun, maybe one of these days."Ajax took a break from cleaning and went over to Donnie and sat across from him. He saw that his hand along with the rest of him was all patched up. A drinking game, eh? I've beaten Half-Orcs in these things so bring it on.. Ajax, whom was sitting significantly lower than Donnie, gave an upward look of slight perplexment. He spoke up to him in a genuine voice, "Y'know, mate, if that hand of your is still bothering you in an hour, I'd recommend wrapping it it a warm rag, it'll relax your nerves."Also, lets do this. A drinking game eh? I usually don't need a game to get hammered, I usually play these sorts of thing to show up some big 'uns who think that they're some hot sh*t because they can chug a forty. Now, what are your terms?" He looked around the room and presumed that the traveling priest and the little girl weren't going to partake. He shouted behind him, "Who else wants in!?" He turned his body around again and laid a hand comfortably and naturally on the hilt of his rapier. He didn't attempt to be threatening, he just felt more secure when he knew that he was on his guard. He tapped it rhythmically and started to hum an old bard's song that he heard some fairies humming in the forest some time ago. "Whe-dumm...Weeeee-Dum-de-dum-de..." Forgot I have a decent enough voice, maybe later when I'm hammered I'll sing this song for everyone.
When the priestly one spoke of adventure, Decurion just nodded blankly.


He had no idea what he just said.

What the hell are OverArchists?

Avani came in later on, along with Donnie. When asked about food he simply smiled and politely declined- He didn't have taste buds anymore.

What's the point of eating bacon if you can't taste it?

But a drinking game!

"May I join in?"

He grinned. Not that he could even get drunk anymore.

I'll just pretend to conk out in the middle of it all.

Besides, pretending to be drunk was easy. All you had to do was sit back and let your tongue roll.

His eyes blazed in anticipation of some alcoholic fun.
Donnie eyed the dwarf on his approach but appreciated his advice nonetheless, he actual seemed solid after all. The armored one wanted in on this action too, the girl was spitting flames now? yeah alright I suppose. No drinking for her though.

The sound of Donnie's angry stomach protested loudly, he remembered that he saw a frying pan when he moved that dolly.

"Alright first thing's first," Donnie's leg started to ache a bit when he bent down to grab himself the package of bacon in the bottom of the fridge, it fried up quick and had it dished out on a cracked plate with a napkin to absorb the worst of the grease. He limped over to the closest table available and set down the mound of sizzling pork cuts, he munched away at it methodically wiping his hands on his pants to relieve the grease every so often. Then he brought out the cards from his back pocket.

"This good dinner is going to have to become a good breakfast.. probably brunch, maybe lunch though.." Donnie popped the cards out of their package and shuffled them with a deft, practiced hand. The top three were thrown off to the side then he dealt out three pairs of cards making sure to drop another one for himself,

"Black-Out Jack is the name of the game here now, if you win the hand with a jack you drink," He looked at the dwarf carefully, eyeing his rapier up.

"If you want to switch an Ace from 11 to 1 you drink oh and by the way Aces start high but can be low." His gaze went to the white dots of the armored fellow,

"If you win without any face cards you drink and if you have more than 5 cards in your hand you drink another," Donnie motioned for them to pull up chairs already and was about to turn back to take a look where they put the bottles they found intact.

"Oh yeah! and if anyone gets blackjack everyone drinks!"

Then for the first time since he came back to the cafe he looked back at Avani, she actually looked kind of happy considering the trauma of earlier. It seemed alright though, she was strong it didn't take a genius to figure that out.

"You in?"
Ajax's stomach grumbled loudly and he realized that the reason that he came in here in the first place was to get a meal. He raised his off hand from the top of the table and waved politely to Avani. Ajax said tiredly, "Anything you have would be great, but please, could you make it a human sized portion? I'm absolutely famished." He turned back to Decurion, my old Death Knight friend couldn't drink to get drunk, he couldn't even enjoy food properly. Then again, all that was left of him was literally a head on a torso that I had to carry around for the entirety of our time together. He looked over at Donnie and replied, "I accept your terms."

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