Unearthly [Inactive]

They left the din and clatter of the two men moving through the carnage and cleaning, Donnie sighed knowing he should be the one with the broom and dustpan, oh well it just wasn't in the cards he supposed. Avani didn't say a word the way their so he kept his mouth shut and before too long he found himself sitting on her couch while she went to grab some equipment, this wasn't going to be fun. The walk had been too short in his opinion maybe he could a do-over. He smiled at that, Avani returned handing him a beer. His hiked up his leg and pitched it over onto the coffee table with a thud, he sure as hell was not going to kicked it with his leg muscles, he cracked the beer then looked at the label and reconsidered his action. He hated Bud, it was like watery moose piss but he drank it down in several big gulp and was grateful for the light buzz he had been building, she looked intent on getting into his wound already so he leaned back and grabbed a peach colored throw pillow for a stress reliever.

"I'm ready I guess, ready as i'll ever be,"

Donnie could feel something scratching at the fold his left wing, he knew there was still some glass in his wings. Avani had more than a couple cuts and gashes too some of which still bled, he realized he screwed up but now he saw the extent of his mess.

"You've done this before right?"

Salah ad-Din went back inside, knowing that his chief concern was that of helping clean up the disaster area that was the attempted robbery. He slowly moved over to the counter and picked his Qu'raan back up into his pouch, and produced a coin, the same coin of the necklace he wears on his chest, and dropped into the 'Tips' jar, that was his thanks for the water. Then looking at the disaster area, he grabbed another broom and began sweeping debris with the rest of them. He looked at his halfling friend and asked, "We've already stopped a criminal together in the span of five minutes of knowing each other, so tell me halfling what is your name? Mine's Salah ad-Din, or if you want to, Saladin, I respond to both," he wondered if this halfling knew that the name was only an alias, he also wondered if any bounty hunter or law enforcement heard him, both would not be the easiest mess to get out of, plus the added fact that he was tired, considering he had spent the late evening and early night hunting down an elf priest with wards and such. But he trusted this elf with a sense of companionship, not because of the hold up but because they were simply travelers, one he had no clue of the extent of his goals and he was just a wandering mass murderer.
He was a fidgety one. Looking at him now, she knew that he wouldn't have killed anyone. In her experience, fidgety harpies didn't exactly amount to killers. He grabbed one of the throw pillows, holding it tightly between his hands. She felt a flush of sympathy. She looked up at him when inquired if she had done this before, shrugging slightly.

"I've treated pretty big wounds...but I've never treated a bullet wound. I'm not going to take it out of you, because that's alost never done. Especially when it's just in your leg," she said softly, talking while she spread out the tools she needed...alcohol, medical tape, gauze, a sterilized knife, a lighter, bandages. She straightened Donnie's leg, looking at it.

"The edges of your skin are still raw. It's mainly a puncture wound. I'm going to need to cleanse it with alcohol to lower the chances of infection...then heat up my knife and cauterize the edges of open flesh to prevent disease. It'll also help stop the bleeding. Then I'll put a pressure bandage on, tie it off, and you'll be good to go. Well. Sort of. You still have a lot of little gashes everywhere that could probably use some patching up," Avani let out a breath, smiling at Donnie for this first time in hopes to be reassuring. It wasn't forced. "Look, it's going to hurt. And that sucks, and I'm sorry about that. But you just gotta trust me on this one, okay?"
Ajax looked up at the large human dead in the face for the first time since he has entered the bar. He gave him a slightly perplexed look. This man seems familiar somehow... He snapped out of his trance after a short moment and looked down at the floor again to clean up. He spoke, slightly uneasy that he couldn't place this man's face, "Okay there Salad-dine," Terrific, completely butchered that,"my name is Ajax Wellinton, pleasure." He flicked a small piece of glass from his arms then continued to clean. Ajax liked the large one, he seemed like a pretty stand up guy. He left what Ajax presumed to be a large tip, because he didn't recognize the currency, but recognized the glint of the metal that it was made of.
Decurion glanced at the priest.

Salah Ad-Din, eh?

He moved away from him. He probably had silver on him, and silver made him feel like he had toothache all over his body.

Even now he felt the chill of holy metal.


He deposited some garbage in the wastebin, and noticed the "Open" sign on the door. He changed it to "Closed." Avani was gone for the moment, and he didn't want any her to lose any potential customers.
Donnie gave Avani another weird look, she had softened her tone now and looked his leg over before giving him a debrief on what to expect when having a slug pulled out of you and it sounded just lovely especially the red hot knife part. He sighed and shook his head, it was what it was right? his grip on the pillow tightened and and he tried to keep his bad hand straight still, it still felt like it was smashed with a hammer but it was doing okay now.

"Fair enough.. Y'know I could have flown off as soon as we left the cafe,"

Donnie couldn't figure why he said it but he figured it needed saying, she didn't look like she was going to get him another beer anytime soon so he quietly braced himself for what was coming.

"Yeah I guess i'm ready, hit me with the sweet stuff or i'll get to complaining," He smiled, only slightly forced, he was trying to think about horses and flying and birds and spaghetti , with meatballs. It would be over before he knew it, he hoped.
Avani didn't even bother to look up, she needed to focus all her attention on treating his wound properly. She could see his skin beginning to take a grey pallor around the wound. She answered him, not breaking her eyes away from the leg.

"Yeah. You could've flown away. Then ripped up your wings even more, what with all the glass stuck in them. Not to mention that your leg would've gotten worse," she said, "Alright, let's do this."

Avani focused solely on the leg, trying not to think about how Donnie would respond to the pain. She had to remind herself that this was going to help him. Closing her eyes for a moment, she sent up a quick prayer, and then gave all her attention to the wound...tuning out anything else. She secured his leg, spraying on a numbing mist over it. She knew it wouldn't help much, but it was all they had.

She took a rag, and poured the alcohol onto it, then placed it on Donnie's leg. The alcohol was meant to cleanse. She was so focused on the leg, she tried not to hear his response. She knew he must be in pain.

"You just have to get through it. You can do this," she said to Donnie as she worked.

It just had to be done with. She continued wiping away at the wound with the drenched rag, till it was as clean as it was going to get. Flicking on her lighter, she heated the blade till it turned red.

"This will hurt, hang in there, Donnie,"

She placed the sides of it on the edges of the wound, hardening the flesh. She finished as soon as possible, moving deftly, and then wound thick white bandages around the leg tightly. She then secured it with medical tape and ties.

Letting out a breath, she snapped out of her medic mode. It was finished. His main wound taken care of. Eyes wide, she returned to reality, and looked at Donnie.

"Your leg's bandaged and finished. You got through it."
Saladin didn't seem angry because of the mispronunciation of the halfling, he seemed amused actually.

"Ajax eh? Don't worry yourself, I've heard much worse, I've heard someone call Timur the Lame, and you won't believe it, Timurlane. Where does that come from ah?" his accent was really strong but his grammar wasn't bad at all, nor was his vocabulary. He continued the seemingly endless clean up, only producing some grape juice to drink from.

"You see my friends I'm a priest right? I can't drink heathenish drinks or smoke the heathenish things, so I content myself with grape juice, grape juice and raw hide to chew on." While he said this he began chewing on the aforementioned raw hide, he began throwing some of the trash away and asked Ajax once more, "Should we force the harpy to work for her for a while to pay the hostess off, considering that he doesn't have any money, We can attempt to pay for the tables at the very least no?"
The midget jumped at the shadows. And there was still a bit of time left until they reached the car. Maybe i could play with them? Using some of his powers, he made the shadows move throughout the cafe. First, it was their personal shadows, then it was the shadows all around them. All of the shadows were moving and twitching. And the reactions! Ahh, absolutely priceless!
Donnie hadn't of thought of that actually, it was probably true too. Then he felt a cool spray on his leg, it felt kind of nice actually he guessed it must have been some kind of topical but maybe that was the alcohol and he was just a beast, then cam the actual alcohol onto his leg wound. He tried not scream and failed, his back arched but he managed to keep his leg straight-ish as the smell of burnt flesh rose, when it was over he just sat there for a moment blinking and thinking about the choices that took him to this point.

"Thanks.. that was.. an experience, and a half.. Alright you're turn now Bloody Mary hand over the knife,"

Donnie chuckled, that one of the most intense experiences of his life like getting tortured but you want the torture because well I guess that's just kind of a thing some people like but rather it was a painful path to a blessed end where he doesn't have to bleed out.

"I'm very grateful you helped me out here but I still don't really get it, he helped me for no real reason when i've done nothing but screw you over and very well could just bust out on the bill still especially now with two whole working legs, I mean look at me go,"

Donnie dropped his leg back down to the floor then hiked it back up with his hands, it still hurt like all hell and it felt at least a little better on the table, he laughed to himself as his wing stretched out slowly curling in front of him gingerly wincing and stopping every so often to adjust for glass. He started with the smaller pieces and began working them out, luckily most of the small ones were just stuck in the small downy feathers but more a few punctured straight through, flying was going to be a workout now.
Avani looked at him stretch his wings with tired eyes. She put most of equipment back in the box but left it open.

"I helped you because it was the right thing to do," she said as she rifled through the supplies. "Because I hope with this help, maybe you'll think twice before you try and do something like this again,"

Donnie was picking out the glass from his wings, and now that the excitement had dulled down, she realized that her whole body ached. He could very well skip town if he wanted to. She wasn't in any condition to chase after him. She hoped that he wouldn't though, just run away and leave a trail of destruction behind him. She sighed, what did it matter now.

Cuts patterned her arms and legs from when she crawled, but the real pain was in her back. A deep gash between her shoulder blades...no doubt from when she had hit the wall. She tenderly began to wipe away the blood from her arms and legs, cringing slightly at the sting of it.
Donnie piled the on his throw pillow friend, it wasn't much of a table but it would do. Avani started to tenderly wipe her blood patterened arms, he felt bad all of sudden like his skin was crawling. He picked out the last chuck of glass from his left wing and stretched it thoughtfully before retracting it completely,

"You got cut up pretty bad there.. shit i'm sorry I sound like an idiot, are you okay? is there anything I can sterilize for you?"

He forced a chuckle then reached for his smokes forgetting he already dropped them so he leaned onto his knees inspecting the freshly healed shin, maybe he would think twice.

Around Salah ad-Din the shadows began moving, not a bit but a lot, as if they were dancing and having Parkinson's Disease, his first thought, demonic heathens. While it's obvious that would be his first thought he strangely wasn't that frightened, he was worried though, demons that can move shadows are powerful, very powerful, he picked up his book and opened it up to a random page, reciting the verse over and over again, like how Christian preachers repeat 'May the Power of Christ compel you' except he walked not away from the demon, but outside and waited for someone to show up, someone to dare show their face in front of him, he wouldn't fight them, but he'd sure as Hell remember them.
Now sitting upon a bar stool, Enya groggily picked at the leaves of the bonsai tree. Under normal circumstances, she wouldn't use living organisms to maintain her flames, but she was too close to the point of no return to be picky. Besides, the bonsai was delicious! She chewed quietly, curiously watching her new knight friend move about the bar, cleaning up glass and dirt. As he passed her and messed with her hair, she smiled and cooed, chewing more vigorously. She watched and smiled at Avani as she led the feathered man out the front door through which Enya and the knight had entered.

Her flames once again burning hot, Enya set the Bonsai upon the counter and began to spin merrily in her seat. She began to take notice of several of the other denizens of the bar as well, the bearded man in the cloth hat, and the short man with the sharp metal stick at his side.

As they passed her by, she grinned at them, in hopes that they were kind like Decurion. As she did, she began to notice the shadows flickering throughout the bar. She was curious, but did not want to get in the way of the others, so she stayed still on her stool, tucking her legs up under her chin and looking on with wide eyes.

(Yeah ended up falling asleep, sorry guys xD And wow! I missed a bunch haha.)
Avani glanced over at Donnie, it looked as though he was truly remorseful. She did appreciate his apology. She just gave a small smile and shook her head.

"It's alright. I don think I have any cuts deep enough for stitches anyway.Just bandages," she assessed as she cleaned up her wounds. "Once we're both done patching up, we can leave."

She tossed a roll of bandages in Donnie's direction. "What are you planning on doing after all of this? Not try and rob a store I hope," she said with good nature, eyes focused on her arm.
Suddenly, the shadows were dancing.

Decurion sighed.

His master had friends who often did this- One of them in particular had been found of "partying hard" and often moved shadows around in a dizzying fashion. "Like a disco," he'd said.

He'd been really wary of them at first, but now it was just plain annoying.

He looked around: The priestly one was muttering and moving outside(Much to Decurion's relief) and the child was chewing on some leaves, eyeing them curiously.

He cleared his throat and muttered quietly into the shadows:

"Whoever's doing this, please tone it down- This is a cafe, not a damn puppet show."
Nicholas laughed aloud this time. And when asked why, he simply answered he remembered a funny event from his past. Instead of stopping however he instead united them into a single figure. Normally shadows could only move on surfaces, but if you concentrated them enough they could solidify into a shape. In this case he created a human shape and started talking through it."Hello there mortals. I have witnessed the events from before and i must say, you are an interesting bunch. Expect more contact from me in the near future. Mwahahahah! Ah, sorry if i frightened you, Sal. I was trying to communicate with all of you. And tell the cafe girl, good luck! Tally ho!" And with that the shadows returned to their rightful places.
Well damn, Avani had somehow made it seem like Donnie was a damsel in distress when he should have been the dragon fuming smoke and fire. He caught the roll of bandages but just placed it down beside him for now, his right wing wasn't as bad as his left so he picked out the shards fairly quickly.

"I hadn't thought of it really, trying to keep kind of a low profile these days and make a little money to split up North," Donnie unwrapped the bandage and began to wrap up his bloody hand, biting off the excess and tying it a little clumsily but nice and tight non the less. He let out a sigh of relief and stared up at the ceiling, this was all going to be behind him before long.

"I guess I should help clean huh, or do something about all that broken crap," Donnie shook his head than dropped his haze to match Avani's. The plan was kind of fucked anyway so what could it hurt if he hung around even longer, the commotion might have alerted the police or Sal's guys so it could be dangerous before long and that would mean bringing her and the little prick and the bigger prick and the haunted pile of plate metal into this, he wondered if they'd help Sal or him anyway.

"No not stores maybe people, they might take my bluff seriously not that I even have my revolver anymore.. remind me to go back and grab that before all this is said and done,"

His dropped his leg as gently as he could without sending spiked tendrils into his chest cavity, it must have hit the bone or something cause this was ridiculous. Donnie leaned onto his knees and gritted his teeth as he rose to his feet, it wasn't so bad if he kept most of his weight on his other leg. This could work.

"I was kidding by the way.. I suppose i'll find some work and take it easy for a bit,"

He stepped across the room carefully testing his leg to see how much it could take before he'd need to sit but it seemed pretty solid aside from the shooting pain but it had dulled out now and was much more bearable.

"I got into some bad business once, it's not really an excuse but I was trying to skip town as quickly and discreetly as possible cause the fact of the matter is eventually i'm going to get clipped if I stay out here,"
Decurion stood there, staring at where the shadowy figure had risen.

Did he... did he just say 'Mwahaha'..?

He shook his head- there were plenty of strange people in this world(and admittedly he was one of the stranger ones) but this one seemed especially weird.

He must have been really bored.

His eyes flickered as he looked back on the past forty- or was it fifty?- years. He could relate to that.

He frowned- where had he heard that voice before?

After mopping up the spilled drinks (such a waste, he thought) he went over to the little girl.

He hoped he didn't smell like scotch. He didn't want to be a bad influence on her.

He smiled and poked her bulging cheek.

"D'you need anything?"
Saladin officially hated this one, but liked his attitude, his laugh was way too high pitch for him, and honestly thought he was missing about half of his voice box. He stormed back into the grounds of the cafe and grabbed another broom, and began sweeping once more, yes, he was going to force this harpy to work for the hostess, at least until the wage's worth of everything that was destroyed had been paid for, he turned to Ajax, the fire elemental, and the Death Knight.

"My friends when this is all finished shall we find a place to sleep at the tavern? If we go as a group they won't hold us up, we are adventurers after all, right?" he asked his 'adventuring party' and drank a cup of water before throwing it away. He was just wondering when these guys would look at the poster right outside of the cafe and know it's him. He did say his name was Salah ad-Din or Saladin, so it would be only a matter of time before he had to test their loyalty. He finally finished throwing all the shards in the back away, including those of cups and boxes.

"What a shame, all because of one bird brained idiot." Saladin started reorganizing the trays and things that didn't break. At least there was that right?
The shadows which had formed together and spoken to everyone in the room, returned to their original positions. The man in the turban reentered the building while Decurion approached Enya. He spoke a few words and gently prodded her cheek, his white eyes shining brightly from inside his helmet. She thought quietly to herself for a moment, recalling the times where people ran away in fear from her flames. She was never able to get close to anyone, and was only capable of causing pain and destruction, so she believed. But this knight, and Avani, were different. They seemed to overlook the bad side of people, finding instead the good within them...

Enya looked down at her feet for a moment, then grabbed Decurion's armored hand, then began to run her fingers on the the surface of the metal. She applied a small flame, just strong enough to oxidize the surface of the metal, but not damage it. Several years ago, the one who had given her the dress she wore had taken care of her on her travels, and also given her a name. And so she marked on the gauntlet her name, "Enya" the only word she knew. She looked down, hoping her new friend wouldn't be angry with her.
Ajax heard what Saladin said about mispronouncing his name and was somewhat impressed with his open mindedness. He grinned and slapped a few silver coins down on the counter for damages, he didn't want to get on this Priest's bad side. Soon after, the shadows began to dance and saw the shadows move, form a solid being, speak, then dissipate. Ajax stayed quiet all the while but as soon as all was done he began to cackle, he spoke through it, "Oh Lordy Lordy Lord, when I saw that shadow move earlier I thought I was wood!" Then he began to cackle once again, almost uncontrollably and had to take a seat in a nearby chair. He heard Saladin's question and just gave him a thumbs up in reply. After a few moments passed, he stopped hysterically laughing and saw for the first time a little girl that he hadn't noticed before. You're getting sloppy Ajax, very sloppy. He stood up and saw that he was a few inches from eye level with her. He raised his hand and tipped an imaginary hat with a small bow of the head, he spoke to the girl, "Howdy, Lass. It would seem that you have made a new friend." He gestured to Decurion, who seemed to be fine with the fire that was burning his armor.
Decurion was surprised when the girl grabbed his his hand and lit it on fire, but he suppressed the urge to jerk it away. When she let go, he stared at his burnt hand- she'd carefully written a single word: ENYA.


That was her name, he supposed.

He smiled at her, eyes gently flickering, and patted her head. He wished he could speak to her directly, but the ch- Enya seemed incapable of speech. For now, he simply messed with her firey hair again. It seemed to be a working strategy.

"Nice to meet you, Enya."

He'd realized why he'd taken a liking to her. Not only because she was the only little girl to approach him, but because she reminded him of his little sister.

That's right, I had a baby sister. How could I have forgotten?

What had happened to her?

His eyes dimmed as he became lost in thought.

Oh, right.

She died of fever.

Just like everyone else.


What had the ol' master said again?

"Be glad that you are of a more... forgetful nature. All undead are cursed with sorrows- if you were to remember them all, they would weigh you down, until yout fires go out- just like poor Yorick over there."

Alas, poor Yorick! There had only been an empty suit of armor. The grinning skull was there no more.

Decurion gulped, or tried to.

He didn't want to meet the Reaper just yet- he'd heard that he didn't take too well to undead creatures. They wonked up His schedule.

He blinked and laughed. While he was lost in thought, he'd been messing with Enya's hair; it was practically a rat's nest now.


He tried to straighten the tangled mass the best he could.
Avani glanced at him, listening quietly as he spoke about the bad business he gotten involved with. She guessed it was probably loan sharks...most knew not to get involved with them if you could help it. Finishing cleaning up the blood from her arms, she bandaged the deeper cuts. The room is kind of messy, the first aid equipment out on the coffee table. From the cracked window, she could hear the sound of the city streets. The bloodshed today made her think of the cause that she was beginning to fight for. The Integrator cause, a cause that would continue to ensure peace and small government. She had heard stories of humans before the Final World War. She did not want it to return to that...why couldn't all the races of Earth and Unearth just rest in peace? She shook her head to clear her thoughts and looked at Donnie...get clipped. Wow. That was extreme.

"You could always join one of the Integrator causes," she began. "It would get you protection and not to mention some honest income,"

Her older brother was part of the military branch of the Integrators, and Avani was mulling over the possibility of joining the medics. She gingerly began taping up her wounds, glancing every now and again to Donnie...she didn't think he would accept her suggestion. But at that point, she wasn't sure what else he could do.
(Sorry guys. Can u fill me in? )

Aidoneus sighed in frustration. 'No way denying it now. Can't get out of this one, can you?' Bella thought to herself reguarding Aidoneus. But, Aidoneus ignored Nickys question, and instead he commented on his past. "
Judge at the Supreme Court? For Noctus Imperium? How is that going, Uncle? Perhaps Father, or Belladonna and I can be of use?"

Bella sighed and rolled her eyes. Aidoneus was becoming a pain. And he thought she was instead. "There was this human who went by the name of Kain. He inevitably was killed by Father, but he had gotten high enough as an war lord, and relatively fast...." She paused. Should she mention he had gotten close to their family? Especially her. She decided against it and continued. "He had been a respected recruit that saved my fathers life many times. Although, I wouldn't be surprised if some loyal commanders were influenced as well"

Aidoneus shook his head and clenched his jaw. Why was he so against this discussion? No one could hear them, and Nicholas was on their side.... Right? Bella mentally frowned. What was the right or wrong side anyway?
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