Unearthly [Inactive]

Ahahahahahaha! This was getting interesting by the second! Little did they know that shadows could show so much. Now it was no longer a standoff anymore. A fanatically religious man and an expert sell-sword were standing off against a Winged one. It was pretty clear who would win this exchange. And what's this? An innocent girl accidentally entering this terrible scene? Wait a minute. The dark-skinned girl had knives on her, and now she was slowly crawling her way through this mess? What is that girl trying to do? Uhuhuhuhu! I am getting excited! For some reason these people piqued his interest. His interest hasn't been piqued since Vlad the Impaler!


Decurion woke up.

Wh-wha? Where?

He hadn't even been aware that losing unconscious was an option-after all, he was DEAD.

He felt cheated. If he had known, he wouldn't have spent years inside this blasted hole playing tic-tac-toe with himself over and over again-instead, he would have bonked his helmet on a nearby rock over and over again.

It wasn't like he even had brain cells to worry about. Even death was better than years of boredom.

So, what now?

He sighed and let his head droop. For some reason his body was immobilised-was he dying again? Wind blew into his helmet.


He opened his eyes. Two white orbs blazed in the empty helmet.

The first thing he saw was a tree. He looked around- more trees.

They were the most beautiful things he'd ever seen.

I'm out! I'M OUT!!!

....So why couldn't he move?

He looked down. He didn't have to look far. The ground was literally right below his black mist of a face.


He called out.

"Hello? Is anybody there? ....Can somebody help me, please?"


Decurion sighed. Then he laughed.

I probably look like an empty helmet somebody lost.

Oh well. He was sure somebody would pull him out eventually. For now, he was going to enjoy the view.

A pigeon landed on his head.

Decurion screamed like a banshee.
The tension in the bar seemed to fluctuate wildly, Donnie didn't really know if the priest was going to kill him, cut off his fingers or teach him the twelve paths to enlightenment, joy. Donnie looked down at his fingers not paying attention to his hostage whom was slipping away ever so slightly drawing her blades,

"Y'know.." He took another swig of cheap vodka, the edges of his vision started to swim ever so slightly but his feet remained grounded

"I fuckin' LIKE my hands, okay? and fingers too actually," The halfing and the priest seemed to be getting chummier by the moment and things weren't looking any better for Donnie the longer he stood here, he sighed and closed his eyes for a second. His heartbeat slowed slightly and regained his composure then opened them again, the rapier was down and so was his gun but the priest was still ready to throw himself straight into the harpy. It was then that Donnie noticed the girl, a scarlet spiderweb was trickling down her arm as she ground in some more glass, fucking hell was this really happening? she was like a goddamn coyote knawing off it's leg to get out of a trap. He laughed humorously at the irony.

"Alrighty now i'm starting to see the whole picture here," Donnie's glanced a sawn-off under the bar counter, if it was loaded and if it wasn't why the hell was it in a bar he could pray, spray and get away. Another swig, he looked back at the priest for a moment thoughtfully. Then the half full bottle of vodka came screaming at the priest's head, Donnie blew it to smithereens with his pistol raining cheap vodka and glass all over the other side of the bar giving him a sort of 'smoke' screen, it was crude but it would be enough he hoped. He lunged out and felt the cool chestnut grip in his free hand pulling back the hammer with his thumb instantly and throwing himself back against the wall. Except he had been edging towards the door to kitchen and stockroom so he went straight into to the corner torquing his upper body to the left and throwing him off his feet and skidding on his side into the tiled room. Pain screamed up and down his body as he bit back a yelp, he tasted iron in his mouth but bet it would be blood if checked. He scrambled to his feet while a bar maid and a cook and black fatigues with horns and red skin ran out the opposite door into the back alleyway, freedom he could smell it.

Donnie took a step and almost collapsed now realizing the bullet hole in his left shin, when did that happen? the nub of his .357 still smoked.
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Salah ad-Din felt glass and drink come all over his face, although it rained across his mouth none entered it, apparently he was pious enough to not drink but a murderer enough to kill a priest. He took off through the back while blood ran across his face in a sprint to the finish line, or off his face. As he entered the back room instictively or by chance he ducked through a metal dolly (the things to pick up heavy stuff) and barely missed a gun shot, or did he? He didn't know for sure but the steps stopped suddenly, why? He didn't know. All he knew is that he had to run out that door and smack that hooligan up, which is almost exactly what he did, flying like bloody murder through the back door, with one humongous moon scythe blade thingy in the air, although this time not for cutting, the broadside aimed for the revolver only hit his hands and knocked the gun out, but the weight of that thing was heavy, considering it's a giant metal piece that's been shaped and sharpened and being hit in the hands with that thing was like having a hammer hit you straight in the knuckles. Even if he picked that up, cocking the damned hammer back would be a Hercules chore in and of itself.

It was at this moment he noticed the bullet hole in his left shin, and realized that this man was an idiot, and he was very right.

"You're not actually serious are you? I knew you were brain dead, considering you robbed a bar with a bunch of people inside of it in the Unearth, but how did you shoot yourself?" suddenly the chase ended with a laugh as destruction ended with the idiot shooting himself, his plans were simple. Get the money that would repair the place and give it to the lady, perhaps help her fix it, and get the harpy to help as well. This wouldn't hold him up, he would still be free at night, and he could spread some more religion. That would be simple for a while.
"Get OFF me, you filthy.... bird!"

The pigeon was still siting on Decurion's helmet, making cooing noises of contentment. It had no idea exactly what it was sitting on, but it was nice and cool and most importantly, amusing.

Screaming had done nothing for poor Decurion- He was still stuck, and he still had a pigeon on his head. He had heard some noises somewhere nearby, but apparently they were far too busy to help him.

Well, there was nothing to do but try to get out himself.

He'd struggled a bit and managed to free one shoulder. He sighed-

This was going to be a long night.
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Avani watched with wide eyes at the scene unfolding in front of her, glass shot everywhere, a shard sticking deeply in her leg. She gritted her teeth and yanked it out. Smoke and dust clouded the scene, she lunged to the right near the kitchen to avoid more falling glass. Moving on her belly, she tried to get out behind the counter. She jumped up, glass crunching beneath her boots. She held the thin blades of her throwing nice between her knuckles as she ran to where the priest and the harpy stood. Her eyes dropped to the winged mans shin, where a bullet had bored through his jeans and embedded in his skin. His skin had taken on a weak pallor. The priest stood with his scythe, laughing at the portrait of it all. She scurried to the exit, blocking it with her body. When she stretched her arms out, she saw scarlet patterns of blood crisscrossing all over. She sighed, and wiped her forehead wincing as little bits of red glass came away with her hand.

The winged-man was the only one shot...and he had seemed desperate before. Conflicted thoughts bubbled in her thoughts but they dissipated when she heard a faint cry of help from outside. Sighing, she clenched her knives tighter and turned quickly. This situation was quickly resolving itself. The priest and halfling seemed to be taking care of it. She would have her words with the harpy later.

"I'll be back in a moment,"

She turned and bolted in the direction of the cry, legs screaming with pain because of the embedded glass. She skidded to a stop, looking around the park.

"Hello? Is anyone here? Anyone at all?" she called out wearily, looking around at the grove of trees. She had been sure she had heard a scream for this area. Had she been too late?
"Hello? Is anyone here? Anyone at all?"

Decurion stopped struggling- He'd heard something! Another voice! He almost sobbed with the beauty of it- he'd been alone far too long.

But there wasn't time for that.

Help... at last!

"Yes, I'm still here! Please! Help!"
The revolver skidded across the tile spinning as it his itself under a metal dolly, pain crackled up Donnie's arm like lightning so fierce he almost passed out standing there. He raised the sawn-off slowly then reconsidered considering how fast the sopping priest had jumped the bar and chased him down into the back, it was fairly frustrating because he knew if he just got out of here he could fly out of reach but this was too confined for that. Donnie looked at his throbbing hand, the ring finger was bleeding profusely and had been bent as if he tried to grab something with the back of his hand, his other fingers were scratched up and the knuckles bled but it was survivable. He was just happy to still have his hand attacked to his arm.

"Okay.. So now what? cause the gun stays with me so long as you are throwing that frigin thing around," Donnie slid around the island wincing every time he put pressure on his left, the shotgun clinked softly on the metal surface of the table ready to fire on a hair trigger, nobody was fast enough to dodge a buck shot spread at that range and he wasn't going to be able to stop him from pulling the trigger now was he.

The door to the alleyway creaked inward slightly against the light breeze. Three good strides would take him out but his leg wouldn't give him that and even if it could it be too slow for a getaway. He was pretty sure he had dislocated another finger too, fucking priest.
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"Yes, I'm still here! Please! Help!"

She whipped her head and moved in the direction of the cry. She paused. Avani looked down, seeing two white orbs staring up at her from within a helmet. She gasped in surprise and crouched next to the helmet.

"Hey, sorry I didn't see you. How should I help you about this?" she asked, squinting her eyes in question.

For a moment, he just stared at the girl.

It was just a bit too much for him to take in. Someone had come to rescue him! He wasn't all alone anymore!


She's hurt...

And indeed she was. Bits of glass were stuck to her legs, and she had a lot of cuts.

A fight?

But first things first.

How did conversations work, again?

He cleared his throat.

"Ahem. Er. Can you help me dig up the rest of my body, if you don't mind? I just need to get both arms aboveground..."
She looked at him a bit quizzically, but nodded. She moved around, seeing bits of metal sticking out of the ground. She stretched her arms a bit, then began digging. Before long, part of a suit of armor was earthed from the dirt. Avani studied it. She had seen pictures of archaic armor like this, but never seen it up close. Looking at the helmet, she gestured to the arms and torso.

"I'm guessing this is it?" she said, biting back a smile.
I missed you, right arm! How ya doin', left arm?

As the girl dug up his armour(She must be some kind of angel, a blessing of the gods) His eyes blazed with anticipation.

When she finally said,

"I'm guessing this is it?"

He almost jumped with joy.

"Thank you, Miss! Thank you, Thank you!"

He let his helmet settle in his torso a bit more comfortably and shook clumps of dirt out his arms. When he was done, he wiggled his fingers, making sure they were all alright.

Then he started to look for his legs. He could feel them right below his torso, but they were rather dirt-clogged and heavy so he had to brush some dirt away with his newfound hands. When he was finished, he pulled himself out, arranged himself in a sitting position, and grabbed a leg and started shaking it vigorously.

Apparently, some worms had decided to make a home in one of his legs- pebbles, sand, dirt and miniature furniture flew out of it, along with some disgruntled bugs.

When he finished, he stood up.

It was great to stand on firm ground after so long. He stretched, shook his head, and jumped up and down a bit- fortunately, he still remembered
how to walk.

Then he reached for his scabbard-

Broken sword, check.

and the pouch hanging on the hilt.

Duct tape, check.

Now all he had to do was thank the lovely girl! The problem was, he had no idea how to properly thank a lady. He decided to improvise.

"Thank you, Milady, for retrieving my body."

He knelt down, pressed her hand to his helmet, looked up, and grinned his best grin. His eyes twinkled merrily.

"Death knight Sir Denah Decurion, at your service."
The journey was long, the lands vast and populated with a wide variety of different races and cultures. Somewhere along the line, Enya had passed through to a different realm, one scarred by its inhabitants in a war she had never known of. Eventually, she encountered a city where many unique beings lived, but the city was a dangerous place. Since so many unique cultures clashed in this massive city, dominated by a multitude of huge structures, no one seemed to pay Enya any mind, as the flame haired girl meandered through the streets.

The air was chilly and the cold asphalt beneath her bare feet felt unpleasant to her, so she used some of her flames to keep herself warm. The denizens of the city were just as cold, and when she approached them, they would brush her off. She could not understand they're words, but by how they acted, Enya could tell they were harsh... Eventually she passed through to a section of the city with older buildings, and many colorful characters. She could sense a different energy here.

Flames dancing around her small feet as she trotted carefree along the road, as Enya gazed around at the old homes and buildings. Such things were foreign to her, so she found them incredibly interesting. She found herself exploring several abandoned buildings, sometimes running into strange humans and other beings. Gradually Enya could feel her energy fading, and began a search for something to reignite her flames. Without warning, a cry erupted nearby, piquing her curiosity and urging her to seek out the source.

Flitting merrily across the street, Enya noticed a grove of trees nearby a building that was making a lot of noise. She noticed a young woman leave the building and enter the grove of trees in a hurry and chose to follow, curiosity once more getting the better of her. As she peeked around a tree, her eyes grew wide with awe as she witnessed the woman pulling a big pile of metal, shaped like a man, from the ground. Unable to resist her urges, she trotted forward, leaving a trail of embers in the grass. Enya moved close to the armor, which had knelt before the woman for a reason she couldn't understand, and looked into the helmet, her face barely inches away. When she observed the white orbs within, the little elemental grinned and poked at the metal gently
Avani couldn't help but smile despite her battered mood as the knight took her hand, pressing it to the top of his helmet as he knelt on the ground.

"Death knight Sir Denah Decurion, at your service."

She nodded her head, grinning. She smoothed the hair out of her face.

"Pleasure to meet you, Sir Decurion. It was not a problem. I'm Avani Minaal. I own the cafe down the road," she said, pausing. "Speaking of which, I should get back there. It's probably a mess by now. You could come if you want,"

She sighed, blowing hair out of her face. She didn't want to think of the broken glass covering the floor of Red Grounds. She glanced over at Sir Decurion. Her eyes widened as a young girl approached, hair the color of flames. She looked young, not much older than twelve. She poked at the knight's face, grin on her face. The girl didn't seem fazed by the blood on Avani's arms, legs, or face.

"Hey there, I'm Avani. Are you lost?" she asked, smiling at the girl.
(So So So So Sorry I haven't posted! I'm in Australia, and i'm sleeping as you happily role play. I love how thing's have escalated so quickly. BTW for all I know, my OC is still in the bar, so please correct me if i'm wrong. Again, i'm deeply and sincerely sorry.)

"Bella!" Aidoneus had called after Bella as she pulled herself from his grasp and ran absent-mindedly into the shabby looking bar. Just across the street, she thought she could hear shouting and gun shots. 'Ha, and Aidoneus thought any place would be better.' Bella thought.

Just as she burst into the door, she was welcomed with tense, somewhat scared yet determined stares from the bar goers minding their own business with their alcohol. She softly smiled and nodded, then was bumped from behind when Aidoneus decided to follow her inside. She nudged him and kelted him,
'See, it isn't that bad.' He curtly nodded and huffed. She smiled. Bella one, Aidoneus zero. She knew her adventuring wasn't a game, but without her childishness, there was no fun in life.

From across the small, smoke filled room, a rather light hearted man sat, waving them over with a delighted smile. She frowned in confusion. He was a demon, and a familiar one at that.
"Hello there, Bella! Aidon!" He called, standing up to greet them. She softly smiled to be polite, and curtly nodded as did Aidoneus. How did he know their names? Ha, he must recognise them as Lord Hade's children. But why would a demon, a high ranking demon in fact, care about them in such a friendly manor.

"It's me! Your dad's old friend, Uncle Nicky." It suddenly dawned on Bella that this demon was the one and only Nicholas de Leviathan, a extremely respected and one of the oldest demons of all of Noctus Imperium. How could she have forgotten him? Well it has been 5 years, and even with the life span of Vampires and Demons, for her specifically, a lot could happen in 5 years.

Aidoneus must have realised this man was one of their family's closest and most trusted friend (Hence the Uncle) as well. He reacted first with a warm smile and bowed in respect of the Demon. Bella followed, and

nodded. Aidoneus then proceded to shake the Demon's hand, and answered in reguards for them both.
"Yes, Lord Nicholas de Leviathan. How could we forget a man of your stature?"

Even though Aidoneus still acted respectful and the Lord he was, he and Bella were generally very glad to see this Demon. Many unhappy events had happened, and all to quickly and unexpected, like the death of their mother. She had been murdered by an Integrator because he had something against vampires. With her death, Lord Hades created the OverArchists and exact revenge, of sorts.

Hopefully Uncle Nicky could help ease their pain, and brighten their future.

(Pic of Aidoneus and Lord Hades, AKA Lucifer. Aidon first, then Lucifer below him)

(Aidoneus is like a mix of the below pictures)




(Lucifer is like a mix of these pics below)


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A Death Knight? Hmm. Might he be the creation of the necromancer that disappeared decades ago? And a Flame Spirit/Elemental? Also the cafe girl was there. He quietly chuckled to himself 'This could turn out to be interesting. They look honest enough, time to test their policy.'

He quietly approached and greeted them. They looked surprised to say the least. The cafe girl was the first to respond "Hello? Who are you?"

"Hello, i am Nicholas!" he replied with a flashy bow. "May i ask, what might be causing all this commotion? I thought i heard a scream for help?"
Decurion grinned.

A cafe, eh?

Why not? Some beverages would be nice.

He started to reply, but just then, a small girl stuck her head in his face and poked his helmet.

He was surprised. Little girls more often then not ran away sobbing at the sight of him, but this one had the brawn to actually poke him.

He was touched by the gesture.

A relative, perhaps?

But then Avani spoke to the child.

"Hey there, I'm Avani. Are you lost?"

...Or not.

He stood up and tousled the child's hair. She was bare footed, he noticed.

A beggar girl?

Anyway, he decided that he liked the girl. She was warm and very much alive, like a campfire.

In an attempt to be less intimidating, he knelt down
and poked her back, eyes twinkling.
(Ahk! I jacked it up, again. Ugh)

Just before Uncle Nicky was going to reply, an relatively masculine, but very beautiful snake like creature interrupted their welcome "May I help you?". Bella slightly frowned in frustration as she tried to remember what type of creature she was and from where.

Naturally, Bella's cold demeanour kept her from answering. This chick didn't need to dwell on other's business. Luckily, Aidoneus excused himself from Nicholas and answered,
"No Ma'am. Please return to your business and release your defence. We were just leaving. I leave this to your hands, young Naga" He answered in a relatively bored and annoyed tone. 'That's right...' Bella thought as she nodded and left the bar, with Aidoneus and Nicholas behind. Although, before she knew it, Nicholas sped off toward a park across the old dirt ridden street.

Before she could follow, Aidoneus grabbed her arm rather forcibly.
"Don't you ever, under any circumstances do that again. Understand me?" She sighed and nodded, jerking her arm from her elder brother's grasp. "Hurry up, we don't have much time left till midnight."
Then he saw the other man.

Who's this guy?

As he introduced himself, Decurion studied the other guy("Nicholas",he'd said).

There was something....off about him.

He had no idea exactly what, but it made him slightly uneasy, just like when his old master caught him playing poker with his undead friends.

Nevertheless, he stood up, strode forward and shook the man's hand.

"Thank you, Nicholas, but the matter has been resolved- I'd been half buried in the ground, you see."

He grinned, again.

"My name is Denah Decurion, Death knight, and it's a pleasure to meet you."
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Ah! I completely forgot those two! "Sorry, but i must excuse myself, for now. May we meet again in the forseeable future." with that he left these three to themselves. Since he was here, might as well drop old Luce a 'friendly' greeting. Again, he quietly chuckled to himself. He quickly followed the shadows of the two young vampires. He caught up to them just as they were finishing some argument.

"Sorry, about that kids. Thought i heard someone scream for help. Besides that, how is your father, Aidon? Is he well?" he asked with a warm smile. Seems as if they didn't know the reason they hadn't met for 5 years. This was not going to be pleasant for them. He again chuckled to himself, as he always did when he found something amusing.
Maka was back out on the street in the cooling air, she sighed, and she was still thirsty.

Then a few people came out in a huff, she almost didn't clear the door in time, she looked on as one broke off from the group and some other.. people? came about to talk to him, they seemed strangely normal? probably not. One was wearing a suit of armor and only showed the whites of his eyes it was kind of spooky but he seemed alright from a distance and there were a couple of girls with him, one looked a little beat-up and tired but the other was lithe and energetic, Maka thought about that water again and left the cafe for the open road.

She crossed the street, her gait was a little awkward still and she guessed it always would be, legs weren't natural for her actually she should be slithering around like the naga except her skin is much more sensitive to constant slinking so for land mobility she had to get a bit of cosmetic sorcery. Maka sat down at a bench under the canopy of leafy tree, bench was splintered but it held and there was a half empty water bottle sitting right by her leg underneath. It was gone in less than 60 seconds.
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Enya was elated that the woman and suit of armor didn't push her away. When the lady spoke to her, even though she couldn't understand the language, Enya could sense the kindness within her and smiled up back at her, as small licks of flame whipped across her hair. Finally, she found some nice people! Just hopefully... this time she wouldn't cause problems. That thought, and the memories of her previous... accidents, caused her fires to shrink a bit. When the suit of armor stood and mussed her hair, she gazed up at it with wide eyes. No one had done that before, and she wondered what it could possibly mean?

The answer came when the knight once more knelt in front of her, eyes a-twinkling at her, and poked her cheek back. A feeling of happiness swept over her, as most people who touched her were hurt in some way. Without warning, she blushed shyly, which caused her large flames to burst forth around her body. Thankfully, her dress which had been crafted for her by another friendly stranger, was crafted from fireproof materials, so it didn't burn to ashes at her sudden emotion. Aside from the flames, which caused her long hair to dance into the air, she noticed small embers trailing from her eyes down her cheeks, to fall to the ground and extinguish. Embarrassed, she turned away, hiding her face, yet giggling.
Well, well, well. Wasn't he rude!

As Nicholas excused himself, Decurion watched him carefully.

Did he know this guy?

He hoped not.

His attention turned back to the cute little girl.

Children like magic tricks, right?

He let black soul-fire dance from one finger to the other- it was a little trick he'd learned from another colleague.

He was surprised when the girl giggled and burst into flames.
Avani smiled at the two, interacting with each other happily. The knight was creating fire at his fingertips, delighting the child. Avani shivered, the night getting colder. Her thoughts wandered back to the cafe, to the mess that awaited her. She tucked her knives back into their sheaths, The little fire child seemed not to understand what she said, so instead she reached a hand out towards her, hoping the girl would take it. She wouldn't feel comfortable leaving the child out alone.

"Well, I have to get back to my cafe. If any of you want to join, it's literally right over there," she smiled, gesturing down the road with her other hand. The sienna halogen lights of Red Grounds blinked nearby.

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