Unearthly [Inactive]

Whoa, Nelly!

For a moment, he stood horror-struck- had he hurt the child? But the girl was still giggling merrily, so he relaxed.

He sighed, picked the girl up and followed Avani back to said cafe.

"You shouldn't walk around barefoot, child! Let me carry you."
Avani smiled at the two as they made their way back to Red Grounds. She stood in the doorway to the room where the priest and harpy stood. The smile faded from her face as she gazed around the shop...glass, blood, and liquor coating the floors and tables. She let out a sigh, pressing a hand to her forehead as she calculated where to begin in the midst of all of this. Of course this was the night that her brother was gone. She took a breath, squeezing her eyes shut as she thought about the cost of all the damages. Inside, her heart ached wildly. This shop was her life. It supported her and her brother in the midst of all the tension between the Integrators and the Overarchists. No. She fought to not let her sadness spill on her face. She opened her eyes to glance at the harpy. Drained of energy, all she could do was shake her head sadly when she looked at him. She needed to clean this place up, then clean her own wounds. She also wanted to give both the knight and the girl something to drink and eat, if they wanted it.

"Are you planning on helping me clean up since you are trying to freaking kill me anymore?" she asked the harpy, no emotion in her words...just tiredness.
When Decurion produced the flame from his fingers, Enya became entranced. If she could drool, she would have, as she moved closer to the friendly suit of armor. For several moments, she watched the dark flame flit back and forth between his fingers, making her laugh. Suddenly, he stopped, and scooped her up into his arms. Unused to being so high off the ground, she clutched one of his pauldrons tightly looking from him to the lady who had spoken to her. She noticed the woman had offered a hand, so Enya lowered the heat in her own hand and touched Avani's cheek, hoping to show her appreciation, smiling brightly.

Suddenly Enya began to feel weary, between her explorations, and sudden rush of happiness, her flames were wearing out. She could feel her flames cooling and her body slowing down. She looked up at the knight and opened her mouth, pointing at it weakly then gestured to the plants and trees, hoping he would understand that she needed material to keep her flames alight. As they entered the building, Enya noticed the wrecked shelves and glass.

((In case I fall asleep go ahead and continue as if my character is responding lol))
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The tension in the room was palpable, most all the patrons were gone now and in their way a clattering of furniture and shattered glasses not to say the least of the damages Donnie caused himself, bullets holes in the wall and bar top along with the entire alcohol shelf aside from some of the mixers and locked way specialties. His hand hurt so much his knees almost buckled every time it throbbed and it shrieked up the side his face like a banshee, the dark skinned girl was back with an antiquated knight and a little girl that seemed to smolder or pop with crackled of flame.

"To Hell with it," The smoothness of the shotgun's grip fell from his hand and it clattered to the floor noisily, the priest watched him carefully like a hawk.

"If you just. gave. me. the money, this place would be honky dorey, you wouldn't look like you belong at a summer camp in a slasher flick and I wouldn't have had to install ventilation in my leg!" Donnie raised his voice slightly but stopped himself their before reaching into his pant pocket for his pack of Marlboros, they were crushed to almost nothing so he split one in half and dropped the pack, hopefully the lighter still worked. He flicked his bic and sucked back on the meager flame, Donnie took in the extent of the damage now breathing out and savoring each vapor of smoke. This was stressful. He limped over to he bar and put his good hand down for support in the lake of various drinks that soaked into the bar top splashing a little, something jagged assaulted his palm but he didn't really care about that.

"Not to mention this," Donnie flipped off the halfing with his ragged, bloody hand that had one broken and one dislocated finger.
After Bella and Aidoneus finished their arguement, Nicholas came striding back. "Sorry, about that kids. Thought i heard someone scream for help. Besides that, how is your father, Aidon? Is he well?"

Bella rolled her eyes and nodded. Of course he had heard screaming. If she remembered correctly, he never helped anyone who didn't NEED help. That, and if he was interested. If they were traitors, he got his demon on, so to speak. Nicholas wasn't the average ruthless demon out for everyones blood. He had morals.

"Father seems to be .... " Aidoneus started, but Bella cut in. "Busy and Annoying. Albeit, I can't blame him. He's dealing with traitors in the organisation." She softly grinned, waiting to provoke an reaction from Uncle Nicky. What would he do?

"Never mind about that... what have you busying yourself with for the past 5 years Nicholas?" Aidoneus added, giving Bella a frustrated look of warning. She rolled her eyes. She could trust Uncle Nicky. Demons were Vampire's friends... weren't they?

((The same goes for me -- Feel free to control my character, but only if you can predict what they'd do next lol. Their a bit unpredictable.))
Avani felt anger building up within her, a quiet fiery that filled her insides. As though they were on fire. He sucked on his cigarette like it was her fault that the cafe was in shambles.

"If I had given you the
money, I would have lost more profit," she said slowly, ice lacing her words as she thought about her safe. She had to find a better place for it.

She rummaged around the drawers for something for the little girl. Avani realized that the child probably needed actual materials, judging by how she had gestured outside. She took the potted plant sitting in the corner, a small bonsai tree. Handing to the child, she wondered if that would be enough.

She turned her attention back to the harpy, eyes narrowing. "You have some kind of nerve. Taking what someone else has worked tirelessly for because you won't," she spat. "Threatening to kill someone just for money? Is that the kind of person you are?"

She looked the harpy dead in the eye, not wanting to put up with his excuses or petty jokes.
Aidon seems to have changed, but Bella was as straightforward and honest as ever. And there wasn't anything he didn't know about this particular family."Me? Oh you know, the usual. Drinks and snacks and a few old antique comic books i found somewhere. That and my job as a judge at the supreme court." This was partly true, because he had been keeping a close eye on the war. But he usually didn't stop there. He would wear a different outfit and a mask to meet the heads of each side. When they met, he would always sell secrets to both sides, making a killing off of this war. "Traitors? How deep were they in? Were they new recruits or a thought to be loyal commanders?" he asked with a worried face.
Donnie had half of a half of a smoke left so he slowed down, she was basically right after all but it was really all she did was serve people drinks how hard is that? he looked around again, and well clean I suppose. It had been a nice cafe too. He didn't realize how far he had taken it but there were patrons that helped, it looked somebody made off with an entire table. That surprised him.

The Marlboro turned to a slowly collapsing ash tower burning Donnie's lip slightly before he let it go ruefully, his last friend in the world on the hard floor, he crushed it with his foot he was going to clean it anyway right?

"Well I mean no, I didn't shoot at anybody that wasn't trying to kill me remember? the harbinger of my own private doom was all over my ass the second things began moving.." He knew he sounded stupid, what was he trying to explain it was just a bluff? it was more or less, he had never planned on shooting anyone and hell he gave up his last chance for a clean getaway to be nice. To be nice. Say it with me, he was just being nice.

"Shit i'm sorry okay? this is not what I wanted to happen believe me, this isn't what i'm about i'm just getting.. no, nevermind I have some shit I need to deal with and a monkey on my back that's bigger than king kong okay? so just chill out for a minute,"

The revolver was still under the dolly, Donnie just remember it now but he felt slightly better knowing he had a blade on his hip still, Donnie half waddled along the counter, turning around the end, his pant leg was drenched with bloody but the bleeding had stopped already. He limped across to one of few tables still standing and carefully bent down to stand a chair up so he could sit, his leg still burned heavily and it made him grimace every time he stepped so the seat was a godsend, he put his bad hand on the table and looked at wistfully.

"Is there anything left to drink?"
This was going to hurt, he looked back at the human girl, he had been trying to figure her out but she was just.. a sheep in a wolf's den wasn't she? She knew how to handle herself when she had a gun on her, he wondered what would have happened if she got those knives out.

"I'm not usually a prick I promise, just a sip maybe?"
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Decurion surveyed the cafe.

Uh. Wow.

The cafe- or what was left of it- was in shambles.

Broken glass everywhere.

Being a suit of armour, he didn't really mind, but he was glad he'd picked up the fire child- if she stepped on something, she could have been seriously hurt.

Avani was arguing with a bad-tempered harpy, presumably the source of the problem. Nearby, a priestly man and a short individual(a halfling?) watched the whole thing.

What... what do I DO?

Just then, the fire child drew his attention.

She pointed to her mouth, then to some bushes, and stared at him with puppy-dog eyes.

Was she hungry? She seemed to want some leaves, presumably for fuel- Decurion wasn't skilled in the ways of fire-child care.

Glad of the distraction, He carried her over to the bushes nearby.
Avani watched with irritation as he ground his cigarette butt into the floor. Her floor. She sighed, letting out a slow breath.

"Yeah, well. You pulled a gun out on me. And all I was trying to do was get you a Jack Daniels," she said wearily. "Even if you didn't intend to shoot the place up, your first mistake was saying you were going to. I grew up in a military setting. I wasn't about to let you take it all."

She glanced at his leg, which was now beginning to fester. She had read all the medical textbooks, she knew what to do. But she had never done it before. She took a deep breath and looked at the man.

"Your leg is festering. It's going to get infected if you don't get that bullet out. Look, I can tell you're not a bad guy. But you almost did a horrible thing today. But I can take that bullet out if you want. I have the equipment at my apartment, in the ruins of the old hotel down the road. We'd have to go there. It's not sanitary here. I can give you a drink there to help numb the pain. I'm only doing this because an infected wound could mean you losing part of your leg if not treated,"

Her words came out in a rush, though her expression gave nothing away. She crossed her arms and waited for his response.
Okay now we were getting somewhere. Donnie smiled genuinely for the first time today, his good hand crept across the table touching his bent back ring finger, tendrils of shock and pain rang up his to his face. He snapped it forward quickly, to the tune of a couple short, quick cracks and a loud pop. He gasped and his good hand slammed down into the table then he laughed a little, the last time he did this it was because Sal had his guys pull them out of their sockets after he lifted a few bills for himself, it wasn't much different except he had to be gentler or it really, really hurt. He pulled the dislocated finger away from his hand and pushed it in straight, sharply and quickly as he could.

Donnie kicked the table back over and bit his lip hard, a line of blood formed around his teeth.

"I fly, these are really just for show anyway," Donnie sat back in the chair his forehead beaded with sweat now, he looked over and realized she was serious, he felt kind of dumb thinking she would be joking or joking about this or even joking at a time like this. Maybe he had lost more blood than he thought, that would be a kick in the ass eh? Sal never finds me I just bleed out in some cafe with all my new friends. He sighed.

"That would be uhm.. really cool of you actually.." He almost made a joke about her trying to kill him in a nice secluded area instead but he kept the thought to himself, it was a possibility after all, hey she might be working for Sal or he might have heard what went down and got a hold of her and made an offer for my ass. Damnit. Damnit. Godamnit.

Donnie stood up slowly, there tears in his but he blinked them back to reaches of his eyeballs and limped back to the counter.

"My car's outside, an old beater of a pinto but it runs.. mostly,"
A breath left Avani's throat. He popped all his fingers with cracking noises. Maybe when she was younger she would have winced, but not anymore. It didn't faze her. He limped up to the counter, seeming genuinely grateful, and offered his car.

She shook her head.

"No need for that. It's only about a three minute walk...or limp I suppose? Do you think you can make it?" she asked, wiping some of the dried blood from her forehead. She looked down at herself, realizing that she herself had some pretty deep gashes. Didn't matter. She'd take care of that later.

She looked at the knight and the child, a real smile touching her face. She liked Decurion and the fire child, with their honest and innocent smiles.

"Sir Decurion, are you joining us, or would you like to keep watch here with our little fire friend?" she asked, grin on her face.
He had left the child near the bushes and was now watching over her. She was- doing whatever she had wanted to do. He saw flames flickering around her, stronger and hotter than before.

He turned to Avani.

"No, I'll just stay here with the girl- I think she needs time to recharge."

Come to think of it, he needed something to drink, too. He'd spent DECADES witout alcohol, and he really wished for some nice strong licker to regain his strength.

"Erm, do you mind if I grabbed something to drink? I can pay for it... "

He looked at the messed-up cafe.

"...and I can clean up some of this mess."

He just hoped that gold coins were still considered as currency.
Ajax wasn't happy with the harpy flipping him off and considered clipping his wings for a moment, instead he took his rapier and drove it lightly into the wound on his hand, knowing that it wouldn't take much to make the thief feel gut wrenching pain. He started to talk after a long silence, quietly, and sinisterly, "Consider yourself lucky mate, the last person that flipped me off walked away with a hole in his stomach about the size of the tip of this rapier, interesting, no?" He twitched his hand and put the rapier a bit further into the wound then pulled back, still keeping the rapier trained on him. Afterwards he realized that the situation was already calmed down. Well, crap...Why must I be so hot headed?
Avani smiled at the knight who had so graciously offered to help, she went in the back of the kitchen and pulled out a bottle of scotch and a can of club soda. Balancing it in her arms she reached for a short glass and a straw. She arrived back just in time to see the halfling man drive his rapier into the hand of the winged-man. She let out a sigh, but it looked as though he already realized that things had slowed. She set the ingredients down on the bar and quickly mixed 2 ounces of the liquor with the club soda in the glass. She scooped in ice, and stuck the thin black straw in. Sliding it towards Decurion, she nodded.

"No payment. It's on the house. I hope you like scotch and soda,"
she said.

Turning her eyes to the others, she smoothed back her hair as she spoke in a tired voice. "Well. The name's Avani Minaal. I own this joint, so please, no more bloodshed,"
Donnie smiled at that notion, He could make a 4 hour flight non stop to Toronto if you like but he'd gotten used to folding his wing up and walking since he go to prison, that was really the worst of it I mean the guys were dicks sure and the guards stole from you from often than not but the food was good. Something about a farm nearby that let our prison pick over all the fruits and vegetables before the farmer's market even got them, it was a good deal sometimes but he wanted nothing more than to spread his wings and fly but he was lucky if they'd take the wraps off his wings for him to stretch. He motioned to lean over the counter putting his hands back down for support when the slender blade of a rapier pierced his right,

"Bu- Wha?" It was like nothing he had ever felt before, his entire body felt light, his head swimming in nausea and he was almost sure he was going to puke. Then the blade was out and it was down a dull roar, Donnie cupped his hand against his chest protectively looking at the little man with his long sword.

"Yo-you so-" His rage mixed with the ridiculous amount of pain he was in made it hard to speak but he ventured to it again as his free hand dove over the counter to scramble at it's hollow underbelly for a few seconds coming up with a red bottle adorned with a golden label, bloody mary mix, 4.5% or bust suckers.

"It's one thing to smash someone's shit up buddy, but like I just fixed that like JUST fixed that," Donnie felt oddly calm about the whole situatio- oh there's the pain oh yeah nope, he twisted the lid off the bottle and took 2 big swigs.

"We'll settle this when I get back friendo, let me know if you find my revolver it's a friend's" He smiled on the outside and took a drink, on the inside he was ready to knock his too big head right off his shoulders like a frigin tee ball.

Decurion brightened at the sight of alcohol. Scotch and soda? This place had class.

I should come to cafes more often.

The pub he usually went to had only served bad beer that had smelled suspiciously of horse piss.


He picked up the glass with his left hand, set it on fire with the other, and drank in the fumes.

After a very long "drink", he set the glass down and put a hand on it to absorb the remaining mixture.

That's the spirit!

He chuckled to himself, quietly.

Well, there's a bad pun.

He looked at the other customers. One had stuck a rapier in the harpy's palm, but other than that, things seemed to be quite peaceful.

This place is really sophisticated.

When the glass was empty, Decurion put some gold coins under it and headed behind the counter in search for some cleaning equipment. He'd spent years cleaning up after his master(Bloodstains were especially hard to wash out) so he was pretty good at it.

Besides, he wanted to repay Avani for her kindness earlier.
Ajax looked at the harpy, who looked nauseous and pale, like he has about to puke from the sheer pain. He tripped over his words a bit then became very calm in his words. Did he just forgive me, maybe only a bit, but did he? He looked over to the others, the human whom he presumed was either the manager or the owner of this place seemed to be calm as well. He looked over to the night and became instantly excited, he yelled,"Oh gosh! A Death Knight! I used to know a Death Knight by the name of Stannley Higgins, does the name sound familiar to you? It has been about five years since I've seen that man!" He tried to control his excitement, and was instantly calmed down when he looked over to the Missionary, who was still very ready to cut off the Harpy's hands. Ajax pulled the rapier back and wiped the small spurt of blood off of the tip of his rapier with his bare hand then put it back in its sheath. He spoke to Donnie, "Sorry about the hand, just business, I swear." But it isn't, you did it because you wanted pleasure, he can probably tell from that weird little grin on your face.
Avani smiled warmly at the knight who had begun to search for the cleaning closet. She saw him tuck coins under the cup, but reminded herself to give them back to him later. She hadn't expected payment. And the fact that he wanted to help clean now highlighted that even more. She nodded.

"You don't have to clean...but I do appreciate the help a great deal. I'll be right back as soon as I fix up Mr. Revolver here," she said, gesturing at the harpy. She walked to him, glass crunching under her boots.

"What's your name? And are you ready to go now? If you need help, you can lean on me while we walk. You really shouldn't stay on that foot" she said, offering her shoulder to the harpy.

If one thing her family had taught her, it was to always be kind. She still hadn't totally warmed up to the winged man...but he wasn't a threat, and that was a start.
.....Stanley Higgins?

He turned to the halfling.

"No, I'm afraid not. I've spent a few decades stuck in the ground, so I'm afraid I'm not exactly up-to-date with things in general."

He opened the closet and picked up a broom.

Da-da-da-da, you equipped: a broom!

He started to sweep the garbage on the floor. When he passed by the fire child, he mussed her hair again and told her to sit down.

"Don't climb down from that seat until I clean this up, okay? It's dangerous to walk on broken glass."

As he swept away debris rythmically, he began to hum an old song.
Donnie looked over at the armored guy again, he was inhaling fumes, he looked at the bottle again. Yup 4.5%.

He shrugged his shoulders and took another swig before limping up to the little man and leaning down ever so, he looked Ajax in the eyes for a long moment sizing him up the handed off the half empty bottle.

If it was business he must have liked his job then but they would have their time and it would be good, oh yes, it would be good. Donnie turned and face Avani when she spoke, she was.. too kind for her own good he didn't really understand her and he got the feeling he never really would. Still his leg was sore and had reopened it's wound in his haste to topple his table so maybe it wasn't such a bad idea, his pride won out in the end.

"No that's alright, I can make it that far anyway.. oh fuck it yeah sure just watch the glass in my wings I can't really feel it but I know I got showered in it," Donnie stood up a little straighter and came around Avani's side putting his weight on her gingerly at first then largely, it was like pulling the sliver out, that kind of relief is something you should have to pay for.

"Donnie, you can call me Don or Donald if you like but everyone just calls me Donnie," He got some color back into his skin and felt better by a margin, he was still sweating though, a lot actually.
As he was talking with Bella and Aidon, he caught a small glimpse of the cafe yet again. It looked like everything had calmed down considerably, at least for now. The Winged one looked as if he had forgiven him, but Nicky was sure he would kill the halfling any chance he could get. And it seems as if the Knight was helping cafe girl, which is good for her since she's hurt. Now what's this? Looks like she's helping the winged one? This girl, was too kind for her own good. She kind of reminded of him when he was much much younger. And it reminded him of his friendship with old Luce.
Avani stood up straighter, helping support Donnie's weight. She adjusted her shoulders, putting an arm around his waist to help him walk. A cold sweat had broken out on his face. Not a good sign. They had to move fast now. She called out to the remaining people in the cafe.

"Alright mates. I'll be back soon...try not to break anything," she said largely in jest, hoping to lighten to mood. "Thanks for sticking around to help me deal with this mess. Help yourselves to whatever drinks are left."

She then looked up at Donnie. He looked puzzled for a moment. Yeah, she didn't quite understand why she was helping him either. Besides it being the right thing to do.

"Alright, Donnie. Let's move." she let him lean most of his weight on her as they walked out of Red Grounds, out into the road. Street lights had flickered on. She steered them in the direction of the old hotel. They walked in silence for awhile. When they reached the large, crumbling building, she kicked open the door with the toe of her boot. Luckily, she had a room on the first floor. She led him inside as they maneuvered around bits of rubble. They came to a door marked "107" in gold metal letters. She pulled a key card from her belt and slid it through, unlocking it.

Inside was a room with a faded yellow couch and a coffee table, a desk and various books off to the side. A kitchen was in view, another hallway leading elsewhere in the flat. She moved to the couch, allowing Donnie to sit.

"Here. Prop your leg up here. I'll grab my equipment, just wait a moment," she said, disappearing down the hall to get her brother's medical kit. She returned with it, and handed Donnie a beer to help soothe him a bit.

"You ready for this?" she asked, looking at him intently.
Ajax was a bit disappointed that Denah didn't know his long lost acquaintance he sighed and said, "Okay, I was just curious, I just don't see many Death Knights around here, is all." He looked Donnie back in the eyes, with a cold, dead look that just screamed, Boy, I've killed creatures that take sh**s bigger than me. He grabbed the bottle slowly from his hand and nodded in approval. He went over to a able and poured a human sized shot for himself in one of the glasses that haven't been shattered by the commotion. He drank it, and he shook a bit, more, you know that you want more, Ajax. Just another sip. He slammed the bottle down grudgingly and threw some copper coins on the table. He looked over to Avani, who just went into another room with Donnie, presumably to do something drastic to his leg. What a frikin' sweetheart. Out of the corner of his eye, he could have sworn he saw the shadow move a bit. He whirled around quickly and saw nothing. Just my imagination, I suppose. He went over to the closet that the Death Night got a broom out of, grabbed a dust pan and a brush then began to clean up the shattered bits of glass and such.

Sometimes I visit too early,

Sometimes I visit too late

Either the beer is finished,

Or it hasn't been brewed as yet.


Life's a pain in the butt, friends,

Life's a pain in the butt.

As Decurion hummed the song, he realized that it wasn't a really humm-able song. It was far too lusty- It was best sung in a busy pub, with friends, drunk as a skunk in heat.

He noticed the halfling pick up a brush and grinned. This was a pretty nice guy.

He went on sweeping.

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