Unearthly [Inactive]

Queen Esmeralda Drago held a stack of papers as she went to her favorite place in her palace...the grand terrace. She put her hands on the railings, eyes shut. She focused her energies, feeling the auras of the dragons and residents of her kingdom. She paused, sensing a presence she did not recognize. Someone that was not a citizen of her lands was close by, at the base of the steep cliffs off the edge of Regnum Caeli.

Esmeralda sensed magic, or some sort of dark art. She also sensed a coldness, a devoid in whoever was at the edge of the kingdom. She was not expecting this today. She and Anexius, her closest confidant, had been planning a Royal Masquerade Ball the whole week...a simple treat for the citizens of the Drago Empire, celebrating almost one hundred years of peace. Her cheeks colored a bit at the thought of Anexius, but she couldn't dwell on that for now...she would see her friend soon, and the thought made her want to fidget in anticipation. Instead, she looked over as her dear dragon Wyvern slunk to her side. He wound up her arm, resting his head on her shoulder.

Esmeralda, dear. Do you sense a stranger? the golden-scaled dragon's voice rumbled in her head telepathically.

The queen stroked his head affectionately as she gazed over the skies, nodding her head as she spoke back mentally.

Yes. I sense something. I don't know if it's a threat or not yet. I will wait for Anexius to take action. We'll have to pay a little visit to this unexpected guest.

A headache a begun to permeate the edges of Donnie's skull when he heard talk of a necromancer, the halfing was getting buddy buddy with the vampire party it seemed and oh Angels. When had they arrived? Harpies and Angels were similar but not the same, Harpies tended to be leaner and more fragile but could fly higher, faster and for longer. He who lives to fly away lives to fly far, far away right? Damn his head still swam and the room seemed to be in perpetual motion but at least there was only one now, that was an improvement at least.

Donnie looked up at Ashok, he looked pissed. Suddenly he was having second thoughts, Avani shot him a sideways glance which only compounded his growing fears. She knew what was going to happen oh god she knew and she would let him do it!.. Not that he didn't deserve it.

He slunk across the counter towards Avani keeping his gaze on the floor, Ashok had an intense look in his eyes something between anger and fury he suspected but then again it could just be unbridled rage.

"Yeah that was.. uh-.. tha- you know I uh.. made some mistakes recently and uh.." Donnie tripped up on his tongue trying to figure out just the right way to say he put Avani in a blender, "I fucked up, like bad and she paid the price.. b-but I got this i'm gonna fix it man," Swarms of butterflies struggled against his stomach, this was worse than mom catching him with dad's revolver when he was 14.
Atlas and Stanley were halfway around the building but Atlas stopped for a second to eavesdrop.He stuck his head up to look inside through a window but only showed his eyes.

"Hold up,Stanley.This could be interesting."

Stanley fixed himself a position where he could see inside also.

"Oh,now you wanna stay?I thought we had to hurry."

Atlas looked at him and whispered,"Yeah,but you know how we are.We're always looking for trouble or some sort of adventure.We have nothing else to do anyway.When we get back home,it's just gonna be the same as every other day.Let's see where this takes us.Plus,YOU'RE usually the one looking for trouble or someone to fight."

Stanley had to agree.He almost barged into the building to beat everyone up if he had to,just to get something to drink."Yeah,it's true.Alright,let's see what happens."

Atlas touched his ear bud and contacted Sarah."Sarah.Can you enhance my ear bud's mic to hear through this window?"

He waited a while and then a buzz was heard.The buzz quickly faded away as Sarah's voice came through."Yeah.Give me a sec."A couple keys being pressed were heard and Atlas started to hear better.

Sarah:"Is that good?"

Atlas:"Yeah,thanks.I might have to call you in soon if something happens.Stay prepared."

Sarah:"Okay.I trust you won't get yourself killed."

Atlas gave a sarcastic response,"Who me?Please,we're gonna be fine!Don't worry about it."

Sarah knew this was Atlas talk for 'we're gonna get ourselves in as much trouble as possible' which made her stomach feel sick but she also knew that they would be able to handle it so she gave a shy laugh and said,"Sure,whatever.Talk to you later."

Atlas touched his ear bud again and ended the conversation.

"She worries a little too much for us.But I guess that's more of a strength than a weakness."

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A muscle in Ashok's face twitched as the harpy stood before him, stumbling on his words. He stopped listening at "she paid the price". He surged forward, grabbing the man by his collar, lifting him up.

"You. You prey on girls that are alone and typically wouldn't be able to defend themselves?" Ashok hissed, fury ringing in his eyes. "Look at what you did. Look at her. Look at her. She doesn't have anyone in this world but herself, me, and this cafe. And look what you went and did. Bloodied her up, and wrecked the cafe. What. Is. WRONG. WITH. YOU?!"

Ashok was yelling now, a vein popping out in his neck. Without even thinking, he curled a hand back and struck the harpy across the jaw, sending him sprawling.

Avani was there in an instant, standing in front of Ashok.

"Ash. It's okay. I'm fine. The last thing we need to today is more bloodshed. Especially with talk of a necromancer." she pushed Ashok away from Donnie. "Decurion. You sound like you know something."

As Avani spoke to the knight, Ashok gritted his teeth. He crossed his arms but stared icily at the harpy.

"What do you have to say about all this?"
Decurion watched as the harpy fell to the ground. He winced in sympathy.

Shot in the leg, stabbed in the hand, thrown out the window


punched in the face, all in one day? Yeesh.

Avani was dragging a furious Ashok away from the feathery heap on the ground.

I suppose he deserved it....

He turned his attention to Avani.

"Decurion. You sound like you know something."

He tilted his head in thought.

"Hm. Maybe. There aren't exactly a lot of necromancers around. I may have met this one a long time ago."

He turned to Nicholas.

"Hordes of Undead, you said?"

He thought for a bit.

"Well. That eliminates most of them. They're too proud to use a simple reanimation spell, you see. They'd rather focus on total revival."

He gestured to himself.

"Like me, for example. Undead beings capable of coherent thought. I'm not sure if that applies to Undead lawyers, but that isn't important."

"There was this one guy, though. Krayna's apprentice. Lovesick lad. Of the 'quantity equals quality' mindset. Not exactly the best necromancer in the world, but had some darned convincing reanimation spells."

He looked at Nicholas.

"It's Nero, isn't it."
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"Exactly, from what we gathered he's back from the Dead-Lands and is in currently in Regnum Caeli." This was not good news, if he had to fight those fuckin' undead all over again, he might as well kill that jackass.

"Well, guess he had a whole lot of quantity but not enough quality to back it up. Even if it wasn't exactly quality undead, there were so many even we had trouble killing them." Connor added. He felt some psychic power from the vamp kids sitting almost at the top of the table. He decided to play a little prank on everyone. He mentally quilted everyone in the room. The only thing he kept sending was mental images of cute girls. This was going to be fun.
Saladin wasn't visibly angry, but as soon as the idiot sent him those 'images' he simply got up, gave Avani the coin to her by hand, picked up his Qu'raan, and walked out. No yelling, no threats, just very simple walk out.

"You can worry and not do, I will go find my solution to the undead, anyone who wants to come with me, you better hurry up." he said with so much held back rage he was sure if anyone stopped him he would bust necks open. He walked out, through the two people outside, through the bodyguards, while reciting more verses, his goal, Texas, his secondary goal, Virginia. He was going on what he was sure everyone inside thought was a goose chase, but the truth of the matter is, necromancers that summon the legions of undead are not ready for the unexpected, they're strong, in the form that they can maintain control over all of the undead, but lose so much sight of battle they get themselves killed by a well timed arrow, or a good shot. He was planning more than arrows or normal guns, he had heard the rumors of the kind of weapons they have. Light guns that can literally obliterate objects, rockets that can destroy the world, if you could convince them, and by them he meant the leaders of the city, victory is almost guaranteed, considering the armies have soldiers who's armor is beyond comprehension, but the normal people didn't know about undead, what if fear led to defeat? He didn't have the time to consider any of these thoughts, as he had to move quickly, he casually walked away from the cafe and into the forest, with a compass in his hand, a compass and his maps.

"I need to go east, going south is a death trap, going west gets me to the sea, north into frozen wasteland, east into a lonely land, but from their I can go straight South." that was the final thought before his journey began. He didn't know if anyone had followed him, the more the merrier.
Donnie hit the floor with one solid thud that resonated throughout his body not that he felt it after the deliverance Ashok's fist rained down upon his face had robbed him of his consciousness.

Something coppery, like. pennies, yeah pennies. Donnie opened his eyes, he was in a strange building, no, no he remembered this place. Right Sal, he was right robbing and shit got out of hand okay. Memory back, System up and running mostly. Jaw is throbbing something fierce but nothing too bad so he rolled onto his hands and knees, he spat out a dollop of blood that splattered colorfully across the floor in shades of crimson along with his left front tooth.

Donnie looked back at Ashok to make sure there wasn't a follow up even with sister holding him back except he was gone, instead there was a shortish brunette with dimples and the sweetest smile. It was little unnerving was this a dream? did he get brain damage? no no, just be cool and play it safe.

"This is looking too good to be true y'know? like i'm dreaming right?" The room teemed with long legs and chesty women at this point much to Donnie's pleasure, even if it was a dream it was good one at least.
Decurion felt something like a mental equivalent of a paper airplane dink off his helmet. Eh. Someone was trying to send him a message.

A barrage of metaphorical paper airplanes hit him in the face.

"You have 13 unread messages..."

He cautiously picked one up. He had every reason to. Whatever this was, it was obviously meant to distract. It was like a thought equivalent of a whole circus of psychodelic clowns, throwing rainbow pies at each other.

It turned out to be images of bodacious females. A lot of females.

Decurion frowned. What exactly was this supposed to achieve? He was DEAD, G-dammit.

I mean, it's not like you can pollinate flowers by throwing them at dead bees.

He winced.

That was.... mildly disturbing. Definitely NOT what I meant. Eurgh.

He bounced them all back to the sender. He didn't really need them. Besides, he was sure the sender would appreciate the gesture.

It's all part of a young man's life, no?
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