Unearthly [Inactive]

Avani looked over at Donnie as she smoothed her hair back. She loved a good drink as much as the next person, but she wasn't in the mood just then. Other things needed to be done.

"I'll sit this one out with our little fire friend here," she said, patting the child on the head. There had to be some sober adults around while the child was here. Avani smiled at the girl and then glanced up, looking between the halfling and Donnie. "Maybe next time. For now, I'll rustle up some more food. Get a hot dinner out for everyone,"

She walked over to the cabinet behind the kitchen and pulled out some bottles of scotch, tequila, and vodka. She set them on the bar, nudging it towards the men. "Here's a few bottles. If you need something different, just let me know,"

Moving back to the kitchen, she prepared herself to cook. If there was one thing she knew how to do well, it was make a good meal. Opening the pantry, she retrieved a large tray. Peering into the oven, she saw that the two, slow-roasted chickens she had placed there earlier. They were supposed to be for Ashok's dinner the next day, but this seemed more important. She garnished the hens with sprigs of parsley and some grates of pepper, setting them on a platter atop the tray. Moving quickly, she mashed a few good, round potatoes that had been boiling on the stove and seasoned them with garlic and butter. Setting the potatoes into a large bowl, she arranged it upon the tray. She chopped up some vegetables and fried them, setting them as the last thing on the tray. Rummaging around the kitchen, she found a few bags of tortilla crisps and a bottle of salsa.

She made her way out to the bar, and set the food next to a stack of plates. Looking under the counter for silverware, she peered up at them.

"I made some more food for you all to eat after your game. I brought some crisps for and salsa for you to eat with your bacon while you play. Dinner will be here when you're done. Enjoy your game," she smiled kindly. It was the least she could do.

She wiped her forehead with a rag, happy to be out of the hot kitchen. She poured a glass of scotch for herself and plopped down next to the little girl. "Just one glass. Not to worry, little one," she grinned, ruffling the child's hair even though she wasn't sure if the girl could understand her. "Can you tell me your name?"
Saladin was less than happy about gambling and drinking, he said his long and verbose thanks to Decurion and Ajax and sat down on another counter.

"My friends I can have a good lunch but gambling and drinking at the same time is too much for me, count me out of this one, and I'll make sure the loser doesn't die," he was trying to be respectful to an Unearth.

He was trying to be respectful to an Unearth.

What was wrong with him? That was his first question as he went from happy go lucky priest guy to a sort of calculating brooding guy, he didn't look happy, he didn't look mad, he looked troubled if anything, like if he was trying to calculate a battle, one of epic proportions, and he wasn't very happy about it in retrospect.

'What made me trust them, why did I not kill them all, was it for, the fear of being arrested? No. How about because they were closer to human, maybe, but the Death Knight and Elemental would be missing a head by then, then it must be ... mercy. I am a priest after all, I must be merciful, they have done me no harm, and are not trying to stop my preaching. I'll let them go along with me.' he finished thinking his monologue to himself.

'For now'.
When Avani had went to the kitchen to cook, Enya was in close pursuit, watching with great interest as she prepared the upcoming meal. The little girl peered over the counter, munching on a flower, intrigued when the woman began to season two roasted chickens. She also fixed some other foods that Enya had never seen before; crushing up several potatoes, and plants of different varieties. Enya always wondered what different foods tasted like, but as a flame elemental, she had no sense of smell or taste, and whatever she consumed was burned to keep her flame from going out. The different herbs and woods she ate, despite her being unable to enjoy their flavors, gave her body and flames different sensations, and relaxed her. In any case, she enjoyed watching others eat together.

After the meal was prepared, Avani had returned to the bar room with Enya closely following her. The elemental went over to a seat near the table the men had occupied watching as they prepared a game with unusual cards. Avani sat down beside her, a glass of amber liquid in hand. She said a few words, then seemed to ask Enya a question about herself, but could not understand what it was. She looked up at the woman curiously as she messed with her fire red hair, similar to how Decurion had. Enya did recognize one word, a word she heard long ago when her old friend had given her the dress she wore.

"N..nne..." She struggled to mimic the sounds that Avani had used, "...na-mm?"

Her forehead scrunched in frustration, small flames bursting from the corners of her eyebrows. Then she thought back to when Decurion spoke the name she burned into his gauntlet.

"Eeh... Enn... En-ah..." Determined, she mouthed quietly for a moment. "En..i-a?" Suddenly it clicked, "ENYA!" She jumped to her feet "Enya! Enya!" The girl pointed at herself happily.
Avani giggled at the girl as she pointed at herself with joy. She laughed and nodded her head.

"Enya! Lovely name," she said kindly.

She pointed to Enya then. "Enya." and then she pointed to herself "Avani. Ah-Vah-Nee," she said, unsure about whether or not Enya knew her name.

She smiled, then began thinking in the back of her mind about how she was suddenly craving something sweet. She reached into her satchel and got out two wrapped cinnamon stick candies. Taking off the plastic, she handed one to Enya, and popped the other in her mouth. Looking around the room, she wondered if she had gotten everyone's name. Her eyes rested on the halfling. She smiled, taking a sip of her scotch.

"Now that Enya and I have been properly acquainted, you're the only one here whose name I don't know," she extended a hand in his direction. "I'm Avani, and you are?" she asked curiously.


Ashok Minaal wiped the sweat from his brow. He had received a message informing him of a battle from some Masked Man. He said to come out tonight. He sighed, there wasn't any point in taking over his crew. They were tired from their wiring mission, ready to return to their families. Plus, he had no where near enough men with him. Maybe another opportunity would present itself soon. And besides, he and every soldier knew that the war couldn't end with only one battle. It had only just begun. He packed up his case, slinging his rifle across his shoulders. Now, what he had to do was go back home and speak to his sister. After this mission, he was tired, hungry, and in need of a good shower. Hopefully Avani had prepared something for dinner. He wondered when she would fully commit to the Integrator cause. She's just like Mom in that sense. Not really knowing what she wants. He sighed, dusting the dirt from his uniform. He reached down, retying the laces of his combat boots, and then stood up.

"Alright, everyone. Good job clearing this building. Time to head on home,"
Decurion tried to sit as far as possible from the priest. He didn't like the chill radiating from his oddly- shaped blade.

Besides, he was a priest. And from his experience, priests weren't so found of the undead. "Not really alive but not quite dead enough", they used to say.

And judging from the blade on this one's back, this one was a traditionalist, like the priests of old, when religion meant war, preaches meant sacrifices, and prayers meant blood.

It was all about the blood back then.

Better stay alert. 
He blinked- Enya had suddenly decided to speak.

She can talk?

He looked over to where she sat and waved at her, then went back to the game.

Not fair, not fair at all!

There was a priest on one side and a cute girl on the other- how was he supposed to concentrate?

But then, he wasn't here to win, he was here to enjoy himself. Oh well. Might as well play as sloppily as he could.

He grinned his best grin.

Food, drinks, companions-

This was a fine night.
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Donnie had poured out the shots to the tune of Jose Cuerva's cinnamon tequila, a little burn should liven things up . He slammed back a shot and dealt out another hand before pouring out another, a blackjack came up next and he drank again starting to feel a haze build in the corners of his vision and the ridges of his brain. The armored one didn't really take shots he drank the fumes which was kind of the same but did it get him drunk? did he get drunk period? Meanwhile the halfing didn't seem to be phased, this was going to end with someone on the floor he knew it almost immediately but it was kind part of the fun so it didn't bother him. Another hand was dealt out lightning speed and sloppy accuracy, It occurred now to Donnie that he had a few drinks before, more than a few now that he went over it and he was mixing alcohol. He thought about how good nachos and bacon would be right now.

"Alright guy, if you get another blackjack i'm reshuffling," It would be when he's drinking that someone gets 3 consecutive blackjacks, he though about all the poker dens and run-down casinos he had paid into. Everyone seemed to be in a lighter mood, except the priest, he gave Donnie the creeps in a way he couldn't describe maybe like a doctor you know you shouldn't go see or a ride you know doesn't take you home. This was the kind of guy that could kill you probably wanted to, then again Donnie was still alive so he could't hold that much against him, he patted his pistol and felt a little better knowing he still had it.

"Another blackjack fucking really?" Another shot, another hand. Donnie shuffled the deck first of course though.
Avani looked at the men playing cards, taking a swig of her scotch. She mentally made a note of things she would need to replace in the shop. Donnie was shuffling the deck, and everyone appeared to be happy, easily getting along with one another. She glanced over at the priest, hoping he would engage and talk with them soon. He was the only one besides she and Enya who wasn't playing cards. She sat with her legs crossed as she watched them play.


Ashok rounded the corner, whistling a happy tune. Pretty soon he would back to Red Grounds, just in time for his little sis to finish her shift.
Enya tilted her head as Avani attempted to teach the little girl her name.

"Ahvv-ahh... ahva-nee?" she said quietly, trying to form the correct sounds with her lips, "Avani!"

She had never met anyone before who would help her learn to speak, even but a couple words... Enya hadn't even been sure if she would be ABLE to learn. Not being able to communicate how she felt was always a frustration for her, so if she could learn... maybe she could be happy. After accepting the candy and putting it into her mouth, Enya's eyes grew wide. Cinnamon! As the candy melted in her mouth, her flames began to tingle pleasantly. Looking over, she saw Decurion waving at her, so she waved back and smiled. The girl pointed to herself, "Enya!" then to the woman next to her, "Avani!"

Her legs kicked back and forth merrily.
Avani smiled widely, clapping her hands, when Enya pronounced her name. The little girl bubbled with happiness and pride at her first few spoken words. If those couple words had brought her such joy, maybe she would like to know more? Avani didn't have any younger siblings or children. But she was already growing quite fond of little Enya, feeling a sense of kinship with the child. She smiled softly, hoping to help Enya learn more words. She pulled out another cinnamon candy. She held up the sweet, pointing at it with her other hand.

"Cinnamon. Sin-Ah-Mun," she said, pronouncing it out.

She then unwrapped it and gave it to Enya, wondering if she try and speak the name of the candy she enjoyed so greatly.
He was feeling a bit light- headed and warm- he wished he could take off his helmet, drops of alcohol had started condense in it.

He'd had a lot of drinks, and now he was enjoying the warm, fuzzy feeling they gave him. It was one of the few times when he really felt alive.

Except for the fact that if he was still alive, he'd definitely be dead by now.

He let his eyes dim a bit and slumped forward in his seat- he was going to let the rest of them duke it out by themselves.

He let out a happy sigh, rested his head on his arm, and closed his eyes.

After a few minutes, he lazily opened an eye- no point in missing the show. There were plenty of gaps in his armor to look out from- heck, he was missing a whole upper arm, of course there were more than enough gaps.

He wondered how long it would take the harpy to start throwing up.
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(Sorry, like I said before, we've got a different time zone!)

Lucifer proceded to lead Bella and co. to a cafe across the street.
"This should accommodate us quite nicely." He muttered, as maids and servants quickly ran into the cafe with already cooked decadent foods and drinks of the sorts. Bella guessed they had arrived in the signature black SUVs or Sedans to have made the trip from Noctus Imperium unharmed.

Bella was quite happy from the fact that her family were socialising (For their own gain of course) as Lucifer led them toward the quite nice yet small building with a giant blinking sign on the top reading,
'Red Grounds'. Although, just as they were about to enter, Lucifer froze and Aidoneus stopped and tensed, as if he was ready for battle.

Uncle Nicky just walked along, and stopped when he realised his companions had stopped. With a question written on his face, Aidoneus answered,
"Something's not right." Lucifer nodded and in an instant the Hades family bodyguards formed themselves around them in a protective barrier and led them to a nearby ally.

Bella frowned. What was going on? She sensed people, but not any harmful ones... She started to see her freedom escape farther out of her grasp. Her plan had failed.... How could she learn about the outside world without experiencing it. Not behind a wall of bodyguards.

She sighed.
"Father please. I do not think anything is wrong. If it is other creatures, I am sure you can handle them." Lucifer absent-mindedly nodded as he looked through the cracks of the large body's of their personal wall. "Perhaps... it was a false alarm...." He muttered, but Aidoneus's determined face kept Lucifer from reacting.

Bella rolled her eyes. She wasn't going to get anywhere with this while the boys acted like sissies. She was fed up and tired, and wanted something to drink, terribly. She frowned and sighed.
"Father, I am hungry. I am sure there are some human's here, it is Earth after all. All the food is getting cold." She complained. She couldn't hold her small smile that crept on her lips. Her sympathetic little girl approach might work.

Lucifer sighed, nodded and waved his hands to signal the bodyguards to disperse.
"I suppose you are correct." Lucifer answered and led the way to the Cafe. Aidoneus was still on his toes, but didn't object. Bella smiled. Fun here I come.

Their bodyguards entered first to secure the area, and Lucifer and the gang followed shortly after.

(You guys in the cafe right?)
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Well that failed horribly. Did Ashok not believe him? Even after he helped the Integs get a mole in the inner circle, they still weren't willing to trust him. Oh well, they were gonna have a very nasty surprise should any come here. "Are you sure that was an alarm at all? i couldn't see or hear or even feel enemies approaching. But true there are people inside, just one human and all the rest are Unearthlings, just like us." Hahahahah! This could be amusing, since he knew all of the people inside. > :D
Ajax looked down at his cards and finally realized that things were beginning to become blurry, is that a 6 or a 9...? He spoke with a slight slur in his voice, "Alrighty now pansies! Now it really starts, one down, one to go!" He took the bottle and began to chug like a madman. Now I'm starting to get that buzz-ieie. I like bees... Now he was starting to really feel the effects of the game. Then suddenly his ears perked and he heard what sounded like a small army marching along the road. He yelled, "Bugger all!" then grabbed the harpy by the leg and the shoulder and flung him clumsily out of a nearby window. Police are probably after this one, he's not getting caught on my watch. Honor amongst thieves and all that. He whispered loudly and drunkenly out of the window, "Sorry mate! Not letting you get locked up on my watch!" He stumbled slightly over to the table that they were sitting at. He stood the chair up which Donnie was sitting in previously. He sat down back into his own seat and tapped the Death Knight's helmet clumsily and said, "Wake up, ya' silly billy goat you!We're about to have company." Ajax drifted off and slammed his head against the table quite hard with an audible, 'Thud'. He heard th footsteps of several creatures entering before completely passing out.
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Decurion winced. Ajax's "tap" on the head had been a bit strong, and now his helmet rang like a church bell.

He sat up, only to see soldiers filter into the small cafe.

He sat there, frozen for a moment-

The girls!

Quick as a wink, he stepped in front of them and drew his sword.

The halfling was down, and the injured harpy was thrown out the window (he winced in sympathy) That meant there was only him and the priest.

Damn, damn, damn!

He saw them treading dirt onto the floor and growled. He'd just cleaned that floor, and they had the nerve to step on it?

Three vampires and a demon walked into the bar.

That should only happen in bar jokes, dammit!

He'd never liked vampires. They were so stiff- necked and stuck up, as if they had anything to be proud of.

I thought vampires could only enter a room when invited!

Ah, and who was this? It was that impolite weirdo, Nicholas! He was striding in with a sneer on his face, evidently enjoying himself.

If he could grit his teeth, then he would have. He had no idea what was going on, but he didn't like it one bit.

He stood his ground.
"Just sheathe the sword, Decurion.Even if you tried to fight, i can tie you up in your own shadows in the blink of an eye, so just give up. And i'm sorry girls for intruding, but we need this cafe to do some dining. Now if you'll excuse them, maids and servants!! To work, chop chop." And with that he was sure that the knight would stand down. But instead he continued to stand his ground like and idiot. Shadows began creeping all over his armor,even in his cracks, and they began to restrain him. The cafe girl had gotten her daggers out, obviously recognizing them as OverArchists. The fire girl was stock still, and i knew she would begin spurting fire so i contacted her through telepathy."Calm down, Enya. These people won't hurt the ones here. If they give up, there will be no violence, ok? And don't worry, i'll make sure they are treated well."
Saladin jumped in with the Death Knight, an apparent grin on his face, holding the silver blade in a very angry positions, silver and more silver. He laughed at the two others who if they were really dumb, would join the fight.

"Miss Hostess, do us the favor to make sure the Harpy and Ajax don't kill themselves by joining hmm? I feel suprisingly merciful today!" he chuckled a bit. He saw men in black, and one emo goth vampire, behind him another one, and next to her another one.

He had no tolerance for vampires. None. At. All.

"Allah u akbar, God is great, for he led you all to me for divine punishment, hey you men in black, why are you so afraid of the mercy of my blade?" he threw a coin form his pouch, straight into the eye of a body guard, he looked vampirish enough, not a strong vampire, he reasoned, that silver coin lodged in his brain would hurt a lot in the morning. Or rather, it would hurt a lot now. Suddenly he heard the voice of the demon once more saying to back down.

"You know if I trusted hell I would've made a deal with the devil, I won't put my weapons down for vampires but I'll stay out of the way, there's strategy that I know, I'm assuming you'd know that for being the leader of a petty new world order." he finished, and looked at Lucifer, he met him once, one dark night, it turned into both of them unscathed honestly, a never ending sword fight, before they both decided they were each a waste of time.

"Lucifer Echo Hades, I want to ask you something. You can attempt to expand your petty new world order," he looked at Avani, "and your brother can expand his petty peace lovers, but how will they ever take the land of lost history?" he opened up the atlas of old he had, and pointed straight to Montgomery, Alabama, now known as the place of lost Technology, where one group of people regard all Unearthlings hostile at first sight. Where they have weapons unfeasible to humanity?"

"Not any of our weapons will be able to penetrate rocket launchers, plains that fly higher than we can imagine, or troops that have actually been training their whole lives. So before you make a scene here, tell me, how exactly do you plan, even if you win a decisive battle there, to secure the area? For if you aggravate them their armies will crush yours in no time, better trained, no fear of death, weapons of lost technology, the same goes for you Avani." he didn't mean to start a scene, but the little he knew of war strategy, was desert warfare, which consists of attrition and battles of annihilation, but it was obvious, you couldn't simply march into an army, not at night, not at day, and if they meet on an even field, even outnumbered, a weapon that can fire at speeds up to 750 death bullets per minute will beat any vampire army eventually.
As Bella and her family entered the Café, she wasn't surprised to see the other's from around town to be occupying their dinning space. Although, they seemed to be playing a game involving Alcohol and cards, something she didn't know much about. Because of the fact that her duty to her family became first, her Ladyship became first, she didn't know much about casual games, or any games that didn't involve death, blood, gore, or dealing with the OverArchists for that matter.

Aidoneus clenched his fists as the weird looking knight shadow thing stood and drew his sword from it's sheath. Lucifer smiled and widened his arms as if welcoming those already there while the bodyguards circled the room and the maids had made themselves at home in the kitchen in the back. "Yes, We are just here for a .... bite to eat." Lucifer said with a snarl, achnologing Uncle Nicky's comments. He was enjoying terrorising these innocents...

Bella nodded and bowed. There was no need to curtsie, these people weren't important... were they? She could tell they were hostile toward them, and Bella couldn't get the uneasy feeling that these people didn't want them their. When did they ever want Vampire's company? Unless you were a feeder (Someone who is addicted to the numbing sensation of a vampire bite), but these weary travelers definitely weren't.

There was the weird shadow night thing, a hafling, a human and an elemental. And elemental?! Bella nudged Aidoneus, and he nodded as his eyes rested on the fire elemental. Bella was well educated on the other unearthly beings, and she knew for a fact that elementals were very rare, and very very powerful.

Lucifer seemed to notice, but didn't make a big deal. He had a plan... Bella's plan. He chuckled and offered,
"With all this food I have brought, and not very much company... I do not think it will be finished. Maybe... you would like to join us for dinner? Or rather in Human terms it is around dawn, so would breakfast suffice?"

An Arabian Human seemed to not enjoy their company as well. He mocked the bodyguards, and seemed to think he was higher then them. She sighed. Her father would not be pleased.
Decurion grinned like a maniac.

"Shut up."

He took a step.

It's all in the head

"Bastards. I just cleaned that floor..."

Another step.

It's all in the head

"And then you tread dirt in it?"

Another step.

Only shadows

"Go to Hell."

He swung his sword.
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Enya was about to try and speak, when the room got a bit noisy. Out of the corner of her eye she saw the bird feathered man get thrown through one of the windows, Ajax the halfling, who had thrown him, passed out, and Decurion stepped bravely in front of she and Avani. The whole scene became confusing in an instant, when she saw a small platoon entering the bar room. They didn't look so bad to her, but then again, she didn't really understand the concepts of bad and good...

She stood up and moved behind Decurion, clutching at his armor, unsure why he drew his sword. Suddenly, the knight became perfectly still, and upon closer inspection, Enya could see shadows creeping around and inside his armor, holding him in place. A voice then echoed in her mind: Enya. These people won't hurt the ones here. If they give up, there will be no violence, ok? And don't worry, I'll make sure they are treated well. She couldn't understand the meaning of the words, but the voice sounded gentle and soothing, forcing her to relax a bit. She still eyed the group which consisted of several soldiers, a young woman, two young looking men, and another older man. They all had dark persona's about them, but it was the older man Enya was concerned about. There was a fire in him... a shadowy flame that was darker than those Decurion had been playing with earlier...

One thing was in common with everyone in the room, however, and that was anger. She could feel it. It was so strong it threatened to ignite her flames to an inferno, but she staved off the feeling. Emotions caught onto Enya very easily, forcing her body temperature to fluctuate. Her eyes winced as the bearded man moved next to Decurion, drawing his own sword and addressing the new arrivals. He was angry as well.

Enya moved forward past Decurion, her flames on the verge of bursting out of her body. She stepped to the middle of the room, between the opposing groups, and put her hands up to each side, hoping for the anger to stop.

"Nn... no..." She said weakly, a word she could remember from her past. She prayed it was enough...
Lucifer's grin vanished when the Arabic man made himself known. "Salāh ud-Dīn Yūsuf ibn Ayyūb, you do not have the right to reprimand me on my decisions towards how I live my immortal life. Neither do you have the authority to name me as if we were friends." He sighed and rubbed his fingers as if he had arthritis, but Bella knew better. He was getting ready to kill.

One of the bodyguards that Saladin had thrown a coin of silver lodged straight into his head, and immediately began to burn. Luckily, other vampire's were able to pull it out and take him out to the back, but he wouldn't be healing anytime soon, therefore, he was one less man to keep Bella safe. Great....

Aidoneus rested his hand on Bella's shoulder protectively. He knew where things were going, and one thing Aidoneus cared about most was her. She didn't want to feel dependent on him, or anyone for that matter, but she did like the thought of his protection. She wanted to be a part of everything too.

She focused on the elemental, and estimated she was fairly young. Manipulating her would be easier than most... Bella then set to kelting the elemental, which meant using a very high level of concentration and time. Bella hadn't kelted with non vampires since training. For any other vampire, it was near to impossible. '
Enya.These people won't hurt the ones here. If they give up, there will be no violence, ok? And don't worry, I'll make sure they are treated well.'

With that, Enya seemed to get the idea. She rushed forward and stuttered "Nn...No..." as if she was trying to stop or warn everyone fro the future violence that might occur. Bella sighed. She may or may not have just made things worse. Why wasn't she good at anything?

"Now, lets settle down and eat. I do not believe you want tonight to be your last?" Lucifer suggested, and motioned to the already set long table to be used. He smiled, although forced and sat down at the head. "Come join us Salah. No harm?"
He wasn't going to get an answer from a vampire who thought he was too high for him, but the girl bowed, what a respectful girl, too bad he had to go in with the Death Knight. He was part of his party, and if God hadn't ordered an attack, he couldn't stop him. He was right about to jump into the air, but he stopped and asked Lucifer a question.

"Do you think you can still give me an answer Lucifer Echo Hades?"he asked while thinking about making a lot of vampires miss their heads, it seemed like a good plan if it weren't for the fact that they would soon be reaching things much harder to kill, those shadows wouldn't be very good at penetrating a dude lined with silver from turban to toe. He suddenly began wondering if the maids and slaves were vampires. He was afraid he'd have to end them as well, but for incessant meddlers in the nice hostess kitchen they'd have to be punished.

Then suddenly he heard the elemental's voice, mutter one sound.

"Nn... no..." her voice was weak, poor girl, he wouldn't escalate this if an elemental wouldn't want it. He jumped onto the table and threw Ajax and the other one out of the way and into the back, truth be told, they weren't going to feel that well in the morning.

'If we make it to the morning' he thought, now he threw up his Quraan and placed it square on the table.

"Maybe we can stop any violence if I can do a sermon, and you can have your dinner, in fact, just for you I'll tell those maids how to cook Arabian food, how about it, and in fact, while we eat we can all talk about war, like good people occupying a random person's cafe," the sarcastic humor was obvious, but he meant the terms, he WOULD do a sermon, and they WOULD eat dinner, and he WOULD show the maids how to cook Arabian food, although... the war talks may not be the most fun.

"Let's arrange the table like this, Integrators here, Overarchists here, and people who think you're both stupid on these two seats," he sat in one of the seats for 'the people who think they're both stupid'.
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...And stopped.

Enya had dashed forward.


He lowered the sword, carefully, and hugged the girl. She seemed worried.

Oh well. As much as he hated the idea of those intruders stepping in to dine, a cute girl's word meant law.

He sighed and sheathed his sword.
Ajax went crashing into a nearby wall as a result of being flung by a mad priest and woke up instantly. He stood tall and looked around. To him it seemed that the mad priest was throwing a fit and Decurion was sheathing his sword. My head hurts a bit. Looks pretty tense in here, time for some comedic relief. Ajax bolted up and stumbled at once. He walked into the center of the room and slowly whipped his hands around, energy began to pulsate from him. He said with a slur, "'Dis is some very powerful Terra magic, passed down from father to son, from generation to generation for over a thousand years." His hands sped up in their paths and neon green and earth brown runes began to appear all over his body. Then his hands stopped suddenly in their paths and he bellowed, "Luxuriosa arboris!" Ajax erupted into green and brown smoke. When it cleared, a potted plant was easily spotted. It had a monstrous curve near the middle of it and only three leaves on its top. The sad looking potted plant flopped over, spilling some of its soil. Think tree, think very tree. What kind of wimpy garbage was that anyway? You've done better. Tree, think tree, think very tree, tree, think tree... Oh look at that, it's over already, right? Tree, think tree, think very tree...
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As Decurion wrapped his arms around her, Enya's hands fell to her sides. She let her body fall against his, closing her eyes. The sound of metal cutting through flesh echoed around her, hatred reaching a boiling crecendo until... it stopped. Just as suddenly as it escalated, it was over. The bearded man once more addressed the room, and she heard tables and chairs shifting across the floor. Her eyes still closed, she wrapped her arms around the knights waist.

"De.. Decu..." she murmured quietly, her flames cooling slowly to their normal flicker. She realized that she was still holding onto the the candy, which had melted from her body temperature rising. She didn't want to open her eyes, she had seen people die in her travels, and she didn't want to see it again, even if they were perfect strangers.
Hugging Enya, he sat down next to Salah.


Now he was between a rock and a hard place, probably something like a troll's backside. As much as the priest made him feel uncomfortable, he disliked the vampires more.

So. They're OverArchists, eh?

He still didn't know what was going on, but he could feel the tension in the air. He glowered at Nicholas. The shadow trick hade made him feel sticky all over, and he didn't appreciate that. Not that it even worked properly.

So he's the one who went 'Mwahaha' and left.

His gaze went to Lucifer Echo Whatsit. Oh boy, here was a traditional vampire.

I bet he preys on young girls in nightdresses.

I bet he has an Igor and a castle with creaking doors and dribbly candles, too.

He would have glared at everyone else, but than Ajax decided to turn into a potted plant.
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