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Fandom Undertale: Surface

Chara Checked for a pulse "good he still is alive.. frisk help he pick him up" she put one of his arms over her head

Frisk did the same and the lifted him and began to walk to Alyphes house
( xD , i dont have much to rp now until we get to Alyphs House. Dan will be coming back later in the roleplay.)

When they made it Chars kicked the door "it Asriel he needs help" tears were on her face

"put him d-down on the table. o-oh my his chest, ill get some stitches" alyphs said running off. she cam back and began to stitch him back together again

Frisk and Chara each held one of his hands waiting for some pressure to be put on their hands
Asriel would be unconcious still. His breathing perfectly... He caught a cold while on the way to Alyphs's, recommend letting him rest.
"t-there done now l-let him rest" she said

Frisk went to sit down but chara she stayed at his side
Asriel would wake up... He looked at Chara.. Then looked around... He was in pain.. It was unbearable.. His spine was broken by the way... He just layed there looking around.
Chara Cried this was her fault. She did this to him. Every knew it no one would trust her anymore. She couldn't take it and ran out the door

Frisk ran after her telling her to wait but she wouldn't listen
Alyphs came back to see the door open and asriel awake "good your awake" she said
''W-what happend...?'' He barely remembered anything that happend between gaster, chara, dan and him.
"i-i dont know they just c-came here and asked me t-to help" she replied
Chara kept running until her legs gave out. Then it started building up again the Hatred it kept filling her and filling her

when frisk got to where Chara was...she wasn't herself her ,face changed he was laughing and crying at the same time when she saw frisk she ran at them. Frisk turned and ran
He'd sit up.. He knew something was wrong.. He quickly teleported to Frisk and spotted Chara running at her, like a maniac... He grabbed Frisk and teleported us to San's house... I'd be in great pain... As soon as we arrived, i'd lean against the wall... He used his power, instead of resting... He was in greater pain than before, but not in death conditions.
Chara stopped running as soon as the left. she was pissed and began the genocide.

Frisk thanked Asriel but told him that it must be what she felt last time
Hello! Is Mettaton Ex taken?

Name: Mettaton Ex/Neo

Age: Unknown

Personality: Full of himself, loves to entertain people

Appearence: Ex: Robot with awesome and cool legs. (and sexy owo) Neo: same as Ex but, the hair is up diagonally and his right eye is shown,
well chara went nuts again, asriel is badly hurt and frisk is with him Gaster has sans and pap is unknown

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