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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

pomsrcool said:
She'd gently smile. "It's fine, I uh... If you want I can lead you to where Alphys is, if you're still up to asking her if she can help." She'd be nervous again, her feathers slightly rising.
"Why not?" he replied, his memory of Colony 9's attack faded. He smiles at her. "Plus, if we get Mettaton, that's a bonus."
[QUOTE="Golden Glow]"Why not?" he replied, his memory of Colony 9's attack faded. He smiles at her. "Plus, if we get Mettaton, that's a bonus."

She nodded, grinning brightly now. "Alright!" She'd pause awkwardly for a few seconds, as she tried to remember exactly where the heck she even was.

"Huh- Yeah, this way." She'd semi-confidently gesture in what she hopes the general direction to Hotlands.

(I'm just assuming we're at Waterfall or somethin')
pomsrcool said:
She nodded, grinning brightly now. "Alright!" She'd pause awkwardly for a few seconds, as she tried to remember exactly where the heck she even was.
"Huh- Yeah, this way." She'd semi-confidently gesture in what she hopes the general direction to Hotlands.

(I'm just assuming we're at Waterfall or somethin')
She'd walk towards waterfall, looking over her shoulder to check if he was following. "We have to head through here before we reach Hotlands, which is where Alphys is."
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"Okay," he said, running to catch up. He pulled out a piece of chocolate, and ate it. "Got any clue where food can be found?"
She smiled with amusement. "Well, there's allot of shops around here that sell food. I don't know if humans like it though, most of our food is made of magic. You kinda don't even eat it, it just disappears in your mouth... If you're hungry, I've got a Spider Donut." She offered, secretly hoping to get rid of the nasty donut made of spiders she's held onto for so long.
"Who cares," he said, taking the donut. "Thanks, Pentula." He eats the donut. Other than the weird spider stuff on top, the donut was actually pretty good. "Who makes these things? They're actually pretty good."
She cringed slightly. "Ah, well that's from a Monster named Muffet, she's a spider and makes a bunch of pastries and stuff... outta spiders, and then donates the money TO the spiders? I don't know, she's really creepy." Pentula grimaced at the memory of being forced to spend all her savings on a single donut.
pomsrcool said:
She cringed slightly. "Ah, well that's from a Monster named Muffet, she's a spider and makes a bunch of pastries and stuff... outta spiders, and then donates the money TO the spiders? I don't know, she's really creepy." Pentula grimaced at the memory of being forced to spend all her savings on a single donut.
"Lemme guess," he said. "Muffet is an anthropomorphic spider, isn't she?" Shulk notices her grimace. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing, but yeah. She kinda forced me to buy that donut... She's uh, rather persistent." She shrugged. "But if you like them, I'm sure she'll be kinder to you about it."
pomsrcool said:
"N-nothing, but yeah. She kinda forced me to buy that donut... She's uh, rather persistent." She shrugged. "But if you like them, I'm sure she'll be kinder to you about it."
"Youch," he said. "I can say I've never been forced to buy stuff before, but my friends have. They needed to buy weapons that could hurt Mechon, as we were on their home turf. How much did the donut cost? I bet you anything that I can give you that money back, so you effectively wasted nothing."
She'd nervously laugh "Ah, um n-no it's fine! I stole it back anyways..." She'd shyly raise her arm and spread out her fingers to show him how her feathers would seemingly grow out of her arms into a better wingspan. "Being a owl comes with silent flight... Although I'm not as strong as other owls so..." She shrugged. "Muffet probably hates me."
pomsrcool said:
She'd nervously laugh "Ah, um n-no it's fine! I stole it back anyways..." She'd shyly raise her arm and spread out her fingers to show him how her feathers would seemingly grow out of her arms into a better wingspan. "Being a owl comes with silent flight... Although I'm not as strong as other owls so..." She shrugged. "Muffet probably hates me."
Shulk let out a low whistle. "That is pretty cool," he said. "Can't wait until we get to Alphys, and she hopefully fixes the Monado. I have no magic abilities without it working. But I can build. Want a shield or something to defend yourself with?"

(Does Pentula have a shirt and pants or something? I could probably give her gems.)
(Yeah, she's got a short sleeved sweater on most of the time and some jean shorts.)

She'd have a soft smile. "Th-that's very kind of you, but you don't have to do anything for me. You should focus on protecting yourself, considering how many Monsters would love to get their hands on your soul." She sighed. And gestured ahead of them to the entrance to the Waterfall. "We're almost there. Be careful, the place is very dark but I'll guide you through it since I can see decently in the dark."
pomsrcool said:
(Yeah, she's got a short sleeved sweater on most of the time and some jean shorts.)
She'd have a soft smile. "Th-that's very kind of you, but you don't have to do anything for me. You should focus on protecting yourself, considering how many Monsters would love to get their hands on your soul." She sighed. And gestured ahead of them to the entrance to the Waterfall. "We're almost there. Be careful, the place is very dark but I'll guide you through it since I can see decently in the dark."
pomsrcool said:
(Hhhh I got to go to bed. xD I'll be back tomorrow tho, probably.)

"Well... okay," he said, walking up to her. "So this is Waterfall, huh? I think this is a rather nice-looking place. You said it was dark? I'm guessing you meant further in."

(Don't forget, it doesn't get too dark until before Undyne puts Frisk with the rubbish.)
Meanwhile, as entire guard team has lost the trail of the human, who managed to slip from their hands (by the miracle, but in reality - because of other party members seem to care less about RP now...) - the patrols around the Waterfall and some other areas has increased. Human might stumble upon several random monsters, that might try attacking him, but it is up to him to decide if they live or not. The day seem to finish as one mystery remains unknown - two Undynes out there. Professor Undyne with Captain Undyne were in the house in the Waterfall, as they were chatting friendly, but it was clear that Professor seem to be a little bit nerveous, after the sudden seizue that she has surrived. But she tried to act nice, somewhat losing the stammering. Captain, on the other hand, was on guard, on nerves of what is going on, as she realises that the human is off the leash. Periodically patroling along the Waterfall, waiting in the ambush. Professor is left locked in the fish house, just in case.

@Golden Glow
Coury was sleeping on the couch within Sans and Papyrus'(s) home, when he jolted awake. Someone was at the helm again. He stood up, rubbing his head, getting used to having someone control his every movements once again. He tried out his magic, summoning a boomerang, which swung back and forth before dissipating. Everything, for the most part, was in order. He opened the door, and caught a glance of the human, leaving Snowdin for Waterfall. He had no idea where they were now, but knew where they could be. He used one of Sans'(s) shortcuts, and arrived at his Hotland-Waterfal booth. Usually Sans can be found sleeping here, but he was still nowhere to be found. Coury decided to take his place, sitting in the booth chair.
(Yey moar ppl.)

"Yeah, it is really pretty though. There's allot of glowing plants and stuff." She'd say brightly. "It's funny that such a nice place is so close to a unpleasant place like Hotlands though..."
pomsrcool said:
(Yey moar ppl.)
"Yeah, it is really pretty though. There's allot of glowing plants and stuff." She'd say brightly. "It's funny that such a nice place is so close to a unpleasant place like Hotlands though..."
(Took them long enough)

"I have some things that will make it a lot less unpleasant," replied Shulk. He held out a few red jewels that look like rubies. "These Ether Gems make you resistant to heat. I was able to swim in lava for a second because I had one on my vest."
She'd look in awe at the gems. "Wow! I didn't know that kind of stuff existed- I hope we're able to get through the barrier soon, it seems allot more interesting than down here." She smiled at the thought of being able to see real stars. "How did you get down here anyways? If you don't mind my asking."
"I hit the ground finishing off a Mechon with the Monado Buster attack, one of the 8 arts the Monado has within it," replied Shulk. "The Buster hit too hard, and I fell."
"Huh." She hooted slightly. They had now entered the waterfall, surrounded by the sounds of water and blue tinted plants.
Shulk put the gems on her shoulders, where they magically embedded themselves in her sweater. "There you go," he said. He put a pair on the shoulders of his now somewhat torn-up vest, and a pair of green gems on his shoes, so he could keep up with her. He saw the glowing plants, and picked one up. "These remind me of the trees in Satorl Marsh. They literally radiated blue glowing ether."
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