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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

The Undyne pair could hear the speaking and the yell near Paps and Sans house, and without futhuer ado - Captain dashed forward while stomping with her feet, feeling exhaustation and hotness of her body due to the extra heat of it, she runs towards the source of the sound, knowing that she can't afford to let it slip, or else - Underground is doomed. She noticed the couple while then hopping up, holding the Spear in her hands while trying to ram it into the ground with some force, hoping to hit the human good enough to weaken them.

Professor just tailed forward while panting, coughing loudly from all the cold and sweat falling on her forehead, she was unarmed yet being obedient to her cause and to her own self in armor, having no fears for some reason as her eyes kept glowing the orange sheen.

@SansySans @Kiwikat
"Ugh, three enemies now?!" exclaiemd Shulk. "That's it. I guess you'd call this a Blue Soul mechanic." He lifts the monado, and the ether around all of you glows brightly. Suddenly, gravity gets reversed. Except for the porfessor, whom he walks up to, seeing as how she seemed the least dangerous. "Why are there two of you?" he asks. He sheaths the Monado without de-activating it, making sure to keep the ether controlling them. "It doesn't seem like there's any other fish-people here, from what I've seen, other than that kid over there." He points to Monster Kid. "But you and the Armoured one look exactly alike... Well, not counting the clothes."
Professor was looking straight at the human, feeling dread suddenly looming forward. She remained silent as she then backed off, fearing the human that might just destroy another Universe that didn't deserve its faith. For some momment, she went into her own memmory, while remembering something. She was keeping the distance while shifting her attention to the Sword-Generator that controled the gravitation and thus, the sheen glowed intensely, mix of both strong emotions and character was turning into the mix, still being controled over particals of souls. She immediately went into her pocket of coat while grabbing the futuristic device that resembled the gun as she then squeezed the trigger, being driven by soul's bravery. She shoots the sword in the sneath several times, feeling how her hands were trembling in fear.

Captain was lower than other friends of her due to the weight of armor, she grunted while attempted to toss some more spears into the back of the human, since his attention was clearly on Professor.

@Golden Glow
(First of all, how did you know that their name is Undyne, secondly, that feels a little bit overpowered for some reason, like Sword that can control stuff of many people yet it doesn't drain any energy out... Thirdly, you didn't mention the backsneath and thus I have full ability to toss spear at sneath many times, plus destroying the hilt for that matter.)
The Monado gets very damaged at the hilt, and Shulk gets shot in the waist. The ether of the blade dims because of all the ether controlling. "Damn it!" exclaimed Shulk, hugging his side. "That hurt. Whatever. Your friends up there are not going to like what happens if the Monado runs out of power. I can help you break out without you killing me. A soul is made of ether-like stuff, right? If so I can control the 6 you have and they can attack the barrier while I attack with my own!" Shulk rips a piece of leather from his vest, and tapes it to the wound.

(Papyrus said your name, and I guessed who it was, and was right.)
The Professor was standing there, her eyes were full of bravery - she actually managed to hurt the human and feel no pitty of that. She keeps the human at the gunpoint while saying in her deep yet stammering and full of anxiety voice 'Sur-render... p-punk! Y-you are outnumbered a-and w-we are n-not sure i-if your words are truthf-ful... I a-am q-quite m-much sure t-that i-it just basic g-gravity g-generator, r-rather than some strong force... so t-turn it off and j-just t-turn yourself in!' - she has finally tried to threathen the human, yet she was shaking, feeling how her ray gun was trembling.

The Captain looked at the situation and just couldn't smile as Alphys like self have managed to hold the human up, she decided to aid her '
You better to just give up, punk! You are on the ways of many hopes and dreams! And we are going to stop you from doing evil, you human! And with your soul, we will finally manage to get the freedom that we deserve!' - she felt how field slowly eases due to the damage as she then hops down on the ground with the loud metalic thud, holding on the ground, looking up at the human while walking to its behind.

@Kiwikat @ferociousfeind
Coury was messing around with things when he heard a commotion, "Human! Have you killed my friends yet? I'm waiting on you!" Coury then stepped out from behind a building, and prepared his signature attack (the part where your health drops to 1), his eye glowing a brilliant green.
"Uh, no, Coury," replied Shulk. "I think I'm fine."

He draws the Monado, and slices the ray gun in half. He says to P. Undyne, "I don't want to do this, but I will if I have to. Give up, please. I don't want to kill you. Please, trust me. Show me a soul, and I'll try to manipulate it. If it works, you'll know I'm telling the truth. If it dosn't, well, at least I tried. Actually..." his expression changes to one of curiosity. "Hope I don't die from this..." He raises the Monado, and his SOUL flies from his body, doing exactly what Shulk wanted, as if he was in the battle box. He returned it to his body before he died, and lowered the other two.

He sheaths the Monado, after de-activating it. A. Undyne and Papyrus floated to the ground. He backs off, saying, "I swear on my life that I'll use this power to help, as long as you monsters don't slay my race. Don't forget what I can do with this. And if you grab it and activate it, you're not going to like the consequences. The Monado will control you. Trust me, I've seen it happen. My friend Reyn picked it up, and almost killed Fiora, my girlfriend. He also destroyed some of my old laboratory. So, I'd stay away from the hilt if I were anyone but me. If you don't believe me, try for yourself."

He dras the Monado, and activates it. Suddenly, it changes. Part of the red, non-ether blade moves forward a little, and the blue ether blade shrinks. The true power of the Monado, which allowed it to hurt people, became concealed during the transformation. A power Gem fell out of he hilt, which Shulk quickly picked up. He de-activates it, and instead of looking like this:

to something more like this:

He turns to A. Undyne, and gestures to the Monado. "I transformed it for your own protection," he said. "I just changed it so that it doesn't hurt people. In my opinion, monsters are people, too, so if you pick it up, it won't hurt us. Wish you hadn't banged it up so much, though. It was hard to make it like that as it was."
The captain was standing there while looking at the human, still unable to trust him. She then gestures to her sentries to surround him while then walking forward, still in her jawlike helmet, concealing her face, looking menacing and dreadful, like hellknight, that is about to take the soul of the inoccent.

The Proffesor shooked up, widding her eyes as her hands just drops the piece of metal junk that was cutted in two, gulping while taking the distance, but lately - seem to sigh deeply, as the human is about to be contained.

"Well, are you going to try the sword?" asked Shulk, walking up to it. He activates it, and then stabs himself in the chest, and taking no damage from the ether part of the blade. "Monado, if one of these monsters in the group in front of us try wielding you, do not hurt anyone." He says this as if he were talking to a person. "Careful, though. The metal part is like a club, even as it it, so it will leave a bruise." He say this to Undyne. He pulls down his shirt, showing two bruises that already appeared. He pulls it back up quickly, as it was really cold.

@SansySans @ferociousfeind @ShadNova
Coury magically equipped his sentry clothing, chainmail and pink cloth armor, and a helmet showing only his permanent smirk, "Well then, Monado, if you don't hurt anyone, why would you be of use in that mode? I want you to show me what you're made of!" He slid into a defensive position, his eye still glowing a brilliant green, slowly growing in intensity.
"Okay, then, Coury," replied Shulk. "A duel, then?"

He walks over, picks up the sword, and yells, "This is the Monado's power!" The Monado changed, reverting to the Monado 2. He replaced the Power gem it had removed in its last change. "No soul battle this time," he said. "This time, we fight with our bodies."
"Hmm... A bit out of my element, but I guess I'll try." Coury's green eye dissipated, and a glowing green sword appeared in his hand, shaped like the Monado, "Alright... Engarde!" Coury jumped into a fencing position.
"Nice," replied Shulk. "Looks like you can control the ether, too. Then it won't be cheating if I do. Two rules: no killing, and no changing gravity." He activates the Monado, causing it to look like this:

(but with a bigger blade.), and charged.
"Hahah, alright. Good rules." Coury charges towards Shulk blade-first, but feigns at the last moment, jumping back.
"Thanks," said Shulk. "But, I'll have you know that my Monado Arts have different properties in this kind of fight. For example: Monado Cyclone!"

The Monado's blade glows a white-gold colour, and a large golden circle surrounds Shulk. "Unlike in the Soul Fight, where orange tornadoes chased you, the Monado Cyclone makes a large circle of damaging ether."
"Ether, ether... What even is it?" Coury lifted his sword up, and a few spots started glowing green. After a few seconds, swords shot up from the spots, destroying anything that was standing in the spot.
"Ether... It is hard to descri- HEY WHAT?!" exclaimed Shulk, dodging the green sword that almost hit him in the tenders. "Anyways, like I was saying, it is the building block of life. The Monado, here, can control any ether around it. Ether is what the seven magicians used to make the barrier... Wait, I could break the barrier by controlling the ether used to make it!" As he was saying this, he was delivering a flurry of blows. One few words, he's behind you, while others he's beside or in front of you, swinging the sword. It got especially fast when he got to the realization that he could move the barrier.
"Woah, heh, alright. Building blocks of life? That would explain why monsters even exist, being made mostly of magic, or ether." Coury attempted to dodge the attacks, but one caught him off guard, tearing his armor apart, "Woah there, that's a bit much!" The wind picked up, as the two stood there, scarves or other accessories blowing in the wind, perfecting the image.
"I could kill you if I wanted to, and I do not want to," said Shulk. "That and the rule. Do you forfeit?" The Monado turns a deathly black, like the night sky without stars.
"Hmm. This is not my element, and you don't have enough determination to... nevermind. I forfeit." Coury's magic sword dissipates, and a few glowing spots shoot their swords out, which then also dissipate, "If you want a real fight, you're going to need determination, and a lot of it, to be the next in line... and judging by the one in control, that won't be happening any time soon."
ferociousfeind said:
"Hmm. This is not my element, and you don't have enough determination to... nevermind. I forfeit." Coury's magic sword dissipates, and a few glowing spots shoot their swords out, which then also dissipate, "If you want a real fight, you're going to need determination, and a lot of it, to be the next in line... and judging by the one in control, that won't be happening any time soon."
Shulk deactivates the Monado, and puts it back on his back. "Just a warning for you, the Monado won't work for you the same way." He said this to everyone in the group. "And what do you mean by determination, and the one in control?" This he said to Coury. "I'm not gonna be as determined as I was in my last journey for a LONG time, maybe never. Unless Fiora... Fiora!" His voice is filled with determination. Determination to get out of this odd place. Determination to survive. And, most of all, determination to get back to his girlfriend.
"You really are determined, huh? Well then," Coury took off his helmet, and wrote things out with green magic as he talked, "That feeling you have right now, to leave this place, it's strong, but not as strong as it could be. You see, determination is probably a similar form of ether, because it is what gives humans and monsters the will to live. Too much can destroy what physicality monsters have, but humans are capable of reaching ungodly amounts, literally. When a human has enough determination, they reach what I call 'the breaking point', where they gain total control over the capability to save and load. The rules might be different where you come from, or you might not even know about it, but here, it is well known between us scientists. Currently, there is one person who consistently has a massive amount of determination. So much, that I can feel it now. They're approaching Mt. Ebott as we speak."

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