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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

Ace chuckled "I guess not huh...." he said as he sat. "Want a drink bud?" he asked Coury as he held his hand out. "I'm Ace by the way"

Michi finished her burger and looked at Coury. It was relevant that she was a Temmie.
"Eh, I've gotta hold my own," Grillby returned with the fries, "This, however, is where it's at, thanks Grillby," Coury tossed a coin in the air, landing in Grillby's fiery grip, "Hahah, still got it. So, you're a skeleton, right? That's interesting, I think I should get back into my scientific research, if anomalies, according to Sans, are popping up everywhere," Coury's left eye slowly began growing in brightness (in a brilliant green) as he became more and more worried over what is to come.
Ace was about to say something before Michi chimed in.

"So.... time anomalies have been popping up?" she asked "Have you tried to create a device in order to predict the next possible anomaly?" she tilted her head and did that typical Temmie face. "I believe you would need to find a rip in the Time space continuum and isolate it in order to create such a device"

Ace just looked at Michi surprised
Coury was rather surprised at Michi's vast intelligence, "Woah, well then! Off to find the nearest anomaly... Oh wait, that's right..." Coury's eye was burning very brightly now, his right pupil had disappeared, "You and me. We might collapse at any moment due to unforeseen instability. I'll have to get onto making a stabilizer. It might be very large, at least the size of a stopwatch, but 'm getting off track. We are the key to building X."
Ace lookewd at Michi surprised as Michi adjusted her glasses and thought.

"We may need this Sans person in order to help with finding these anomalies since he is the one that reported them." she said as she removed her hands from her glasses. "I studied this stuff briefly at college and understand a bit of it" she said with a smile. This may be my chance to change how people think of Tem's she thought

Ace just shook his head in disbelief. "I can help in any way I can...... I guess......" He then chuckled "I just have to check on my fishing rod, Left my number on it and everything, casted a line out if ya know what I mean" he said with a chuckle
Captain Undyne raised her eyebrow while noticing, how Professor just walks out and collapses. She dashes forward as she then see that she is still here, not turning into the dust. She sighs in relief while saying 'Oh... she just fainted...' - realising that leaving her like this is no good - she crouches while carefuly picking her up, with ease, putting on her shoulder while standing there for a momment. She then turns with Proffesor to the Opened door, facing Papyrus while saying 'Well, Paps... guess we have to cut our training short, I can't leave ... either twin sister or clone laying here. After all, freezing cheeks ain't good idea, fuhuhu. If I am needed - toss a call. And remember what I have told you... ' - she shifted her tone while saying in serious one 'Ditching your own comrades on the field... is the first sign of being coward, the true Guard will never leave fellow comrades in arms behind... not like ... my old friend...' - she looks away while sighing heavily once again, nodding while then she grabs helmet from the belt, putting it on her head while closing the jaw lid. She nods as she makes her leave, going on foot to Waterfall. Meanwhile, party at Grillby's might notice Royal Guard captain escorting somebody on one's shoulder.

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Coury looked out the front window, and saw a figure in armor, carrying another figure, "Oh hey, look! Another anomaly! It's Royal Scientist Undyne."
(Screw it. I think @asriel dreemurr forgot it again.)

Shulk was running through the caves, looking for items. He walked for about a kilometer before finding a single orb. He walked to it, and the floor broke. He fell, and fell, and fell, until he hit... snow? This is odd to find in a sealed cavern. He walked around for a bit, and he found a town. He saw a person dressed as a fish in armor carrying a person dressed as a fish in a professor's coat. "The people here have strange fashion ideas," he thought, walking up to them. He asked the fish-girl knight, "Excuse me, erm... fish woman? Where exactly am I?"

Coury watched the Undynes, until a human fell through the ceiling! Coury got up, and left Grillby's, approaching the human, "Human! I challenge you!" Being a sentry, he was required to by Undyne, "To accept my challenge, all you have to do is take my hand," Coury said as he extended his hand, getting his starting sequence ready, "But beware, you better be ready to dodge everything I've got."
"I accept," replied Shulk. He drew the Monado, activated it, and Monado Armour, just in case. He shook his hand, and then he was thrown from his body, his soul in a box, which seemed to symbolize the battlefield.

(Battle music:


Coury lifts his arm up menacingly, and a flashing column appeared in the box. After a few moments, a singular, non threatening bone lazily traveled across the area of the flashing column. Not impressive whatsoever, there was even a warning for it!

The board then expands, and five options appear:

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Shulk dodges, and [ACT]s. He selects "Coury," and then "Taunt."

"Seriously? I've fought Bats more powerful than you!"
"Hahah, I see you've seen through my deception." Coury honestly humored the human, "If you want to see what I really can do, stand still. BLUE attacks won't hurt you if you do so." Coury's eye flashed blue and a blue bone streaked across the screen, obviously less lazily. As Coury said, the bone was completely harmless, but obviously used more power than the earlier attack, "Also, keep moving over ORANGE attacks, as I like using those too." an orange bone appeared, for the human to play with for a little while, "Get very used to the difference between BLUE, ORANGE, and WHITE attacks before continuing." a [continue] option also appeared.
As she notices how the Human suddenly appeared - she finally realises that it is her chance, keeping her jaw like helmet closed to not reveal her face (Altough she was wearing it) - she extended her hand while creating spear of pure energy, allowing Professor to rest somewhere safe. She immediately looms into the battle as she then seem to swing her spear, immobilising his movement (His soul turns green, shield forms around) as she then violently seem to toss spears all over his way, not really caring about her energy exhaustation. Thus, after seeing Coury doing exactly nothing - she then looks at him with strong envy, saying in her menacing deep voice 'What are you waiting for? THIS IS OUR CHANCE TO GET THE SOUL! COMEONE!!! WHY WOULD YOU EXPLAIN OUR WAYS OF DEALING DAMAGE, YOU SACK OF BONES?' - anger could be heard in her voice, as then she swifted attention to the human.

@ferociousfeind @GoldenGlow
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Shulk spins the shield around, silently thanking Undyne for it. He wouldn't have to wase to Monado's energy on a shield. A few spears hit him, but he didn't take much damage because of Monado Armour, which was still in affect!

[Continue] [Act] [undyne] [Talk]

"Excuse me!" exclaimed Shulk, acting more hurt than he was. "But what are you doing this to me for? I just want to know where the heck I am!"
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Captain tried to evade the laser as it cutted through the air. She grunts as she then looks at the Human, preparing more spears. She then seem to beging to toss the spears in his way, like in giant hail, hoping to damage the human with the sword.

Meanwhile, Professor opened her eyes, looking at the battle as she grunts in pain, reaching for her forehead while trying to understand what is going on, orange eyes seem to show energy, the bravery of hers. She observes the battle with the human as she then stands up, cleaning her own coat from snow as she then remains silent.

@Golden Glow
(hmm. my natural sense of order is being ruffled in the jimmies right now. UNDYYYNE WATCH OUT)

Coury warped into an upside-down heart, and was moving around the board, avoiding the ORANGE attacks, "Hahah, an honorable attempt, human!" Coury emerged, nearly unharmed. He had run into the wall at one point, and had no choice but to stop for a moment. Coury is showing signs of wear, he was not prepared for an attack of such magnitude. While Undyne threw spears at the human, Coury prepared another attack, BLUE and ORANGE attacks were flying around in the background.
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Shulk looks behind A. Undyne because he hears groaning, to see... an Undyne in a lab coat and glasses? Was P. Undyne there the whole time?

(A. for Armored, P. for Professor.)

That's when he noticed the second battlefield, where his SOUL could move, and in which, lasers were flying towards him, ORANGE and BLUE, in a pattern. He stops moving for the blue, and moves through the orange, getting ht once, and, again, thanking himself for the Monado Armour. On the Undyne battlefield, he tries to [ATTACK] by swinging the Monado. On the Coury battlefield, he tried striking up a friendly conversation. He didn't want to kill possible allies. Though, Undyne looked to be able to tough out a swing or two more, he didn't know about Coury.
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Captain grunted while then she changed her tactics - she lifted her left hand while around the human's legs formed a cyan sphere, making light sound. Moreover - area around seem to have that kind of spheres, just like landmines of sort of. And it was about to shoot something into human's chest.

Professor looked at the human, while human could have seen her wore out coat, that seem to be a little bit damaged with holes. She blinked once more while narrowing her eyes, feeling her own heart beating as her eyes were glowing orange. After a few more momments - she then seem to rush forward with the battlecry, full of bravery , the voice seem to be a little bit deeper than before. She didn't care about the 'mines' as she then looked forward at human, charging forward while thinking of taking him down with her bare hands.

@Golden Glow
P. Undyne fights?! Shulk himself barely even fought when he was an apprentice of a scientist before he got the Monado, and only had his Junk Sword. He dodged, and tried striking the Undyne... clone? in the back of the head with the butt of the Monado. He was still green, so he spun his shield wildly, blocking almost every strike, and is Armour stopped afterwards. He cast another one on himself, knowing it's the only way he was alive right now, with all the hits he'd taken.
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Captain growled even more as he then attempted to attack (Despite of suddence) her own self with seak but dirty attack. She then seem to toss more and more spears, with some backtracking ones in the mid while then whiping the spear once again with the battlecry, giving him chance to move while giant sword flies into his way, trying to deal more damage. She still hopes that Coury would help her.

Professor would be looming and then falling over, rolling on the snow as she seem to get the sword evaded, she then backed off as the glow was for a momment, backing off to the Captain, trying to keep closer to her.

@Golden Glow
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"Who are you two!?" exclaimed Shulk, wishing he'd used Shield instead. The sword hit him in the side. Luckily, he'd brought some food with him. He ate a chocolate bar in two swift bites, and 10 hp returned to him.
She kept silence as she then violently kept attacking him, she was despirate of gathering his soul, he is still Red and thus he could fluently move and try to flee. She then tried to come into the close quatters combat - attempting to strike him with her spear many times.
"........Okay, I'm out!" exclaimed Shulk, dodging the attacks, and running the f*** away! "Thank God for these Earth Cloak gems. Now it's extremely hard for people to see me," he thinks.

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