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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

An ominous boom made itself heard as Coury the skeleton brother set off a bomb to make a new tunnel, reuniting the two parts of the underground. He wanted to see his bros, Sans and Papyrus, again at last, "Anyone out there? Any sign of life? Maybe a dog guard, or skeleton bro?" the snow near Sans and Professor Undyne collapsed as a figure climbed out, "S-sans? Undyne? Did I finally rediscover Greater Underground!?" @ShadNova @Kiwikat
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@Kiwikat @ferociousfeind

Professor would hop down on her arse while looking at freshly created bang in the ground/wall or so forth, blinking rappidly while tottaly being startled by it, starting to hicking from fear while trembling, mumbling out in fear 'Y-Y-Y-Yo-o-ou b-b-bloody i-i-i-idot!!!' - hardly being able to respond as she feels how her heart almost yoinked out of her chest from all that fear. At the momment, she could hear upcoming stomps that seem to be running fast. She was full of terror at the momment.


Dashing to the Grillby's, she would stop while feeling quite familiar scent and mix of parfume. She would then look at herself while sniffing own armor. Her sniffing session was interupted by loud bang in the distance, causing some creatues to look around from the woods. Undyne realised that something worse could happen as unknown enemy could be already doing something for the Snowdin. She starts to worry about her friends as she then keeps jogging forward, in her heavy set of armor and glowing spear in her hands, running as fast as she could to the source of the sound. Ambphibian knight was rushing towards the source like some raged bull, after seeing the red blanket. *Stomp Stomp Stomp* - metalic stomps, muffled really lightly by snow could be coming from behind of the trio.
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Sans: Sans twitched again, "... haven't seen this..." He gasped, he grabbed the professor and teleported them into the back room of their house,

ya' know... the one in the back with that machine

he looked at the professor, sweat accumulating on his forehead, his right eye did not go away, he did not turn to the professor and just stared at the wall.
"I'm going on the assumption that this never happened usually?" Coury was startled from the sudden teleport, but quickly recomposed, "Last I checked, today is not opposite day, why are you stuttering so profusely, Undyne?" Coury did not yet know that swaptale!Undyne was actually swaptale!Undyne.
Professor was speachless, as he look once again, around the area, reaching for the glasses while slowly taking them away, looking around the room while letting out light mumble 'Gosh.... T-T-That... was close... like so close... I would never be able to imagine how cl-lose we were here. I heard ... these thomps, they were... so close... I guess... she s-supose to has seen me... hasn't she...?' - she was leaning on the vault while holding tightly with both hands, blinking. She immediately took a look at her armwatches.

At this momment, Coury, who was facing Professor Undnye, could see some strange contraption - square like armwatches with orange digits flashing, the flasks were around the watch, representing seven souls, but instead of souls themselves - they were somekind of colored liquid, being on half of the flask capacity.


Undyne was running fast while already seeing the silhouettes in the distance, two sekelton brothers and the tall figure, with scarlet red hair in curvy haircut, scent was gently fading, yet it was feelable while running. She saw the lighting and how they all disappeared in the distance - she was not really far from them. She stopped while growling loudly from anger, that they have swapped away. She just understood that it was Sans and his tricks. She took the phone while then proceeded to call Sans, waiting for him to awnser, mumbling like 'If you dare to hang on me... I swear, I am going to kill you, Sans...' - it seems that she was losing patience slowly.

Sans: Sans answered somberly, "Hey," He said, not taking his eye off the wall, "'sup?"
'Sans.... I have a little question to you... do you want to have ... bad ... or REALLY BAD TIME... Do you realise that covering ... enemies of our nation is considered to be ... a political treason! You just let something happen and then COWARDLY LEFT THE SCEENE COVERING THE WITNESSES! I hope you have some really good reasoning for all this punk, or you will end up collecting your own BONES IN THE TRASHBIN... Now take your skeletons out of the closet or you are going to be really sorry for your exstance! WHAT IS GOING ON? WHAT IS HAPPENING? WHO IS THAT INTRUDER?!' - she was about to lose her voice in all this screaming in despirate hopes to find some awnsers. The time itself is quite tough, the barrier is not destroyed and yet everything can happen, she was worring about habbitants of Underground and she had to use these messures.

Sans: sans' eyes went back and his eyes went back to normal, "thanks undyne," he sighed, "yea... Sorry about that, look Undyne, it would seem this, 'intruder' is a bit out of your jurisdiction. I don't have much time to explain it, but your 'enemy' is someone of high status in a different timeline, and if you meet this person, or I assume if you know who this person is, you, along with the rest of this world will not be alive to complain about it." He said, sounding a bit more professional than usual, "now I suggest you give up the chase and strike a conversation with that other skeleton who just bust a hole in the underground," He said, "just for the HALIBUT" he joked.
Professor sighned, she stood while walking taking her glasses off while looking at Sans seriously, saying 'Sans... give me the phone, let me talk...' - she sounded certain finally, knowing what she was about to do.
Sans: Sans nodded, "nevermind, here she is" he said handing the professor the phone.
Coury took this all in, slowly piecing it together... AHA! "Oh of course! How silly of me, you must be the royal scientist Undyne, from some alternate universe! That wristwatch-type machine appears to use the power of the souls from your universe to travel through the void between universal structures! I knew soul power was capable of a lot of things, but not something as powerful as this! Sans, I'm off to find the other Undyne, She has yet to meet me." Coury then opened the door to find the royal guard Undyne as Sans instructed.
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Professor wrapped her hands around the phone while looking at the name on the screen, seeing for sure that name is the same as her's. She slowly put the phone on the ear while forming up with words as she hopes that she won't doom anyone in this Universe. ' Well... hello myself... I think I could better explain things ... if we are going to meet in person... If everything would be OK and my theory w-w-ould w-work, then we should be okay... and nothing actually going to h-happen... Good luck and meet me at... Papyrus'... or Sans'... whatever, bye!' - she immediately hang up while letting audiable sigh, lifting her wrist while looking at the watches, at the digits and letters, looking up while cleaning sweat from her forehead 'Alright... at this point... there is no turning back... no anomalic i-inter-rfierence being sp-poted here... Alright...'


Undyne was standing there, stunned by what she has heard, and moreover - to that stranger. She sounded just like her, yet with less confidence, like Alphys. She was standing there, with phone in her right hand as she let snow fall down on top of her helmet. 'I didn't get it... What? Really..? Alphys been doing some sick experiment again? Or it is roleplay of hers...?' - still being unsure if it was prank, she used the benefit of doubt and decided that its better to seek awnsers there, at Sans'. She hid her phone in pouch and immediately turned 180 degrees, dashing forward back to Snowdin, to the center.

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Papyrus had arrived at his and his brother's house, shortly before hearing a noise from outside. He didn't think too much of it, as he knew that possibly that Undyne had caught up, and well... He didn't want to get caught when he had to ditch her in the first place. Either way, he sat down on the couch and started to wait patiently for Sans, and the special guest to arrive. He couldn't wait to meet someone new, it was always fun as he could probably become their friend. Which always made him rather cheerful.
ShadNova said:
[snippity snop] She hid her phone in pouch and immediately turned 180 degrees, dashing forward back to Snowdin, to the center.
As the royal guard Undyne entered Snowdin, she saw the skeleton brother Coury, "Ahh, there you are. Are you going to hold me at spear-point for being a foreigner?"
She stopped while looking through her intimidating shark like jaw helmet at Coury, having little to no idea about existance of another skeleton brother (cousin). She seem to walk up close to Coury while noticing his coat/jacket, but she didn't care, she just put her heavy gauntlets on his shoulders while pressing on them tightly, causing light pain while she, with threathing and booming speach would say 'Sans! What the hell!? From what time you have started saying all this scientific gibbirish with Alphys on the phone!? Plus causing terror in Snowdin with your explosive experiments!!' - she was standing there, feeling how fury was filling every bit of her body, being restless.

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Sans: sans shrugged, "welp professor, my work is done, if you or the other undyne need me I will be with Papyrus" He nodded as he unlocked the door and let her out, "It would seem you have this all covered... Like suddenly none of the other things you told me about meeting another you are going to happen...Strange..." He said.
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Coury chuckles lightly, "Undyne, I'm not Sans, I'm Coury the skeleton cousin. But, yeah, that explosion was still my fault." Coury noticed the secret door open, "Welp, Undyne, you're gonna love what comes next." Court's skull was incapable of wearing anything but a smirk,but it was appropriate here.

'Well, that is explained... by apperance of that skeleton, that seem to look like you. A-After all, I don't r-remember him in my continium at all. S-So that s-suppose to mean that our lapses are n-not united a-at all. So, by logic, if I meet ... that Undyne, then nothing would happen, as this does n-n-ot i-inflict time continum here. Here, let me e-explain it with schematics...' - she reached for her pencil from the pocket of her labcoat, taking piece of paper while then proceeding to make simple scheme, she then pointed at spheres with her pencil 'This is your universe... the continium of its own... the multiply lines comming out of the spheres - the timel-l-lines that you were t-talking about. In every continium, t-there are own timelines, in theory ofcourse. My place... or universe... *Pointing with pencil at another sphere with lines* has their own timelines.' - she lifts her head while fixing her glasses. She was looking quite collected, her face showed that strange appeal to her. The way she is clothed, the way she is standing, the body, the look itself - it strangely fits her quite well. She then lowers her head down back to schematics 'I have l-long story of get-ting here, but if making it short - I have sucsesfully created t-the machine... to go through the space flux... I was ... ordered to have the s-solution to our crisis, being s-sealed by humans... I assume you f-face t-the same thing. I h-have comed up with sev-veral theories and here I am... so if I have seen that skel-leton of y-yours... then I am free to a-assume that me and that U-Undyne - are two diffirent creatures... So nothing like Time Paradox nor Universe shattering is pos-sible... I think.' - she stops there before leaving the room, waiting for San's thoughts.

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Sans: sans nodded, "alright professor, I am glad to know the universe won't collapse on itself" he looked at the covered machine and then back to his undyne, "then you had better go talk to her before I get arrested," he said with a hint of sarcasm, "I better go in and get papyrus, I hate to keep him waiting" he said as he brought the professor out, he walked over and nodded to Coury and walked inside his house, "hey bro, I made it"
'What are you talking---' - and then, she was interrupted by apperance of the Professor. They were standing there, staring at each other's eyes, wind seem to pick up as it was gaining strengh. What a miracle - two Undynes finally met each other, looking straight face to face - two antipodes or two diffirent characters, standing out there in the middle of the road. It was snowy, it was falling down like somebody was pouring cornflakes out there. Professor was looking at Captain, allowing her labcoat tail to whirl on the wind. Professor kept her serious expression, blinking ocassionally while having her hands out of her pockets. Captain Undyne has accepted the stare yet her face showed surprise instead, disbelief and shock was taking over her, allowing her ponytail to gently whirl as well. The silence was staying there, being gently accompanied by wind howls. Nothing really was going around, they were just standing there like statues, trying to see, who will lose the stare competition...
Coury stared at the two Undynes, and couldn't hold back a chuckle, "Heheh, looks like I'm the savior of this world. I'd love to stay and chat, but I can't wait to meet Papyrus. Hey Undyne, if you did come from a similar yet different universe, I'm sure you can't wait to meet everyone. I'm pretty sure Alphys would love this as well! [as soon as we get an Alphys player]" Coury walked back towards Sans and Papyrus's house, following Sans inside.
The staring continued, they both seem to follow each other's moves, eyeing down every bit of their clothing, their style, their faces. Finally, after some time, Professor fixed her glasses, saying 'F-funny... isn't it..? I ... meet my own self... the ... captain of Royal Guard? Heh... I must be that tough here... huhu... R-Reminds me of... being trash... despite of all these ... achievements... huhu... fuhuhu...' - Professor blushes, it seems that she comes back to her own self, standing in that cold while looking a bit away from Captain. Meanwhile, Captain kept her guard, blinking with her left eye while saying 'I can't belive... that I just talking to my own nerdy self... Why I am so sure ... that you are not doppelganger... Pfft, why should I be sure that you are not Illusion, punk!' - she lifted her gauntlet while in her hand slowly formed the cyan spear, pointing at Professor, but something in depths of her brain was telling her that she here not for to ruin anything, infact - she might be here to help - a free pair of fresh brains would indeed help. The look of Professor just asked to remind herself of Alphys, as light smile appears on her intimidating, full of contempt face, saying 'Hmpf... you are nothing but just another pair of brains... not really dangerous... Uh...' - the sense of uncertainty followed her.

Professor fixed her glasses while then smiled in return, showing off her sharp shark teeth as well, she says '
As long as Universe is s-standing on ... and no black holes app-ppear ... I think there is n-no trouble for us to exist in one place at the s-same time... Where are my manners... Fuhuhu. Names Undyne ... Professor Undyne - Royal Scientist of Underground in my continum... with Professor Degree in T-theoritical P-Physics and C-Chemistry... Heh... I can't belive that... I look so... strong... so full of beans... so ... fuhuhu... ' - she blushes while looking away, it seems that she began flirting with her own self, how ironic. Captain seem to be still in big confusion, scraching her chin while saying 'And I... instead of taking such epic position and story - take role of a nerd? Huh... funny, really funny.' - she seem to soften a bit, blushing a really bit at her comment while keeping her spear in right hand, walking close to Professor, swaping spear in her hands while taking Gauntlet off her right hand, exposing it to Professor, saying 'Hell, punk, I met one nerdy geek before... why I can't have another one in the same team, being almost like myself, fuhuhuhu.' - she sounds really pleased of that. And after some time, Professor reached for Captains hand, holding on it tightly while shaking it, using less force due to her body strucutre, but still strong enough. 'Wow, for such nerd like Alphys, you are quite strong, fuhuhu. Pleasure to meet ya, punk' . Wider smile appears on Professor's face as light sweat appears on her forehead, blushing even more while saying 'Fuhuhu, A-Alphys ... heh... right, m-much stronger... huhu.. Oh, you just don't know how much do you remind me of her...' - she looked away as she felt homesick for a momment, feeling how distant she is at the momment, already missing Alphys - the Captain of Royal Guard and her Axe Wielding skills.

Welp, despite of that, lets get inside, I think we can... resort everything behind nice cup of SOMETHING.' - she said that with some more thoughts while shrugging, walking in the pair into Paps' and Sans' house.

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"Oh Sans! There you are. I was starting to wonder what was taking you so long. Where is the guest you talked about on the phone?" Papyrus got up when he heard the door open, looking over to see his brother. He didn't see any one with his brother, maybe they were behind him?
Sans: sans blinked, "oh right,uh..." he noticed cory, "yea, this is um... Our cousin" he nodded, he was getting really tired, all of this teleporting and hiding stuff was getting on him, "oh yea, there are also two undynes now" he chuckled as he walked over to the couch and resisted the urge to immediately pass out on it.
"Yes, it is I, the long-lost Coury R. Neu." Coury greeted Papyrus, "It's been so long since Greater and Lesser Underground became seperated."
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