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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

'Oh, w-worry not S-Sans! This is not ... the Timeline interfirence, it is more of t-transuniverse t-traveling, s-something that is not aff-ffected by t-the timeline... I-In diffirent universies, in the theory, timelines a-are d-diffirent! S-So I am walking anomaly here... Fuhuhu!' she sounds a little bit more collected, yet still suffering from the snow and cold of hers. She sneezes while sniffing, saying 'I-I-In fact... I-I would keep the research of t-this place, since... the coordinates are almost simillar... and I can say that i-i-it is Snowdin! Yeah, just like in my continum! Well, a little less severe than in my 'verse...' She fixes her colar while coughing loudly, saying ' P-Perhaps you... know where it would be good to stay... and warm up?'. Blinks while looking at San's back.

Roman shook his head and sighed again. This tree would always stump him. He laughed a little at his own joke. Looks like Sans was rubbing off on him. He put his hands behind his back and began pacing around the town. If he was going to be able to see Sans when he came back, he needed to cover more ground. He hummed a little tune as he did so, an old tune. His eye sockets kept scanning the edges of town as he did so.
sans nodded, "alright... Professor, I know A place that will get you warmed up" he said holding out his hand..." do they have a grillby's in your place?" He chuckled as he looked back to snowdin.
Kori had by this time searched the ruins and found nothing but a patch of flowers where humans had always fallen but sadly there was no human here. She soon left those ruins behind her body shattering inside them leaving nothing but ice behind lifeless and still as the warmth returned and her focus turned to the town south of her. humans came though there perhaps she should add this place to her icy domain a small city of ice that would not melt.

Outside in the forest a new Kori formed the exact same inhumanly perfect features bedecking this new form an extension of her will and the icy flame. Perhaps with a town in her domain she might find more enjoyment out of things, still she felt the fear and hate within her that had first shown her light no she should not stop at one city perhaps she could take over the whole world before she took the souls she wanted. She would just need to find whoever was in charge of the human collection and the force that kept them below and perhaps she wouldn't need all seven souls.

Regardless she first needed to search the town and cover it in her ice freezing it in time like the rest of her collection, really she did need to chose what she would do with the town she may even just leave it if it was as useless as the ruins nothing there but flowers and weak monsters that died with a little ice invaded their bodies.

@Knight Nate
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Roman saw something glint blue out of the corner of his eye socket, but when he turned to look again, it was gone. He stopped his pacing and looked out to the forest. He scanned the forest thoroughly, looking for anything move suddenly. He hadn't seen something like this before, and with new things dropping down into the Underground, like what he saw at the Waterfall, he wanted to know if this was dangerous. He stood there with his hands behind his back and waited.
Kori saw the skeleton even she knew knew of the brothers, one tall one small. A fool and a lazy prankster or so they stories went. The small one however was something else that much she knew more than others. Still this tall one didn't seem to be one of the two, it lacked the flesh of a human so it could not be one so the question now was who was this skeleton. Kori did not fear such bony creatures they were brittle in the end and even they could not escape when they were encased in ice.

As Kori moved the snow fall became harder as if a snow storm was starting up and what little warmth there was in the frozen air fled. Kori approached the skeleton" Snowdin it is this way?" She asked her mouth not moving to match her words as if she wore an icy mask her eyes and upper face hidden from view even now.
Roman would have raised an eyebrow at this point if he had one. He looked the figure up and down before responding, his hands behind his back and his usual grin still on his face.

"Depends. You don't seem very friendly, whatever you are. May I ask why you seek it?"
" That is a yes then " Kori said assuming if the skeleton was asking her about why she wanted to go somewhere then she had to be be going the right way. " I could say i am going to warm up, i could say i am hunting humans, i could say i want to freeze the city or build a home there take your pick as i have yet to make a choice" She said not worried about being attacked she was after all just ice and snow and a body was just a body she could make another.

" And i am just ice and snow" She said her mouth moving to say those words as ice started to climb up the trees around her.
Roman began to laugh as he looked to the ice figure. He had thought it was something dangerous for a second, but it seemed like it was all for naught.

"Well then, it's nice to meet you, Just Ice and Snow. That's a long name you have. You should think of a shorter one."

Despite his better judgement, he couldn't resist it; the joke had to be made. And it didn't seem the figure was much of a threat. Even if whatever it was doing was sinister, there was a slough of people here to stop her if need be, not to mention himself if needed. No fear came across his expression, only the same silly grin he usually had.
" You said whatever you are in your question not whoever you are if you wanted a name you should have asked for one " Kori said pointing out the skeletons mistake or perhaps lap in logic this could be the taller one he was rather foolish looking after all. She of course shouldn't tell if it was a joke humor was something she seemed to lack she was incomplete like that flower it seemed.

" Are you one of the two bothers in the town i know you are not the short one, but you do not seem to be as foolish as the rumors says about the other brother?" She asked her head tilting as she drew closer to the skeleton as if to get a closer look at him.
Roman took a few steps back as it drew closer. He didn't want the thing touching him, because things made of ice usually have an effect on others.

"No, I am not one of the pair you speak of. Might I ask what you call yourself, then?"
" Kori " Kori said simply as her head righted itself with the crackling of breaking ice " Are you afraid of the cold skeleton?" She asked not actually having any ill intent in the question but actually surprised that some creature with no flesh would care about her getting close. It was wise but he had seemed the foolish one to not notice what might happen.
"No. I've just had experience with things made of ice before. And every time they try to touch you, it always ends badly. So you can see why I'd like to keep my distance, Kori."

He kept his hands behind his back and the grin never left his face. He couldn't feel any I'll intent from this...thing, he guessed, but that didn't mean it wasn't up to something. He wasn't about to let his guard down.
" I see " Kori said stopping her pursuit of the skeleton " Then i shall go and do what i must in the city " she said turning to resume her original course to her she had nothing more to talk with the skeleton she needed to find humans and gain their power then she would never have to fear melting or being buried again.[/b][/b]
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But when she turned to her original course, she would turn to see Roman, three paces away from her, his hands still behind his back and the grin still plastered on.

"You know, you never did mention as to what that was. Care to explain?"
" interesting " Kori said she knew the short one sans had such abilities and more it was strange to see another with such powers. " If i really wanted to do something i could already be there " Kori said " You could be too perhaps you remember what will happen in this conversation... no ... maybe you have to much joy i think .. i wonder " she said wondering what this skeleton could remember about the times time had rewound itself. " Perhaps i want to give everyone a hug"
"Perhaps you do. Perhaps you want to kill everyone. Perhaps you want to freeze everything solid. If you're planning on hurting people, you 'ought to tell me, please."

He stared at the ice figure, and though his sockets held no eyes, it felt as if they too could glare daggers.
" Perhaps i am perhaps i am not " Kori said her face once again an icy mask as she started to see to draw the spreading cold back to herself and the snow started to come down harder and harder " if i say i am are we going to have a bad time?" she said her mouth turning into a smirk. She wasn't the kind to attack well when she didn't have a good enough reason the flower was an exception and after all she wasn't really here.
Roman would laugh. A bad time? That was Sans' thing.

"Oh, no. It'll be a fun time."

He looked upward in thought, then back to the figure.

"Well, fun for me, at least."
" Well then perhaps i should just avoid you " Kori said " Or perhaps i'm not here for the town " She continued " You apparently don't share everything with the others so you don't know what has happened and will happen again " She mused considering simply making a body in the town it wasn't like she was limited to just one often when she had those fights to make her collection she had three bodies.

" So asking you how this is going to go is useless Kori said

" Very useless " Said another Kori an exact replica of the first seemingly appearing out of the blowing snow
Roman looked to the second figure and his grin grew wider.

"Planning on overwhelming me? Tut, tut. Where's your sense of honor, Kori? I knew a person made of Ice could be cold, but this is freezing, wouldn't you say?"

His voice showed no panic, only goofy laughter. It was like this was all a game to him, and he was winning.
" Who is trying that?" One asked

" after all i haven't attacked yet and i'm not in the town yet" Said the other the point that if she wanted she could be in the city at a moments notice.

" still i doubt they have what i want " The other said sounding barely disappointed.

" Humans are sadly rare " The first one said

" So are you going to try to fight with someone who isn't even here?" They asked at the same time
Roman wished once again for an eyebrow so he could raise it.

"So you seek a human? Hm. For its soul, no doubt. Well, I'm sorry to tell you that there are no humans around here. You're best off looking somewhere else, love."

He had gotten her to reveal why she came, and now that it was out there, he was determined to make her not go to Snowdin anyway.
" Oh i have i know their source but sadly it seems none have fallen " She said the second kori shattering and falling to the ground " But perhaps i will find a way to pass my time there perhaps adding to my domain or to my collection after all it is already ruled by ice and snow so it is only right that i make it mine " She said casually as the sound of cracking could be heard as she debated having this body shatter and simply reform in the village as she should have done from the start. " Or maybe i'll just go and get something to eat" She said with a shrug
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Roman would appear right behind, in his usual pose.

"I would recommend Grillby's, then. He makes a mean burger, among other things."

He wasn't just going to let this thing go without supervision. He needed to watch this thing.

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