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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

Sans: sans blinked, he placed the gold on the table, "sorry for the trouble" he nodded looking out the window, had he really seen Gaster... Of course not... right? He hadn't seen this in any future... this timeline already is troubling to him. He picked it up and smiled, "thank you" he said, "tell your mom I said Hello" he said as he left. He looked at the figure again. He then turned away, "better work on those puzzles..."
she walked back up stairs to scold her bird, but zipper had disappeared. "zipper? where did ya go buddy?" she called. she looked around and saw that zipper fell asleep underneath the table. "aww" she said quietly and picked up the rest of the bowl pieces.
W. D. Gaster opened his mouth in surprise. 'That could not have been.." His long black coat dragged across the ground as he quickened his pace. That skeleton in the blue jacket... His smile was eerily familiar. Gaster came to the door of the building that he saw him at... Sans, was it? He couldn't remember, it had been so long. He reached toward the doorknob, the metal shining through the hole in his pale hand. He jerked the door open quickly and without hesitation, taking a moment to soak in the room. It appeared to be a goods store of sorts.

'Is anyone.." but words did not come out. Instead he was only able to think it. The shadowy figure concentrated, forcing himself to speak out, in a weak, yet stern, voice. He sounded as though he was an old static-y tape recorder. "IS ANYONE THERE?"

((@asriel dreemurr))
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Gaster looked at her intensely, with a wide grin. He meant it with good intentions, however it would probably be an unsettling experience for most people. "WHO WAS THAT SKELETON IN TH-THE BL.. BLUE JACKET?" He said to her, trying to get the hang of speaking after so long. He awaited an answer, his hands twitching, still with a massive smile across his face.
From the top of the waterfall, a sound disturbance filled with area. It was followed by a white crest falling down the top of the waterfall.

Destiny held out a paw with her webbed claws trying to catch a ledge. A current drug her down from the surface and as much as she could handle breathing in waters there was next to no way that she could get enough oxygen in such a panicked state with water rushing so fast through her gills. She continued to fall down with no luck grabbing anything until then, well it literally hit her. Her body hit a ledge and sent her flying out of the water. Her jaw gapped open as fresh oxygen filled her small lungs, neon purple eyes looked around to the blue scenery. In the few short seconds she had she distanced the fall and grabbed onto the bridge with her arms. She barely made it as only her forearm slammed onto the bridge. Grey wing-like appendages beat to get enough momentum to lift her glowing purple and sleek grey body unto the dark blue bridge.

She heaved for a few seconds on the bridge, letting her cold and dripping body catch up to what had happened. Her eyes and tail glowed purple along with the liquid acid that dripped from her almost ever unhinged mouth. "Where-" She coughed, acid spitting up and residing on the wood of the bridge. "Where-where did I fall?"
(@Knight Nate)

Papyrus quickly moved his head to catch glance of the other voice, he hadn't suspected that he had been followed by someone. "Roman, what are you doin-" He stopped his questioning of the other skeleton, as Roman had pretty much taken his next question right out of his mouth for him. He decided he would be patient with getting his explanation from Roman, since it was probably much better to get an answer from Undyne rather than change the topic. "Yeah, is there something bothering you, Undyne?"
Far in the frozen wastes beyond home and hearth, far beyond where anything but trees could live where spring never came and the show was eternally covered in icy snow stood a lone building. It towered over everything, a castle made of pure ice that gleamed in the sun. The morning dyed it in every color of the sky above vivid hues painted the building in a way no artist could capture. The castle itself looked like it was art brought to life, towers were held a loft by spindly lattices works far too thin to ever hold something of any weight, yet they did as if in defiance of the world. Every inch of the castle from highest tower to the lowest step was covered in designs that spoke of winter and cold beauty, the light seemingly bending in the ice to bring these markings out in different shades than those of the walls. All around this castle winds blew carrying cold that bit down to the bone and seemed to whisper of harshness of the world and impending death. There was no warmth in this land even in sun soaked castle.

Inside the remote castle a single being lived, inside the hallow castle she built for herself. Inside a parlor furbished only in ice and frozen flames that flicked and danced without consuming anything the lone figure sat at a piano. The piano too was nothing but ice yet when the keys were pressed the piano emanated an ice crystalline tone like that of a real piano. Like everything else it was just a frozen reflection of the larger world brought to the tiny inhabitant of this looming castle. The lone figure was clothed in ice given different colors, her features a frozen perfection, and a mockery of life it had none of the warmth that true life had. Everything about it was fake like someone had tried to capture perfection and somewhere in some tiny invisible detail they had stumbled for the figure was beautiful that was without doubt even without her eyes being visible , but still she lacked some ephemeral quality that made her beauty more terrifying than anything.

The figure played the icy piano hands moving from key to key yet every song was lacking in some way, every key was pressed in the correct order yet it was never right, and the castle shook and the wind outside howled in anger despite the figures face never changing. An untold number of timelines spent trying to figure out what was missing and still whatever it was eluded the frozen being. she needed souls to understand to grow. Outside the winds died down replaced with a light snow storm that blotted out the morning sun robbing the castle of all its former beauty leaving only the imposing shell that its lone tiny inhabitant had created for herself.

Looks at the Roman while having no idea who it might be, saying 'I perhaps will explain it later... but who the hell are you? Sans? Isn't that you?' She was about to reach for the door to her house.
Roman sighed and rolled his eye sockets. Of course Undyne didn't know who he was, despite him being there for the majority of time she spent with Papyrus. Sometimes he hated how he had no presence.

"No, I am not Sans. Sans is shorter, and wears a blue hoodie. We also speak in different fonts. I am Roman."

But at the mention of Sans, he mentally facepalmed. He had forgotten about Sans completely; he needed to ask him something. He turned and began his walk back to Snowdin.

"But I actually need to go see him right now. Make sure Papyrus doesn't do anything stupid when I'm gone."
Flowey's giggle turned into maniacal laughter, his face was twisted into a mockery of a smile. He charged up another attack and let it loose.
Floyd: Floyd ran off not looking back he stopped when he got far back into the ruins, he waited... and waited... and waited... His father didnt come back, he asked around later to other froggits who did not give an answer... Floyd blinked and looked at the darkness... "father..." he said, very sad, " I... I failed... You... NO! I swear father... I will avenge you... I will find flowey, and I will make him PAY!" he said loudly, " DO YOU HEAR ME FLOWEY, YOU DEMON! I WILL FIND YOU!!" he screamed/croaked.

Meanwhile, his father glared at the flower and croaked a taunt to the flower. He prepared an attack of his own, white flies began to circle him.
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In the ruins the temperature suddenly took a nose dive as a single figure appeared in it. The figure to tall and thin to be a human, or even human like monster didn't move for a few moments as all around it small ice crystals formed in the air and the pond nearby the figure started to ice over. Every last bit of heat seemed to be pulled out of the air by the figure as if winter had forced itself into this place and brought with it stillness and death. When the figure took a step ice forms wherever it went and spread out traveling along the ground killing the plants and making any floor slick and covered in a transparent sheet of ice.

The figure turned its head and looked about from shrouded eyes every movement more like ice braking and reforming rather than a normal body turning to gaze upon a flower attacking a frogit. Kori knew this was no normal flower she remembered a time not too long ago when things had been constantly reset and how this flower had acted oddly when that happened. She raised a hand and unleashed a blast of sub zero air at the violent foliage.
Roman began to head for the exit of Waterfall, buy stopped once he heard a loud thud. It sounded like something hitting wood, but the only wood around here was on the bridge. He looked back for a second, thinking about what to do. He sighed as he turned back around and made his way to the bridge. What he found, he didn't expect. It looked to be a sort of....hybrid animal. He couldn't describe it very well. He took a wary step towards it, his hands behind his back.

"Hello there. Are you the one who made that ruckus?"

Destiny's pupil less purple eyes wavered when Roman approached. Her natural instincts brought her to her paws and arched her gray back, small spikes protecting her spine spread out out of fright. Gray wing like appendages spread out to cover more area and look larger, a tactic most surface animals used when faced with a larger foe than themselves. Her jaw seemed to nearly unhinge letting purple glowing acid drip off of her tongue and pool up on the wooden bridge. She moved her tongue and have a hiss. It was long and almost spine shivering.

@Knight Nate
Roman smiled and let out a small laugh as he watched the hybrid take a stance to make her seem more intimidating. She was probably just scared, so he took a step back to seem less threatening.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to skin you or anything. You needn't be afraid of me, little one."


"Since he seems to have left, I suggest we proceed with what we were doing." Papyrus said, watching as Roman left to go find Sans. He honestly couldn't understand how he hadn't noticed the other skeleton, had he really been behind him the entire time? He felt rather disappointed with himself, as he should have been making sure that he hadn't been followed. He had let Undyne down, but next time, he made note, he would make sure that not even a little mouse could follow him. Other than Sans, no one would know where he would have gone... Well, despite Roman anyway. Papyrus waited patiently for the door to be opened so they could get started.
"You think a petty comment like that is going to calm me down?!" She hissed now spitting raising her ears up. Destiny could see her tactic was obviously not working although she didn't expect it to fully work. She expected him to back down or even walk away, often like the humans did. From what she could tell, he was human shape but the fine lines of him didn't make sense of her. How could she understand him? She couldn't ever seem to get to humans like that. They only acted kind when they wanted to lure a Turbo in, only to betray and kill them after they caught them in a net. She was waaay too weary of everything on the surface to trust anything she saw now.

@Knight Nate

He was being honest; he didn't expect much from this newcomer. It seemed to have just arrived here, and he doesn't exactly know what to expect from it. He just stood there, hands behind his back with his usual smile. He didn't want to scare it, but he didn't want it to get aggressive. He figured if he just....talked, then maybe they'd get somewhere.

After a while Destiny lowered her wings and closed her jaw however, still let her tongue slip out of her mouth. She saw that he wouldn't be letting up any time soon. Her breathing slowed down from a quickened flight or fight pace to a next to normal breathing pace. Her eyes still tracked every movement he made despite him not being able to tell where she was looking. Grey wing-like appendages folded behind her back as her spikes laid back along with her ears. Destiny's glowing tail wrapped in front of her and gently thumped on the bridge. The scenery looked rather pretty to her from as much as she could see while her skin dried.

@Knight Nate
Roman tilted his head as he looked at it, his hands still behind his back. He had to admit, he wasn't expecting anything like what was in front of him currently. He put a hand to his chin in thought.

"If you don't mind my asking, what exactly are you?"
"Humans call us 'Turbos'." It was really all she could tell him and really all she new. She could hardly understood what humans said however, whenever they found them they kept saying that word over and over. Hence, that is what they assumed they were called. She shivered a bit as the air became cold around her as splatters of water splashed onto her skin. "I guess you could also say I come from the-" Destiny looked up as her ears flattened to her head. "-Surface? I saw swimming in an open river and all of a sudden a current drug me down here."

@Knight Nate
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"A turbo, eh? Strange. I've never heard of a 'turbo'."

Roman turned back and resumed his course to Snowdin. He had things to do, and as curious as he was to this Turbo, he needed to do them.

"Well, I must be on my way back to Snowdin. Feel free to tag along if you like; we're all monsters down here."

He started walking, his hands still behind his back.
Destiny's ears went up at the word "monster". Was she really a monster? She lifted a paw and examined it, rough but yet was made of a textured surface. "Mo-monster as in a gruesome creature who is feared?" When she put her paw down again and looked up and noticed Roman was gone. She got to her paws and turned around as her tail lifted up following her.

"Uh-uh-wait!" She shouted raising her head up and padding fastly at him. "-I never caught your name! And where's Snowdin?"
Roman turned from his walk as he heard the voice call and stopped moving. He put his hands behind his back as he replied.

"I am Roman. If you'd like to speak more, find me in Snowdin. Just keep following the path down this way. You'll know you're there when you reach the snow."

And with that, he turned right back around and walked off at a brisk pace.

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