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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

"Oh-" Her paced slowed down and then completely stopped as she looked on past Roman. "-Okay." She seemed disheartened by the fact that he had left her hanging but watched him walk on anyway. So many questions filled her mind about this place. Her body shivered with the cold as she could almost feel the cold breeze coming from somewhere. Her wings clasped to her body to keep warm, she had to find some place to hide or she might freeze. "You'll know you're there when you reach the snow." Destiny recalled it back in her mind and bared the teeth at the thought and concept of "snow". Although she had not even seen it, she had heard a small bit from the humans. Or at least enough about it to know it was cold.

Her grey head turned around to see a small crack in the wall, thankfully just large enough for her to into. Then she crawled into the small space huddling her wings and tail up against herself shivering. "I-I wish my fur would grow out sooner." She thought to herself as she curled herself as small as she could into the crevice still glowing her normal acid neon purple.
Roman returned to Snowdin and made his way to the town center. Monsters were up and about doing whatever, and the snow was coming down lightly, giving a peaceful air to the small town. He looked all around as he walked, trying to see if Sans was about anywhere. When he couldn't find him anywhere around town, he sighed and went into Grillby's. If Sans wasn't here now, he would be soon. He took a seat by the bar and asked Grillby for a small bowl of ramen, to which he nodded and went to get it ready.

And so she opened the door and walked in, being in relief that Papyrus forgot about her nagging, allowing him to move in as well, still in that heavy armor of hers. She turned towards Papyrus while saying 'Oh well, Papyrus, I need to take off this armor first, since it makes no darn sense to train you like this, so - be good skeleton and don't break everything in here, got it? Good.' - she seemed to be a little bit too nerveous over something, even angry at the point and so she went to the far left door, which lead to her room, yoinking in while then she proceed to change her cloth.
Papyrus went into the house, looking around at the familiar surroundings he was usually greeted by whenever he came over Undyne's. When he heard that Undyne wanted to take off the armour, it instantly made sense to him. Papyrus knew that he wouldn't want to wear heavy armour while cooking, that was for sure, it would make it much more difficult than needed. "Alright, I promise. It isn't hard to not break anything. If Sans were here... Well. He wouldn't break anything, but he would probably make a mess most likely..." Papyrus seemed to question the last bit of his sentence, his brother was pretty unpredictable, so he wouldn't know for sure if Sans would really make a mess. It was probably only because it was their house and it was alright to do such things... Papyrus sighed, he still didn't wish to always make Sans clean up his stuff, which he found a way to avoid some way or another, or to actually clean it up himself. It was mainly just the bigger picture, he wanted a nice house for whenever his newer friend (whenever he may be getting one), or when Undyne happened to visit.

(oh. well...um, i forgot about this again...stupid DX. erm, @Blitzy are you online?... [sorry for the wait, yesterday i was in school till around 5. today was better, and this website completely slipped my mind]*im gonna go off of when blitzy was talking with me.)

the cat replied "I-I dont know his name, he's just a customer..." she calmed down a small bit, after the initial shock of seeing ghaster.
After sometime, Undyne walks out of her room in her casual black tank-top and blue jeans, fixing it a little bit. She tries to cheer herself up a little as she looks at Papyrus, trying to remember something funny that happend before (Perhaps every single cooking leason was funny, although it usualy end up in disaster). 'Alright, let's see how you doing with your homework and what do you remember after the previous training.' She walks towards the sink as she crouches, opens the hatch under the sink as she grabs on the metal bowl, taking it out and placing it on top of the stove, sharply turning to Papyrus while crossing her hands, waiting for him to respond.

(@Karcen @Kiwikat Sorry I haven't replied in a couple days, school work and writer's block :/ )

Flowey's smile was unwavering against the white flies. He knew he wasn't going to defeat a Final Froggit, but death had lost it's meaning after the first hundred or so revivals, He braced himself, when from out of nowhere he was hit with a blast of ice.

"What the--" He practically flew out of the ground. He came back down on a bank of snow, freezing cold. He was able to catch a glance at a thin figure who was spreading the icy winter all over the ruins. She's going to kill the yellow flowers if this goes any further. Flowey was starting to panic, regardless of if he was freezing to death, the flowers over Chara's grave were some of the only things he cared about protecting.
FLoyd's father looked at the ice creature and croaked his thanks, he hopped away frantically back into the ruins.
Kori looked to the flower and the frogits but didn't seem interested in them she was looking for a human, this was where they came from in a repeating cycle of confusion kindness and death. All around her nature warred with itself as she forced the air itself to cool so that she might exist without her body melting, though that was only because such bodies were slightly annoying to create not because she would die if it melted. All around her ice formed and spread more and more along the ground. Then she moved seeming to glide over the ice rather than walked like her lower body was a part of the very ice on the ground.

" The humans come here but are not here" She said her voice sounding not quite right like the clatter for crystals came with each syllable " But they do perhaps I shall wait before they can try to change things" She mused ignoring the monsters and the flower that would suffer from her presences everything would be sealed in an icy tomb if she remained as she intended
Flowey forced himself to burrow under the icy ground, if there was any chance, he needed to root himself in the ground. He wiggled his roots, the ground was painful to touch, but he used as much strength as he could to connect himself. "Hey!" He yelled. "What gives?! Snowdin is that way, lady." He began to burrow to get away from the cold air, maybe he could head her off before she got any closer.
" I am not going to snowdin " She said looking around more and spreading the seemingly mystic ice and coldness as she moved around " Humans fall here i will find them when they do " she explained seeing no harm in telling the flower who at this point lacked the power to stop her from doing whatever she wanted.
(@ShadNova, Thank you for waiting.)

Papyrus glanced over to the bowl for a few seconds, then looking back at Undyne. "Well, I forgot to bring a sample of my latest cooking. It was definitely better that is for sure, Sans said it was rather cold though... So I guess that is really the only thing that I had forgotten from the last lesson. Heat. This lesson I feel that I will finally do it completely correct." Papyrus said, he seemed excited for the lesson. He wanted to quickly try it and make sure that he had mastered it, maybe then they could probably move onto some different things. He started to come up with many different things that he could make, he would definitely still make spaghetti the most that was for sure.
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Smirks while saying with passion 'Then what are you waiting for! Go for your exam! Show me that you have got it right!' - she keeps her fists pumped while holding them up, waiting untill Papyrus bring himself to the stove but then just says something lately 'But one thing... please, let us do it without burning the house like we always do.. I am getting tired of putting fire down...' - lets out with quiet strict the remark.

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Roman tapped his fingers on the bar as he waited and thought about everything. He had hoped to find Sans soon, but it looked like he was off doing...whatever it was Sans does. It seems like you can't ever find Sans unless he wanted you to. Grillby walked out of the fire exit and placed his bowl of ramen in front of Roman, to which he nodded and pulled twenty gold pieces out of his pocket and handed it to him. Grillby took them slowly and handed him a pair of chopsticks, which Roman quickly took and began eating his ramen.
Sans: Sans walked his way back to the door to the ruins, he stopped at one of his puzzles and smiled, he circled one of the answers on the word search and looked around, "I really hope that wasnt gaster..." he said looking back at snowdin.
After a while Destiny had warmed herself enough with her own body heat to last a while. Her eyes were illuminating slightly less bright as she popped her head out of the crevice with her grey ears perked up hearing for sound. When she noticed no one was around, she squeezed herself out of the crevice she had gotten warm in. Destiny looked back at the crevice and frowned knowing she was going to a colder place than before. With a sigh she padded on the way she had saw Roman go.

Once she padded on for a while, she exited the cave and entered the wintry paradise she could only think of as the "Snowdin". Her wings shuddered against her body as she looked for a public place to be warm. Her eyes noticed the Grillbys sign as her gaze lowered to see Roman inside. She shook her head and walked on until she got to another public area. She recognized it as a shop and went in, depsite the fact that she had no money, she could see what she could buy at a later date. The warmth of the room made her smile as her thin skin began to feel the glow of the heat.

@asriel dreemurr
Meanwhile, somewhere in the Snowdin... The sudden flash illuminates the woods for a momment and then - disappearing quickly. The figure being hidden behind the dark woods and shadows, which looms over body of the traveller as loud grunt of pain could be heard. The figure once regains stabbility as it holds onto the fallen pair of glasses with one sea blue scaly hand, lifting it up to the eyes. Light mummbling could be heard as one has begun walking in the woods, keeping body temperature with arms, keeping strange mumbling. The figure was walking and reaching Sans, who was standing and figuring the puzzles as the figure suddenly tripped, falling down on the San's way.

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Roman sighed as he finished up the last of his ramen and looked around Grillby's. He didn't really like crowded places like this, and staying here was getting him nowhere. He nodded to Grillby and hopped off of his seat and made his way back outside into the cold of Snowdin. He walked to the center of town and stopped near the center of town, admiring the decorated tree. He had always liked this tree, and just looking at it sparked a gnawing feeling at the back of his mind, like he was forgetting something. But he couldn't figure out what...
Sans: sans jumped, he hadn't seen any of this future, this was all new to him, everything was making him a bit jumpy, "uh... Hello there..." He said nervously. He couldn't even tell what it was in front of him. He took a step back, "are you lost?"
The female grunting could be heard as voice sounds familiar, the pitch deffinately is. The figure was in the white lab coat with some dirt and cuts on it. Moving one's hands and body, snow slowly falls off, revealing the shade of blue and red on the ground, holds onto the glasses with blue hands, where sharp claws could be seen. Once it fixes the glasses on one's head - it finally lifts the head, facing Sans as the view would deffinatly surprise and shock Sans. Infront of him was Undyne... Undyne with the lab coat and glasses, with her right eye intact.

Sans: Sans hopped back... "Undyne... Is that you... How did you... why are you..." He said, quite exasperated. He calmed himself down. "How did you get here... And how did your eye come back..?"
She feels the cold while shiviring as light smile appears on her face, mumbling 'It... it worked! W-Wait...' - light stammer could be heard from her speech. It was Undyne, yet she was completely diffirent. She had a little bit messy but overall collected hair in curvy haircut, some freckles could be seen as well as her eyes were showing surprise and fear. Her glasses seem to be shining as her teeth are as sharp as original Undyne's. She stood up while feeling how snow fill her body, cold breath came out of her mouth. All in all, she smell like Sushi, but with a little bit of parfume. 'Y-Y-You look f-familiar! ... S-Sans? Y-Y-You... are so diffirent..? W-Where is y-your cape? Oh no... Could it... ' and she fell in her stammering mumble, thinking over. Realises something as she suddenly goes silent, looking at Sans, like she blacked off.
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Sans: Sans tried to laugh it of, "heh... I think you have me confused... You're thinking of Papyrus" he said, he actually felt like fighting whoever this was. "no offense.... Undyne... But you seem to be not like yourself, less confident... Kinda stammery... A bit like Alphys" he said thinking outloud, "heh... She must've rubbed off on you."
She once again just proved herself that she is in diffirent universe. Eyeing down Sans while she then says 'Fascinating... So this is how the soul en-nergy work! ... I-It actually... transported the part-tic-cals and photons i-i-into transu-universe setting, to-o-ossing with the s-slingshot mechanics t-to the diffirent Universe, yet with t-t-the same or a-almost t-the same coordinates X, Y and Z...' She takes a look at her wrist, pulling the coat's sleeve as she looks at her hi-tech watches with glowing numbers and some glass flasks that has some neat glowing colors. Lowering it while looking at Sans, giggling quietly while saying ' Oh... where is my man-ners... As in theory... you are S-Sans, yet opositive version... less heroic... less enthusiastic... lazzybone... Just like Papyrus in my time continium... Fabulous... Then by logic... there s-supose to be... version of me... having oposite mental profile... But yeah - My name... my name is Professor Undyne... the Royal Scientist of Underground... OR at least was in my continum... I-I am s-sure that y-you are... confused of all my r-ramblings and c-crazy gibbirish... but I-I t-think it is ... usual thing in your period as well...' She suddenly goes silent, blushing a little while looking away. Her stammering is more affected by the cold.


[Meanwhile, the theme]

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sans blinked, he didnt care anymore, "This isnt a future I have seen" he said, "look, maybe if we can get you to Dr.Alphys... The royal scientist of THIS timeline... Maybe we can fix all of this" he shrugged. "lets hope no one dies on the way" he said as he turned.

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