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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

" Perhaps " The body said as cracks appeared " But walking is not my style besides...." She said unleashing the power she had stored in letting out a burst of cold air that reached far below the negative on a thermostat that would have flash frozen anything living near her " I can't hold that in forever" She said knowing either the skeleton was frozen or had simply teleported, this however wasn't an attack as she had stopped the ice from growing drawing her power into herself instead of letting it run rampant as normal and there was no way she could reform without unleashing it.
Roman only stood there, watching as the ice simply moved past him. He shook his arms and let the excess ice break off from his bones before putting them behind his back again.

"Sure you can. You just gotta believe. Heh."
'Well, perhaps, if you can say so... but i-it is l-l-lead b-by M-M-Muffet El Spid-dero! Papyrus... usually called it as-as 'Muffets'... O-oh well... that w-would do nicely!' Smiles while keeping forward, trying to keep the warmth of her, shaking San's hand.

Sans looked down, "alright then, I know a shortcut" he said as he began to lead her to snowdin, he teleported them in corner of Grilby's and sat down at the bar, "Two large fries please... Extra ketchup" he nodded. He looked at the professor, "so what was your goal in comming here... I mean like... This timeline..."
'Fascinating... Mid-Time transposition... something that is really needed to achieve at some point...' - is seem to be cared away by his abbility to travel through time without interfiering with the continum, something that Papyrus in her universe seem to has not yet mastered. She suddenly goes for a mumbling, saying some figures and some scientific gibbirish.

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"I promise!" Papyrus went over to the stove to get started, first going to make the sauce. He used the bowl to make sure he didn't make a mess as he smashed the tomatoes into a wet, and slightly sloppy tomato sauce. He happily then proceeded to go over to the stove and start with the actual spaghetti cooking, using a pot and dumping spaghetti into the water before turning up the heat. Not too much though, as he remembered what Undyne said. Then he used a bone to stir the water and spaghetti as fast as he could. After about ten minutes, he removed the heat, and then strained the noodles to put them on a plate. He then proceeded to dump a good amount of sauce on the spaghetti. "Ta da!" He expressed happily, he was very proud of the meal a little bit more than all his others. He felt it had went really good.
Holds the plate with spaghetti and the fork while seem to stir a bit the meal while saying 'Looks delicious actually... nice... ' takes a pitch of it as she then rolls more vermicelli on her fork, mixed with sause, seems to really enjoy it while saying lately 'Salt would do nicely, they seem to be a little insipid... But more llikely it is one big pass, punk... B' - she smirks while finishing with the meal, placing the empty plate into the sink. 'Okay, next thing we are going to learn how to do - tea. You know how to do it, right, Paps?'

Sans: he shrugged, "yea.. I've been able to do that for a while now... But that doesn't answer my question of why you are here..." He said as he grabbed the ketchup and took a swig.
'Oh! My b-bad... I got c-carried away... B-But why s-should I tell you? We b-both don't know t-the nature of th-hese transpos-sitions, as I am really surprised that I am not really desintrigrated after s-seeing the same p-place or in-interfiring with dif-firent yet almost t-the same Universe... I-it is somekind of p-precaution...' - she says that stubbornly, just like original Undyne. She fixes her glasses while eating the fries.

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Sans: he put the bottle down and looked at her, "it concerns me greatly that I haven't seen this timeline before, even if what you said about you being an anomoly is true. I want to know what you might have effected..." he said looking back to the bottle, "and if you being here ruins something you better have a good reason for messing with my timeline." he growled. After a few seconds of silence he sighed and realized if he had said something like that to Alphys she would be really sad and hate herself, "what I am trying to say is, I have seen some pretty messed up futures, and so far this one has been pretty good. I don't want this one to be like the ones I have seen before." He said nicer.

"Wowie! A B!" Papyrus cheered happily, he was glad that he had passed. He had ended up rejoicing in his thoughts that he almost missed his next assignment. "I think I remember it. Had we done it before?" Papyrus wasn't really sure about tea, but he was slightly sure that they had made it before. Or so he thought, he tried to think it over. "Was it with those little baggy things or those leaves and hot water?" He hoped that he was right, he was sure that there was like... two different ways of making tea if he remembered correctly.
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'You got the idea, Paps. But I have an idea how to make tea preperation even COOLER! Funny, but COOL! Comeone, I think Grillby can make for us a little trick! You coming punk !?' - Undyne says that with full of enthusiasm, already holding her fish-shaped mug in her hands while looking at Papyrus, smiling widely with her shark face.
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Sans: sans nodded, so it isn't a direct mirror world, just the positions change, he thought, "speaking of which, We should go find papyrus, with luck he is on his way back from our undyne's place" he said taking another gulp of ketchup, " I hope she is ready to see herself NOT in the royal guard" he said, cooking up a joke "when you explain it to her... I bet it will be a WHALE of a tale to her" he joked looking at the professor.

Her expression seem to shift from irritated to scared, full of fear as she grabs Sans by his collar while saying loudly, somewhat overcoming her stammering 'Have you lost your darn mind!?! I thought you had some darn knowledge of timelines, and you had to understand that I CANNOT LET MYSELF SEE MYSELF, or else, I can cause darn Time Paradox!! And your and mine universe would be bound to termination, if not better! I Just can't let that happen!!' - her eyes seem to be full of fear while light sweat appears on her forehead, tottaly scared of what could happen, like she watched too much sciencefiction movies or books about time and space and knews better that topic than Sans.
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Sans: He gulped, "first of all, try not to cause a scene, we don't want every person in snowdin to go crazy and run everywhere" he whispered, "second, okay then, but you do need to see our papyrus, and he will probably be here soon. So what we need is just to call papyrus, like so" He said whipping out his phone and dialing papyrus' number,


"Hey bro, where are you?" He asked after the phone rang.
Audiably sighs while with half-tone, yet still failing at doing so and so voice could be heard from the phone ' My God... we m-might be doomed... ' - she just closes her face with her hands.
"Yeah, of course I'm coming!" Papyrus decided that since they were going to Grillby's that he would pick up one of his own mugs from his house since it was on the way there. He went over to the door, waiting for Undyne to lead the way. Since he had no reason to go in front, plus Undyne was a big fan of leading the way. So what better way to than let her lead the way whenever they needed to go someone. Unless... Of course, he had to show her something. He was happy with how good of a friend he was. Then he heard his phone ringing, he wondered for a second who could possibly be calling.

The tall skeleton pulled out his phone and put it to his ear after answering it. "Hello! The Great Papyrus here! Who is this?" He had forgot to really look at who was calling before answering. "Oh Sans! I am at Undyne's place, of course! We are heading to Grillby's right away though. Is there anything wrong? You usually don't call me that often."

(@Kiwikat @ShadNova)
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Comes to the Papyrus while saying 'It still nice to see how brother keeps tract of younger one! Thats the spirit! Also... who was that saying? Something wrong Sans? Are you in danger? The voice there... it sounds so familiar... just like... just like it was me out there in the same place... Hmm, not sure...' - she seems to feel a little alarmed by that. 'Anyway, Paps is right, we were about to come to Grillby's, on our way.'~



Professor has finally heard her own self, full of energy, spirit and enthusiasm over the phone as she mumbles something for herself, like 'Fascinating' or something, remains silent as she just almost got herself busted.
Snas: he glared at the professor, "yea, we are at Grilby's and were hoping you could come down and meet someone, someone who really wants to meet you... Someone who Undyne is not allowed to see" he said, he spoke slower and clearer on that last sentence.
'WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T MEET SOMEBODY WHO CLEARLY SAID THAT WE ARE DOOMED? NGHAAAA! WHEN GUARD IS NEEDED, THEN IT NEEDED!' - she booms that out all of the sudden, clearly frustrated by the say, as well as by the fact that somebody could be in danger. She immediately yoinked inside of her room to change her cloth.


Everyone in the bar seem to look at the pair with some confused look, Professor seem to look at Sans with some more contempt now, blinking.
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Sans: Sans sighed and moved the phone away from his mouth and covered the mouth piece of the phone and looked at the professor, "she is actually storming over here right now, we should go somewhere else." He said to her, "Alright bro, change of plans, go to our house... Your guest and I will be there at there too"
"Ah, alright brother... Whatever you say. I'll meet you there then." Papyrus wanted to ask why exactly there was someone that couldn't meet Undyne, but he knew that it must be important. He really wished that he didn't have to ditch Undyne though, he could apologize when he got there. He hung up and then opened the door to head to Snowdin with a hurried pace since... Well, it wouldn't be much of a secret if Undyne caught up to him.

Sans: Snas sighed in relief, "alright professor, we better get out of here and to my house before our Undyne catches wind of where Papyrus really went to" he said standing up and looking out the door, then back to the professor.

'Is it really that i-important S-Sans? Why d-do you want me t-to introduce m-me Papyrus f-from your continiunm...? Does h-he has s-somekind of key to s-something s-secret?' - she says that with some uncertainty mixed with light irritation, looking at Sans with the same contempt.


Meanwhile, Undyne walks out of the room, in full set of armor, even with helmet on while saying 'Alright Papyrus... lets hurry, there is no---' - and then she realises that Papyrus left early without him. She growled angrly while cletching her gauntlets, saying loudly 'THATS ONE HECK OF COWARD WAY TO LEAVE YOUR MATES OUT THERE, PAPS!!' - hits the wall with her gauntleted hand, yet realises that it is even better that he went first, would require less time and effort to deal with 'Intruder.' - she then walks out and seem to dive into the shadow, slowly fading away while transpositing, with quite large energy consumption to Snowdin's forest, that has the way, which leads to Grillby's. She goes into the dash.
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Sans: sans chuckles, "Yea... Meeting him will really show you what this place is like," he said opeining the door, and nodding his head for her to go outside, "what did you say your Papyrus was like again?" he asked.

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