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Fandom UNDERTALE|simple little roleplay

Professor and the Captain were standing there, listening to the speach of his while they seem to just stay out of their way, allowing them to deal with it. Captain would grunt behind the mask, yet not interfier, for some reason - keeping close to Proffesor, more worried about her safety and the safety of others, like Papyrus or Coury. She barely remember Coury yet she just understood that he has some guts behind his ribcage. She was standing there, on guard, in case things would go harsh.
"Yes, I can save back up there," he replied. "I don't do it the same way you do, though. I kind of use ether for that, as well, but I can only be at one save moment at a time, of course. Could you imagine, like, 20 Shulks running around the underground?" He laughs, and draws the Monado. "I should really fix this..."
Shulk went up to the hole where he fell. He looked up, and felt the sunshine on his face (There was a hole in the ceiling of the cave he was in before falling). He drew the Monado, and activated it. "Maybe I can change my own gravity and get out," he said to no one in particular. He tried doing so, only to have the Monado deactivate on him. It even went back to the Monado I, dropping a Quick Step Gem, which he picked up and put in his pockets. "What the hell happened? I can't control ether anymore? No. I must have just controlled to much, and the Monado couldn't handle the strain. That must be it. Or maybe it is because it's too banged up." Worried, he tried activating it. Nothing. He willed it to go back to the Monado II. Nothing.
Both Undynes looked around while then Captain comes closer to the sentries, whispering 'Alright, priority objective - get that kid to the cage, I need to bring Asgore and deal with ... Professor, I hope you can do your job properly... OR ELSE...' - she then folded her gauntled hand into the fist, showing her irritated face. 'I warn you, I hope words got to you right... to you all' - she then slowly backs off to the Professor while then saying something to her, leading with her into the shadows, finally being one on one. Professor meanwhile were silent, after something interfiered with her character.

@ferociousfeind @Kiwikat
Shulk walked back over, carrying a different blade than the Monado. It was brown, and anout the same length as the Monado. But this sword's blade was not made of ether, but polished bronze. "Guess it's a good thing I kept my old Junk Sword," he muttered to himself.
Pentula- ((I swear if I've forgotten how to spell my own OC's name already I will stab myself agressively with a fork. Ok maybe not, that'd hurt.)) -saw Shulk from a distance, she stared at him with curious wide eyes. "That's a weird looking Monster..." She'd hoot quietly.
Looking around, Shulk saw an anthropomorphic owl monster which he assumed was female. He walked over, as the others weren't doing anything. "Hello, there," he said, not at all confused as to why there was an owl. "My name is Shulk. You are?"

"O-oh um, I'm Pentula." She nervously fidgeted, subconsciously moving her feathers/fingers in a twirling motion as she gave a shy smile.

"What exactly are you? If you d-don't mind my asking..."
pomsrcool said:
"O-oh um, I'm Pentula." She nervously fidgeted, subconsciously moving her feathers/fingers in a twirling motion as she gave a shy smile.
"What exactly are you? If you d-don't mind my asking..."
"Should I?" he asked himself. "Last time I said, they tried to kill me. Oh, what the hell. Why not?"

"Human," he said, hesitating a bit. He braced himself for a hit, really wishing the Monado was working so he could forsee one.
Her eyes widened slightly, if they could be any wider. "A- A human? You don't... You don't kill Monsters, do you?" She squeaked.
pomsrcool said:
Her eyes widened slightly, if they could be any wider. "A- A human? You don't... You don't kill Monsters, do you?" She squeaked.
"Only if they try killing me first, and get close to succeeding," he said. After seeing her face, he stuttered, "B- but you seem kind of n- nice, which is a first for the tie I've spent here. Half the monsters back there tried killing me."
She let herself relax a little, blinking. "Oh good- I- I'm sorry other Monsters are mean to you though, everyone's kinda desperate to get out of here so I guess they just jump before they think..." She'd look downwards thoughtfully, before giving him a gentle smile. "But I wont attack you!" She'd nervously laugh.
He laughs. "I even offered to help them out," he said. "But then they busted the Monado, and I can't control ether or even use it anymore. My greatest weapon is no better than a club."
Her head tilted slightly. "The Monado...?" Her voice trailed. "I don't really know what that is, but maybe there's someone that could help?"
pomsrcool said:
Her head tilted slightly. "The Monado...?" Her voice trailed. "I don't really know what that is, but maybe there's someone that could help?"
He pulls out what used to be his ultimate weapon:

(Imagine a crap ton of dents on it.). "Maybe a mechanic?" he said. "and a really good one."
She stared in awe at the damaged weapon. "Wow! I've never seen anything like that... We monsters have most of our things powered by magic in some form, so I don't know... Maybe Alphys? I heard she was really good with this kind of thing, she's the one who made Mettaton, if you know who that is." She tried to contain herself, feeling like she might have babbled a bit.
pomsrcool said:
She stared in awe at the damaged weapon. "Wow! I've never seen anything like that... We monsters have most of our things powered by magic in some form, so I don't know... Maybe Alphys? I heard she was really good with this kind of thing, she's the one who made Mettaton, if you know who that is." She tried to contain herself, feeling like she might have babbled a bit.
"Mettaton?" he asked. "Some kind of robot?" A wave of fear and anger washed over him: most of the robot's he'd seen were Mechon.
"Yes- she accidentally made it a bit agressive with humans... B-but it's not that bad! Alphys is really nice." She'd nervously grin. "Although she's got allot of anxiety."
"Agressive, eh?" he said. "If he plays 'rough' with me, he's not going to like what comes next. I freaking hate robots."
She had a slight poker face. "I'd like that actually, he forced me to participate in a cooking show... Using me as the turkey." She had a large frown on her face at that memory.
"An entire army invaded my home back above ground," he said, unknowingly drawing the Junk Sword. "I was powerless to stop them. They..." he choked up a bit. "They killed my girlfriend, Fiora. And then they turned her body into one of their own."
She had a sad expression. "Wow..." She'd hesitantly put her feathered hand on his shoulder, trying her best to be comforting. "I'm so sorry..."
pomsrcool said:
She had a sad expression. "Wow..." She'd hesitantly put her feathered hand on his shoulder, trying her best to be comforting. "I'm so sorry..."
Shulk realized he had been rambling, and put his hand on hers, taking it off of him. "I'm okay," he said. "It feels good, letting that off my chest. But Fiora wasn't gone permanently. Her human self broke through the Mechon control, and she came back to life. Sorry about the rambling there." He saw he had drawn the sword, and put it back. "Did not see myself drawing my sword there." He chuckled a bit.
She'd gently smile. "It's fine, I uh... If you want I can lead you to where Alphys is, if you're still up to asking her if she can help." She'd be nervous again, her feathers slightly rising.

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