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Realistic or Modern ***Undead Survival: Zombie Apocalypse RP*** (OPEN!!! Limited spots avaliable)


~Be true to yourself.~




(</3)Opening Scene


A zombie apocalypse survivor's worst enemy.

The moon rose high in the desert night sky, eerily flickering through a dusty haze of thick sand hovering about the air.

Atop one of the larger mesas in the landscape stood a tall, silver-haired young man, standing 5'11" donned in tight black leather pants tucked into knee-high black biker boots, an open black leather jacket with the sleeves rolled up to the elbows with a white tank top underneath it, a silver dog tag glinting in the dim moonlight dangling from his neck, a brown leather belt with dual pistol holsters (their associated weapons resting in them) on either side of his hips, an ammo belt wrapped around his upper torso, a katana sheathed into its scabbard wrapped with a maroon ribbon that fluttered in the cold breeze rushing by strapped to his back (its handle's position over his right shoulder indicating his dominant arm), and a red cloth tied around his head to absorb the sweat his body released that he could use later for various things.

He stood mysteriously upon the front edge of the formation, eyes closed, his hair and the ends of the red cloth also fluttering in the same cold breeze that swept the maroon ribbon tied around his katana scabbard. It seemed like he was artfully listening for something, like a hunter listening for his prey...

But what exactly was the prey he was listening for...?

Fleeing feet.

Thundering heart.

Panicked gasping.

Haika knew she was in for.

Tears streaming down her face, she desperately raced as fast as she could away from a pack of ravenous, foul, blank-eyed undead who had considered her their prey, and would be the meal they have been waiting ages for. They weren't about to let her escape.

Haika looked back over her shoulder as the undead snarled, screeched, and closed in on her rapidly to see just how fast they were. This was her first real encounter with the Infected, one of the zombies' many, many names. They were terribly swift, filthy, grimy, mortifying humanoid creatures, poor victims of the Mad Virus that had consumed every corner of the globe, leaving few survivors. Once good men and women, with lives and purposes, they were now mindless beasts.

And they were

Haika had gotten stranded earlier that evening after passing out from the desert heat away from her Survival Group. But it had been at least a couple hours since then, and she hoped and pleaded with every fiber of her being that they noticed she was gone and were on their way to look for her.

Like, now.

She didn't have much longer for them to find her.

Soon, her exhausted legs gave out and she tumbled in the sand, rolling right into the base of the mesa the young man from earlier stood upon. Realizing she had hit a solid rock formation, Haika scrambled up, coated in sand now thanks to her sweat and thick layer of filth over her body. She thought that wearing the solid, skin-tight black tank top, short khaki shorts, and black breathable mesh sports tennis shoes with lightweight carbon-fiber sort of soles she was offered from her Survival Group would help keep her somewhat cool, to keep her from sweating, but now she knew they didn't help at all. All she could do now was press herself against the towering wall of the mesa and cry in fear and hopelessness.

And scream for help.

That's exactly what she did.

Her scream rang out so loud and far it could be heard crystal clear by the silver-haired man standing above.

His hard grey eyes shot open.


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“Do you really think Haika came this way?” Niels asked quietly, as he and his sister searched for their missing friend.

“I do think so,” Marina answered softly, scanning the area. “I’ve been in this area before- just a few days ago, actually. But this place is trashed now, even more than it was before. More broken windows, random bits of cloth all over, even bloodstains I know I never saw. It’s like a whole pack of deadheads marched on through.” She sighed, looking her brother in the eye. “They aren’t here now, so they must have been attracted to something. And what attracts them?”

“We do,” Niels said, sighing. He shook his head, then he froze. “Did you hear that?” He whispered, putting a hand on Marina’s shoulder.

“Hear what?” She whispered, now carefully looking around, a hand on her glock in its holster. Three zombies broke through a third story window of a nearby building, all three falling to the ground. One of them landed face first, the impact shattering its skull and smashing its brain. The other two got up, and made their way towards the brother and sister. One of them, once a man in a business suit, charged them at full speed.

“Hear that,” Niels muttered, as he drew his wooden bat. “If any more come, shoot them,” he said, readying himself. He stepped towards it as it neared, whacking the zombie as hard as he could, right in the head. It fell to the ground and, bleeding, started to rise up. Niels hit it again, then again, and it finally stopped moving.

The other zombie, this one an older woman in a pretty dress, had landed on its feet, poorly. Niels watched in disgust as it hobbled towards them, several bones quite visibly sticking out of its left leg. He pushed the zombie down with the head of his bat as it slowly approached him, then knelt on top of it, drawing his knife. Niels pushed the knife through its eye, staring down at the writhing monster. It futilely started a grab for him, but it soon crumpled to the ground, totally still. Niels stood back up, seeing his sister slowly circling him, her gun drawn. He tilted his head slightly, looking at Marina’s face.

“No more,” Marina confirmed, smiling weakly. “I don’t know how much longer we can keep looking, Niels. This is too dangerous…” She sighed, knowing exactly what Niels would say next.

“She’s our friend, Marina. For all we know we’re the last people on the planet; we can’t just leave Haika to die. And besides,” he started-

“What if it were you,” they said, together. Niels smiled, Marina rolling her eyes.

“Fine,” she said, “Let’s get mov-” She was interrupted by the piercing scream, shattering the quiet of the desert night.

“Let’s go!” Niels shouted, running straight to where he thought the scream rang out.

“Right behind you,” Marina muttered, following him.
The pack of zombies heard Haika's scream and scrambled towards her now at full speed. Screaming might've been her worst mistake...

Or quite possibly what would save her life.

Up above on his watch perch, Setaki looked down below at the zombies pursuing the poor girl beneath him, cowering at the base of the mesa. He narrowed his eyes, then reached back and unsheathed his katana.

"Not tonight, you won't..." he snarled before leaping up into the air, spinning, then landing skillfully right in front of Haika, kicking up dust.

Haika was blinded by the sand and began sputtering, shielding her face and eyes. When it cleared, she looked up to see the silver-haired young man standing before her, stanced at the ready, his katana's blade shimmering in the moonlight. Her eyes widened and she pressed back further into the mesa's wall, not sure what to think of the stranger.

Setaki kept his eyes locked on the Undead, waiting for the right moment as they drew nearer.

Timing was key.
The brother and sister were stunned as they saw the silver-haired man jump down in front of Haika, the two surrounded by the undead. Marina recovered first and muttered, “What a show off,” as she aimed her gun.

“Concentrate on the right, Marina,” Niels said, doing the same. “We can’t risk hitting Haika or- or whoever that is.”

“I know that, Marina said, adjusting her aim. “We’re trying to split the horde up, right? Draw some of them over here with the gunfire?”

“Obviously,” Niels answered, after a few seconds. Why didn’t I think of that? He thought, as they began to fire. Niels was a decent shot, bringing down three zombies with his first five shots. Marina, though, was a regular dead eye. She had yet to miss a shot. They fired until their guns were empty, then Marina began to reload.

After a few seconds the right flank had begun to thin, and several of the zombies had broken off to chase the siblings. Niels stood in front of his sister, handing her his extra ammo. She gave him her hatchet; he held it in his right hand, his knife in his left, and went to town on the closest zombies.

“Haika!” He yelled, as he wedged the hatchet into a dead man’s skull. “Over here!”

“Down!” Marina yelled, and Niels tackled another zombie, bringing them both to the ground. He jammed his knife into its eye, as Marina opened fire. He stayed down, as all the zombies near him crumpled to the ground. He was eternally grateful to Rhett, his gun nut of a little brother, who had made sure their sisters knew how to defend themselves. “Up!” She yelled, when her clip was again empty. Niels bounded to his feet, hacking away at another zombie.

“Haika!” He yelled again, frantically trying to find her once more.
Haika heard her friends calling to her, but she was too stunned to even move. Her eyes were locked on the stranger, waiting to see what he would do.

Setaki widened his eyes and peered up at the foolish siblings, making all that racket. He sneered, growled, and narrowed his eyes.

Idiots! they'll lure the whole desert over here with all that noise!

"Damn it..." he muttered under his breath before rushing into the horde of Undead.

Haika watched him, soon realizing what he was doing. She exclaimed and stood. "What are you doing, are you cra-"

Slash, slice, slash, slash, flip, slash.

Haika's breath caught in her throat as she watched Setaki fight.

Setaki was quick and swift on his feet. Already he had beheaded three Undead, delimbed five, and obliterated one. He was picking them off one by one, a very quick and surprisingly successful strategy. The Undead screeched and focused on him now, leaving Haika behind. She could only watch in utter shock and awe.

He was like lightning.

One Undead snarled and slashed his upper left arm. He cringed and growled, then back-kicked it in the head, flipped his katana in his hand so that he was now holding its blade, and smashed it against its head. Another one latched onto him from behind. He exclaimed, sneered, and threw it over his head onto the ground, flipped the katana's hilt back into his hand, and sliced off the head of that one. When he had a moment, he looked to the siblings.

"Stop shooting! You'll draw out the others!" he shouted to them, hoping they heard.

Haika exclaimed and looked back to him. "Others!?" she gasped.
“Stop shooting?” Marina muttered, as she began to reload again. “Probably a bit late for that.” Haika’s scream alone would probably bring in zombie for a couple of miles. If the siblings could follow the sound, the zombies would too, right? Still, she holstered the gun, drawing her machete from its sheath on her back. She joined her brother in the melee, covering his back while he went wild.

Niels kicked a zombie to the ground, slammed the hatchet into its forehead, and thrust his knife under another one’s chin as he got up. He must have had a good angle, as the zombie fell beside the many others littering the ground, lying perfectly still. He felt blood splatter against his right shoulder; out of the corner of his eye, he could see Marina hacking away at a pair of zombies that had gone after him.

Niels and Marina fought their way towards Haika and the silver-haired stranger, steering clear of the swordsman as he dispatched several zombies. The crowd had thinned quite a bit by then, but the stranger was right: more would be coming soon.

“Haika,” Niels said, as he finally reached her. “Are you hurt? Can you walk?”

“We need to go now,” Marina said, to both Niels and the stranger. “We’ll be surrounded if we stay here. Carry her if you have to,” Marina continued, looking at Haika, “But we have to go now.”
Haika just stared. She couldn't believe it.

She was saved.

Setaki growled and hurled his katana at the final zombie's head. It sliced right through, its sharp tip sticking out from the back. The zombie stiffened, gave out one last click, then crumpled to the ground. Setaki walked over to it, grabbed the hilt, and pressed the zombie down with his foot as he yanked the sword out of its head. He cleaned off the glimmering blade with the zombie's shirt, then looked to the new survivors. He furrowed his brow curiously at them, until another series of screeches and clicks sounded off in the distance. He widened his eyes and looked that direction.

Haika had sunk to her knees, in complete shock at what she had witnessed. Her brain froze, then her eyes fluttered and she fainted.

That was just fantastic.

"We need to go." He looked to the group and narrowed his eyes. "You can come with me, or we can split up here. Your decision." He looked to the eldest sibling. He knew Neils was the oldest because of how he acted, the orders he gave them, and because Setaki just knew. He glanced to Haika and then back up at Neils, gesturing his sword to her. "I think you'll have to carry her."
Niels held Haika steady as she lost consciousness. He sighed, and picked her up. Marina helped steady her, and they slung Haika over Niels’ shoulders, fireman style. Marina leered at Niels, waggling her eyebrows. He scoffed at her, then turned towards Setaki.

“I appreciate your offer, but our little brother is waiting for us. You’re welcome to come along. If you have a safe place to stay, we’d be grateful for your help. Niels smiled, and it was genuine. He liked talking to people, even if they were a hard-ass that throws around samurai swords. “We’re holing up at a gas station for now. About four miles straight up the road,” Niels said, pointing in their current base’s general direction.

“Niels, let’s go,” Marina said, nervously looking around. She could hear the dead coming.

“Right,” Niels said, nodding. “Thanks for helping our friend, stranger,” Niels finished, as they hit the road. He hoped the man would follow them, but he didn’t look back.
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Setaki hummed and softened a bit at Neils's kindness. He remembered a time when he was like that. Boy, how he had changed. He heard the Undead nearing. Though he didn't want to admit it out loud, because he wasn't one to brag but he knew his skills set and information would be highly valuable to the siblings, he decided to tag along with them. Especially considering they were headed for what was left of the cities, if he could even call them that anymore. If those siblings used guns there...

He caught up with them easily.

"Not to brag or anything, but... And, I'm just being honest. Not that you guys can't handle yourself, because clearly you can... You'll need my help." He joined Neils's side and looked to him.
“We need all the help we can get, man. It’s just been the four of us, this whole time. And Casper, our littlest brother, he’s only seven. Hell, these two are still teenagers,” Niels continued, gesturing towards Marina and looking at Haika. “And I couldn’t even legally drink yet when this started.” Niels sighed, as they continued to walk. “Casper hides out in the attic at the gas station whenever we leave. I know he hates being alone, but there’s no way I’m bringing him out here if I don’t-”

He was interrupted when a solo zombie stood up, and headed their way. He was about to ask Setaki to handle it, when Marina drew her machete. Niels watched as she took down the undead, with one careful strike.

“I’m not a kid anymore, Niels,” Marina said as she wiped the blood off on the zombie’s shirt. She just frowned and kept walking, staying a few feet ahead of the rest.

“This world saw to that,” Niels said, sadly. “It’s changed everyone. We’ve only met a few other people since this thing started, and we haven’t seen any in about three months. People traveling, running from the cities mostly. We traded with them, our gas for food and supplies. They had stories. People- living people, not the dead- killing each other, fighting over food and land, stealing, even… Ugh.” He just shook his head. “Nevermind. It’s nice to have someone new to talk to. Hey, I guess I don’t even know your name. You probably heard them by now, but I’m Niels, my sister is Marina, and this is Haika,” he said, nodding at the unconscious girl still slung over his shoulders. “How about you?”
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Setaki had watched Marina make the effortless kill and gave a nod of approval. This was a smart group. Without looking away, he answered Neils. "Interesting names. Setaki. Setaki Ubernachti. That's my name." He looked to Neils this time. "And I don't do backstories. As in mine. All you need to know is that I'm here to help you survive." His eyes flashed.

Moments later, Haika began to stir in Neils's arms. She flinched, grimaced, and grumbled.

Setaki glanced to Haika and gestured to her with his sword once more. "You should tend to her before we leave, see if she can walk. If you have to carry her it will hold us up. I don't plan on being Undead dinner tonight. I'll scout about up ahead, make sure the road is clear." With that said, he sheathed his katana and started off.
“I guess you’re right,” Niels said as the silver-haired swordsman walked ahead. “I don’t plan on being dinner tonight, either. Or any other night, for that matter.” He turned his head towards Haika’s and asked, “Haika, are you alright now? Can you walk?” He had felt her move a little bit, so he was pretty sure she was at least semi-conscious by then.

Marina wasn’t sure just what to think of Setaki, though she decided to trust him, warily, for the moment. He had probably saved Haika’s life, so she was at least grateful to him. She noted that the man handled himself quite well in the fight, efficiently taking out several undead, one after the other. Marina didn’t think he was interested in making friends at that time, and quite frankly she wasn’t either, so she kept her distance, constantly scanning the road ahead of them. Marina and Niels had done a fairly good job at keeping the area around their base clear, she thought, but the undead still wandered through quite frequently.


Casper paced just outside the gas station, worried about Haika. As far as he was concerned, Niels was immortal, and he’d never let anything happen to their sister, so he was sure they’d be fine. Casper wandered the perimeter of their ‘stronghold’, running his fingers along the chain-link fence Niels had set up around the gas station. The fence wouldn’t repel a herd, or horde, or pack or whatever you call a big group of zombies for too long, but it did a good enough job of keeping the solo ones out.

One such solo zombie made its presence know just then, groaning and pressing itself against the fence right next to Casper. He pulled his hand away, and backed up, starting to freeze in fear. The fear began to be replaced by anger, and he shook his head, the rest of the fear dissipating. He glared at the zombie, once a middle-aged man wearing a ratty grey (perhaps it was white, at some point) T-shirt and blood-splattered jeans now ripped in several places.

Casper drew the only weapon he usually carried: a Phillip’s head screwdriver. As he could not actually reach the zombie’s head, he pushed a crate in front of the rotting corpse’s place on the fence, its face still pressed against the fence. Casper stood on the crate, now eye to eye with the monster. It snarled at him, and he snarled back, driving his ‘weapon” into its forehead. Except, the blow glanced off, barely breaking the skin.

“Shit,” he muttered, and tried again. This time, it slid home, piercing the zombie’s brain. It finally crumpled to the ground in front of him, and lay still. His breath ragged, Casper hopped off the crate, his hands shaking. He dropped the screwdriver and sat on the crate. He put his head in his hands, and waited, feeling the loneliness wash over him.
Haika realized she was in Neils's arms, realized she must've passed out, turned cherry red, yelped, and shoved herself off of him. That was a mistake, for she fell hard into the sand and moaned.

Setaki heard Haika, merely shaking his head as he continued to scan the area.

Nothing in sight.

He wondered where those zombie screams were coming from. Probably further into the desert.

"The road's clear!" he called back, pausing before the vast, rolling desert. It was quite a beautiful sight at night, the sand almost white as it reflected the moonlight from the clear sky above. Stars stretched from horizon to horizon, a sight Setaki was already familiar with after roaming the desert and scavenging places he came across for the past five months. He simply gazed at his surroundings, taking it in as he waited for the others.

"What happened!? Where are we!? I'm so confused!" Haika cried, pressing her face into her hands.

Suddenly, from behind Casper, a young girl, who looked only a few years older than 14 tapped his shoulder. Tilting her head in confusion, she waited for him to look at her.

She looked as if she had been on the run for days, her hair in a tight, messy bun and securely tucked into her beanie as her coat was stained with blood from her self defense against the zombies. There were also scuff marks all over her body as well and scars on her legs with skinned knees and ripped, yet bloody jeans.

"Erm.... Are you alone?" She asked as she moved to pulk out the medical kit she carried so she could clean her wounds.

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“Calm down, Haika,” Niels said as he rolled his shoulders. “We’re almost back at the gas station. That guy- Setaki, he said his name is- protected you from the dead ones. Are you alright?”

Marina saw them standing still and, annoyed, turned around and went to them. “Come on! We can talk more when we get back, but it’s not safe out here. It’s never safe out here,” she sighed, and started walking again.


Casper gasped as the girl touched his shoulder, jumped to the ground and turned around, grabbing at the discarded screwdriver. He was relieved to see that it was just a girl- maybe his sister’s age, he thought. She stood just on the other side of the fence, a few feet away from the zombie Casper had killed moments before. It took a few seconds for the girl’s question to register. Once it did, he looked up into the girl’s eyes, as she began treating her own wounds.

“I am alone, right now. But my brother and sister are coming back soon. They’re looking for our friend. I’m… I’m not supposed to let you in,” the seven year old said, as he glanced at the girl’s injuries. “But you need help. I’ll let you in, and you tell me how to clean that. Okay?” He was nervous at meeting a new person, especially without Niels there, but he knew his brother would want to help her if he were. “My name is Casper,” he said, as he opened the gate.
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Haika was about to reply, calming down when Neils's gaze was on her and she began to remember what happened, when Marina spoke up. She looked to the girl.

"Marina- that's your name, right?- is right. We need to go.The Undead sound far off, but it won't be long before they're on our trail." He looked down at his stinging arm. "I'm sure they'll catch my scent in the air with this scratch. How far is your place?" He waited from where he stood for the others to catch up.


@Nyxianforeigner you can bring in Ross at any time))
Karah took silent breaths as she moved through the woods with her nimble legs, her blue eyes following over the group she was following in the distance. With silent strides she made for them, while also moving away from the oncoming horde of dead. Her hand rested on the handle of the revolver as her eyes examined each and every one of them. They likely had food, and she needed to find a way to get it. She quickly glanced behind her to see the large crowd of dead trailing after her, pulling her hat over her head as she turned back to follow the group. Where were they headed.

Setaki heard the bellows and screeches beginning to inch closer to them from what sounded like a pissed-off horde of Undead. He widened his eyes and looked off in the distance to where the screams were coming from.

Something- or someone- really ticked them off.

"Hey...' Setaki called back once more. "We should pick it up a notch. I hear what sounds like a really unhappy horde of Undead coming. I think they're what we heard from before..." he squinted his eyes to try and see if he could spot the pursuers.
Karah only continued to follow with the revolver held at her hip, taking deep breaths as she jogged in the distance of the group. She suddenly opened her mouth to speak, raising her voice over to the group as she swiftly asked, "Do you have a camp?!" Before she quickly dispersed on her track, hiding behind the tree so the group would not see her. This was it was going to have to be, she was going to have to play this safe. Probably one of the few times she actually did.

Setaki was surprised when he heard the voice of the stranger. *What the hell? How many crazy people are out here!? Shouldn't they know this is Undead haven?* But then he remembered he was really the only one who knew the most about the apocalypse, thanks to his father. He looked to Neils and his siblings. He wouldn't answer unless they approved of it, for it was their camp they were going to- not his.

@Kencen @northguy
At the sound of the voice, Marina immediately drew her gun and aimed in the direction of the sound. Niels told her to stay calm and she nodded shakily, her heart racing. Marina lowered the gun, still holding it in both hands, her finger off the trigger. Niels glanced at his companions and nodded.

“We do have a camp!” Niels shouted, trying to find the person. “We have food, water, a fence… Are you alone? We’re not- We’re not going to hurt you, okay?. We’re not far now, we need to get away from what’s back there. Just come out…”

@northguy @Wolfrose
<p>Karah continued through the woods to try to keep hidden from the group, carrying her revolver steadily as she went from tree to tree, being quite skilled in her stealth. She let out a shaky breath, finally speaking back up to the one shouting, "How many of you are there?! In total?!" She quickly moved her position once more after this statement, pulling back the hammer on her revolver. She was not about to let herself be tricked, not again. Endless years of psychology had paid off.</p>


<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/35548-kencen/" data-mentionid="35548">@Kencen</a> <a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20337-wolfrose/" data-mentionid="20337">@Wolfrose</a></p>
“Four of us out here, one more in our camp. A kid.” Niels was wary, having met two strangers on the same day, when they hadn’t seen any in months. He glanced at Setaki, but he just looked disinterested, if anything. Niels did note that it was the same voice both times, making it more likely that she was alone, he thought. He just shook his head; he could hear the moans in the distance. “Come out, or keep following in the shadows, or leave. I don’t really care. We need to go.” He’d give her maybe ten seconds, but he’d start to walk away if she didn’t come out by then.

Karah crossed her arms together for a brief moment, hearing the dead trail their way closer as well. She let out a sigh, holding the gun back out to her side as she stepped out into the woods, her boots easily moving through the mud beneath her feet as she began toward the group. With a quick toss of her head, her face became completely uncovered by her long hair, letting out long breaths as she looked over the entirety of them. "Move." She simply commanded in her thick accent, keeping the revolver in hand.

@Kencen @Wolfrose
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“Fine, fine, let’s just get out of here,” Niels said, as he looked the tall woman up and down. A revolver! He liked that. Niels and Marina used glocks, because it was what they were used to and they had plenty of ammo for them, but he’d always thought revolvers were neat. Marina rolled her eyes as Niels looked at the gun, a smile clear on his face. Niels soon turned around, leading the way back to the gas station. Marina kept glancing at the strange woman, her own gun never leaving her hands.


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