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Fantasy Two world one family

"Party." Day has just left at this point. The girl he didn't know, and he had no idea where to go anyway for the party. It had probably already ended anyway. He sat at home, wondering.
Blake grinned and grabbed another handful "you can have whatever you want if I get paid like that"

Crystal smiled and went back to watching the movie
Taylor laughed. "Hush." She took a handful of popcorn and ate it watching the movie once more and cuddles into his side.

Lyric cuddled with Jay and Crystal watching the movie and sipping at her now flat soda
Day turned up his speakers in his room, and blasted it full. He could feel the music vibrating against the walls, and he could feel his chair move. He hung his headphones around his neck, and took out his works. He took out the paint, and flashed on his studio. His tall window view of the neighborhood was before him.
Jordan could feel his wall rattle from the music radiating across the street. Irritated since he had a throbbing headache. He went over and knocked as loud as he could on Day's door.
"An annoyed neighbor." Jordan growled slightly not bothering to hide his irritation. "Turn down your music, I can feel the walls rattle in my house. I am fine with loud music but that is damn overkill." Jordan huffed. His eyes were red instead of their normal grey.
[QUOTE="Leaving Reality]Taylor laughed. "Hush." She took a handful of popcorn and ate it watching the movie once more and cuddles into his side.
Lyric cuddled with Jay and Crystal watching the movie and sipping at her now flat soda

Blake smiled and restedhis head against hers watching the movie

Crystal smiled and noticed them, she nudge lyric. "I want that and like simba and nala." she pouted

Jay chuckle "mee too love, me to" 
Gee appeared on the roof of Days home looking down at them all and grinned, she stayed silent and un noticed. she just wanted to watch and have a little entertainment since she was bored
"Sorry man. You ain't in the best mood either I see. You need some eye drops?" Day couldn't tell if it was irritation, or if this guy was real mad. "Anyway, I'll do that." Day closed the door, and headed up stairs. He turned down the music, plugged in his headphones, and put it full blast. The music still shook his walls, and Day lay down, next to his window.
Gee smirked down at Jordan "seems he takes you for a fool~ hasn't even turned it down. little rude don't you think, guess hes just mocking you~" she said, grinning wanting the entertainment to continue

(shes such a stirrer xD )
Taylor heard nothing that the girls were saying and stayed transfixed on the movie. When the song the lion sleeps tonight she sang along quietly. She ate the popcorn and would occasionally steal some of Blake's.

Lyric smiles. "Me too, but we just be patient and it will come it due time." She snapped a picture of Blake and Taylor.

Jordan shot a menacing glare at Gee, it could have burned a hole through her. His lack of freedom to manipulate and corrupt human souls was getting to him. He didn't like the restraint or being monitored. He hadn't adjusted yet. "Shut it Gee you just want the drama."
Day saw Gee and Jordan, and he seemed pissed off already. He opened the door, and pulled out his BB gun. "Back off. He's mad already." Day shot the bullet.
Blake smiled and listened to her, her voice was so beautiful. He grinned and kissed her temple.

Crystal nodded and smiled and then grinned "awww that's so cute" she said seeing the picture and giggled quietly before singing the song

Gee smirked wider at his glare "well well well some ones not feeling like a ray of sunshine are they~" she smirked appearing behind him and whispered in his ear "Concord getting to you?" she giggled one of those creepy girl giggles before vanishing "you know there are places you can go~" her voice could be heard 
Gee turned around and vanished appeared behind him as he shot the gun "how rude, not very nice to greet your neighbours like that now is it?" she grinned vanishing again
"He's mad. Leave him alone. Fucking Drama Queen. You aren't the only one with powers. You want to find out mine?" The music blasted still.
Taylor could tell an argument was getting worse then vanished. She appeared by Day and Jordan. "I swear if you guys start a damn fight." She growled. She turned to Jordan. "Go ask Lyric for help, she'll shows some areas of concord." She shook her head. "Gee quit being overly bitchy." She said.

Jordan growled and shook his head vanishing back to his house. "Damn rules." He growled before he left.
Gee frowned "Actually I was trying to help, lil miss angel" she rolled her eyes. she laughed at Day "whatever you say" she smirked and vanished appearing beside Jordan "like I was TRYING to say, theres somewhere we can go. HOw do you think im so amazing as ever?"
Day cocked the gun, and aimed it at is head. He shot it, but vanished at that exact moment. He appeared floating at his bed, and he was floating in the air, in a laid position. He pulled out and E-Cig, and smoked it. He floated down to his fridge, and pulled out a Mountain Dew. "Taste the sweets." He floated to the door, and floated it open. He closed it, and floated on the street.
Taylor looked at Day. "Don't threaten others again." She vanished back to her house. She sat back on the couch and watched the movie again.

Jordan glanced a Gee. "I was wondering that." He sighed. "Let's go then... I hated earth and Concord resembles it too much."
Jordan scoffed at Gee. "I'll never, so keep dreaming." He then walked over to his door and opened it. "Yeah?" He asked his eyes now slowly retuning to grey.

"Drama. Just making sure there wasn't a fight."

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