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Fantasy Two world one family

Valdus stays on the bench, staring at the sky as the sun sets and then says "I do hope that there games that humans called "RPGs" here. If there are any games at all..." He then stands up and walks down the street hoping to find something related to human games
Lyric pouted. "But I have to report my whereabouts to him and Taylor for the first week here, and who I am with. CC I have to."

Taylor danced along to the music in her own little world... She could dance too, so she sang and danced and laughed forgetting Blake was there helping her.

Jordan smirked. "You've never challenged me."

"We should place bets..." Darien said
"Ah yes. I'm looking for those human games that are played on the square devices that they normally have. If I remember correctly it was somethin called an RPG." Valdus says then realizing he was talking to Angel suddenly becomes silent.
Crystal frowned "your mean" she whined and walked off

Blake grinned watching her and took out his phone, recording her

Gee smirke "this'll be fun then" 
Angelo is a demon)

Angelo frowned and shrugged "I never went to earth much, but theres a video game shop around the corner" he said
"I see." (Oh sorry I misread character then.) Valdus says and then walks off to find the video game shop
Lyric pouted. "It's my job I can't help it!"

As blake started recording Taylor stopped dancing and singing as the song changed. it was as if nothing had happened.

The boys both smirked and nodded
(its cool)

Angelo nodded "need and help?" 
Blake pouted and put his phone away before hugging her

Gee held out her hand "its on"

Crystal grumbled and sighed sitting on a random bench outside
Taylor went ridged feeling someone hug her. She had forgotten Blake was there. Quickly she slipped out of his arms then spun around and faced him. "Y'all saw nothin'. Understand?" she questioned with her arms folded over her chest.

Jordan chuckled and took Gee's hand shaking it. "To who ever stays sober." he said with a smirk.

Darien's eyes gleamed. "I have to see this.."

Lyric stormed off to find Crystal then sat beside her. "CC? I am sorry it is just my job and I don't want to fall or tarnish, I swear though that He'll let you go."
Blake winkd "sorry love, I'm an angel. Cant lie now can I" he kissed her forehead and grinned at her

gee smirked "I think its dunner whoever passes out first but sure whatever"

Jay nodded "yesssss"

Crystal pouted "I'm not annoyed at you. Sorry I called you mean" she said smiling and hugged her
Taylor shot a glare at him. "Don't ask don't tell policy." she didn't even react to him kissing her forehead and still held her stubborn stance. It was easy to see that when she was on earth she was a wild one, hard to tame. Although she was a loyal strong angel.

Jordan chuckled. "That works too."

Darien smirked at Jay. "We should set up the bets."

Lyric hugged Crystal. "I know~" she chirped then smiled. "Let's go convince him shall we?"
Blake smiled " now what example would I be setting? " he said tapping her nose teasing her

Jay grinned " ooooh~ what you wanna bet? "

Crystal pouted " but Blake will say no" she sighed " okay"
Taylor playfully pretended to bite his finger. "One that is just fine." she teased.

"Jordan will win." he smirked.

Lyric dragged Crystal to her house
He chuckled " na sorry love you can't convince me "

"Gee will, so what's the bets? "

Gee smirked " yeah also what does then winner get?"

Crystal followed
Taylor quickly grabbed his phone and look through it to see if he got a recording of her, happy he had no proof she gave the phone back.

"you choose." both boys said to them.

Lyric walked in the house looking for Blake.
Gee smirked " slave for a day"

Jay grinned " I vote for that! "

Blake chuckled and smiled seeing Crystal and lyric.

Angelo appeared beside the twins "whats this about wild angels? "

Crystal pouted following her
(I have no idea what has happened till now...but screw it, I'm gonna introduce my character anyways. Villainous angels alert, people!)

An imposing figure walked down the hallways. Armor covered him from head to toe, a crusader's outfit adorned his armored body. On his back, were a pair of wings made out of metal blades rather than feathers, and the face on his mask was forever etched into a frown.

Every demon who saw him ran away. Every Archdemon paled and tried to avoid his metallic gaze. Even his fellow angels stopped in their tracks and when they saw him.

Metatron. A legendary war hero that demons and angels alike both feared and respected.

But this exemplar of the angels was furious. A fury that not many could see.

On his way to his destination, he could see many demons and his own kind, the angels, making friends with each other, getting acquainted and enjoying this new-found "peace".

How sickening.

How could they befriend the people whom they have fought for so long? How could they forgive the ones who have killed so many, so easily?

Metatron could not understand. He did not want to understand.

Hiding his utter fury, Metatron arrived at his destination, the basement of this building. Casting a barrier so that none of what would happen in there could be overheard from the outside, he opened the door, and what greeted him was a legion of angels, who, after seeing his form, immediately dropped down to the floor to bow down to him.

Good. They knew how to show respect. But Metatron was by no means arrogant, perhaps prideful, but not arrogant. So he did not feel any pleasure at the sight of so many bowing down to him.

"Rise, my brethren."

He called out in a deep booming voice. This was a skill that many angels have acquired, used to bring fear to enemies and awe to one's allies. And no-one was better at this than Metatron, to the point that he was given the title of Voice of God.

The angels followed his order and stood up, looking up to him.

"Creatures of Light...we are the Angels, Heavenly Beings who serve God as their greatest and heaviest duty."

"Creatures of Vile Darkness...those are the Demons, treacherous fiends who have defied our Lord's will."

"And yet, today I have witnessed, with these eyes that God has gifted, a most grave sight. Do you know what that is?"

The crowd stayed silent.

"Angels. And Demons. Acquainting each other, As allies."

Metatron summoned a spear of light and slammed it into the ground, leaving a massive crater.

"This is an outrage! A blasphemy of the highest order! Heresy that can never be forgiven!"

"Millennia. Not decades, not centuries, but MILLENNIA have we fought against them, trying to stop the senseless destruction they have caused. Remember that it is The Devil who started this war. Remember that it is The Devil who, in his unforgivable arrogance, DARED to defy our Lord. Remember that it is a Serpent who ignited the Original Sin. Remember that it is DEMONS who have corrupted Mankind. Remember that it is THEY who have killed so many of our comrades! And yet they expect us to forget all of this so easily and befriend them. Is this acceptable?"

A few among the angels murmured.


At that, the crowd of angels boomed in denial.

"And what is the worst of this all? It is that many of our kindred has fallen prey to this deception! They have accepted their sweet lies, and choose to mingle among them in the name of so-called and short-lived peace! This is not acceptable. We are the Servants of God, the ones whom He made specifiaclly to carry out his orders! And yet some of us have been deceived by their silver tounge.

They may tell me; 'This is the order of God'. I do not believe that. I REFUSE to believe such notions. Would our Father allow criminals leave unpunished? Would the Lord allow such fiends to continue living, to continue their path of destruction? No. The being that has ordered for us to mingle with these fiends is not our Creator. That is a fake, made by the Demons to fool us. We shall not be fooled. Witness! That this is a trial of God! That by showing that we can survive this ordeal, He would reward us with his eternal blessings! These demons and treacherous angels...they must be judged for their crimes."

Metatron spread out his arms.

"And we are their judgement."

The crowd cheered on.

Metatron gestured to the entire crowd. "If you wish to fight against this cruel fate, then vouch! I am Metatron, the Voice of God, the King of Angels, the Angel of Contracts, the one who oversees the Crown of the Sephiroth, the lesser YHVH, the scribe of Heaven, the Prophet Enoch. I swear by the name of YHVH Adonai that I shall struggle alongside all of you in this ordeal!"

The crowd exploded. One by one, each and every angel came out and swore an oath.

Metatron smiled beneath his metallic mask. Yes, this is what he needed. This what he needed to destroy the demons, to punish the heretics, to judge the Devil...

...to kill the false God.
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Crystal stepped out the house for a bit and decided to explore more. In her whole life she had never left heaven and so she was excited by the new change. She was probably one of the most innocent people you could meet or maybe naïve would be a better word to describe her. Blake, The leader of the angel side of the high council and practically Gods right hand man was her brother, he had always been protective of her. Making sure she did everything she should and that there was no temptation around her. So when she finally had been given freedom she wanted to grab it with both hands. She knew hardly nothing of the war, apart from angels and demons fought, that's all Blake ever really told her.

She hummed quietly to herself as she walked down the street. She stopped seeing Metatron and watched him walk by, tilting her head to the side wanting him walk off into a building. She noticed a small spark of magic happen as he went into the building. Letting her curiosity get the better of her she skipped over to the building. She waited outside, curious to who the man who had walked in was. She could tell he had an aura of authority but that was all she knew about him.
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Dante walked around this new world, getting scolded by almost all demons and angels. Hybrids were hated amongst demons and angels alike, that is if he was not the only one. He had never met a hybrid and started to think he was the only one. He saw a group of people demons and angels talking. Damn. That girl with the red hair is ATTRACTIVEEEE. This is my time to shine. Dante walked closer to them but he felt uncomfortable so he stopped in his tracks. He looked like an idiot. He knew that no one would like a hybrid. He stood there doing nothing.

@Sassy Crystal
[QUOTE="Sassy Crystal]Crystal stepped out the house for a bit and decided to explore more. In her whole life she had never left heaven and so she was excited by the new change. She was probably one of the most innocent people you could meet or maybe naïve would be a better word to describe her. Blake, The leader of the angel side of the high council and practically Gods right hand man was her brother, he had always been protective of her. Making sure she did everything she should and that there was no temptation around her. So when she finally had been given freedom she wanted to grab it with both hands. She knew hardly nothing of the war, apart from angels and demons fought, that's all Blake ever really told her.
She hummed quietly to herself as she walked down the street. She stopped seeing Metatron and watched him walk by, tilting her head to the side wanting him walk off into a building. She noticed a small spark of magic happen as he went into the building. Letting her curiosity get the better of her she skipped over to the building. She waited outside, curious to who the man who had walked in was. She could tell he had an aura of authority but that was all she knew about him.

"Hey~" the twins said appearing. "Wanna do something with us~"
Crystal tilted her head and smiled "Sure"

Gee was talking with Jay

"so if you win, he'll be your slave for the day?" Jay asked

Gee smirked "yeah"

"what if you lose?"

"i'll be his, but we both know I wont loose"

Jay chuckled
Crystal blinked looking around, confused at what just happened and shrugged. She peered over the edge "why we on the roof?"

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