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Fantasy Two world one family

Sassy Crystal

One Thousand Club
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Blake sighed looking at crystal "look, our Lord has decided this is best. We have to accept that, you might make some friends"

Crystal frowned as they landed on Concord. "If you say so. I think its stupid" she sighed looking around. She was surprised at what it looked like. She had imagined a mix of heaven and hell but instead it looked like a normal city on earth. "Blake? "

Blake Knew exactly what she was asking. "They decided everyone would feel most comfortable like this" he said shrugging. "Tbere are places you can go that reflect heaven and hell though" he said stretching and walked ahead of her "c'mon I'll show you our house"
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Doflamingo sighed as he was approaching the place where angels and demons were meant to live together but he saw no chance in this happening and thought that the war was the best cause of action never the less due to the respect of his leaders he would agree to live there.

Doflamingo landed on Concord which had the appearance of just a normal earth city completely different to how he thought it would and him being him he disliked it. He had no clue where would be the best place to find first so instead he felt like just aimlessly wondering around which he began to do.
Angelo saw Doflamingo, and walked over to him. He waved "different from what you expected, huh?" he said with a slight smirk, everyone apart from those on the high council had been surprised so far. "do you know where your home is yet?"
Doflamingo saw and faced Angelo."To be honest its too much of a change and I don't like it." Doflamingo said taking another look around and sighing. "Not a clue where my home is I was probably told but didn't listen this whole thing is a waste of time in my opinion."
Taylor looked around and raised an eyebrow. "So this is what they come up with huh?" she muttered as she began to walk towards her house. "It's not bad." She could already see demons and angels milling around, some could care less... others severely irritated with the fact they lived in concord now. Taylor gave a small smirk. This was life now and all were going to have to accept it.
Angelo shrugged and sighed "Its better than having more of us die. Its what Devil wants" he said and gesture for him to follow as he began walking "I'll take you to your home". He flicked through a clip boared he was holding "are you in a house or flat do you know?" 
Crystal ran over to Taylor and hugged her "Taylor!" she smiled happily, glad to see another friend. she smiled "I like that they made it like earth...but I dunno about the demons" she said unsure. She was probably one of the more open minded ones "but ill give them a chance"

Blake smiled "Hey, Swift" he smirked "found your home?"

Gee and Jay were walking to their flats "I hate this place, it sticks. there better be bars and night clubs" gee grubled

Jay grinned looking around "as long as they're cclothes shops im happy"
Doflamingo nodded his head. "Yeah and that's the only reason i'm going to stop myself from carrying out my past duties." Doflamingo said he was talking about what he did during the war before he began to try and remember whether he was housed in a flat or house. "I'm in a flat I think."
Angelo frowned at him "no fighting is rule number one. If you gith you will be stopped and dealt with" he said, he had to be firm when it came to the rules. he knew a lot of demons and probably angels would attempt to break them if not. He nodded and led him to a tall building. "your room is 103" he said handing him the key
Darien landed in the streets of concord with much dismay although he would not show it. He knew he was living in a flat but had no clue where it was. He looked around once more. "I might as well be on earth.."

Taylor smiled and hugged Crystal back. "Stay open minded darlin' it's for the best of us, ya know that." she said before shooting a disapproving glare at Blake. "You're lucky I don't hit ya for calling me that."

Lyric wandered the streets completely lost. She was not used to this place and couldn't find Jordan. "This sucks..." she mumbled. Then soon she spotted a familiar demon, the only one she really liked besides Jordan. Running and poking him she smiled. "Hi Jay!"
Jay grinned and hugged her "Darling!" he said happily before letting her go. "I got room 101, Gee's in 102. What about you?" he said wrapping an arm over her shoulder and leading her to where they're flats were

Gee walked ahead on them, she wasn't one for jays...'moments' as she called them. She smiled a little a lyric but not much more.

Blake chuckled and rolled his eyes "If you say so, you know you love me"

Crystal smiled "I never met a demon...wonder what they're like"
Taylor smirked at Blake. "You only wish I love you." she then turned to Crystal. "Ask Lyric, much to my dismay at the time she knows quite a few from before... Actually seeing her relationship with a few of them is what I think got God and the Devil thinkin' 'bout concord in the first place. I guess she was like a bridge."

Lyric smiled at Gee, and was surprised when Gee smiled back... it wasn't much but she would take it. "I think I am in room 115..."
Jay smiled happily "oh good. I wasn't sure if you would be with us or not. They probably put you there cuz you being liked by a few of us. Even gee can stand you"

Gee scoffed " tolerate" she mumbled walking into the lift

Jay rolled his eyes "she wants it to be night time" he winked at lyric

Crystal went wide eyed " really? ! Oooh I wanna meet them too!!!!"

Blake sighed and frowned.
Doflamingo smiled and nodded his head. "Got it no fighting." He said before grabbing the key to his room. " 103 got it now you wouldn't happen to know the people next door to me would you?" Doflamingo asked he was hoping it wasn't an angel since he still wasn't one hundred percent on the whole living together idea.
Taylor gave Crystal a smile. "Let's let everyone get situated first."

Lyric giggled at Gee's comment. She took it as a complement from her. "Well you guys aren't to terrible." she said jokingly. Lyric jumped when she heard a thud land next to her. She looked over and smiled. "Jordan."

Jordan gave her a devious smile. "wassup Lyric, hanging with demons as normal." he teased.

Lyric huffed playfully. "Well you guys treat me like I can do stuff and not a child," she shrugged. "Because I am not one to fight or take sides in arguments the angels act as if I know nothing."
Crystal pouted " aww "

Jay grinned " hello Jordan" he smiled a t lyric " of course darling. Its because we're the best"

Gee saluted Jordan " sup"

Angelo flicked through his paperwork on the clipboard "uuh, I believe Gee is your neighbour"
Doflamingo smiled. "That's all I needed to know thank you." Doflamingo said he was happy since they was a demon as is neighbor so it made things easier on him. Doflamingo then walked into the tall building, heading up stairs and to his room.
Taylor smiled. "Come on now, cheer up. You'll meet plenty of demons later I'm sure."

Jordan flashed a grin at Gee. "Hey," he turned to Jay. "you guys in the flats?"

Lyric nodded. "Yeah... I am room 115, so far from everyone... I don't think I have a neighbor yet."
Crystal smiled " yay" she ran into the house to unpack

Gee went to her flat and unlocked it. They had already delivered her stuff so she just had to unpack

Jay hugged her " if you're lonely my door is always open" he nodded at Jordan "yup, you in houses or flats?"

Angelo nodded and went to find his house
Doflamingo made it to his room, number 103 and opened it looking inside it was about the same space as his old room except it had some boxes in the middle of it must be his stuff. He walked over to the boxes and began unpacking them.
Taylor chuckled. "I hope this concord Idea works..." she said to Blake before walking down the street a little ways and into her house. Now began the chore of unpacking... something Taylor dreaded.

Lyric walked off to her flat and unlocked it smiling. She was always optimistic and knew this was her new life.

Jordan smirked. "House."
Aaliyah and Isaiah appears with a evil grin. "Living with Angels~ this is too prefect~"

Ninah appears behind them quietly. 'I don't know what to do" she thought to herself
Gee unpacked

Blake shrugged and nodded about to walk into his house when crystal ran out the front door "iunpackedgottogomeetdemonbyebye!!!" she yelled saying everything without a breath running off before he could stop her

Jay pouted "awww, favourite!" he laughed

Angelo was unpacking
Taylor was blaring music as she unpacked... it helped make the chore bearable.

Lyric rushed out of her flat to go explore not bothering to unpack when she crashed into Crystal. "CC!"

Darien was unpacking in his house.

Jordan smirked. "It helps to pull strings.."
Crystal cheered "LYRIC!!!" and hugged her

Gee smirked appearing beside them "oh? who'd you fuck?"

Jay laughed and went to his room to unpack

Blake and angelo were still unpacing in their homes
Doflamingo finished unpacking and walked out of his room leaning against the wall next to his door just watching anyone or thing that passes by.

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