Twisted Minds [Inactive]

Angel watched her and smiled till he saw something flash over her eyes. He had seen that look before. It was the look of remembering. She would always remember that he was a killer. What she didn't understand was how hard it was to not kill anyone currently. He was trying his best to control himself and when something upsets him he lets off his stress by killing people. It was only because of her that he hadn't killed anyone. She didn't understand the gnawing in the back of his mind. The aching to make someone bleed till they couldn't bleed any longer. The fact that she would keep remembering that he had killed people wasn't helping. He loved her and every time something cut them off, every time she would remember and break his gaze, every time someone got in his way. He would feel that same old feeling deep down inside of himself.
Sam didn't answer the phone. Maybe he was sleeping. She hung up and looked back at her favorite pair of eyes. Only now they weren't on her, but somewhere far away. There was a mix of guilt and confusion in his eyes. She thought maybe he noticed his actions too. Like her.

In order to take his hand and bring his mind back here, she reached out for him. Only to get hit by the iron frame of the bed. A stinging pain shoot through her as she exclaimed suddenly, "Ah!"

She quickly got hold of her hand, the place where she got hurt. Incidentally, it was right in the place of a gash. Tears sprang to her eyes at the extreme pain, and she closed her eyes trying to tolerate it without making much of a fuss.
Angel immediately turned when heard her squeal. He leaned to her and smacked his head on the iron framing as well. He groaned slightly. He took her hand gently and kissed her gash gently. The looked at her eyes and leaned forward. He gently kissed her forehead. He then moved his head back so he could look into her eyes again. His lips were only inches away but he wouldn't do it. "Better Kitten?" He asked holding her hand softly so to not hurt her.
Sam sighed. "There's not much to tell, my mother died when I was very young, maybe a couple weeks after I was born, and dad spent his life trying to find the guy that killed her. He and my brother Dean work together now hunting the guy down and stopping all criminals in their path, I haven't heard from them in a few years now." Sam said, that was the truth, he hadn't seen or heard from his family in a few years.
Katty looked in his eyes. They held such an intense sincerity, she thought it was not even possible. Her eyes flickered to his lips. They were so close, but they didn't move. He wanted her to choose. All she had to do was close the gap. A few more inches is all that was needed.

She took a deep breath and rested her forehead against Angel's. She looked at those dark brown eyes again and whispered softly, "Just wait for me okay? I need time."

Her brain wasn't ready to accept the love that was right in front of her. It kept reminding her of all the lives he took. He was the same type of person who took her father's life. All the internal screaming was too much for her. She needed to face it or run away from it. But she wasn't ready to fight it.

Another tear rolled her cheek, but she quickly wiped it. Her bandaged hand was still in Angel's. "These bandages are really annoying you know?" she said looking at them, "They itch."

She frowned and looked up at him. "Can you take me home?" she asked.
Misaki didn't know how to react to that. She was herself the killer of her parents. But she never regretted it. She thought they deserved it. They never treated her like a daughter but as a political tool. She sighed and said,"I am sorry Sam, that must have been hard on you". She goes up to him and gives him the coffee mug while she herself sits beside him. "Well my parents never bothered about me.", she felt a little guilt as a tear drop trickled down her cheek.
Sam put his hand and Misaki's shoulder. "It's alrightm life is hard, but you work through that, and it gets better, it really does. What I lost in family, I gained in friends, including you." Sam said with a reassuring smile. "My life is good now, I have what I need, a stable job, and people who care about me. I value that more than anything else."

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Misaki felt warm in his presence. She never had such talk with anyone and Sam seemed nice. She felt a little off and turned her face towards him and thinking. She didn't even realize that she started gazing at him She said, "Thank you Sam. I wish you get your brother and dad back as soon as possible"
"Thank you, that means a lot to me." Sam said. He took his hand off her and reached for his coffee, he took it and sipped it. "Ah, perfect. Thanks for the coffee Misaki." Sam said as he licked his lips a bit to get the remnants. "I guess we can just stay strong and wish for the best."

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"Yes Sammy!! Oh wait is it okay if I call you Sammy?? I never named anyone before and you seem like a good friend so ummm....can I ?", Misaki asked as she felt shy and embarrassed. She then turned away trying to avoid eye contact and sipped her coffee.
Angel simply nodded at her question. "I have been and I will continue to do so." Angel said with a smirk. He turned and walked out of the room and started talking to the doctor. "She's feeling better. Can I take her home now?" Angel asked the doctor. The doctor looked at his clipboard and smiled. He nodded but explained that she needed this whole next week without as much stress as possible. Angel nodded and thanked him. Angel returned to Katty's room and started packing her stuff. He smiled at her now. "You are able to go home but no work for a week because you need to avoid stress." Then he looked at her bag and furrowed his brow. He looked up at her again. "Does this mean you want me to leave you alone for that week? I don't want to be a stress." He stated looking back down at her bag as he packed.
"Oh no, that won't be necessary. You won't be stressful, don't worry," Katty replied with a smile. How could she tell him yes? He practically saved her life from that psycho Evan. She owed him this much. Plus, she wanted him to be around. Thought she would never admit that out loud.

"I'll be home working anyway," she said, more to herself.

As Angel packed her bags, she tried Sam's cellphone again. It kept ringing, but he didn't pick it up.

Sighing she sat back against the headboard of the bed, which now had a pillow. She closed her eyes and went through the last 24 hours of her life. Whoever said that one moment was enough to change your fate, was pretty damn correct.
Angel smiled and finished packing her bags. He lifted them out to his car. He placed the bags in the trunk of his car making sure not to make them spill all over the place. He quickly returned to Katty. He smiled at her from the doorway. "So you ready beautiful?" He asked her as he stared into her eyes. He longed for her to except him but knew this would take time. Didn't mean that he had to like waiting.
Katty nodded her head as she took his extended hand. She eased out of the bed and set her feet on the ground. As she stood up, the pain took over once again and she lost her balance. Before she could fall on her butt, strong arms caught her by the waist. Taking Angel's support she tried walking, wincing at times. Her legs weren't ready to walk yet. Why couldn't just Evan spare her legs?

Taking a deep breath and willing the pain to go away, she tried walking again. She failed miserably and held onto Angel.

"Ugh!" she let out a sigh of frustration and mentally scolded her legs to work.
Angel caught her before she could fall to the ground. He supported her as she was trying to walk. He sighed after a while and carefully picked her up bridal style. He carried her to the elevator and clicked the ground floor button. He started walking slowly towards the car and smiled. "Sorry. Is it bad that I like carrying you?" He asked looking at her.
Katty wasn't expecting being carried to the parking lot by Angel. At first she was stunned. Simply stunned. She watched everyone staring at her as he carried her to the car. Slowly, a blush crept up her cheeks turning her into a glowing stop sign. Oh great.

Katty buried her face into Angel's chest unmindfully as he carried her. Later, when he asked her if it was bad that he liked carrying her, she simply nodded her head a no. Opening her mouth wouldn't be good. She would stammer without a doubt. Angel smiled at her and helped her into the car. She sat quietly looking straight ahead, not sure what to say or do.
He set her in the car and closed the door for her. He walked around to his side of the car and got in. He buckled Katty then himself. He started the car and turned to look at her. "Why are you embarrassed?" He asked as he started driving. "I'm not ashamed of people knowing that I love you."
Katty looked at Angel as he again stated his love for her. "I'm, I'm not embarrassed Angel. Its...nothing. Don't worry about it," she tried to smile at him.

Honestly, she wasn't ashamed of him. More like ashamed of how nice it felt to be be cared by someone. She was still not over the fact that Angel is, was a serial killer. He still had enough potential to kill someone in cold blood. She wasn't sure of how she felt either. She liked him surprisingly. A lot. He didn't seem harmful when he was with her. It was like a side she never knew existed.

Staring out the window, she got lost in her thoughts. She pulled up her legs on the seat, and wrapped her bandaged arms around them. She laid her head on her knee, and let all her guards down. For once, she wanted to be the miserable girl who lost her father. And she felt comfortable with that when Angel was around.
He raised his hand and set it on her head. He played with her head softly and gently stroked her hair. He smiled. "I do worry. I can't help but worry about you." He started as he pulled up in her driveway. He got out of the car and walked around to her side of the car. He opened the door and lifted her out of it carefully.
Katty held onto him as Angel picked her up and walked up the stairs to her apartment. She felt so tired after leaving the hospital. She rested her head against his chest, as he made his way upstairs. After sometime, he opened the door and walked inside. He set her on the couch in the living room. She thought he must have found her keys in her purse. But that wasn't polite.

She frowned at him. "You took out my keys without my permission?" she glared at him, the best she could muster up in her weak condition.
He smirked and shook his head. "No Kitten the" Then his eyebrows furrowed and he turned around looking at a home invader. Angel chuckled slightly at the man's knife. The man lunged at Angel with his knife only to be grabbed at his wrist and twisted behind his back and then forced to the ground. Angel took the knight away from the man and raised it above his own head. In his mind he heard 'Kill him. Kill him now. End his pathetic existence.' Angel started to smile darkly at the man and brought the knife down next to his head. He turned the man around and made him face Angel. "Get out." He spoke and the invader left and Angel fell on his butt. He was breathing heavily. Not because disarming the criminal was hard but fighting himself was.
Sam chuckled a bit. "Yea sure, you can call me Sammy." Sam replied checking his phone. It looked Katty had tried calling a couple times. He dialed her number and called back. He put the phone up to his ear and waited for her to answer.

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Katty snapped out of the trance she was in. She rushed to Angel as he looked so lost. Everything happened so quickly. Invader, with knife, stealing from her house. She stopped to think if anything was stolen from her house. I'll worry about that later. She helped him stand up though she was the one who needed the help. Angel stood up still looking lost and sat beside her on the couch. Her phone then rang, showing Sam's caller id on the screen.

She took a deep breath and answered, "Hey, you okay? I tried calling for a few times before."
Angel was fighting the darkness inside himself. 'Kill kill.' Was all it thought off. 'Kill kill kill.' It grew only louder inside his head. This was a new feeling because he never fought it before, but he had promised to Katty that he wouldn't kill anyone as long as she was alive. 'Kill kill kill kill.' The voice grew and grew inside him. He stood and walked out the door. He stood breathing in the cold clear air of the night. He breathed slowly and deeply watching the night. 'KILL KILL KILL!' The voice raged inside his head. After 20 mins of standing there the voice slowly died away. A tear started running down his face. It was so hard to do this. Almost unbearable.
Sam sighed. "Yea I'm fine. I got caught up in something else I was doing." Sam said, not being specific. He wasn't gonna tell her he was slacking off. "You working a case?" Sam asked.

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