Twisted Minds [Inactive]

Sam sighed. "Thanks, that means a lot, it really does. It felt good to tell somebody. Aside from the police, and you, nobody knows." Sam explained. "I hope that, we can hang out more in the future. Could I get your number?" Sam asked politely. "Is that going a little far? I haven't done this in a long time." Sam said.

@Angela sama
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Misaki blushed at his politeness. She nodded,"Yes here it is", she gives him her number written on a piece of paper. "I would love to go out sometime.", she blushed a bit. She was a girl after all and he made her smile and thats why she wanted to spend time with him. She inhaled slowly and looked at him, "Text me when you want to meet."
Sam smiled as he took her number. "Yea, sure." He stuffed the paper in his coat pocket and stood up. "I guess I'll be going now. See you later." Sam said and walked out the door. He then got into his car and backed up. Then he turned and drove off. He went to continue his investigation of the murders in the area.

@Angela sama
Misaki got back to her room. She lied down on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Sam...huh? Not bad. He is a good guy well till now". She then turns on the TV and checks the news to get updates on the Director's murder. "NO SUSEPECTS YET" . She smiled and sighed,"It will take a lot more to catch the Shinigami"
Angel smiled when she was trying to scold him. He slightly shook his head and sighed. It was even funnier when she tried to give him a serious face after telling him to stay away from sharp objects. Angel couldn't help but laugh. He hadn't laughed in a very, very long time. Angel watched her change back into work mode and he heard her say sir. Angel rolled his eyes and waited for her to get off the phone before starting in. "You are in no way ready to go back to work. Besides the fact that you can barely walk, you couldn't fend someone off if they attacked you." Angel stated as he placed his hands on his hips and then stood in front of the door.
"I am still one of the head detectives at the station," Katty replied calmly. She was touched by Angel's concern, but she had to work. She can't put it off. The DA did insist on taking rest, but when she heard another psycho was on the loose with a killing spree, she didn't really have a choice. Even if she couldn't hop around or run, she would still stay and do the paperwork. Sam already started with the case, it shouldn't be very hard to catch on.

Angel tried to reason with her. He kept arguing that she wasn't ready to walk or attack. "Then I'd do the paperwork," and with that she shut the door and changed into her 'office' attire. Jeans, blouse and jacket. Also, her heels.

Wearing the jeans with several cuts down her legs was a big pain in the butt. She could still hear Angel outside her door trying really hard to change her mind. She smiled at that. It felt natural. She walked out after putting on her boots, not really surprised to see him in the same place, wearing a frown.

"Doing paperwork won't hurt," she said as walked past him. He caught her wrist and looked her into the eyes. She reassured him once more before taking her cellphone, wallet and car keys. She heard him sigh and muttered something. She turned and raised her eyebrow and said, "You coming?"
Angel frowned at her. She was ignoring him and he didn't like it. He grumbled "It's only cuz I love you." Clearly she didn't hear him and he grabbed his keys and picked her up bridal style again. "Well at least you can't stop me from this." He said smirking as he carried her to his car. He opened the door and set her in the drivers seat. He then moved to his side of the car and hopped in. He looked towards her and leaned towards her. He kissed her on her forehead again. "What? You expecting something else? You look dazed my dear Kitten." He stated smiling at her slightly puzzled face. Angel sighed and shook his head. "I won't kiss you until you want me to." Angel stated smirking and then started the car.
"No no. You can't do that! You can't pick me up and carry me, definitely not at my station. I am not some helpless damsel in distress!" she almost screamed at him. Almost. Katty's mouth was open for a good thirty seconds when he carried her to his car. On top of that, the sweet gestures. Okay, so he loved her, but that didn't mean he would carry her. She wasn't weak damn it!

She glared at Angel all the way to the station. He looked straight ahead not giving much attention to the daggers she shot with her eyes. She did catch the slight lift in the corner of his mouth. Jerk.

When they arrived at the headquarters, Katty hopped out before Angel could come open the door. She started walking without looking back even though her legs complained. She was an independent woman, no one till date even dared to take that away. Until Angel walked in and claimed it. He quickly caught upto her and tried to get hold of her waist as she dodged it. She walked without wobbling, thank god, as Angel continued to try. Every time he tried, she glared at him. He found it amusing. He did put her on an edge.

All the furious walking made her trip on some stupid rock and she lost balance. She didn't make it to the ground as Angel caught her. Bravo, Katty. Continue making a fool of yourself.

Angel didn't try to pick her up, but his hands didn't leave her waist as they made their way inside the building.
Angel helped Katty to her desk.He was a little bit amused that she was fighting him. He chuckled slightly. He caught of the daggers that she shot at him. 'Wow she really doesn't like that.' Angel sighed and helped her sit down. "Sorry..." He softly spoke so only she could hear him. He wouldn't let the others know that he has a heart. He sat next to her. "I just care about you...I don't want you hurt." He spoke and watched her slowly. He looked down and away from her and stood. He cleared his throat. "I'm gonna go pick up some form of food...are you craving anything?"
Misaki was sitting on her couch with her laptop on the coffee table before her. She was going through anonymous profiles and listing down people. Within an hour she listed down 16 names who fitted her code. All she had to do was select any one and eradicate to relish the blood splash all over her hands and space. The Shinigami spotted a woman named Maria Ron Preston, the heiress to a MNC. She was an ignorant, arrogant, spoiled brat who was recently caught in a drug scandal and was immediately released due to her sources whereas, to save herself she had to make one of her middle-class pal take the blame. The innocent victim agreed as she was threatened by Maria's lawyers. Thus, Misaki set her eyes on Maria for the night.

She performed a ritual that she always performed before her every kill. She would polish her toys aka her knives, her patterned blades and would sharpen her pocket knife. She then packed a stack of scissors too. She packed them in her bag and went out to end Maria forever. She got into her car and set forth for Maria's house.
Katty's features softened at Angel's confession. "Coffee will do," she said, smiling. Yeah, she should apologize but went against it. Angel smiled back at her and left for the canteen.

"Look who's back," a voice welcomed her. Without looking, Katty grinned at its owner. Adrian walked upto her, his orange hair all over his face. He hugged her a little too tight knocking out all the air. He smiled big at her and said, "I am so glad you're okay. When they said you were taken to the hospital, I almost had a panic attack!" Yeah, Adrian could be a little dramatic.

She laughed and reassured him that she was fine, except she would be mummified for some days. After a few more greetings and thank-god-you're-okays, she made her way to the DA's office. Filing the reports for the previous case and a little argument alongwith sorry for not resting, she finally came out holding another file.

She sat at her desk going through its papers when someone held a coffee in front of her face. Without looking, she took it mumbling a 'thanks' continuing with the file. She frowned at the details of the recent murders as she tried to find a connection between the victims.

"What's wrong?" she heard Angel ask as he sat across from her.

"There's no pattern. The victims aren't related, they live far away from each other..." she trailed as she ruffled through the papers.

Angel started going through the papers as well, his brows knit together. After going through the profiles of the victims, something clicked.

"They're all rich!" she said at the same time Angel said, "She's going for the wealthy people." Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Sam standing, shifting his foot. He seemed a little weirded out at the sudden realization they had.

She said, "We have a lead."
Angel turned and looked at Sam. He was clearly uncomfortable on this topic. 'Why would us finding a lead on a murderer make his ill at ease?' Angel thought to himself. He continued to watch Sam. Then he shook his head and straightened his back. He walked towards him and smirked at him. Angel then raised his hand towards Sam. "Decalf?" Angel asked holding up a cup of coffee to him. He watched for Sam's reaction.
(Dude, Sam isn't getting "ill mannered"stop playing my guy for me. Remember Sam doesn't know she's the killer, that is what you're talking about right?)

Sam nodded and took the cup of decalf. "So what have you got?" Sam asked and walked over to Katty to check the reports she had been looking through. What had clicked in their brains that he had missed?

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Katty explained Sam about how the victims were incredibly rich. She also told him to check out their backgrounds as well. "See if there are any reports against them, anything that might trigger a suspicion. Also note the common things between them," she instructed him.
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Sam nodded his head. "Alright, got it." Sam said sipping his Decaf he got from Angel. "I'll get to work on that as soon as I can copies of these files." Sam said. He picked up the papers and took them over to the copier. He made copies of the files and gave Katty the originals back. He then took his copies, and his Decaf, and went into his car and drove to his apartment.
Misaki's car just pulled before Maria's house. Only two guards. This was just a piece of cake, she thought. She pulled away again and parked behind Maria's house. She then got out. Three knives and a bottle of chloroform was enough to get it done. She also had a gun this time. A gun that she stole from England when she attacked there. So yeah, it was impossible to track it down. She walked up to the front gate and shooted at the camera and smoothly at the guards even before they could pay heed to her. She then walked in. Maria was in her house alone with only one lady bodyguard. Piece of cake indeed. Maria was scared tried to run away to the second floor while Misaki was attacked by the guard. "You will not touch her", the huge woman stated. Misaki smiled and used her japanese martial arts to hit the girl. She dodged her moves and stabbed her in the neck. The woman fell down. "Over-confidence kills ", that being said she moved up to the next floor where she saw Maria curled up at a corner. She was calling 911. "Oh the police!!! They are a pain in the ass", she smirked.

"Why are you doing this? What have I done?"

"Well honey, you use others and dominate them with money while I am here to cut you off for my own sake of justice, for my own salvation"

"What nonsense is this? Who sent you?"

" more questions love. Let the show begin"

Maria threw a huge vase at her and hid her face with her hands. She then got up and tried to escape but Misaki dodged that quite easily and ran after her. She pined her down and pushed the knife through her chest. Then one more through her stomach and the last one through her neck. She then kept slashing her till the blood reddened the room

She almost made it out of her house when the cops showed up. She then immediately left for her house. She felt a lump in her throat. Something seemed wrong, terribly wrong.
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(( You only said that you wanted Misaki and Sam to know each other's truth as soon as that was the only way but if you want I will make the changes now ))
Katty thought maybe she should follow Sam as well, but went against it. It wasn't exactly her brightest idea. She turned around to arrange the papers when she saw Angel shooting daggers at Sam's retreating back with his eyes. Confused and baffled, she asked "Are you okay?"

They were exchanging coffees a two minutes back. She didn't understand.
"I'm fine." Angel said clearing his throat and looking away from Sam. 'They work so close together. Don't you think?' He thought to himself and moved his head to the side until he heard the pop. He was taking deep breaths trying to relax. 'Is this jealousy. Is that what I'm feeling?' He was surprised he could feel this emotion. He never had before. Of course he never felt like the way he felt towards Katty before. He couldn't explain it but watching them work so close together. Watching the connection they had was painful.
"Okay," Katty replied, though she wasn't convinced that it was nothing. Definitely it was something, but she'd ask about that later. Right now, she had to get out and work. Maybe visit the crime scene. It would still be fresh, and maybe she could figure something out that the others have missed.

She closed the file and took her jacket as she stood up. Angel snapped out of his thoughts as he followed suit.

"I'll go check the crime scene, see if I can figure something out," she said still shuffling the papers in the file.
Misaki returned back to her house. There were some stains of blood in her car. She immediately thought of changing the car or atleast changing its interiors. She parked it inside her garage and locked it up for the time being. After every kill she took a shower as a ritual, she felt that the water cleanse her and lead her mind to a state of peace. She undressed herself before the mirror and stared at her pale fair feminine body. She felt heavy in the heart and somehow a tear drop came out of her eyes. She realized her emptiness. She walked into the shower and took a peaceful bath. She thought of different things she can do, one of them being calling Sam. 'Should I call Sam? Is it okay? Or am I being too pushy?', she debated in her mind. After half an hour she got out of the shower, dressed up and pampered her feminine self. Then she washed her stained weapons and polished them till they promised to look new and unused.
Angel followed her. "I'm going with you." He spoke grabbing his long black jacket and putting it on as he headed for the door. He wouldn't let her go alone for multiple reasons. 1. She was to weak to be going around on her own. 2. He enjoyed being around her. 3. He needed to go to analyse the scene to see if he could find something that the others missed. 4. He was currently jealous and wouldn't run the chance of her being there alone with Sam...if he was even going.

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