Twisted Minds [Inactive]

"Um, okay," Katty placed all the papers in the file and was about to leave when her desk phone rang. She picked it up and said, "Detective Downs." She listened to everything the caller reported, as her face frowned at the information. Another murder. Shit.

"We'll be there in a few minutes," she said and hung up. From Angel's expression, she knew that he could figure it out.

"Adrian, 29th street. New murder. Come on," she ordered the orange haired detective as she made her way outside the building, Angel right beside her.

Another murder. Another murder. It just doesn't stop!

Several thoughts messed Katty's mind. She hated when a new murder was reported. She hated seeing new bodies covered in blood. Its the only part of her job that disgusted her.
Sam had been surfing the web researching these people and then something added. "Son of a b*tch." He said. He picked up his cell phone and called Katty. He hoped she would pick up. He was pretty sure he'd figured this out.

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Angel followed her out and got to his car quickly. He opened the door for Katty and the moved around his car to the driver's side. He quickly got in and turned it on. He shifted the gear and started to drive. He turned to Katty. "Where is the new crime scene?" He asked as he headed out of the HQ parking lot.
Katty's phone rang again. She looked at the screen: Sam. "B-46, 29th street," she told Angel and picked up her call.

"Downs," she said allowing Sam to speak first about whatever information he discovered.
"Hey, so it looks like all the victims were not only rich, but arrogant. They used their money to get away with making people feel pathetic with it. So basically they were total d*cks." Sam explained. "That might be the connection."

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"A noble murderer perhaps? That's some really good info we can look into. But for now meet me at B-46 on 29th Street. We have another murder. Lets see if he fits our profile of being a wealthy d*ck as well," Katty told Sam as Angel drove the car at a really impressive speed.
"Yea, sure thing." Sam hung up and slid the phone into his pocket. He got into his car and drove up to the crime scene. He got out of the car when he arrived and looked around for Angel and Katty. He found them. He walked over to them and spoke. "So you ready to check this thing out? Let's do it," after a minute he went inside. He entered the room of the murder and started looking for clues.

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Angel nodded to Katty and started driving towards the address. He listened to Sam over the phone and nodded. "That very much could be. It may have something to do with a child living with those same kinds of people." Angel spoke and he turned a corner and stopped the house. He pulled up the driveway and parked. He then turned off the car and waited for Katty to get off the phone then turned to her. "You don't have to go inside if you don't want to Kitten."
"Its kind of in the job description," Katty replied to Angel's words, flashing a sad smile as she climbed out the car. The rest of the team was already spread out doing their own job. Katty stood outside the building at the door through which she can see the dead body, almost mutilated sprawled at an awkward angle on the carpet. The blood was turning it a shade of deep red, creating some kind of an irony. She stood outside, trying to calm herself, scolding to get a grip. The memories of her assault was still fresh in her mind and somehow it affected her way more than she thought.

The cold wind whipped her hair across her face as the medical team went inside to further investigate. She watched it all, but it was hard to order her feet to move forward towards the victim.
Angel moved into the building looking at the body. It was vicious and extremely messy. If it had been under different circumstances he would have clapped. But it was different. He was here to help them catch this person, not help them. Angel looked around the room and couldn't see Katty. He turned towards the door and spotted her outside. He sighed slightly and stood. He walked towards her and kissed her forehead. He wrapped his right arm around her shoulders and held her close. "How you holding up Kitten?" He asked concerned about her. He knew that it being attacked has an affect on people. He knew this from first hand experience. But this was very different. This was someone he cared about.
"Yeah, I'm fine," Katty cleared her throat and walked towards the body. It was mutilated in the most gruesome manner possible. Too much of blood flooded the entire room. According to Dr. Parish, the head forensic doctor, who was at the time examining the victim, stated that it was the handiwork of sharp blade like knives. Another psycho in town.

She moved around the house looking for any signs of struggle. The table was turned, which meant the victim tried to fight. She went around the house, but nothing was stolen. There was also no sign of the murder weapon. Typical.

"What do you think about the time frame?" she asked the doctor.

"Around 6 to 7 in the morning," Dr. Parish replied.

She said to Adrian, "Ask the neighbours if they heard or saw anyone around. Someone has got have a clue."

Katty then walked upto Angel who was a few feet away studying the body.

"So what do you think?" she asked him.
Angel was forced out of his thoughts when Katty spoke to him. He looked up at her and cleared his throat. "I would say that this young lady believes that instead of being a murderer she is a savior. She kills that rich that use their wealth and power to hurt and destroy others." Angel looks at Katty and understands her unspoken question. "Look at the lacerations on the bodies. They are much more shallow than it would be if it had been male."
"What if its a guy who is not that strong?" Katty asked at Angel's explanation. Not that she didn't believe him, but she was just curious how could he possibly figure something like that out so fast.

Before he could answer her question, she started speaking judging the body. "Something tells me it has a revenge involved too. Its obvious whoever this was loved torturing him. Our killer enjoyed his time killing," she said as she crouched down beside the body.

She looked up at Angel, who's eyebrows were knit together in thought. She waited for him to analyse her theory.
Angel smiled at her analysis. He silently agreed by nodding his head then pointed again at the slashes. "I say that it is female souly on the fact that there are care distinct slash marks that lay below where a man would be. Let me show you. Come here." He gestured having her come towards him. "Now pretend that you're going to attack me. Where would you think to strike first? A vital area that you can reach that wouldn't draw attention to the attack." He then grabbed her hand and pulled her into a slashing movement to the right kidney area, then to the left thigh then quickly a thrusting knife motion into the abdomen.
Katty understood what Angel was trying to display. The movements were something typical to any girl.

She asked, "Well, that kind of lets us know that the girl has a short height. But how do you think a guy would've attacked? Short or tall. Will there be any difference in the technique?"

Katty had never viewed the previous murders from such a point of view. Angel's knowledge about psycho-killer moves was more than useful. She waited as he explained his theory.
Angel closed his eyes for a second and then took a deep breath. He raised his hand and then held his hand like he was holding a knife. "With men it's more like a dominance when they attack. So they attack in ways that would give them the biggest challenge. He would strike from above coming down with the blade aiming for the chest so to show that he was the one with the power. Which is why men get hurt more than women do." He stated looked at her calmly. If only she knew the thing running threw his mind. The thoughts of murder and power that it gave him. Man this sucks sometimes.
Sam stood up listening to Angel and Katty talk. "That makes a lot of sense." He said approaching the two. "I looked up all of the deaths, but it looks like they haven't identified the killer yet. So I don't know where to start looking." Sam explained.

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"Our killer is definitely clever than we thought," Katty said as she saw Adrian approaching them.

"Hey you found something?" she asked, mentally praying for a clue.

"Actually I did. The woman next door saw someone scurrying around our vic's apartment last night. She said she couldn't figure out the face or any features, but she was sure it was a girl. Short stature, around 5 feet 3," Adrian explained his newfound discovery.

"At least that's something. Sam, find out if our vic knew any girl or woman of the profile. Check into the recent places he visited. If our killer chooses her victims at random, there has to be some kind of a meeting place where she picks them," Katty told him. She further told Adrian to get her a copy of his latest financial reports.

With that, she turned around to face Angel, hoping they would get a heads up before another killing. Her train of thoughts stopped when she looked at Angel. His pupils were dilated and he was sweating.

"Hey, you okay?" she asked him, concerned.
His breathing wavered as he tried to calm himself. The thoughts of the past. The power of the past that flowed through him. He shook his head after he heard Katty's voice. Angel was slightly confused. The thoughts were just gone. They didn't plague his thoughts when she spoke to him. Then it hit him. Just as before when he woke her from her nightmare she can wake him from his own. He smiled towards her. He walked to her and wrapped his arms around her. "I've never been better." He spoke holding her. He looked into her eyes lookign for something that he needed to see before he went forward. "Do you love me Kitten?"
Katty hadn't seen that coming. It caught her off guard and she did something she hadn't in a very long time. She stammered

"Huh yeah? I um...uh," she licked her dried lips and she was freaking thirsty. A glass of cold water anyone? The answer was simple. Maybe it wasn't love yet, but there was definitely more than just a mere 'like.' She was nervous enough. With Angel's arms around her waist, well that definitely did not help the case. She needed to escape. Evade. Now.

"Oh look! I think Adrian's calling me," she quickly slipped out of his grasp and hurried towards the door. Unfortunately, Adrian had left. Right, she needed plan B. Except she didn't have any.

Did he not notice how nervous he made her? Of course, he could figure out her pathetic lying ability. She hadn't felt that way ever and she hated to admit that she really liked him. Stupid feelings.

Suddenly, her cellphone rang. DA. Detective mode activated.
Angel smiled and watched as she moved away from him. He tear started to trickle down his face. He moved his hand to his face and touched the tear. He looked upon the small thing that he had seen so many times. He smiled holding it on his fingertips. He wasn't in pain. So why the tear? Or maybe he was in pain. The best kind of pain. He gazed upon it and closed his eyes letting more tears fall to his hand. He then looked up towards Katty and started walking towards her slowly. He reached her and stood right behind her. He listened to her talk to the DA but was uninterested. He was only interested in her. She was the only thing that mattered to him. His right hand started to gently caress her shoulder slowly. He leaned his head against the side of hers and smelled her hair softly and slowly. "You have no idea how that warms my heart Kitten." He spoke slowly closing his eyes. as he did so.
Sam watched what just happened and laughed a little. 'Yea, she likes him.' He thought to himself. He turned and left the place to begin his research. Katty seemed to get rid of him a lot lately. She must really like being around Angel. He felt slightly annoyed that she spent more time with a psychopath than her partner and friend. He wasn't jealous. He wasn't in love with her, they were just really good friends. Which was why it bothered him so much. He got back to his apartment and started doing research. At least he had someone new to turn to when Katty wouldn't hang out with him, which happened a lot now. He had Misaki. She seemed pretty nice. Still researching he couldn't find anything matching the earlier description.

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Katty hung up the call when he heard Angel's voice. And it was close, oh it was so close. Proximity was never her strongest point and Angel was right behind her. Did he just smell my hair? She turned around and gulped. "W-what warms your heart?" she asked in a squeaky voice. What the hell was wrong with her? She cleared her throat and stood up taller facing him. Damn it, he was still a few inches taller. From the corner of her eye she could see no one was around. Sam and Adrian had left and the rest were busy inside taking care of the body. Maybe this was a bad idea.

She looked back at him to find him smiling. Not the creepy smile, but the one of the half smirks. She refused to show her apprehension and mentally convinced herself to maintain her fearless posture. Only if it worked properly.
He smiled as he gazed into her eyes. His hand raise and moved the hair from her face behind her ear. "You warm my heart. Your worlds made me feel something I never truly have." He spoke raising his hand with his tears still sitting upon his flesh. He showed them to her and he let out a quick release of air. He then turned hid gaze to her eyes again and slid his hand softly and slowly along her jaw line and cupped her face. His gaze intensified as he gazed at her. He moved slightly closer to her lips and looked down at her lips then back up to her eyes. His gaze showing that he so desperately wanted to but he was holding himself back. He wanted so badly for her to give him the permission that they both deep down needed.
Katty wanted so badly to close the gap between their lips. Just a little closer, and it would be perfect. He waited for her permission, and that increased whatever it was she had for him. His respect for her was something she appreciated a lot.

"Not like this," she barely whispered the words before she could stop herself.

"As much as I want this, us to happen, I want it to be special," she continued. What are you saying?!

Her brain was beeping a red danger sign, but for once she decided to ignore it and listen to her heart.

She pleaded with her eyes to understand where she was coming from. She wasn't rejecting him, more like trying to make him understand how hard it was for her to trust someone. She wanted to know him as a person, wanted him to share his demons with her, so she could do the same.

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