Twisted Minds [Inactive]

"I'm in my house, with 3/4th of my body covered in bandages. Yeah, I'm just a ball of sunshine working on a case," Katty replied sarcastically. She heard Sam chuckle on the other side of the phone. "I need the reports for the kidney murderer, is he still alive?" he questioned him, as she got up and poured herself a glass of water.
Angel was fighting the darkness inside himself. 'Kill kill.' Was all it thought off. 'Kill kill kill.' It grew only louder inside his head. This was a new feeling because he never fought it before, but he had promised to Katty that he wouldn't kill anyone as long as she was alive. 'Kill kill kill kill.' The voice grew and grew inside him. He stood and walked out the door. He stood breathing in the cold clear air of the night. He breathed slowly and deeply watching the night. 'KILL KILL KILL!' The voice raged inside his head. After 20 mins of standing there the voice slowly died away. A tear started running down his face. It was so hard to do this. Almost unbearable.
"Yea he is, they took him away when they grabbed Evan." Sam said. "I already filed the reports back at the HQ." Sam continued. "What happened to you?" Sam asked, did Evan really hurt her that bad? Or did something else happen?

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"Evan did one hell of an artistry all over my body. Mainly the legs and arms. Gashes with a knife, the one you guys found at the crime scene. I pretty much look like a mummy, just my face isn't covered," Katty replied. She tried to joke in order to lighten the mood. She knew how close Evan and Sam were. Losing someone you love triggered the worst pain in people. She of all people knew that better.

She looked around but couldn't find Angel in her room. She went to her balcony and found him standing in the cold air outside. It'll be dawn in a few hours. The neighbourhood was quiet.

She asked, "Can you run the reports with me once before I get them to the DA?"

After his reply and an exchange of take care and goodbye, she wrapped herself in a blanket and went outside to talk to Angel.
Angel stood looking over the neighborhood. It was so quiet. Angel enjoyed the silence. He had always enjoyed the quiet. He wiped the tear from his face when he heard Katty approaching. "Are you sure you wanna come out here? Alone with a monster like me?" He spoke not looking at her. He swallowed heavily. He never knew something in his life to be difficult. Until this day when he stopped himself from killing someone. He had never done that before. "Plus in your condition you could get sick from the cold." He said looking at where the sun would rise. "The time is 4:27 A.M" He spoke with a slight smile that soon vanished.
Katty decide to ignore his question. They both knew it wasn't safe for her, also considering her growing fondness towards him. Fondness. That's what she named it for now. Instead she said, "Its cold. Come on inside." She took his hands which were frozen due to the cold wind blowing.

She eventually slipped her hand in his and interlaced her fingers with his. She adjusted the blanket with her other hand and pulled it tighter against her.

Angel turned to face her. She smiled softly at him and gave a little tug at his hand. He smiled at her as well as they came back inside her apartment.

"Do you want coffee?" she asked him making her way into the kitchen.
He followed her in. "No. I don't like coffee. Thanks anyway." He sat down on her couch and laid his head down on the back of her couch. He breathed deeply. He looked towards Katty. "Why can't you just admit that you have feelings for me?" He asked. He made no bones about the fact that he loved her. For one telling her to her face, and second he did things for her that he never did for anyone...ever. 
He followed her in. "No. I don't like coffee. Thanks anyway." He sat down on her couch and laid his head down on the back of her couch. He breathed deeply. He looked towards Katty. "Why can't you just admit that you have feelings for me?" He asked. He made no bones about the fact that he loved her. For one telling her to her face, and second he did things for her that he never did for anyone...ever.
Katty stopped short after hearing Angel's question. She herself didn't know the answer to his question. Did she have any feelings? Could she label as feelings? True, she hadn't felt anything for anyone until Angel came out of jail again. There was something about him that made her hope that he could be a nice person. But he was mentally sick. She saw how hard it was for him to not kill someone. He literally struggled to overcome his urge to kill.

She sat beside him and said, "This is hard for me too Angel. I haven't felt anything ever that I feel for you. I don't know what to call them or label them as. All I know that you can a better person and oddly enough, I feel safe around you. Something keeps telling me that you won't let anything happen to me."

She smiled and squeezed his hand. "You know what," she said, "why don't you lie down here and sleep it off? You can leave after a few hours. You haven't slept since yesterday."

Honestly, she wanted him around. Strong and confident, but in her mummified state she wasn't quite sure how much of ass she could kick. Plus, she loved his company. It was comfortable.
Angel didn't perk up. He threw up a fake smile and squeezed her hand back. He then looked up into her eyes. "I'm not leaving until you are able to actually fend someone off." He stood and lifted her up in bridal position like before. He carried her to her room and laid her down on her bed. He left the room and quickly returned with a cup of hot coco. He set in on the night stand next to her bed and then sat down on a chair next to her bed. "I'll be right here if I'm needed." He spoke and leaned forward and kissed her forehead again. This time it was longer than usual. He couldn't help it. She had almost died! He couldn't believe that he even let her get kidnapped let alone be tortured. He wasn't going to leave her side ever again.
Katty closed her eyes as Angel kissed her forehead. It was such a sweet gesture that brought tears in her eyes. She missed this. Ever since her father died, no one kissed her good night. As he pulled back, she smiled at him and wished good night softly. She watched him smile back and leave the room, closing the door behind.

She felt sleepy. The sedatives kicked in action. She loved the comfort of her bed. Taking a sip of the cocoa, she fell into a deep sleep as the pillow hit her head. But nightmares were always a part of her. Soon, she started dreaming of her father, stabbed with a knife in front of her. This time Evan chased her. He quickly got hold of her and repeated how she was supposed to be punished. The previous evening repeated as she felt each jab of the knife.

She screamed with pain, squirming in her bed. There was sweat all over her as she kept panting at what unraveled in her hideous nightmare.
Angel left her to her room and walked to her living room. He roamed throughout her apartment. He found his way to an old photo of Katty when she was a little girl. He smiled and then turned his gaze to her father. He placed his hand softly against the glass over her father. "I'll take care of her for you." Angel's ears picked up one sound from her room. That was all he needed. He turned and ran to her room and opened it quickly. He raced to her bedside and grabbed her shoulders. He held her gently but firmly so that her body would calm. "Kitten wake up. I'm here."
Katty fought through Evan's strong grip. She memorized all of her trainings, but the grip was too strong. She struggled as she tried to free herself. Tears ran down her eyes. She wasn't trained to be weak, but this time she couldn't help. She was back to the nineteen year old girl who ran for her life.

Suddenly, she heard a faint 'kitten' at the back of her mind. The voice became louder and she snapped out of her nightmare. She opened her eyes to find Angel in front her, an expression on his face which clearly resembled panic. She tried to clear her mind as to where and how did she get in her room. She soon realized that it was a nightmare and as everything set in, the dam broke. For the first time in a long time, she cried her heart out as she hugged Angel.

She kept repeating how weak she was, how she was supposed to be killed that night, but her father saved her, how she blamed herself for everything that happened to her.
Angel wrapped his arms around her. "No Kitten everything happens for a reason. Your father gave his life for you because he loved you and in his eyes your life was more important than his own." He kissed the top of her head again and held her close. He started humming to quietly. He rubbed his hand up and down her back trying to comfort her. He then lifted her face so to look at her. He looked into her eyes softly. "I will always be here for you Kitten. I'll be here as long as you want me here." He spoke meaning every word.
Misaki was sipping her coffee when she heard the talk between a person called Katty from the other side of the phone and Sam. She heard him talk about cases and files and reports. She was a bit confused now. Sam was in construction then what HQ , what files and what case? She stayed alert now and cursed herself for falling for his looks and good behavior. She waited for his call to end. As soon as the call ended, she took the opportunity to ask, "Everything alright?". @Jafar
Katty slowly nodded her head. Angel wiped her tear streaked face as she eased back into her bed. He pulled the covers upto her chin, kissed her on the forehead and left. She took in a shaky breath, and tried to sleep. Soon, she fell into a deep sleep but this time, there were no nightmares.

Katty pried her eyes open to the sunshine streaming in through the blinds. She woke up feeling strangely fresh. Last nights events followed as she remembered that Angel was still in her house. Or so she thought. She carefully tiptoed outside her room, where she found Angel fast asleep on her couch. She just stopped and looked at him. He looked so peaceful. Who would say that the man has a dreadful bone in his body?

She carefully put her blanket on him as he stirred a little. Snapping out of her trance, she hurried to the bathroom. She was still wearing her god awful dress from last night.
Angel heard a door close and sat up. He had fallen asleep. He shook his head stood and walked towards the kitchen. He opened the fridge and took out some food that he had bought the night before. He started cooking bacon, eggs, hash browns, and pancakes/waffles. He smiled to himself as he yelled. "Hey Kitten? Do you want Pancakes or waffles?" He yelled load enough for her to hear he hoped. He didn't know exactly where she was at the moment.
"Pancakes all the way!" Katty almost hooted, as she turned on the shower. She stripped off her ruined dress and stepped into the warm water. She washed off all the stress from last night. She carefully avoided the shampoo from her wounds, as she lathered some in her hair. After she was done, she dressed in denim shorts and a t-shirt. It was her day off and she intended on being as comfortable as she could.

She stepped out of her bathroom and went into the kitchen. She asked Angel, "Do you know where the bandages are?" Her arms and legs displayed various red lines of several depths on her pale ivory skin. The ones on her arm were the worst. Suddenly she felt aware that Angel could see all of it. She thought what would he think.
Angel smiled at her response. He started cooking the pancakes as she wanted. He turned to look at her. She was covered in cuts and bruises. He didn't like it one bit. He walked towards her and led her to the cabinet. He started bandaging her slowly and carefully not to hurt her. He then stood and kissed her forehead again. He smiled at her and turned to get the food. "Take a seat Kitten. Food is ready." He said pointing towards the table.
Once Katty was mummified, she sat at the table as Angel brought pancakes and bacon. They smelled amazing. Not able to resist, she took a fork , diving in the food as he set it down. Putting a piece in her mouth, she closed her eyes and moaned at the deliciousness of it. She savored every bite.

She turned to him, who was watching her the whole time with an amusing smile on his face. She said, "This is the best pancake and bacon I've had in years. How do you know to cook so well? Don't tell you're a chef too."
Angel chuckled at her comment. "Haha no not chief material. I dabble here and there." He stated smirking as he started cleaning up. He started washing when a knife slipped out of his hands a cut his left hand open. He sighed and moved away from the sink. "Hey Kitten? Could I have some of those bandages please?" He asked sticking his head out of the kitchen.
"Why?" Katty frowned at Angel's question. She left the heaven at her table and made her way towards the kitchen. Angel held his bloody hand up as his answer.

"Why can't be you be a little careful?" she scolded at his carelessness and made a dash for the bandages, ointment and a cloth. She washed his wound under the water and applied the ointment once the bleeding stopped. She covered his hand with the bandage carefully, not to invoke any pain. Once she was done, she took the kit and placed it back in the cabinet.

"Do me a favor? Please stay away from any sharp objects," she said to Angel as he kept looking at her with that damn amused smile. She tried to look serious, which made him laugh. Angel laughing was like finding a rare species of an exotic animal that was thought to be extinct. It was precious. She broke into a grin as well at the laugh.

Soon, her phone rang. She went into her room and looked at the caller id. It was the DA.

"Sir," she answered the phone in a polite and respectful manner.
"Yea everything's alright, I was involved in a murder a little while back, I was suppose to file the report. Looks like I need to go back to the HQ to take care of something else." Sam explained. "I'm not in any kind of work like this if that's what you're thinking, the woman I talked to on the phone is my friend. She works in the FBI. So when I can, I try and help her out." Sam explained again. "You know now that I think about it, what do you do for a living?" Sam asked.

@Angela sama
"I already told you that I was a kindergarten teacher. Apart from that ancestral money and dad's business is there", Misaki replied casually but her mind was pre-occupied. The word murder and Sam's involvement in it ticked her off. She was scared if he found out. Would he understand? No he won't. He is way too immature to understand my emotions. She slowly sighed and tried to relax.
"You know I had a girlfriend once." Sam said. "Her name was Jessica." He continued. Just thinking about it made him twinge in anger. "I went off to College, that's where I met her. I went off for a few days before I had to go to an interview for a Law School. When I got back I found her dead in our bed. The killer was never found." Sam said.
Misaki started trembling a bit but then she gained her conscience. "I am so sorry Sam. Your whole life seems tragic. I wish I could lessen your grief ", she said as she kind of started to care for him. Her humanity spoke up to him as somewhere deep in her heart she was scared of being caught by him in any of her future hunts. She spoke to him with an apologetic and sympathetic look expecting him to buy her sympathies.

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