Twisted Minds [Inactive]

"That's alright, cmon." Sam said leading her to his black Ferrari. He got in and opened the passenger seat door for her. "Get in." He said putting his keys into the ignition.

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"Nice car, Sam", she looked at with impressed eyes. She always loved speed and this one promised a huge adrenaline rush. "Speed it up please Sam", she requested him.
'Alright, but I'm not going over the speed limit... much." Sam said jokingly as he started the car and drove to her house as fast as he was allowed to go. "You like the car then?"

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"Yes I am in love with it actually", she says. Suddenly a thought crosses her mind 'does that mean he is rich and arrogant? I hope not '.
"Yea, I wish I had more nice stuff like this, but I saved up for years to get this car, this is my prized possession." Sam explained to her. I don't really live anywhere, I just rent a hotel wherever I happen to be.

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Misa sighed at relief. He fulfilled her criteria of being a good person. She then gave him the directions to her house. "Hey Sam, what do you do?", she asked him, trying to make a conversation in order to know him better.
"You mean my job right? Well uh... I'm in construction." Sam replied, he'd wait before he revealed that he was a secret agent of the FBI. "Yea, what about you?" Sam asked.

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"Wow..thats nice and me well...I am a kindergarten teacher. I love teaching small kids.", she said that and that was true. She taught kids by day as kids had a pure heart and an unbiased mind.
"Really?" Sam asked nodding his head. "That's nice of you." Sam said, kids, he didn't have to deal with them so he never really thought about them. He had never had a wife so he had never even considered having any.

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"Well thats my house", Misaki pointed at the mansion up ahead. She then asks him to stop the car in front of the gate. "Thank you Sam, wanna come in for a coffee?"
Katty opened her eyes to a white ceiling and a specific sterile smell hit her nose. Her blurry sight finally adjusted to the light as she looked around herself. She couldn't remember how she got there, more importantly where she was. Then it hit her, Evan, the kidnapping, Angel rescuing, Sam and the paramedics. She turned her head slightly to her side to find something clamped her hand down.

Turning her head, she noticed Angel peacefully sleeping, her hand tightly in his. She tried to extract it without disturbing him. He looked so...normal. It didn't seem like this man was capable to killing anyone. Her throat was parched, her lips dry. She needed to ask for water. But everything was so numb with pain. She could hardly whisper. Slowly, she pulled her hand when Angel stirred. So much for being careful.

He opened his eyes and met with hers. A smile lightened up his face. She wanted to say something, anything but the only thing she croaked out was, "Water." Classy Kat. Real classy.
Sam nodded his head. "Yea, sure." He said and got out and opened the gate. He then got back in and parked his car. After that he got out and helped Misa out. After that he went inside and went looking for the coffee machine.

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Misa guided him inside her house and pointed at her sofa. "Have a seat Sam.", she then heads towards her kitchen and starts making coffee. "Black or milk?", she asks him.
Angel smiled widely at her request. He picked up the glass of water with a straw in it he had gotten in advance for her. He brought the glass to her lips so that she could take a drink. He watched her intently. He wasn't going to let he get hurt again. It frightened him when she was in danger and he didn't like it. Then his smile turned to a triumphant one. "I kept my promise. I didn't kill Evan...even though he did deserve it for hurting my Kitten." He smiled looking into her eyes his classic smile.
Katty took the glass and took a sip of water. She listened as Angel told her about keeping his promise. "Thank you," she whispered. He helped her sit against the headboard of the bed.

Soon a nurse came into the room, followed by a doctor. "Ah Miss Downs, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"I feel like someone is rubbing a cactus all over my body, and there's a lump of same in my throat," she answered.

The doctor chuckled. "Pretty normal after what you went through. You lost a lot of blood though, which is why you will be feeling a little dizzy for a few days. I have written some medicines for you. You need to take care of your wounds and not run around much. At least unless the dizziness wears off. If everything's good after an hour, you can go home," he informed.

Katty sighed. She missed her apartment. She wanted to go home and sleep in her bed.

"Thank you doctor," she smiled weakly.

The doctor also mentioned how Angel was there the whole time, refusing to leave her side. She smiled again as he finally left.

She still had calls to make. Not seeing her phone or her purse nearby, she asked Angel, "Have you seen my phone or purse?"
Angel smiled at Katty and turned to the window seat. He walked to it and grabbed her purse and walked back over with it. "Before I give it to you I want to know something Kitten." Angel said in a serious tone. He needed to know this. It was deeply important to him. He wanted to know the reason why. He knew it wasn't the best time but he needed to know now. He started intently into her eyes softly. Beckoning her for her to answer he was about to ask.
Katty was taken aback at the sudden shift in his deanamor. There was something soft yet serious about him. She quietly nodded her head, paying her attention to whatever he had to say.
He took a deep breath. "Why doesn't my Kitten not like music." Angel asked confused. "I guess I just don't understand how someone so beautiful could not like music." Angel complements her but he was still confused. He truly didn't understand. He did believe it to have something to do with a tragedy concerning a family member.
Katty wasn't prepared for Angel's question. She thought it would be something regarding to Evan and the rest, but it came down to her dislike for music. She couldn't decide whether to tell him or not. She didn't know if she could trust him.

Taking a deep breath, she said, "I used to love music. So did my father. He used to play the guitar," a faint smile touched her lips at the thought.

She continued, "My father was killed nine years ago right in front of me."

She couldn't proceed after that. Hopefully, Angel understood that. He remained silent as well. She reveled in her father's memory and the images from that night came back haunting her, like it has been for the last nine years. A tear rolled down her cheek. She wanted to cry, scream at the top of her lungs. But she wouldn't surrender herself to the loss. It was the only thing that kept her going.

"So can I have my phone now?" she asked again.
Angel walked towards her and cupped her face. He used him thumb and removed the tear from her face. He slowly placed her purse in her lap. He sadly looked to her eyes. "I'm sorry Kitten...that was not my question to ask you.." He said and looked away from her. The found memories of her father made him think of his own father. He had no found memories of that man except the day that he had been able to fight back and kill him. Angel looked away from her for two reasons. 1 he was sorry that he had brought up such a painful memory for her. 2 he didn't want her to see him cry. He silently cried looking away from her. Though she could probably figure it out. He was only inches away from her and his tears where staining her blanket.
Katty believed then and there that Angel Jones was capable of emotions. She was sure it had reminded him of some of his bad memories too. She wiped his tears with her thumb, and placed her hand against his cheek. She smiled softly at him trying to him know that she understood the pain.

Angel smiled back, a little relieved from the pain and handed her the purse. She took out her phone and quickly called Sam. She needed the reports back on Monday on both the cases and hand it to the DA. She dialed his number, while Angel interlaced his fingers with hers. The warmth helped her relax a little, though the pain from the wounds was still there. Sharp and stinging.
Angel interlaced his fingers with his and smiled warmly. He kissed her knuckles slowly taking his time to gently kiss each one. He slowly and gently kissing up her hand. Up her arm. To her shoulder. He stopped and leaned in and kissed her forehead. He looked into her eyes. With his eyes he told her this one important thing. With his eyes he said. 'I won't kiss you, until you ask me to.'
Sam thought about it for a moment before deciding. "Milk." Sam replied. Milk was one of his favorite drinks, so was coffee, combine the two, he loved it. Sam sank into his seat and closed his eyes to rest them for a bit.

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Misaki nodded and quietly started making the coffee. She didn't know what to say. She just invited a broken stranger inside. Maybe I can cheer him, she thought. "So Sam, tell me about yourself", she broke the ice.
Katty didn't move. Angel's gestures were undoubtedly so warm and loving that it was hard to believe. She kept staring at him in those brown eyes, as they spoke everything. She was overwhelmed at the respect he had for her.

Then, reality struck her. Angel was still a serial killer. He took lives more than she can count. There was a constant conflict between her heart and brain. Reality was also that she was on the phone, which was now ringing. Right, Sam.

She reluctantly broke the gaze and waited for her partner to pick up the call.

She still needed those damn reports.

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