Twisted Minds [Inactive]

"Um..sure," Katty said with a half smile. She watched Angel now fully smiling, and he was genuinely happy. Because she wanted to eat? Weird.

Her phone rang, as the car came to a stop near a cafe. She looked at the screen to find Sher's number on the screen.

"Hey what you got?" she asked. Listening to everything he said, she told him as Angel directed. She told him to look for people on the suspect with anyone whose family members or friends had a kidney problem.

After hanging up, she turned to find Angel looking at her. A ghost of a smile on his lips. "What?" she asked as she gave him a weird look.
Angel just looked at he for a while. He took her hand gentaly like had before. He kissed her middle knuckle and looked into her eyes. "I truly am sorry Kitten...I wasn't trying to make you feel inferior...I was only trying to impress you...kinda messed that up didn't?" HR joked 
Angel just looked at he for a while. He took her hand gentaly like had before. He kissed her middle knuckle and looked into her eyes. "I truly am sorry Kitten...I wasn't trying to make you feel inferior...I was only trying to impress you...kinda messed that up didn't?" He truly looked sincere as he spoke. "I'm not asking for your forgiveness...I only I beg that you not hate me Kitten." Angel said laying his head on her hand. He continued to watch her. Hoping for a good reaction.
Katty had no idea how to react to that. She looked into his eyes and said something that she couldn't believe, "I don't hate you Angel."

Wait, where did that come from? Of course you hate him! He killed people for Christ's sake!

Ignoring her inner tirade, she said, "Maybe we should get something to eat."
Angel smiled at her and turned to the guy at the window and ordered what Katty said she wanted. He then ordered the food that he wanted. Angel turned back to her and interlaced his fingers with hers. He smiled warmly and kissed her knuckles again slowly watching her the whole time. He then stopped and his smiled widened even wider than before. "Kitten...after we catch the kidney killer...I would like to treat to something special...if you'll let me." Angel said warmly and filled with a hint of something unknown, but wonderful.
After quite awhile, Sam finally arrived in Los Angelus, he drove over to the nearest hotel he could find and rented a room for the day. He got back into his car and drove to the latest crime scene. He got out of his car and revealed his badge, when he walked into the building he observed the body. He knelt down and noted that the victims left arm looked as though it had been torn off with teeth, this was either a cannibal, or an animal. Sam wasn't sure which one it was, so he decided to do a little research. He got into his car and drove to his hotel and got on his laptop. He started looking for reports of possible cannibal attacks.
Katty blinked rapidly. "Uh, Angel are you trying to ask me out? Because I..I don't do dates," she said.

She was squashed. First Evan, now Angel. Maybe she should put a hoarding saying 'I don't say, stop asking me out because I don't know how to refuse people!'

Her mind flashed to the 'not-a-date' she had with Evan tonight. She thought of telling it to Angel, but went against it.
Angel shook his head and chuckled slightly. "It's only a date if you want it to be one." Angel stated kissing her knuckles again. He looked dead into her eyes. "Remember when I asked you earlier whether you loved me or not?" Angel asked. His smile vanished and he took a deep breath as though it was something that was actually hard for him to say. This being unusual for him he didn't like it, but he wanted. No scratch that he needed to say this. "It's because...I do." Angel stated looking away. He was waiting for the blow. He knew she couldn't love him. She knew everything that he has done. All the evil that he has preformed upon humanity, and for some reason he thought he had a chance.
Katty felt like someone knocked all the air out of her. Several questions swam inside her head. How, why, when, what. There were others too. She felt like shit for agreeing to Evan now. Angel loved her. Loved. Not even like.

Not able to answer anything, she just said, "We should go." She saw Angel was going to say something, but he closed his mouth and turned away, the hurt clear in his eyes. They drove back to the headquarters and Katty hastily went inside the building. She didn't want to face Angel, not because of his confession, but because of the hurt that was reflecting on his face. Once inside, she busied herself with work not glancing at him. She could see from her peripheral vision that Angel was looking at her closely, but she blocked all thoughts from her mind.
Sam figured Katty could help, he could tolerate Angel, and Katty and Sam had worked cases together before. Sam whipped out his phone and pushed a couple numbers, and called Katty. In the meantime he continued his researched, he had found something. Not long ago, perhaps one or two weeks ago, a man had been spotted his blood coming out his mouth, and a couple chunks of meat in his teeth, this was definitely a cannibal case.
Angel heard what she had said and started to speak only to have her hand stop him. Angle drove to the HQ and followed her inside. He sat at her desk with her and watched her closely. She wouldn't look at him. This disturbed him and he didn't like it one bit. Angel realized that she was avoiding him and was ignoring him. 'Can't blame a guy for trying.' The voice in his voice said to him. Angel was hurt and he didn't even think to remember that the voice wasn't real. "Yes I can! What was I to expect? That she'd love a monster like me!" He yelled at himself. He realized that Katty was now looking at him. Angel started backing away from her. He wouldn't dare look at her. He couldn't believe what he had said aloud. Good thing they were the only ones there. Regardless Angel started to head for the door to leave the building.
Katty picked up Sam's call as he went on about the case that he was looking into. He let her know about a so called cannible killing people and the leads he found.

"Find this guy, see if you can track down him down," she told him, sipping a cup of coffee.

She looked up to see Angel was gone. She felt bad. Why? No idea. She received a text from Evan earlier that mentioned the place and the time of the movie. She thought about cancelling it, but couldn't make herself do it.

At last she wrapped up her work at 5, and left. She drove to her house and lay on the bed looking at the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened today. After sometime, she got up to get a shower and started getting ready for her non-date.
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Angel returned to the HQ after everyone had left. Angel broke into the building using a key had aquired earlier by copying a key owned by an employee. Angel got into a lab to look up people matching the characteristics the he knew to be true. After about 30 minutes angel found a match. Angel smiled to himself. 'Now I must tell Katty.' Angel thought to himself. He rose from the chair and quickly got to his car. Angel drove to Katty's house and stopped. He spotted a man in a suit with flowers walking up to her door. Angel backed up under a tree and watched from his car to see what was going on.
Katty heard the doorbell ring. Evan had texted her that the theatre was closed so if they couldn't go for a movie. Instead, he insisted on a dinner. She was tired of coming up with something and agreed to it. She looked herself in the mirror. She wore a red evening dress, which showed a bare shoulder on one side while the other was draped with the dress. She wore heels and some perfume. Her hair was tied up in a chignon. She grabbed her clutch and made it for the door.

Evan stood in a ravishing black suit with flowers for her. She accepted them, and faked a smile. She hoped her cheeks didn't hurt from smiling so much. She went with him towards his car when she thought she saw someone behind the tree. Shaking her head, she sat in his car as Evan drove.

Katty felt wrong about all of this. She knew this was wrong. She knew her father would agree to how unfair things were.

She said, "Evan I don't wanna go. I don't feel good."

Evan turned around and screeched the car to a halt. "What do you mean?" he demanded.

"I mean this is wrong. Everything is so wrong. I...I don't think we should go on this date. Its not right," she tried to explain.

Evan stayed weirdly calm before finally saying, "Its him, right? Its all because of that Angel. That's why you won't go out with me. The moment he came he took you away from me!" His voice roared as he accused Angel of everything.

"What do you mean? It has nothing to do with him," Katty trying to stay calm.

"He did all of this. And you're as guilty as him," he continued.

She couldn't decipher what was happening when finally Evan said a sorry, and took the back of her neck and bashed her head on the dashboard.

The sudden impact inflicted a pain in Katty as her vision turned to black.

Katty's outfit:
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Sam hung up and left Katty to her work, she seemed distracted, so he decided not to ask her to come join him on the case. Sam decided he would do this on his own. Finally, he started searching for the name of the cannibal. The name he found was Evander Wade. Sam then did a search for Evander Wade's address, he found it. Quickly, Sam got into his car and drove to the address he had found. However, after he got out of the car, he was attacked. A man had jumped on his back and forced him to the ground. The man had a powerful grip. "Who... Who are you?" He asked inbetween breaths.

"I'm the kidney thief, I followed you here, and now that you're alone, I'm gonna kill ya!" Sam quickly sent the conversation he had just recorded on his phone too Katty, hopefully she could help. Finally the Kidney killer pulled out a knife and attempted to stab Sam. However, Sam was able to throw him over his shoulders, forcing him to release Sam's neck. Sam then entered a fighting stance, he watched the killer carefully for any sudden moves.

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Angel watched Katty get in his car. Angel was hurt. His tore and his eyes burned. He looked away and started to drive off. When he was about to leave he heard the car screech to a halt. Angel looked and saw the car had stopped. He suddenly made a movement and then started to drive off. Angel had seen that kind of movement before. He had done it to one of his victims. Angel started to follow the car for several blocks. Unfortunately due to heavy traffic Angel had lost the car. Angel cursed aloud at himself. Angel sped through every light between there and the HQ. This caused him to be chased by 8 police cars by the time he had arrived at the HQ. Angel rushed inside and looked up the name of the man from the morgue that they had went to before. Angel grabbed the address and started out the door. Two cops stood in between Angel and the door. They told him to put his hands above his head, and Angel started to feel a familiar feeling in the back of his mind. It smiled wickedly, and whispered to Angel ever so lightly. 'Kill them.'
Sam carefully studied the killer and his particular stances. While he was good at killing and escaping undetected, he wasn't a very good fighter. Sam could tell that by the way the killer stood. His stance was sloppy, easy to get around. Sam didn't make a sudden move, even with these notes, Sam was at a disadvantage seeing as the killer had a knife. Sam figured as soon as he reached for his gun that would be it.

Sam kept himself calm and waited for his chance. Eventually the killer would crack and attack him, that would be Sam's chance. After what felt like hours of waiting, the killer lunged forward with his knife as Sam predicted. Sam was able to sidestep the attack. Finally Sam pulled his gun from the holster on the inside of his jacket. Sam quickly removed the safety and had to work quickly to immobolize the killer. Quickly he aim for one of the killer's kneecaps and fired, he landed the shot perfectly. The killer hit the ground with a thud as he dropped the knife. Sam then turned him around and cuffed him. Then he got out some wrappings and wrapped up the injured kneecap. He then knocked the killer out cold with a punch to the face.

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After gaining her consciousness, Katty opened her eyes to a dirty room where she sat on a chair with both of hands and legs tied with thick ropes. Her head pounded with pain as she tried to figure out where she was and how she came here. Looking around, she screamed for help. But only her voice reverberated back to her as the response. She remembered getting in Evan's car and then he knocked her out. She was still in her dress, though her shoes were missing.

Katty screamed a few more times, but no answer came. She looked around the room. It smelled horrible and water was leaking from the pipes. There were several blood stains on the walls which made her cringe with fear. There was only one door on her left which seemed locked. She tried to squeeze her hand out of the knot but failed miserably. She knew that Sam and the rest of the team would conduct search parties once they find out she was gone. But the question was when would they find out?

Thinking of various possibilities to get out of the damn place, the lock of the door opened and Evan walked in.

"Oh love, you're awake," he said in such a normal manner, that it never seemed that he had kidnapped her.

"Where am I?" Katty demanded as she tried to free herself again.

"Won't work, I took extra care while tying you. And we're safe from the rest of the world. No one will you find you here. You and I will live happily together," he said with soft smile as he meant all of it.

"That won't happen Evan, you know that. They will find you and you'll spend the rest of your life behind the bars. I have an entire team of the best officers of the town, not to mention a ridiculously genius psycho who is helping us. You need to let me go," she seethed.

Judging by Evan's psychotic behaviour, fear was his weakness, and anger his strength. She had to tread cautiously.

At the mention of Angel, Evan's expression changed. His rage took the best of him as he said, "He wouldn't find you! No one will be able to find you! Its all your fault. You never see how much I care about you. You always go for others! Anyone but me. So you need to be punished."

With that he produced a sharp knife and made a deep cut across Katty's bare arm. Her scream of pain echoed in the room as he said, "Its necessary. It kills me to do this, but its necessary."
Angel for the first time resisted the urge. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The urge had subsided. Angel knew he couldn't let them take him. If they did then Katty would be in extreme danger. She wouldn't give him the love that he wants. He'll hurt her, and if Angel can't get there. He'll kill her. Angel looked out a nearby window and saw a cop car below. His mind worked out that it'd hurt. Might get a concussion, might even break his arm, or a few ribs. Angel popped his neck and turned towards the window and jumped threw it. Angel landed on the car smashing it under his impact. Angel groaned and rolled of the car. A couple slashes and one broken rib? Not to bad. Angel rolled and stood up. He ran towards his car and jumped in. He drove off towards the morgue. It would only make sense that he would take her to the place they first met and he would need isolation. Angel knew where he needed to go. The basement.
Sam got out his phone and called Katty, nothing. Hesitantly, he called Angel. Angel had received a phone with hiis enrollment into their ranks. As the phone rang he drug the killer into the back of his car. After making sure he was tied down, he got intto the driver seat and started the car. He then drove back to the headquarters, still waiting on Angel to answer.

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Katty didn't remember when she became unconscious again. There were several slashes that ran down both her arms and legs. The blood was still fresh, appearing as if she was bathed in it. Her head felt heavy and dizzy, she could hardly focus on her surrounding. There was no one in the room for now, so she tried to slip her hand out of the knot. The pain she felt was unbearable. It was still hard to believe what Evan turned out to be. In the course of the torture, he revealed that he was the one to kill the previous two officers because they came to know that he sold organs.

After trying for what seemed like eternity, Katty finally slipped her right hand out. She quickly worked on her other hand and legs. Clenching her teeth, she tried to get up but it felt impossible to walk. Someone managing to the door, she opened it to stare right into Evan's fire like electric blue eyes.

"Going somewhere?" were the last words she heard before he slapped her hard.
Misaki was cleaning her knives in her basement when she turned on the TV. "BREAKING NEWS: THE SON OF THE DIRECTOR OF MC COMPANY WAS MURDERED FEW HOURS AGO" . Misaki chuckled when she heard it. "Say something new people", she sighs. The TV spoke again, "There are no leads and no suspects yet. No body knows how the murderer got in and escaped." Misaki said to herself," Stupid cameras can't protect you, BAKA", she started to laugh.

The reporter then asked the the victims father to speak. The big bellied man spoke, "I Don't know who did this and why? But they will pay for this. My money will bring them to justice. I will hire best people for the trial. Why did they do this? Why ? ", the man started crying.

Misaki heard the question and turned of the television. She wipes her knives and then keeps them carefully on the desk. She then picks her comb and stands in front of her mirror. She starts to brush her hair. "They ask why? They ask why? They ask why?", she repeats. "Well they deserve an answer. Should I answer or should I wait? What now? Whom to kill? How do I answer him, the man who lost his son? Well I must meet him and give him a treat and an answer that I gave his son. Yeah that will be right. That's how I will get my salvation. Yes. A new victim. Blood. Flesh. A new kill.So interesting",her eyes starts to gouge out as he forces out a terrible evil laugh. She keeps laughing until she was tired. Her eyes were cold again and she continued brushing her hair.
Angel was driving as fast as he could to the morgue. Angel was determined to get there before anything to horrible happened. He felt a vibration in his pocket and pulled out his "standard issue" phone. Angel looked at the caller seeing the caller ID being Sam. Angel answered the phone. "The kidney killer's name is Adam Bushmen. Now please I'm busy. Katty has been kidnapped and I'm on my way to get to her now." Angel said then hung up the phone. Angel arrived at the mortuary and quickly jumped out of his car and ran into the building. Angel looked around looking for the basement door. He spotted the door and ran towards it and and opened it. He ran down the stairs and down the next hallway. Angel slowed down and slowly looked around the next corner to see the man slapping Katty. She fell to the floor and stared at the man. Angel flung himself at the man attacking him and the two fell to the ground. Angel quickly jumped up and grabbed the man and threw him eight feet away from himself and Katty. Angel had an evil look in his eyes as he looked at the man.
Sam listened to Angel's words, then he heard him hang up. If that was true he had to go there. He tracked Angel's phone via GPS track and drove to the location. When he arrived as far as his car could go he got out and drug the kidney killer out with him. Then he checked the killer's bonds and when he was satisfied he dropped him and ran inside, his gun in his hands. He walked slowly until he heard somebody get thrown. He quickly entered the room and pointed the gun at the first person he saw who wasn't Angel or Katty. To his surprise, it was Evan. "Evan? Why?" Sam asked with the gun still on him.

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Katty couldn't make any sense of what just happened. She fell to the floor and stared at Evan. Out of nowhere, she saw Angel tackle him far away from her. Her limbs now came in contact with the dirt on the floor causing the pain to shoot through her body like electricity. She groaned at the pain, praying like anything so that they go away. She looked up at the men fighting, but now Sam was also there holding a gun to Evan's temple.

Somehow making her vocal chords work, she croaked out, "Call the team. Paramedics and rest of the officers. You can't kill him here." She coughed out what looked like blood, before collapsing to the ground. Holding herself on her elbow, she tried to make her orders clear. Hostage or not, she was still a cop.
Angel walked over and kneed Evan in the face knocking him to the ground. Angel walked over to him and placed his foot on his throat. "I don't know Kitten. I think he's more than earned it." Angel pushed his foot harder onto Evan's throat making him choke and cough. Angel smiled at the man's pain. He caught Katty falling back to the ground out of the corner of his eye and stopped. He moved away from Evan and picked Katty up. He carried her to his car and laid her on the hood. Angel cupped her cheek softly and looked at her wounds. "How you feeling Kitten?" Angel asked worried.

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