Twisted Minds [Inactive]

Angel reached out and gently grabbed her hand. He didn't want her to go. He held onto her gently but still needing her. Angel made eye contact with her again. He looked and away from her eyes and to the floor. He felt a swell of emotion smashing against him like a tsunami smacking onto the land with enough force to destroy hundreds of lives in an instance. He slowly looked back up into her eyes and for the first time that she has seen a solitary tear trickled down the left side of his face. "Please..." Angel swallowed hard after saying this. He couldn't finish what he wanted to say, but he knew what he wanted to say. He wanted to ask her not to leave. He didn't fully understand why, but he knew that's what he wanted.
Katty stood frozen to the ground. She couldn't move, she couldn't talk. A person who killed people taking pleasure in it, a person she knew wasn't capable of emotion, begged her to stay. She had never seen Angel so vulnerable. Her heart broke at the tear that rolled down his face.

Without thinking, she moved her free hand and wiped away the tear. But the hand remained on his cheek. She wanted to comfort him, do anything to make his pain go away. And that scared her to death.

She couldn't trust him. She didn't trust many people, and Angel was nowhere on the list. She knew she had to do the right thing.

Reluctantly she moved her hand, slowly freeing the other hand from his grip. She said, "I'll see you tomorrow," hoping that it would relieve him a little of the pain.
Angel closed his eyes when she wiped his tear away. Then he touch was gone from his face and she pulled her hand away from his. He listened to what she had said and didn't move an inch. He stood straight up another tear rolled down his face. He wouldn't look at her. He turned his back to her and slowly started back up the stairs. He stopped half way up the stair case and stopped. He only turned his head and looked at her. His eye filled with regret. He knew deep down he shouldn't have tried to let anyone in. He kept looking into her eyes at this point not caring whether she saw that pain she had just inflicted upon him. "Don't let the door hit you on the way out." He was barely able to say and was clearly on the brink of crying. He started back up the stairs.
Katty finally made it to her car. She was like on autopilot. She still couldn't believe that she saw Angel cry. The vulnerability was so clear on his face that she had to look away. She drove to her apartment and placed the keys on the counter.

Changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, she tied her hair into a ponytail. She crawled under her blanket, flipping the switch off. But she couldn't sleep. Angel's face haunted her. She was sure she saw some more tears roll down, and it hurt her. Funny she hadn't felt like this in a long time. That's because you didn't care for anyone. A voice inside her answered for her. She cared for Angel, criminal or not. And she didn't know what she just got herself into.
Angel watched her drive away and it pained so. He felt as tho a knife had been stabbed into his heart and someone was twisting it slowly. Angel walked to his bed and laid upon it. He couldn't sleep he laid awake and he couldn't understand why. 'You love you and you know it.' Angel heard inside his head. He nodded in response. "I know."

(In The Morning)

Angel rose from his bed not having slept the whole night. He walked to his closet and put on his basic attire. He walked to his car which was an old classic car colored satin black. Angel drove to towards the HQ and picked up three boxes of donuts on his way there. Angel arrived earlier than most. Only the janitor was on the premises, He let Angel inside and Angel walked to his new squad room and set the donuts in the middle of the room. He walked over to the far side of the room and sat in a chair in the corner facing the room.

(His car):

Katty woke up to the loud noise of her alarm. She had fallen asleep two hours ago she realized after glancing at the clock. Great.

She threw the covers and stumbled to the bathroom. An hour later, she was dressed in a ivory coloured loose shirt, dark blue jeans and a black leather jacket with her high heeled boots. She used a pencil to tie her hair into a loose knot. Grabbing her car keys, badge and wallet, she went to her car. She drove to the station and made her way upstairs in the elevator.

She came to a halt when she saw Angel sitting at the corner of her desk, smirking at her.

"One of these days I'm going to wipe that smirk right off your face," she said directly at him. Rage was something she could handle, emotions not so much.
Angel's smirk left his face and he rose to his feet and walked within a foot of her and looked right into her eyes. "You already did remember?" Angel then looked at the fact she didn't notice the special donut he payed extra for her. He looked back at her and almost angrily said. "Your f****** welcome." Angel said then walked past her. He was hurt and that never happened before. Angel walked into the men's restroom and washed his face. He looked at himself in the mirror and for the first time hated his reflection. Could he really blame her? He's a monstrosity on the inside. He flew his fist back and punched the mirror. He didn't stop with one. Over and over and over again. Until his knuckles bled from the glass and glass was everywhere.

He still didn't stop there even. Angel had broken the window and was punching the concrete wall. The wall started cracking and breaking, but so was his hand.

After thirty minutes of just punching a hole in the wall. Angel slowly moved to the far corner of the restroom and set with his back to the wall. He sat there with his hand bleeding, bit did he care? Not one bit. 
Angel's smirk left his face and he rose to his feet and walked within a foot of her and looked right into her eyes. "You already did remember?" Angel then looked at the fact she didn't notice the special donut he payed extra for her. He looked back at her and almost angrily said. "Your f****** welcome." Angel said then walked past her. He was hurt and that never happened before. Angel walked into the men's restroom and washed his face. He looked at himself in the mirror and for the first time hated his reflection. Could he really blame her? He's a monstrosity on the inside. He flew his fist back and punched the mirror. He didn't stop with one. Over and over and over again. Until his knuckles bled from the glass and glass was everywhere. He still didn't stop there even. Angel had broken the window and was punching the concrete wall. The wall started cracking and breaking, but so was his hand. After thirty minutes of just punching a hole in the wall. Angel slowly moved to the far corner of the restroom and set with his back to the wall. He sat there with his hand bleeding, bit did he care? Not one bit.
Katty didn't understand what just happened. Was Angel offended? That too, cause she made it clear that she didn't like seeing his face in the morning. Not only that, he also brought her a donut. Is the world coming to an end?

She couldn't decipher any of it. Everything left her so confused, that she couldn't focus on anything. She started the background check for the family when she noticed Angel coming out of the men's washroom. Her eyes shifted to his bloody knuckles. What the hell?!

Katty rose from her seat and rushed to him. "What the hell happened to your hand?!" she practically screamed at him, anger boiling her blood. But this time the anger was laced with care. Definitely care.

She took hold of his arm and dragged Angel to the adjoining room where all the safety kits, coffee machine and other stuff were kept. She made him sit down, and bent over to fish out the first aid kit from the cabinet. She slammed it on the table and took out some antiseptic liquid, cotton and bandage.

"What the f*** were you thinking Angel?" she hissed at him cleaning the blood from his knuckles of his left hand first. She could imagine the scene that was awaiting at the men's washroom.
"Why do you even care?" Angel said taking his hands away from her's. He looked tired, agitated, hurt, and confused. He rose to his feet again. He looked into here eyes trying to understand what she was thinking. "I get it ok. I'm a monster and that's why you won't accept me. So please don't pretend to care about me." Angel stated and turned to leave the room, but for some reason he couldn't move. He wanted to just leave this situation but something inside didn't want him to leave. 'You love her...TELL HER YOU FOOL!" A voice in Angel's head spoke loudly. Angel slowly turned to her and raised his eyes to meet her's. He took her hands softly and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Kitten...I didn't mean to be harsh with you...I just...I..." Angel yet again couldn't finish his sentence. He knew what he wanted to say but the words were lost again.
"Just let me fix your hand," Katty said looking up at him. With a simple nod, Angel sat down. She continued cleaning the blood from both of his knuckles. Once, she was done she bandage both of his knuckles and occasionally mumbled a 'sorry' when she noticed him wincing.

She got up and put the kit back in its place. She came back to Angel, who was now standing.

The whirlwind of emotions was driving Katty crazy. She had dealt with emotions, ever since her father died. She thought it was best to keep them locked up somewhere in the back of her mind. Being with Angel broke the dam. Emotions flooded her every time she looked at him. Add to this Angel's behaviour. She couldn't understand what went inside his head. Everything was such a blur.

"We need to work on that kidney thief case," she said keeping her head down, scared of looking at him.
Angel took her hand and lifted her chin so that she would look at him. "Past the point of no return. No backward glances. Our games of make believe are at an end. Past all thought of if or when. No use resisting. Abandon thought and let the dream descend." Angel sang softly to her. He watched her closely and didn't stop her when she finally started to walk away from him again. "Do you love me?" Angel asked turning to look upon her again.

(Here is the whole song if you wanna hear it.):
Katty stopped dead in her tracks. Did she hear him right? Did he just asked whether she loved him? Did she?

When she was going to answer, Sher called out her name. "Here!" she called out.

She turned around to face Angel and said, barely above a whisper, "I don't know," and walked out to talk to Sher. Angel followed her to her seat as Sher continued with what came up with the background check. She listened to it intently, stealing glances at Angel who was looking at her.

Her cellphone rang. "Downs. Right, we'll be there."

Katty informed that the post mortem reports can shed some light on the killer's pattern. She told Sher to check out every suspect they came up with and got up to make her way to the lab. Looking at Angel, she asked, "You coming?

Angel smiled again after hearing her words. 'At least it wasn't a no.' The voice in his head said. Angel gently grasped Katty's chin and raised her head higher. Angel leaned in bringing his lips close to hers. "Of course Kitten." Angel spoke slowly then moved closer. He watched her eyes close almost like she was waiting for it. Angel moved his lips up and kissed her forehead softly. He waited for her to open her eyes and smiled. "Lets take my car Kitten." Angel said smiling warmly then headed for the door.
Sam had slept through his alarm, 'Fabulous.' Sam got up and stretched a bit. He took a quick shower and picked out a black suit. He then combed his hair while staring at himself in the mirror to make sure he combed it correctly. Sam finished preparing himself for the day. He grabbed a quick cup of coffee and got into his car. He took his keys out of his pocket and put them in the ignition, he turned the key and started the car. He drove up to the Headquarters and parked. He got out and locked his car, then entered the building.
Katty opened her eyes to find Sher staring at them with his mouth slightly open. She was pretty sure he saw the whole thing. Oh great.

She exited the building to find Angel waiting for her. She walked with him to the parking lot when she bumped into Sam.

"Hey. The post mortem reports are here, we're going to pick 'em up," she said to him.

He eyed Angel for a moment before nodding and went inside. She followed Angel to her car as he held open the door for her. She climbed in and tried hard not to think about the Thing That Never Happened. Her mind was whirling with thoughts, as she bit her nails. An old habit she couldn't get rid of. She looked straight ahead, trying really hard not to pay attention to the man beside her. Wow his car smells just like him. Wait, what? Get a hold of yourself Katty!

Thank God Angel couldn't hear what went inside her mind.
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Angel smiled at her reactions. She followed him out the door and stopped to talk to Sam. Sam eyed me but all I did was smile at him. Sam ment nothing to Angel for he had what he wanted. Angel opened the door for her and shut it for her. Angel then walked around to the driver's side of the car and got in himself. Angel looked over at Katty and his smile vanished when he saw her biting nails. Angels took her hands in his hand and looked at her. "Don't do that Kitten. You might hurt yourself." Angel looked down at one of her fingers that was bleeding from her biting it. Angel pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed her fingertips softly. "Alright Kitten?" Angel asked and kissed the back of her hand looking into her eyes while he did so.
Katty simply nodded. She didn't dare speaking, she wasn't even sure if she would be able to speak at all. Angel still had her hands in his, occasionally interwining her fingers with his. He drove with only one hand, but most of her attention was aware of the hand that held hers.

Katty was surprised when she noticed that they were going in the correct direction. But she hadn't told him the way. She cleared her throat and asked, "How do you know the way?"
Angel held her hand while he drove towards the morgue. She intertwined her fingers with his own and he did the same. Then she spoke and he smiled. "I've been there before sweety." Angel said while he continued driving. He held her hand caringly, but also tightly. When they arrived he stopped the car and looked into her eyes. "It was three weeks before you caught me. I added some evidence that would lead a smart person right to me. That's why I didn't fight when you showed up at my door to take me away. I wanted to meet you, and I got what I wanted." Angel stated watching her. The then regrettably released her hand and exited the car. He walked around the car and opened the door for her. Angel took her hand and helped her out. He then wrapped his arms around her while standing behind her and kissed her neck softly. "What do you have to say to that? My Kitten." Angel said slowly and softly holding her close.
Katty wasn't sure how to answer to that. With Angel kissing her neck, she lost the ability of speech. She let his words sink. 'Added some evidence.' 'That's why I didn't fight.' The words swam inside her head. That means it wasn't coincidence. It wasn't her hard work. It was all planted. It was all planned.

A surge of anger laced with pain ran through her. Something hit her pride hard and that made her doubt herself again. She extracted herself from Angel's arm unwillingly and marched towards the lab. She didn't look at him, she didn't want to. All these months she thought it was all of her mind that helped her catch him. Angel's confession hit her like a sledgehammer. Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill any moment. Only if she could move her legs faster enough to go inside. A part of her confidence broke as she silently walked towards the building, not glancing behind.
Angel watched her go and was lost. He couldn't understand what happened. He thought about what he had said. Then it hit him. He looked to the floor in shame. He had made her upset with him. He wished he hadn't said a word. He merely meant to impress her with his mind. Not undermine her own. She didn't realize that if she hadn't had seen it then he would have never been caught. She was the only one smart enough to decipher his little code that he had hidden. Angel decided to wait by the car for now. He could tell that she needed time to herself. He was the last person she wanted to see right now.
Sam walked up to the open case files and started looking through them to see what case he would attempt to solve today. He saw a few interesting cases, there was a supposed cannibal, a Satan-Worshiping Homicidal Maniac, a killer who sliced the tongues out of peoples mouths and watched then die, or there was Mr. Silent. Mr. Silent was a tough one to catch seeing as he lived up to his namesake, he was always quiet, and was very difficult to track, so which case would Sam choose? After a few minutes of contemplating Sam decided to go with the Cannibal case. He took out the file and set off for the last known sighting of this killer, Los Angelus.
Katty got a hold of her emotions before pushing the door and going inside the lab. Dr. Evan Marks was the head forensic doctor of the department. He was tall, almost 6'2" with dark blonde hair and a clear British accent. She put on a fake smile before asking, "Hey, what have you got?

Evan looked at her and flashed a million dollar smile. He was good looking, more than good looking and apparently had a small crush on her. "Kat," he said.

Katty walked upto the body that lay on the table. "Cause of death same as the others, based on lividity I'd say he was killed between 6 and 8," Evan continued. She listened to everything intently. "There's one different thing though," he said.

"What's that?" she questioned.

"The previous victims were drugged before they were cut open, but this guy he was hit on the head first. Someone hit him with a metal rod at the back of his head, which acted as the anesthesia," Evan explained.

Nodding to him, she told him to keep her posted if he found anything new. As she was about to exit the lab, he called out her name.

"So I was thinking maybe you and I can catch up a movie tonight? he offered, with his best smile.

Katty chuckled at his cheeky grin, "I don't have time to date Evan.

"Its not a date I promise. Just two friends having some fun," he said.

Evan has been grilling her about this for a very long time. So taking a huge breath, she finally said, "Fine, but one movie and I'll leave as soon as its over."

Evan flashed his trademark smile as she exited the lab. She went outside to find Angel standing against the car, his focus on the gravel below. Everything came crashing back to her. She switched to her no-nonsense cold detective mode as she walked up to him.

"We got new information on the killer. The victim wasn't drugged like the others, he hit him on the head for local anesthesia. My guess is that this murder wasn't planned, but he tried really hard to maintain the same M.O," she explained it to Angel as she tried to think why was the victim killed.
Angel nodded. He opened the car door for her and tried to smile at her but it just looked like half a smile. He closed the door and walked around to his side and opened the door. When Angel sat in the car. He felt like something was different about her. Like something else happened in there. Angel wasn't gonna push it, but he didn't like the feeling. He reached to turn the keys. He stopped and turned to face her. When her eyes met his he let his eyes fall to the ground. "Sorry Kitten..." Angel said then turned the key and started to drive off.

Angel was thinking while he was driving and then his mind started working in the strange way it always did. "The killer ment to kill the victim. He didn't know whether he could kill someone he knew personally, but hid need to kill outweighed his need for the friends life. Have you looked up the info I gave you before to find him?" Angel asked one hand on the wheel and one where had it before when they held hands on the way to the morgue. He figured she wouldn't take his hand, but maybe she would surprise him. Wouldn't be the first time she had surprised him.
"Sher is going through that. What I don't understand is why steer us? Like the previous victims, he killed them in dark allies, or any place other than the home. Something had to go wrong even for a slight change in his pattern," Katty answered to Angels's question as she thought about all the possibilities. She pushed his apology to the back of her mind. She'd deal with that later. As she kept thinking, she suddenly turned to face him.

She asked, "What would make you change your style of killing someone?"

She watched him cautiously, she knew she walking on a thin rope but that's what Angel was here for. Right?
Angel just thought for a moment. He smiled slightly. "Because he's running out of time. HR feels rushed because to finish what he needs done he needs to hurry. Text Sherry and ask him to change the search surgical doctors who's loved ones have kidney problems." Angel said smiling. "You want something to eat? Cuz I'm hungry and I feel like offering." Angelsaid looking over at her then back to the rode.

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