Twisted Minds [Inactive]

Sam moved his gun to his right hand and got out his phone with his left. He called the team, and the paramedics explaining the situation and where they were currently at. "Why Evan? Answer me that, we were friends. We used to be in this together, almost like brothers." Sam said trying to mask his feelings like he always had to. "Why would you do this? Kidnap Katty, and hold her down here? What happened to you?" Sam asked becoming angry.

(Hope you don't mind what I did with Sam and Evan, it's for future plot with Sam's character.)

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Misaki was ready to go for her next kill. She killed masses in Japan where she acquired the title of Shinigami. But here she was new. She needed to focus. She packed her things and got inside her car. She then folded a pocket knife and shoved it in her pocket. Her new Audi was a class apart. People would hardly judge that such a rich girl is searching her salvation through murders not via boys and concerts. But she didn't mind dating anyone but who would accept a girl like her. She sighs and takes a deep breathe. She then turns the car on and swooshes off the street. She loved the speed. She stopped before the Director's house. The guards were doubled and the cameras she damaged before were replaced. "They are scared of me. That's a progress.", she whispered to herself.

She parked the car a little away from the house and then got out of it. She grabbed her bag and started to walk up to the door. The guards stop her. "Mam, you can't enter without permission. We need to check you", one of them said.

"Is that so? But I can't have a man check me. Call any female guard", Misaki said playfully as she put her hands into her pocket to get the knife.

The guards shrugged. There were all male guards. They had no answer. "Mam, please wait let me check", the man turned his back while the other kept his eyes on her. Misaki took the chance and shoved her knife on his throat from back while she took the dead guards gun and shot the other.
Katty laughed a humorless laugh, which burned her throat. She said, "The guy I'd known for the last seven years tried to kill me. How do you think I feel?"

She coughed a little, and laid her head on the cool metal of the car. If only she could sleep for sometime. She felt so tired. She could even smell the blood still oozing out from the gashes.

She could hear the sirens from the other side of the road, followed the paramedics. The pain again became sharp and she cried out in the peaceful night.

"Please make it stop," she mumbled somehow as her eyes drifted shut.
Angel shook his head and smiled at her comment. "Like a day at a spa." Angel joked slightly. Angel placed a finger to her lips to silence her. "It's alright Kitten I won't leave you." Angel took her hand and smiled. He looked towards Sam as he exited the building and nodded to him. Angel may not the easiest person to get along with and knew that and he was fine with that. He looked back to Katty and helped the paramedics set her up on the IV's and interlaced his fingers with hers again smiling at her gently.
Misaki destroyed the cameras and walked in. She had the gun with and she killed the petty guards with her swiftness. 'They are trained only to protect while I was born to Kill', she thought. She took pride in it and moved ahead with her skilled art in judo. Her experience made her keep up the pace. By the time she entered the house, the garden and the entrance was filled with 16 bodies and a wonder blood pool. She mourned at the sight as it was collateral damage. Her victim was inside the house in the 2nd floor. She walked swiftly and slowly as she hummed an old Japanese song that her nanny used to sing to her.

She got to his bedroom.She heard silence. She walks in and sees the pot bellied man sleeping while his wife was busy mourning for her dead son. The lady screams,"Who the heck are you? Are you the one?", she stands up. Misaki ignores her and moves towards her husband. "You have money and you are proud of it. That's good but you use to buy people whose efforts are the reason you exist and then boss over them. Pretty unfair." The man wakes up by the time and reaches for his gun in the drawer while his wife screams for the guards. "They are dead mam. So will be you", Misaki smiled. The man shot her. She dodged it way too easily and grabbed his wife by her throat. "Drop that gun now." The wife screams out to him and asks him to drop but he instead shot down his wife. Misaki was shocked. "I don't care for the weak.", he said as he pointed the gun at her. "And I don't want you to live", Misaki grinned as she pushed his wife over him and shoots his hand. The gun falls down. Misaki then takes out her big butcher knife and then places it against his throat. "I hate you. I hate you all who boss over the poor and weak. I hate the arrogant and proud. Thats why I killed your son and now you must meet him too", she ended her sentence as she pushed it through him. Blood splashed out all over her face.
Katty felt someone carry her to a white van. Through the narrow slits of her eyes, she saw that she was cradled in Angel's arms while the paramedics began to work on her wounds. Someone connected an IV as she was laid down inside the van. Angel sat beside her, his fingers interlaced with hers. It did sound weird, but it was only thing she could count on.

A few people started cleaning the wounds, while someone injected something in her left arm. That pain was nothing compared to what she felt. Slowly her eyelids became heavy and she fell into a deep sleep. Before drifting, she could hear Sam and Sher talking to the officers explaining the situation. Evan, out of all people. It was so unreal. He didn't even show any signs of psychotic illness. Before she could think more about it, sleep claimed her.
Sam explained to the team what he had seen and his thoughts, all in all, he couldn't offer much insight as he had showed up at the end of the confrontation. He did however, do what he could. After talking with the team he left and noticed the team had also taken the kidney killer, good. Finally he got into his car and drove to HQ. His work was never done, so he decided to grab another case and continue with his work. When he arrived he quickly locked his card and went inside to grab a case and some coffee. He went over to the coffee area and poured himself a cup. He then walked over and searched the case files. Then he found one where the killer had went all the way from Japan to America, perfect. He grabbed the files and headed out to the car to work on the case. He still broken up about Evan, Evan had been his friend for as long as he could remember, and he said he didn't care about anything other than Katty. That meant that there friendship meant nothing to him. Sam drove to where the last reported killing took place and started sniffing around.
Misaki removed her evidences from the camera memory and killed the last men breathing inside the Director's house. It was time to escape. By the time she was able to sneak out she could hear the sirens and the swooshing engines. "Well guests have come I guess. Hope they enjoy the view.", she smiled to herself. She then got into her car and waited for a while. The police came and started sniffing around. All were old men sniffing like dogs while only young face among them seemed smart. "Looks can be deceiving", she thought as she pulled out and headed away towards a park. She wanted to see the sun-rise. So many kills in one day. She needed some air.
Sam entered the park seeing all the old people and the one young guy who looked intelligent. They wouldn't find anything. He sat down at a bench and looked up at the sky thinking about Evan. Why did he go crazy? He knew Katty was attractive and all that, but why did Evan go crazy? Did there friendship really mean nothing to him? So many questions on his grieving and cracked heart. He wasn't sure what to think or who to trust anymore. If a friend like Evan could go bad, what's to say Katty wouldn't turn eventually either? She did hang around a psychopath all the time now. Sam never got to even talk to her anymore without Angel being their, it's like she enjoyed his company.
Misaki was roaming around in the park but her legs started hurting from all the Judo stunts she pulled. She chided herself but then she spotted a bench. A guy was sitting on it. She came close to the bench. His face seemed familiar but she couldn't remember who exactly he was. She thought of the guy she saw at the crime scene but pushed aside the thought as she didn't get a good look at his face. She went and sat on the empty side of the bench. She rested her head on her hands and sighed. Then she sat back and stared at the sky. "Sugoi desu ne....(So wonderful it is)", she said in her mother tongue and let out her breathe.
Sam watched the girl sit next to him on the bench then looked up at the sky again. He couldn't tell what she had just said because he didn't speak Japanese, or maybe it was Chinese? He couldn't tell the difference, language wasn't really his strong suit. He decided he would just leave her be and looked up again in thought. After awhile he looked back at her and asked. "What does that mean? What you just said?" Sam asked, she seemed nice enough, and she didn't seem like she was a psycho either. That would be a relief if he could meet someone who wasn't a psycho.
Misaki was surprised by the sudden question then she chuckled. "You mean by 'Sugoi desu ne'?", she asked. She saw the boy nodding. "It means 'so wonderful it is' in japanese", she responded.
Sam extended his hand to the woman. "Hi, I'm Sam." He said with a smile masking the pain Evan put in his heart, he just hoped she wouldn't notice it. "It's good to meet you." He continued with his hand still extended out to her. He was hoping maybe she could turn out to be someone who could fill the hole Evan left in his heart, which was now so fragile.
Misaki accepted his hand with a formal greeting. She responded back with a smile, "I am Misaki. Also known as Misa. Nice to meet you too", she felt his hand. It was warm. She hoped he wasn't like any of those arrogant brats or else she will have to eliminate him too. He looked good too she thought but she remembered her own line from the previous night, "Looks can be deceiving"
Sam felt her hand when she took his. It was warm and soft. Sam smiled at her again and proceeded to release her hand from his grip. Then his hands returned to his lap as he sighed and looked down at the ground. "Sorry for being a downer, but one of my close friends kidnapped somebody and held her underground, he was arrested." Sam explained. It did suck.
"I am so sorry. Are you alright now?", she asked with concerned eyes. She knew the pain of being betrayed as she was betrayed by her parents right from her birth. They gave priority to money and society and fake status than their own daughter. The thought of her past made Misaki more uncomfortable. She then sighed and then looked at Sam.
"I guess I will be OK with time. I just need to get over it first." Sam said. It wasn't gonna be easy to do, but with time it was possible, he just needed to forget and repress.

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Angel arrived with the paramedics at the hospital and followed them in. Angel sat in the waiting room and waited. He didn't like waiting. Angel stood and went to get food for Katty. He had his car brought to the hospital and he went to the same cafe that he had taken Katty to before. He ordered the same thing she had before and drove back to the hospital. When Angel reentered the waiting room a nurse came out and explained that Katty was in a lot of pain but she'd make a full recovery. Angel thanked the woman and walked into the hospital room. He looked at Katty. She was unconscious so angel set the food down next to her. He interlaced his fingers as did she. He looked at the unconscious woman and she whispered his name. He smiled and kissed her forehead slowly and softly. "I'm here Kitten."
"Its okey Sam. People will hurt you. Its a part of life. You shouldn't judge them. Instead forget them and move on.", she says to him will a smiling face. She wanted to cheer him up.
Sam sighed. "Yea, I guess you're right about that." He said. He looked at her and smiled. "Thanks, I needed that. But you talk like you know the experience personally." Sam said looking at her.

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"I have had people betray me. I just don't care anymore. Thats why I lack many friends.", Misaki said in a depressing tone.
Sam put his arm over her shoulder he pulled her a little closer in attempts to comfort her. "It's OK. You helped me, and I want to help you. Just tell me what I can do to help." Sam said softly.

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Misa felt his embrace. It was warm and comforting unlike the fake ones her mother did in parties. She smiles a little and looks at him. "You are a good person Sam.", she blushes a bit.
Sam sighed. "Yea, I think you are too." He responded as he moved his arms away and smiled. "So, can I give you a ride home?" Sam asked.

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"Umm....I have my car....but I wouldn't mind a free ride after a tiresome day", she says showing out her lazy side.

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