Twisted Minds [Inactive]

Adrian walked quietly down the hallway until he finally came to the scientists lounge. Touching the door knobs cold surface ran chills down his spin as he turned the knob and walked inside. He pressed the button to begin brewing the coffee and texted Katty, 'Is Angel here yet, can I see him?' His fingers raced a crossed the virtual keyboard, his body filled with excitement. He set the phone down on the counter beside him as he leaned against it, his expression neutral.
"Shit." Katty mumbled in response to Angel's question. She knew the chances were hundred percent. Sam was determined to find out the killer and would stop at nothing. But well, he was also stupid enough to charge into situations all by himself. Which was the last thing she needed. Last time who went with this strategy had to give up their lives. No way would she lose another one of their own.

She took out her cellphone dialing Sam's number. After three rings, he picked it up.

Not giving him a chance to talk she rushed on, "Please tell me you didn't march into the suspect's building all by yourself."
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Sam answered the phone when it rang, keeping his gun pointed at the criminal. "Katty... katty calm down, it's alright. He's not as clever as Angel thought. He did do everything Angel said, but then he came at me from behind. He's currently on the floor and I've got my gun on him." Sam replied. He wasn't like the others, he had a talent of masking his emotions and thinking with his head. He knew what he was doing. "I've got the situation under control." Sam said then hung up. Placing both his hands on his gun he held it at the psychopath.

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"Like hell you are. Whoever you're pointing your gun at, he's not our killer. Keep him with you, I'm sending the team. Text me the address. And please don't get yourself killed," Katty hung up, waiting for Sam's text.

She noticed there was one unread message from Sher. His message made her smile. The guy was literally obsessed with Angel, only if he knew how dangerous it was to actually face him. She dialed his number and waited for him to pick up.

"Sher, get the team to this address I'm texting you. Tell CSU to sweep the place for evidence. You'll find Sam there with a man at his gunpoint, so start with the interrogation. I'll meet you there," she said.

(Mentions: @SkyFilms and @Sedrian )
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Angel smiled and turned his head to face Katty. "Good girl. You figured out that the man there wasn't the killer, but did you also figure that the man that Sammy has is the son of the killer?" Angel asked watching her. He moved to her side of the car and opened her door for her and smiled. "Ladies first Kitten." Angel said smirking towards her. He already knew that this was going to be fun.
Why does he have to creepy smile at me all the effing time?! Katty grumbled at his gesture. She got inside the inside as Angel shut the door. Sitting behind the wheel, she thought about the person Sam had with him. She had a son-of-the-killer theory in her mind, but Angel's confidence kinda nailed it. Of course, she wouldn't say that out loud.

Her gaze shifted to a ping from her cellphone, as Angel sat beside her. Noting the address, she revved up the engine.
Angel looked at the prison and smiled as they left it in the dust. He turned to Katty and looked as though he was thinking. Then he smiled his trademark smile. "Your turn Kitten. Ask me anything." Angel said opening his arms showing that he was an empty book. Then he stopped and looked down then looked at Katty again. "Hurry to the address Kitten. The father won't let his son be taken. No father would." Angel stated looking out the window. "Sammy is going to die."
Driving at 90 miles per hour, Katty skidded to a stop at the given address. Somehow Angel's words made her panic. she knew how good his accuracy about theories were, and she was so not going to lose another officer.

The team hadn't arrived yet, so she got out of the car, slamming it shut behind her. She drew out her Glock and turned to Angel, "Think you can take care of yourself unarmed?"
Angel smiled as he stepped of the car. "Of course Kitten." Angel stated winking at her as he walked into the building looking around seeing Sam he smirked again. "Good I was rift then. He's fine." Angel turned his attention to the young man on the floor. He slowly walked to the boy and kneeled in front of him.
Katty watched cautiously as Angel kneeled down in front of the boy. She could Sam having a hard time deciding on whom to point the gun at, so she waited for him to look up at her. When he did, she nodded her head at him, assuring that everything was fine. She approached the boy and stood beside Angel, who was quietly looking at him. It felt like he was reading into every single expression.

"So?" Katty asked as she looked from the boy to Angel. She was a behavourial analyst, yes, but she wasn't talented enough to read from people's expressions. Apparently.
Angel looked up at Katty and smiled. "You can thank me now. I lied to you so that we'd get here before Sammy got hurt." Angel stated smirking again. He looked back at the boy and smiled sympatheticly and put his hand on the boys shoulder. "You don't have to prove anything to your father. You already know that he hates and wants to kill you. That's why all of his victims look like you isn't it." Angel said looking deep into his eyes
Wait, what? WHAT?! Katty frowned at Angel, trying to clear the confusion. She couldn't decide whether she wanted to punch him or thank him for his help. Hard to guess.

She hated liars. Hate would be an understatement. She could not stand them. So, the fact that Angel lied made her hate him more, if that was even possible. She kept herself calm, when she heard the rustling and the team entered along with Sher.

"Sweep the entire place for evidence and don't leave out anything," she instructed them putting her gun inside the holster at her waist.
The boy started to cry knowing that Angel was right. Angel pulled the boy close and hugged him. "Shhh. It's gonna be ok." Angel said soothing the young man. Angel rubbed the boys back holding and rocking him slightly to calm the boy. He looked up at Katty and smirked again. "Sorry about lying to you Kitten. You just weren't going fast enough." Angel stated and stared into her eyes. He could feel that she really hated him right now. Not that he really cared but still he knew.
Honestly, Katty was surprised when Angel hugged the boy. It was really hard to believe. But then he looked up at her, and whatever good thoughts she had about him went straight out of the window.

She averted her eyes from his gaze, pissed off at his stupid excuse. She crouched and looked at the boy, "You need to come to the station and tell me everything you know. Can you do that?"

The boy nodded, as Sam helped him get up. Katty walked to the body now. She took in his bloody torso, and could guess that if she poked at the kidney, it would be missing.

"Why kidneys? Why not a heart?" she mumbled to herself when she felt Angel standing right behind her.
Angel looked over her shoulder. He smiled then moved very close to her ear and spoke softly, almost gently. "Maybe he needs them." Angel said and smelled her hair slowly then moved away from her and the body to the middle of the room. He closed his eyes and visualized what had happened.

'The victim heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. The victim opened the door and let the killer inside. When the victim turned his back the killer struck the back of the victim's head with a iron that was next to the fireplace. The killer quickly turned the man over and started to cut him open.'

Angel opened his eyes and turned to face Katty with a smile. "The victim knew the killer. Look for friends with a medical background that also have had kidney surgery recently and cannot afford another one." Angel said walking up close to a now facing him Katty and moved his face within inches of her face. He stared into her eyes softly. Not analysis her, but just, looking at her. "You do that and you'll find your killer Kitten." Angel said almost warmly.
Katty felt her heart just skipped a beat. Psychopath or not, Angel was a good looking man. Not to mention, hot too. Wait, what was she thinking? Did she just admitted that Angel was hot? Shaking her head, she looked around the room. No sign of intrusion. He's right, the victim knew the killer. She turned back to look at Angel, who stood so close to her that she had to look up at him to talk. Was his eyes that brown all along? Wait, why am I complementing about his eye color?

Clearing her throat, she shifted her eyes at the victim, "You're right, the victim knew the killer." She quickly moved to the forensic doctor who examined the body. She had to clear her head of all the Angel thoughts.
Angel smiled at the fact that she had moved away from him. He followed her and smelt her hair again. He let his hands rest on her shoulders and he inhaled her scent. He enjoyed the smell. She herself was intoxicating enough. Her hazel eyes reminded him of the sweet song of nature. She was one of the most beautiful woman that he'd ever met. She was strong yet she was small. The thing that attracted him most was her mind. In some aspects she was smarter than he was, and that intrigued him. Only one other woman could outsmart him.

Angel moved his thumbs on her shoulders slowly and caringly. Angel took another deep breath of her scent and was almost lost in the smell. Angel opened his eyes to see Katty looking at him. Angel smiled and moved his face close to hers again. His lips only inches away from her own. He held her gaze and stayed close, but didn't feel close enough. "Is there anything I can do to help right now Kitten?" Angel asked slowly going mad. She was driving him crazier than he already was.
Yes, please get the hell away from me before I lose my conscience.

Katty thought as she could feel Angel's breath on her lips. She could swear she heard a groan from him when her eyes flickered to his lips. Shaking her head, she tried to clear whatever fog was dominating her mind. For a moment, she wanted to close the distance between and feel his lips. She stopped her train of thought right there. She didn't know where it would end, and frankly, she didn't want to know.

Placing a hand on his chest, she tried to steady herself before saying anything. "Well, no. You need to go home and rest or whatever. I'll go through the family's background and see what I can find," she said as she looked anywhere but his eyes. God his eyes, she could drown in them. Nope, no stop it.

She kept her head down as she hurried out of the room. One more minute with Angel in the same room was dangerous for her.
Angel watched her go. He felt almost empty when she had left. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He turned and started to leave the room then smiled. He walked after Katty. he needed to catch up with her. He finally found her. He quietly walked up behind her and gently touched her should to get her to turn. Angel looked deep into her hazel eyes and smiled. "Sorry can't run away yet. Remember? You drove me here. You can drive me home." Angel said with a slight puppy dog face but still smiling.
Oh God. Katty groaned on the inside. So much for hurrying out. She just gave a curt nod and said, "Get in."

She got inside as Angel held the door open for him. The gesture made her hate him a little less. A tiny bit less. She sat behind the wheel as Angel sat in the passenger seat.

She drove according to the directions he said and stopped in front of a bungalow type of a house. For a minute, she couldn't believe her eyes. Angel lives here?

"You live here?" she asked in awe.
Angel smiled at her amazement. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Yes. Surprised?" Angel said smiling already know the answer. "I can give you tour. Come inside." Angel said smiling. He got out of her car and walked over to her door and opened it for her extending his hand to help her out of the car.
Katty knew this was a bad idea. A very bad idea. After hesitating for sometime, she extended her hand in his. This time Angel's smile wasn't creepy. It was almost...warm. Getting out of the car, she followed him, her hand firmly in his.

Angel produced a key from his pocket and opened the door. She entered the house and stood there at the entrance awestruck. The living room was huge with a fireplace in front of the couch and a flat screen tv hung on the wall on the other side. On the left, a staircase led to a number of rooms, while the right led to the foyer along with the kitchen.

She couldn't stop herself as she breathed out a 'wow' as she moved inside. Angel had let go of her hand as she took in the beauty of the house. It was so much better than the crap of an apartment she used to live in.
Sam sighed and got in his car without a word. He put his keys into the ignition of his car, and drove off. He drove back to the HQ, and parked his car. He pulled out the keys to the car and stuffed them in his coat pocket. He shut the door to his car, and entered the HQ to file his report. Sam filed the report to his superiors, and left to go home. Sam got back into his car and started it up, and then he drove his car to his apartment. He put his car in the parking lot, and went inside. He collapsed on the bed and fell asleep without even changing.
Angel smiled warmly when she took his hand. He led her towards his home. He pulled his key from his pocket and unlocked and opened the door. He heard her breath out a wow and turned to see her expressions. He released her hand and let her move about his house freely. He moved up the stairs into his room and smiled at the fact that his record player was still in tact. He wondered to himself if she would hate it if he sang for her. He decided to do it and put on "Phantom of The Opera's Music of The Night by Andrew Lloyd Webster". He set the background music on as he started to sing.

(Listen to it and imagine my character singing it to yours

As Katty made her way around the house, she heard a faint music floating in the air. She went to the living room and found the sound coming from a room upstairs. Followed by the music, came a voice. Someone was singing.

Then it struck. Angel was singing.

She just froze there listening to it. She hated anything musical. She didn't have a music player or iPod at her apartment. But listening to him was different. It was the first time in nine years she actually wanted to stay and listen to him sing. Not to mention, he really had a good voice.

She realized the voice was getting louder as Angel came outside his room and made his way towards her. He stood there staring at her, trying to decode some kind of a secret.

Katty hastily lowered her head. The intensity of Angel's gaze was dangerous for her and her faltering mind.

"I have to go," she said as she turned around to start her way for the door.

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