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Realistic or Modern Turning Up the Heat

She frowned and kissed him softly, "I love you too... And if you asked me to move in with you here or nearby then I would say yes, absolutely I would, but I can't go that far away from my friends and my little boy." She mumbled, squeezing his hand. "We should get going, they'll get grumpier than before if we're late. If my Dad asks where you think we should eat at, tell him he's the guest and he should decide, it might earn you a few brownie points." She smiled at him.

Clayton nodded some and smiled at her, "Have you decided what you're gonna name him?" He asked her, gently rubbing her feet to help with the swelling, "Clayton is a bad name by the way, don't go for that." He chuckled.
Max laughed hard at this and wiped a tear from her eye "I'm thinking Jaxon, I always liked the name." She said happily groaning softly as she smelt the food "The food smells amazing, is it done soon?"

JD nodded some and gave a small smile "Alright lets go." He said softly before he got up and went out with her giving her another small smile as he opened the car door for her.
She’d been stressing out all day over this dinner and work on top of it and she was starting to feel worn out from it, just holding onto his hand until they picked up her parents. Having to endure the car ride in almost complete, tense, silence was making her more stressed out though so by the time they got to the restaurant she was feeling like she might pass out, slipping an arm around JD and leaned heavily on him. “I feel really dizzy.” She mumbled to him while her dad was talking to the host about what table they would need.

Clayton smiled and nodded. “Jaxon is good... you know, when he’s here I know you’re gonna he real busy with him and I wanna make it clear that I’m gonna still be here. I won’t expect you to be seeing me everyday or anything but even if being with you means sitting on the couch while you feed him or cleaning your house for you to save you time... i like you a lot. And I’m not gonna just disappear.” He promised
JD frowned softly and gave a small nod "Calm down beautiful okay? This will go just fine I promise. Don't worry about them." He whispered to her not liking how she was looking at the moment

Max looked him and took in a deep shaky breath before she burst into sobs and hugged him tightly. Her hormones had really ampted up her emotions and with the feelings she had been dealijg with lately about being alone it was nice to hear that "Thank you." She croaked out
Clayton held her close and kissed her head. “It’s okay. You deserve it gorgeous.” He murmured getting up to go get dinner on the table.

Carmen shook her head. “No I... no... I don’t feel good.” She mumbled feeling a little shaky before she collapsed next to him and her heart stopped.
Max smiled softly and wiped her eyes while he got the food. She took the food smiling at him "Thank you very much, it smells amazing."

JD went wide eyed and checked her over his EMT training immediately taking over going wide eyed as he didn't feel a heart beat starting CPR immediately "Call 911!" He said quickly to her parents before he did mouth to mouth to get her breathing "Come on Carmen,don't do this to us." He whispered
He shrugged a bit and sat down opposite her glancing over at the two dogs giving them their best starving faces. “Do they do this every meal?” He asked chucking them a strip of meat each.

It was a while before they got any response but soon as they did they took her in the ambulance, asking JD to come along as he had the experience to be a help not get in the way but her parents were told to follow the ambulance. “It’s likely she suffered a sudden cardiac arrest, There’s nothing that could have prevented it and no way anyone could have known.” He assured JD.
Max gave a small laugh and nodded a bit "Yeah they do, spoiled little boys." She said making funny faces at them before she began to eat groaning happily "Mmmm this is amazing."

JD sighed heavily and gave a nod "Stress maybe?" He asked sitting down in the ambulance letting them look her over while he did what he could
“It’s likely that she’s had problems she’s been unaware of and that yes stress has triggered it to get worse.” He explained as they pulled up and she was taken into an emergency room.

She woke up a couple hours later in the ICU feeling a little disoriented and confused, looking over and see JD was sat near her and her parents were nearby as well but they were talking to a nurse. “What’s going on?” She mumbled tiredly, trying to get up.
Clayton smiled at her and nodded. “Well I’m glad that you like it. I wanted to be a chef at one point then I decided the hours were way too long so I took my job instead as a restaurant manager.” He chuckled.
Max smiled softly and nodded "Ooh thats nice, I left my job recently...I'm looking for others, I just didn't think the scheduling of the studio would be good for taking care of a newborn." She explained giving a small shrug "I always liked flowers...maybe I can work at a flower shop."

JD frowned softly holding her hand in his "Hey beautiful...its looking like you had a heart attack." He said softly taking a deep breath to calm himself as a few tears fell "We almost lost you."
She frowned shaking her head and gripped at his hand more “that’s ridiculous. I’m healthy and I look after myself.” She mumbled, trying to tug him closer.

He smiled at her and nodded. “That sounds like a good plan.” He said to her, finishing up dinner and took their dishes to the dishwasher then saw the time. “I need to get going.... I got the early shift tomorrow.” He grumbled.
Max gave a small nod and walked him to the door "Oh okay, well I'll see you later." She said kissing his cheek gently and smiling gently at him

JD frowned softly giving a nod "I know you do babe, they said it could have been a pre-existing condition that they never found and the added stress you had made it worse.
She frowned and watched him giving his hand another squeeze. “Are you Alright?” She murmured. She wasn’t worried about whether she was fine or not. She was awake and she figured that was a good thing but he looked like shit now and so she was concerned.

He smiled and turned back to her kissing her gently then pulled away and went back to his car.
JD nodded softly and kissed her hand "You just scared me real bad is all." He whispered taking a deep breath as her parents walked back into the room glaring at him. They had blamed him for this and he had been hearing about it for the last 2 hours.

Max smiled wide and blushed a deep red before she went inside when he drove off. She gave a happy sigh and waited for Carmen to get home having not been called yet about what happened.
She smiled at him reaching over and cupping his cheek. “I love you. I’m gonna be alright. Promise.” She murmured gently to him, looking over at her mom. “Babe could you, could I get some juice?” She asked him quietly. She wanted to have a word with her parents but she needed to speak to them in private for it.

Clayton got home, receiving the text from JD once he turned his phone back on and drove straight back over to Max’s place, knocking on the door.
JD sighed heavily bit gave her a small smile a nod "Yeah sure thing babe." He murmured kissing her cheek gently before he left the room and made his way to the cafeteria

Max opened the door and gave Clayton a puzzled look not expecting to see him "Hey did you leave something here?" She asked thinking that would be the only reason he would come back.
Carmen looked over at her parents and frowned. “Would you both cut it out? J is a great guy and he’s good to me. You keep up this behaviour and I will not hesitate and cutting contact with you. I’m sick of this.” She spat at them.

Clayton frowned and stepped inside. “JD doesn’t have your number, he couldn’t get ahold of you but carmen is really not well.” He muttered. “She went into cardiac arrest at the restaurant, she’s doing okay right now she’s at the hospital and she’s awake but they don’t know why it happened. She doesn’t want any other visitors right now” He told her when she started trying to put shoes on.
Max went wide eyed and quickly went for her flip flops frowning when he said she didn't want visitors "Oh...well um please tell JD to let me know when I can see her." She said softly "Thank you for coming and telling me." She murmured

Her mother frowned some and gave a heavy sigh "We just worry about you Carmen, we don't want happened to happen again." She said truthfully taking her daughter's hand "You think he could be the one?" She asked wanting to know just how deeply her daugher felt for this man.
She just nodded and looked up at her mom. “I do. I really do and I would appreciate it if you could treat him better. From what I hear I’d probably be dead if it wasn’t for him now so show him a little respect.” She said seriously looking up when he came back in and reached for the juice.

He smiled and watched her. “I will... I’m gonna go home but if you need anything, give me a call or a text.” He smiled at her.
Her mother gave a small nod of understandment before she moved away and let JD come over and give her the juice

JD came back giving Carmen a soft smile as he handed her the juice she had asked for "All they had was apple."

Max nodded smiling softly as him and kissing him very gently "I will thank you." She murmured softly
She just nodded and took a few sips, watching her parents leave to go back to their hotel and she scorched over so he could sit with her. “I just told them to back off of you.” She mumbled resting her head on his shoulder.

He smiled some and gently cupped her face, feeling all giddy about it then had to pull away and leave, going home in a really good mood.
JD gave a small laugh and kissed her cheek "I love you babe, so much." He whispered squeezing her hand gently

Max smiled softly and waved goodbye to him before going inside and to bed feeling exhausted
She smiled tiredly and leaned back, staying close as she started falling asleep again, worrying about everything still and now more worried about what was wrong with her.
-1 months-
Max woke up in the morning and yawned rubbing her bump whimpering softly as she felt pain course through her body. Carmen was at JD's and she felt something was very wrong. She picked up her phone dialing 911 "Help me....please.. I'm pregnant and something is wrong" she said screaming out in pain going wide eyed when she saw blood spread between her legs "Please help me!"

JD groaned softly as he woke up pulling Carmen close to him cuddling into her. He had night shift for today and was very happy to have this day with her since he had been working nonstop this past week "Mornin beautiful." He whispered feeling her stir next to him

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