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Realistic or Modern Turning Up the Heat

She frowned and rubbed at her face, watching him carefully. “A couple things... firstly, my parents are coming into town for the week starting tomorrow. They found out about you a few days ago and now they’re getting pissy that I haven’t mentioned you yet... I need you to come pick them up from the airport with me first thing.” She mumbled frowning some. “They’re not gonna like you.” She explained plain and simple.
JD gave a small frown not caring about meeting her parents. He was completely fine with that "Why would they not like me?" He asked taking her hand in his and kissing it softly. He gave a small sigh stroking her cheek gently "I love you, and I hope that they see that, and that I won't hurt you."
She just nodded as she listened to him. “Which brings me to my second point... that photo ... you remember the one you saved for me?” She asked him quietly. She had never spoken to him about this. She didn’t enjoy talking about it but he needed to understand why he was going to be put through hell tomorrow morning whether he knew it or not
JD nodded some remembering it perfectly "Yeah you and the baby?" He said squeezing her hand gently "Was he yours?" He asked softly knowing that was probably where this was headed. He had never brought it up to her or asked anything because he felt it didn't matter whether she had a child or not, he knew he would love her no natter what.
She frowned and nodded, playing with his hand a little. “He was my baby boy. Josh... when I was 16, I tried to runaway and get my first dance job. The guy was a con and instead of a job where he paid me he expected .... well... I’ll let your imagination get to what he wanted really. By the time I got to go hime I was pregnant and according to my parents reckless and did this on purpose. But I kept him and he was the best thing to ever happen to me.” She murmured. “He was really premature and with lots of health problems that I couldn’t afford to treat properly I lost him when he was 2.” She mumbled. “They are going to think that you will also get me pregnant and leave and that ... because you’re Argentinian and el salvadorian... that you will make me have a sick child as well.” She mumbled wiping at her eyes.
JD listened to her intently and frowned wiping his eyes as she finished up. He pulled her into him taking a deep breath "Carmen I am so sorry that happened to you. I promise though, I will NEVER hurt you like that, I'd kill myself if that ever happened." He whispered kissing the side of her head gently
She just nodded. “I don’t want to think about it more... I don’t wanna talk about it more, I just want you to be aware of why they’re gonna he horrible.” She mumbled and curled in closer to him, sniffling a little and rest her head on his shoulder. “I love you.” She murmured to him. “Sorry. I just.... I’m not doing great with it all lately.@ she mumbled as she started drifting off to sleep.
JD gave a small nod and sighed softly "I'm here babe, and its going to be okay." He murmured keeping her close for a little longer before he fell asleep as well.
Clayton woke up in the morning and quickly sent her a text to say good morning before he got up to get going into work hearing the other two talking in his room as he left quickly.

Carmen got dressed quickly and sat waiting a little bit jittery while she waited for him to get ready.
Max smiled as she woke up in the morning and saw the text from Clayton. She messaged him back a good morning before she got ready somewhat for the day rubbing her bump gently as the baby kicked her some.

JD woke up in the morning and got ready making sure he looked presentable "Ready he asked?" He asked getting his keys and shoes on kissing her gently "We'll make this work."
She nodded and took his hand heading out to his car and got in. “Hey... I’m sorry in advance.L she murmured to him.

He spent the whole morning texting her while he got to work and started in on the accounts and inventory.
Max smiled as he continued to text her. She was happy that he seemed to like her and want to speak with her. She spent her afternoon watching TV and wondering what she should do for her job. She hadn't told Carmen yet but she had quit her job at the studio knowing she couldnt handle those hours anymore with a child.

JD sighed softly and kissed her cheek "Don't worry about it babe, I'll be fine." He murmured stroking her cheek gently before he went off with her to the airport. They stood there for what felt like an hour before she finally pointed out her parents.
She smiled some and leaned into his arms just starting to feel relaxed when they showed up and she went over to see them hugging them both tightly then took them back to HD “mom, dad... this is my boyfriend. JD these are my parents.” She murmured smiling a little sheepishly at him.

Once he finished his shift and handed over to the other manager he sent her another text asking her if she might wanna go see a movie.
Max saw her phone light up and gave a soft smile seeing it was Clayton. She quickly texted him a yes and got up to get ready hoping this would work out with him in some way.

JD gave them a wide smile and shook both of their hands "Hello, its a pleasure to meet the both of you." He said nicely as they watched him intently
Carmen smiled and took his hand in hers. “We’re gonna drop you guys off at your hotel then JDs got work and I’m gonna go get the dogs walked and talk to my builders but I thought we could all go get dinner tonight?” She suggested frowning as her mom just continued to sneer at him. ‘I’m not going to eat with an argy’ she spat and carmen just gave his hand a supportive squeeze. “Mom.... please.” She mumbled.

He headed home an dgot cleaned up and ready to go see her, getting in his car and heading in over there to meet with her.
JD gave her hand a small squeeze looking at his mom "I was born in New York m'am born and raised." He said trying to stay calm. Sure his parents were immigrants but he was American tenichally.

Max smiled happily as she saw him come up to the door. She opened up and gave a small wave "Hey there, I um...could you possibly help me out?" She asked biting her lip gently as she lifted her shoes into his view
Clayton smiled some at her and nodded. “Yeah course.” He chuckled and stepped inside getting her to sit down to help her out. “It’s a little cold out there for flip flops huh.” He smiled and then helped her up, taking ger out to his car, holding her door open for her.

Carmen frowned a little and watched her mom start muttering under her breath how New Yorkers weren’t much better. The next hour car journey was more of the same until by the time they dropped them off she was feeling awful about the whole thing and got back in the car with him. “I will pay for dinner tonight. I’m so sorry.” She mumbled rubbing at her face.
Max gave a small laugh and nodded "Yeah just a bit." She murmured getting in the car thanking him as she did so "So what movie do you want to see?" She asked happily

JD shook his head kissing her gently "Beautiful don't worry about it. I love you and I can handle them." He said happily stroking her cheek gently as he stared st her
She just nodded and kissed him gently as he was dropping her off. “Alright. Thank you.” She murmured kissing him again then let him head off to work and she went inside to see her dogs and sit down for a bit.

Clayton smiled some. “There’s a couple comedy movies out and that one bout a dog. Or there’s the pokemon movie.” He chuckled.
Max smiled softly and gave a small shrug of her shoulders "Um maybe the pokemon? I'm afraid comedy might make me pee myself, and I'm not much for dog movies." She said giving a small laugh

JD nodded some and squeezed her hand gently "I'll be back here in about 2 hours okay? I just gotta be at the meeting and then I'm done." He said befofe she left
Carmen smiled and nodded, heading inside to find that Max had gone out just rolling her eyes some and went to check on the dogs, texting Clayton that he better have her home before midnight.

He nodded and smiled some, parkign at the cinema complex, "Popcorn, candy or nachos?" He asked her quietly
Max smiled happily and thought for a minute "Popcorn sounds really good." She said softly rubbing her bump gently as they walked up to the box office to grab tickets
Clayton smiled at her some as he paid for the tickets and the snacks despite her protests. “You got a baby to pay for, you let me pay for all this I asked you to come out.” He smiled at her and leaned over, kissing her cheek as he was feeling brave about it. She made him feel like a kid again and he wasn’t complaining.

Carmen smiled as her phone rang with JDs number and she answered quickly. “Hey handsome, that was a quick meeting. How’d you finish so fast?” She asked him down the lind, smiling.
Max smiled widely and blushed as he kissed her cheek "Okay fine, if you say so." She murmured happily starting to munch on her popcorn "Mmmm yummy." She said giggling

JD smiled softly hearing her voice "Yeah there was a call, made them go off. I'll be home soon okay?" He murmured giving a sigh
“Alright... you okay?” She asked worried. He sounded upset and it was scaring her a bit.

Clayton smiled and shook his head some walking into the movie theatre with her and holding her close.

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